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PRACTICAL NO. 1 vin tseum study of Phylum Aschelminthes: Ascaris lumbricoides { General characters of phylum Aschelminthes (Nematoda) i 1, _ Aschelminthes (Aske means cavity and helminthes means worm) are unsegmented worm and i bilaterally symmetrical, free living or parasitic animals. 2, Pseudocoelomate and triploblastic animals, 3, Pseudocoelomate act as hydrostatic skeleton. 4, Cilia are found some other group of animal but well developed cuticles. 5, Digestive system is complete and straight. 6 Respiratory and Circulatory system are absent. 1. Nervous system is simple which consist of nerve ring having anterior posterior region. & Sense organs are in the form of pits, papillae, bristles and eye spot. 9. Itis dioecious animal and reproductive system simple. 10. Asexual reproduction does not occur. IL. Thisis heterogeneous group live in aquatic and terrestrial habitat. 12. Life eycle is simple or complicated with in special larval stages. Classification of Aschelminthes up to class level Aschelminthes Rofifera Gastrotrichia_-—-‘Kinorhyncha Nematoda Nematomorpha Achelminthes is preferable only one successful animal group that is nematode worms & Scanned with OKEN Scanner Practical Handbook f Zoology i Animal Diversity Ascaris Lumbricoides Classification: Phylum ; Aschelminthes Pseudocoetomate worm Class, Nematoda Roundworm Awarvidea Gut parasite 4acari Species: lumbricotdes General characters wris lumbricoides is a common gut parasite in human Body is cylindrical, and tapering at both end The body wall of Ascaris is complex consist of cuticles, epidermis or hypodermis a It is white or yellowish white in colour. The female worm length is 20-40 cm and 4-6 diameter as male is small leng 2-4 mm in diameter. The female tail is straight but the male tail is sharply curved with 5 pairs of post papillae Ascaris lumbricoides od & Scanned with OKEN Scanner Aim PRACTICAL NO. 2 iigs6it Museum study of phylum Annelida: Nereis, Earthworm, and Leech. General characters of phylum Annelida tn 2 13, 4 15, Annelida are mostly aquatic, marine or fresh water, burrowing or living in tubes, some free living, forms. Body is triploblastic, symmetrical, elongated and vermiform. ‘The body is metamerically segmented, externally by transverse grooves and internally by septa into a number of divisions, each division is called segment Outer covering of the body is cuticle secreted by the underlying epidermis. Body wall is contractile consist of an outer epidermis, circular and longitudinal muscles. Appendages when present itis unjointed. Locomotary organs are segmentally arranged, paired setae or chaetae, Presence of true coelom divided by inter segmental septa. Alimentary canal is tube like extending straight from mouth to anus. Respiration through general body surface, by gills in some forms. Blood vascular system is closed type and blood color is red due to presence of hemoglobin. Exeretion by paired segmental nephridia which communicate the coclom to the exterior. Nervous system consists of brain and segmental ganglia connected by ventral nerve cord. ‘Sexes may be united or separated. Development is direct when sexes are united and indirect when sexes are separate Polychaeta aeta Hirudinea, ce Nas eg Eartworn 2g Lech & Scanned with OKEN Scanner Animal Diversity -4- Practical Handbook of Zoology uae Nereis Ane an Phylum: Annelida, Triploblastic and True coelomate Class: Polychaeta, Many setae or parapodia at lateral site ane Order; Errantia head is well developed with eye and tentacles Toothed jaw Genus: Nereis General Characters iE 9. 