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Life.............. a daring adventure or nothing at all

This quote questions the balance between safety and
risk-taking. I have always wondered if life represents
something without the spirit of adventure and where we
draw the line between adventure and personal safety.
I have always thought about the people who live their
lives to the fullest, and when the end of their life comes, they
close their eyes with a smile on their face, knowing that they
had a life that many have only dreamt of , they have
experinced everything and more importantly, they left new
knowledge to posterity.
For me, the best example of a man who lived his life to
the fullest, but had a tragic end is Steve Irwin.
All his life he lived among animals, especially crocodiles,
to study and present them in his show, "Crocodile Hunter".
Mr Irwin died on September 4, 2006, after being stung in the
chest by a short-tailed stingray while filming "The Great
Barrier Reef".
He remained in history as a successful presenter, a hero,
even a legend. As a result of his documentaries and
broadcasts, biology, zoology, but especially Herpetology
Some may think that he lost his life in vain and that he might
give up danger and a life of adventure in exchange for
monotony, but although I have no way of knowing that, I
believe that Steve Irwin would not have been happy captive
between four walls, waiting for death, safe from any danger
and lacking even a drop of adrenaline.....
Taking into account all of the above, it seems that life is
a continuous adventure, the purpose of which is to help us
live spontaneously we ,the people, being the actors who say :
”Wait a second, I should not do this, it is to dangerous’’ or “It
is the craziest ideea I have ever heard, but it is crazy enough
that it might work,so,why not?”

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