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Quiz on Contract of Sales:

1. A sold his only car to B for P300,000 to be paid as follows: P150,000 upon delivery of the car to B and the
balance at P10,000 per month until full payment of the purchase price. Later, the car gets burned in the
possession of B through a fortuitous event before full payment of the balance. Is B obliged to pay the balance?

2. B purchased a pair of leather shoes from the store of S. Shortly after leaving the store, B decided to return and
requested S, the owner, to place a protective rubber covering on the sole of each shoe. Since the job required
at least 30 minutes to complete, B left the store of S to shop at the neighboring stores. When he returned to the
store of S after 30 minutes, the pair of shoes was nowhere to be found. It turned out that C, a sales clerk, had
sold the pair of shoes that B bought to X, another customer. Who acquired ownership of the shoes? Justify your

3. A, B, C and D are co-owners of an undivided parcel of land. A sold his 1/4 interest to D, absolutely. Can B
exercise his right of redemption? In case it was asold to 3rd person and B and C wants to exercise their rights,
how will they divide the property?

4. A sold to B his car and promised to deliver ten days later. The next day, after the sale to B, A sold the same car
to C and immediately effected delivery. On the agreed day of delivery, A did not deliver the car to B. Who is the
rightful owner? What is the remedy of the one deprived from ownership?

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