10. ML 12, Nereis is marine and carnivorous which is commonly called rag worm, Body is elongated and segmented. Head consist of prostomium and peristomium and bears eye, tentacles, cirri and palps. Setae are numerous and are bore up on lateral prominences of the body wall, known as parapodia. Clitellum is absent. Cirri or branchiae or both may be present for respiration. Coelom is spacious usually divided by intersegmantal septa. Alimentary canal is provided with an eversible buccal region and protrusible pharynx. Excretory organs are segmentally paired nepridia. Sexes are separate. Fertilization is external. Reproduction by asexual method by budding. & Scanned with OKEN Scanner Animal Diversity-I1 =5- Practical Handbook of Zoology Gi garthworm pum : Annelida, Triploblastic and Truecoelomate uss: Oligochaeta, few number of seate Parapodia are absent onder: Neoligochaeta, Well developed gizzard Genus: Pheritima General Characters 1, Mostly terrestrial or some fresh water forms. Body with distinct head and eyes. Tentacles are absent, Parapodia are absent. Body with internal and external segmentation. Locomotary organ Setae present on each segment except first and last. Clitellum is usually present. Pharynx is not eversible and without jaws. ‘They are hermaphrodite i.e, sexes are united. 10, Development is direct takes place within cocoon secreted by Clitellum. Prostomium (over mouth) Transverse ‘grooves or annul Earthworm & Scanned with OKEN Scanner oo -6- lan. Triploblastic and Truecoclomate Leech Phylum: Annelida Class: —-Hiirudinea-—_Setae and parapodia are absent ji isi and red blooded animal Order: Ganthobdellida proboscis i absent ‘Genus : Hirudinea : . General characters < 1. Mostly fresh water and few are marine Body is elongated usually dorso-ventraly flattened. Most of them are ectoparasites Parapodia and setae are absent. Body is provided with anterior and posterior sucker situated on ventral side. Mouth opens on the ventral surface in the anterior sucker while anus opens dora) py sucker. | 7. ‘They are hermaphrodite i.e. Sexes are united. | | 8. Reproduction is asexual or sexual method. Development is direct ic. without free swimming larval stage 10. Eggs are usually laid in cocoons Crop Crop cecum Intestinum Posterior sucker Leech ail & Scanned with OKEN Scanner PRACTICAL NO. 3 Aim Museum study of phylum Arthropoda: Prawn, Cockroach, Centipede, Millipede, Crab General characters of phylum Arthropoda 1. Arthropoda (arthros = jointed and podos= legs) is a heterogenous group including a wide variety of animals. 2. They are triploblastic, metamerically segmented and bilaterally symmetrical animals. 3. Body consist of head, thorax and abdomen; but head and thorax are often fused to form Cephalothorax. Exoskeleton made up of chitin secreted by epidermis, Body is segmented and each segment bears a pair of jointed appendages. Coelom largely a blood-filled haemocoel. Digestive tract is complete. Circulatory system is open with tubular dorsal heart. i Excretory organs are malpighian tubules (in insects) and green glands (in Crabs and prawn). 10. Respiration by general body surface, gills, tracheae or book lungs 11, Nervous system has dorsal nerve ring. 12, It shows sexual dimorphism and Sexes are generally separate. Classification of Arthropoda up to class level ‘Arthropoda 5 T I Tt 1 Onychophora Myriapoda Arachnida Crustacea Insecta eg.Peripatus e.g. Milipede, Centipede eg. Spider e.g. Crab Prawn e.g. Cockroach & Scanned with OKEN Scanner Wy Animal Diversty- =8- Practical Handbook of Zoology yf? Onychophora is separate group of animals, but it represents some characters of Annelida ang characters of Arthropoda. Therefore onychophora is connecting link between annelida and arthropod, Millipedes (ulus) ‘Classification Phylum: Arthropoda Jointed appendages and segmented body Class: Myriapoda Terrestrial Each segment bears | or 2 pair of legs, Body is elongated worm like Order: Diplopoda Trunk is segmented and bears two pair of legs, Poisons jaw absent, Mandibles and maxillae 1 pair Genus: Julus General characters 1. Millipede or wire worm is common name of genus Julus. 2 Body is elongated, cylindrical and consists of a large number of segments with yellowish brown or reddish chestnut color. 3. Body is divisible into head (5 segment), thorax (4 segment) and abdomen (20-100 segment). 4, Head contains a pair of eyes, a pair of antennae, pair of large mandibles and pair of maxilla forming gnathochilliarum 5. Thorax having one pair of legs but abdomen consists of two pair of legs. Stink glands present along the sides of the body which secrets noxious substance as a defense mechanism. 