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Conjuga los verbos entre paréntesis en past continuous.

1. When I came into the living room, the cats ________________________(sit) on the
2. I could tell by his eyes that he __________________________(lie) to me.
3. We ____________________ (play) Monopoly when our neighbours rang at the door.
4. Helen ______________________(listen) to the radio when she heard a strange
noise in the garden.
5. I ___________________________(prepare) dinner yesterday when I noticed that
the cooker (work/not) .
6. _______________________(what/do/you) yesterday at six?
7. _______________________(Jane/practise) the piano when you came home?
8. ________________________(who/talk/to you) when I saw you last night?

Past Simple:
Completa las oraciones con Present
1.___________you____________(cook) in the kitchen?
2. Alfred__________________________(write) a book.
3. Pam__________________________(drink) some water.
4. We__________________________(eat) a hamburger.
5. Mary__________________________(not like) the lm.
6. She__________________________(buy) a new bike.
7. We__________________________(clap) our hands in the concert.

Completa las oraciones con Present Simple o Present Continuous:

1. Where do you come from? I ___________________ from Jamaica come)
2. Chris, stop the car; the engine ___________________ a very strange noise (make)
3. We ___________________ elections in my country every four years have)
4. My kids ___________________ to bed at 9 o'clock (go)
5. In winter, it ___________________ almost every day in Scotland (rain)
6. Alice is very religious; she ___________________ to mass every day (go)
7. In my country we ___________________ very high taxes (pay)
8. You ___________________ too fast; I can not understand what you are saying (speak)

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