7. Sexes are separated. Gonopore present at 3" abdomen segment at ventral side. ‘They are social, harbivorus and found at dark and dump places under stones or wood or decaying leaves etc. It is cosmopolitan distribution and mainly found in India, UK and USA. i & Scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘Animal Diversity. -9- Pracical Handbook of Zooleey gion Openings of stink Abdomen sora son TO Cbs Fk— Head Paired abdominal legs Thoracic lags ‘Antenna Mollipedo Centipede (Scolopendra) Classification Phylum; Arthropoda: Jointed appendages and segmented body Class: Order: Genus: Myriapoda Terrestrial Each segment bears 1 or? pair of legs, Body is elongated worm like Chilopoda Trunk is segmented and bears one pair of legs, Poisons jaw. 1 pair Mandibles and 2 pair maxillae - Scolopendra General characters 1 i Centipede is common name of genus Scolopendra. Body is elongated, dorso-ventrally flattened with dark greenish brown in‘color. Body is divided into small head and a long trunk. - Head bears a pair of antennae, eyes, a pair of mandibles and two pairs of maxilla. ‘Trunk has 22 identical segments each (except first) has a pair of walking legs. @ Scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘Animal Diversity =10- Practical Handbook of Zoology aa 6. First pair of trunk bears sharp claw with connected with poison gland, | 7. Ovall spiracles seen near base of leg on segments 4,6,9,11,13,15,17,19 and 21, i 8. Sexes are separated. Gonopore present at last abdomen segment at ventral side, | 9. Its solitary and camivorous and feed on insect, spider, worm and slug eto, 10. Scolopendra found in rotten log, in houses at dark and dump places and under stones, 11, Ttisalso harmful to human being. 12, Ttis mainly found in India, and USA. Head Antenna Centipede Crab (Cancer) Classification Phylum: Arthropoda Jointed appendages and segmented body. Class: Order: Crusteea Thick exoskeleton, Head fused with thorax to form cephalothorax. Decapoda __Carapace cover with entire thorax, Thoracic appendages modified as 3 pair of maxillipedes and five pair walking legs. Statoeyst is present. _ all & Scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘Animal Diversity ~11+ Practical Handbook of Zoology why sui onietBryohyurn Abdomen is reduced, hard and folded behind to the body, Gems: Cancer General characters 1. Cancers commonly called rock crab or true oab, 9, Cephelthorax is more border than length, 3, Body is oval and flattened structure. : : 4, Stalked eyes and antennules are constrained in socket of carapace. 5, The third maxillipedes is broad, flat and velvet like and cover other mouthparts. 6. Five pair of thoracic legs is well developed. 7. The first pair of legs act as chelate. 8. Paleopode much reduced. 9. Uropods are absent. 10. Cancers found in burring in mud and under rock. 11. _ Itis cosmopolitan distribution and mainly found in India, UK and USA. 2. Antenna Dexiyis ‘Antenna. Crab & Scanned with OKEN Scanner Animal Diversity =12- Practical Handbook of Zoology | (2, Prawn (Palaemon) Classification Phylum: Arthropoda Jointed appendages and segmented body. Class: —Crusteen Thick exoskeleton. Head fused with thorax to form cephalothorax. Order: Decapoda Carapace cover with entire thorax. Thoneic appendages modified a8 3 pai of maxilipedes and fy walking legs. Statocyst is present. Suborder: Macrura Antennae and antennules both are large. Genus: Palaemon General characters 1. Palaemon is commonly called as prawn 2. Body is elongated, spindle shaped and bilaterally symmetrical 3. Palaemon species are of pale-yellow, pale-blue and greenish color with brown tinge or orange-red patches. Preserved specimens become deep orange-red. 4. +The body can be divided into two regions, anterior cephalothorax and posterior abdomen. 5. Cephiaothorax is a large, rigid, unjointed, immovable and cylindrical structure. It conists o segments, 5 of the head region, and 8 of the thorax region. 6. There are two prominent eyes on the head. 7. Abdomen is rounded, jointed and compressed laterally. It consists of 6 movable segments a terminal conical structure, called telson, 8. Each abdominal segment bears a pair of jointed appendages called pleopods or swimmerets 9. Itis commonly found in freshwater bodies like pond, ditches, lakes and rivers of the India. Compound eye Abdo salem Artoma non} reps Prawn & Scanned with OKEN Scanner i il ‘Animal Diversity ~13+ Practical Handbook of Zoology why cockroach (Periplaneta americana) Classification piylum: Arthropoda Jointed appendages and segmented body, Chass: Inset Body consist of head, thorax and abdomen, Head bears 1 pair of eyes, antennae, mandibles and maxillae, onder, Orthoptera ‘Two pair of wing. Fore wing is leathery and straight. ~ Hind wing is membranous and folded. Chewing type mouth part. Genus: Periplaneta species: americana General characters 1. Periplanata American is eommonly called cockroach. Body is light brown in colour which divided into head, thorax and abdomen. Head bears long antennae, well developed compound eyes. Chewing and biting type of mouth parts. i Fore wings are elongated thick, leathery, and straight while hind wings are membranous and folded. Sexes are separated; male-bears anal style and female possesses ovipositor. 7. - Itis major household pests all over the world. Cockroach & Scanned with OKEN Scanner PRACTICAL NO. 4 Alm Museum study of phylum Mollusca: Pila, Chiton, Bivalve, Octopus General characters of phylum Mollusea 1. Molluses are soft bodied, essentially aquatic, mostly marine, few freshwater and some tere animals, Body is bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented and without jointed appendages and can be divide, into head, mantle, visceral mass and foot. 3. The body is covered with single layer of epidermis, 4. The head carries mouth, eyes and tentacles, 5. The mantle is thick, miscular fold of body wall extended over the viscera and the enclosed spas is called as the mantle cavity. 6. Visceral mass contains the visceral organs ofthe body in a compact form and dome shape structun 7. The foot is muscular, thick at ventral site; which is modified for creeping, 8. The soft body consists of protective extemal shell bu some others reduced intemal shell, 9. The true coelom is generally filled with haemocoel which limited to the pericardial cavity and th Jumen of the gonads and nephridia, 10. Digestive system is complete. Radula as grinding organ is mostly present. 11. Nervous system consists of paired cerebral, pleural, pedal and visceral ganglia connected wil longitudinal and transverse connectives and nerves. 12. Circulatory system is open. type except cephalopods, Heart has one or two auricles and on ventricle, Hemolymph is blue in colour due to haemocyanin, 13, Respiration direct or by gills or lungs or both. 14. Sexes are separated, = 14+ & Scanned with OKEN Scanner Classi Animal Diversity. =15- Practical Handbook of Zoology fin ification of Mollusea upto class level Mollusca A ETE Pe ee ce Monoplacophora —Polyplacophora Scaphopoda Gastropoda. ~—=«Pelecypoda.-«=—«- Cephalopoda ‘ea, Neopilna eg.Chiton eg. Dentalum e.g. Pia eg.Bivave eg. Octopus Chiron Phylum: Mollusca ‘Soft and unsegmented body. Class: Polyplacophora Body is dorso-ventrally flattened. ‘Small head and without eye and tentacles. Shell made up with 8 calcareous plates. Order: Chitonida Shell valve with plates. Gill is covered along with mantle cavity. Genus: Chiton General characters L uh 12, Chiton body is dorsoventrally compressed, bilaterally symmetrical and elliptical shape. Body consists of shel, foot, mantle cavity, and visceral mass. Head is small without eyes and tentacles. Foot is located at ventral side; which adapted for creeping and attached to substratum. Shell is calcareous with 8 plates at dorsal side. Mantle is covered major part of body and extended to edges of shel! plates. Bipectinate type of gill or ctenidia located at either side of body in the mantle grooves. Mouth and anus are opposite ends. Itis herbivorous and chiefly feed on algae. Sexes are separated but gonad is single and pair of gonoduet. Chiton is found in all over the world. Chiton flesh used as food and shell also is used for decoration. & Scanned with OKEN Scanner Animal Diversity-I1 =16- Practical Handbook of Zoology ae Calcareous. Calcareous Mouth shell plates janie Genital opening Excretory opening Anal papilla (a) Dorsal view Pila . Phylum: Mollusca Soft body animal. Class: Gastropoda Spiral coiled shell. Visceral mass spirally coiled showed torsion. Shell made up with 8 calcareous plates. Order: Mesogastropoda _Radula consists of 7 teeth, Monopectinate gill. Genus: Pila Species: globosa & Scanned with OKEN Scanner “5 Animal Diversity-II 17+ Practical Handbook of Zoology wen cesar characters 1, Pita globosa is commonly called apple snail, 2, Itis soft body animal consist of foot, visceral mass and Palliumor mantle which covered with shell. 3. Shell is univalve type and coiled around the axis called collumella and open at ventral side by aperturers. 4, The top most small whorl is called apex, and large portion covered with body whorl. Whorls are connected with sutures. 5, Operoulum is well developed; which act as lid of shell. 6 Head bears two pair of contractile tentacles and one pair of eyes. 7. Foot is muscular and flat and act as creeping function. 8. Respiration occur through gill or ctenidia in aquatic and lung in terrestrial environment. 9, Sexes are separated. 10. _ Pila is herbivorous animal mainly feed on aquatic plant like Vallisnaria. 11. _ Itis distributed in oriental and Ethiopian regions. Pila Bivalve (Unio) Phylum: Mollusea Soft body animal. Class: Pelecypoda ‘Two equal parts of shells connected with hinge line. Body is laterally complex. Order: Eulamellibrachilata Gills are filamentous folded and basket like, Foot usually large. Genus: Unio & Scanned with OKEN Scanner -18- Practical Handbook of Zodlogy ug, Animal Diversity sion General characters 10. ul Unio is commonly known as fresh water mussels. Body i soft bilaterally symmetrical, unseymented and measuring about 5-10 cm long ad eoyey \ith ealeareous two parts of shells. ‘Two parts of shell covered the right and left side of the body, the two part of shell joined with hinge ligaments at dorsal side, Umbo is located at near to anterior end of dorsal side. Mantle consist of two lobes. Anterior and posterior adductor muscles are well developed and actively participate in opening ang closing valves, Foot is large, muscular and wedge shaped which act as burrowing function, Respiration occur through exhalent and inhalant siphon located at posterior end of mantle. Sexes are separated, but it does not show sexual dimorphism. It is found in fresh water bodies like ponds, lakes and rivers buried in sand or mud. {tis commonly distributed in India, USA, Europe and Atlantic slope, Height Pallial line Bivalve (Unio) & Scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘Animal Diversity: =19+ Practical Handbook of Zo0!09) kin Octopus Phylum: Mollusca Soft body tnimal, Class: Cephalopoda —_Exelusively Marine animal. Shell is absent. Foot is modified into siphon and tentacles, Order: Octapoda’ Eight arms with sessile suckers. Dorsal mantle cavity developed. Body is short and compact. Genus: Octopus General characters ae rey ‘Octopus is commonly called devil fish. The body is unsegmented, symmetrical and soft bodied animals. The head bears a pair of eyes. ‘The mouth is surrounded by eight elongated equal arms usually bearing sessile suckers. Shell is absent. Ink gland ejection content in water used for defensive function which produced smoky cloudy environment. In males one of the arms is hectocotylized arm, which bears a spoon shaped organ at its end. This ‘arm is used to caress the female and deposit spermatophores beneath its mantle. It feed on crabs, bivalves and fishes ete. Cetopus isa nocturnal marine creature inhabits many diverse regions of the oeean, including coral ; reefs, pelagic waters and the ocean floor. It is cosmopolitan in distribution. It is generally found in India, Europe, Pacific and Atlantic coasts. & Scanned with OKEN Scanner

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