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Câu 1 Software Engineering _______.

Câu 2 System software is _______.

Câu 3 Application software _______.

Câu 4 Which one is true about “information system”?

Câu 5 Which one is application software?

Câu 6 Which one is not an application?

Câu 7 “Meeting users’ needs” có nghĩa là _______.

Câu 8 The goals that software development seeks to achieve are:

Câu 9 Requirements analysis is _______.

Câu 10 What is the meaning of “validation”?

Câu 11 The ______of software is determined largely by the productivity of the programmers and the

salaries that they are paid.

[<#>] In the USA it is estimated that about $500 billion are spent each year on producing software.

amounts to 1% of the gross national product. The estimated figure for the world is that $1,000 billion is

spent each year on software production.

Câu 12 Each year the cost of software production of the world is ______.

Câu 13 Which is the amount of the US’s gross national product?

Câu 14 Dịch câu sau sang tiếng Anh “Meeting deadlines has always been a headache in software


Câu 15 __________ is the term for any effort that is put into a piece of software after it has been written

and put into operation.

Câu 16 Which is a bug of software?

Câu 17 In recent years, many interfaces have become ______________(GUIs) that use windows with

features like buttons and scroll bars, together with pointing devices like a mouse and cursor.

Câu 18 Which one is considered a problem in software development?

Câu 19 Dịch câu sau “Specification is a list of requirements that describe what the user wants”

Câu 20 Validation is to do with the client’s view of the system, the external view of the system. Từ

“Validation” nghĩa là:

Câu 21 Designing the ________ is a whole subject in its own right and is not normally considered to be

part of software engineering.

Câu 22 Which one is not a process model?

Câu 23 Dịch câu sau “Use cases are descriptions of requirements that can be augmented by UML use

case diagrams.”

Câu 24 What is the full form of GUI in terms of computers ?

Câu 25 Which type of software is an operating system (OS)?

Câu 26 Microsoft office is a type of ?

Câu 27 Which among the following is commonly used language in Android applications ?

Câu 28 To delete a file we _________.

Câu 29 Modularity is to do with the _________ of software.

Câu 30 Software can be _________by a method, such as functional decomposition, object-oriented

design or data structure design.

Câu 31 Why do we need Modularity?

Câu 32 Which of the following is true about Object-oriented programming?

Câu 33 Dịch câu sau: “As its name suggests, functional decomposition is a method that focuses on the

functions, or actions, that the software has to carry out. ”

Câu 34 Data flow design is a ________for carrying out the architectural design of software.

Câu 35 A component is ________.

Câu 36 OOP là viết tắt của ________.

Câu 37 The principles of OOP are ________.

Câu 38 Dịch câu sau sang tiếng Anh “The advantage of OOP is to promote the reusability of software


Câu 39 Which of the following is not true about OOP?

Câu 40 One of the principles used in the design of object-oriented software is to simulate real world

situations as _____.

Câu 41 “One of the main benefits of OOP is the reuse of software components”. Từ “components” có

nghĩa là _________.
Câu 42 WWW là viết tắt của _________

Câu 43 If a computer provides database services to others, then it will be known as a ________.

Câu 44 JAVA language is a ________.

Câu 45 Which one is not an activity of software development?

Câu 46 Most software has a graphical user interface, which must be carefully ______ so that it is easy to


Câu 47 __________includes creating plans, resolving problems and monitoring stages of software


Câu 48 Which is not a programming language?

Câu 49 A programming language is ______.

Câu 50 Algorithm có nghĩa là ______.

Câu 51 A _________language, such as Cobol, Visual Basic or C#, is said to be problem-oriented and to

reduce software production and maintenance costs.

Câu 52 “The syntax of a programming language” - từ syntax có nghĩa là _______.

Câu 53 “The break statement causes control to be transferred to the end of the switch statement” -

có nghĩa là ______.

Câu 54 Which of the following is not a Java statement?

[<#>] if (condition) { if (condition) { statement1 } } else { statement2 }

Câu 55 Which of the following is correct?

Câu 56 “Statement” trong đoạn lệnh là _______.

Câu 57 Which of the following is not a data type of programming language?

Câu 58 The three pillars _______ OOP are encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

Câu 59 In OOP, a _________is a template or blueprint for any number of objects that can be created

from it.

Câu 60 Trong lập trình hướng đối tượng, “public method” có nghĩa là _______.

Câu 61 Trong lập trình hướng đối tượng, “private variable” có nghĩa là ________.

Câu 62 Trong lập trình hướng đối tượng, biến cục bộ là ______.
Câu 63 In OOP, an object can be created from a ______.

Câu 64 A class is a template or blueprint for any number of _______ that can be created from it.

Câu 65 Dịch câu sau sang tiếng anh “Một phương thức có thể chứa các câu lệnh và khai báo các biến”

Câu 66 java.lang contains the classes _________support the main features of the language like Object,

String, number, exception and threads.

Câu 67 _______ provides a graphical notation for describing packages.

Câu 68 javax.swing is the name ______ package.

Câu 69 A header file is a source code file that contains the declaration of the methods to be ______

within a package.

Câu 70 The C and C++ languages have a rule that a method _____ to be declared before it can be used.

Câu 71 Dịch câu sau ra tiếng anh “Tôi tạo 3 gói với tên gọi mylib, mydata và mygui”

Câu 72 If the import statement was ______, we can not use the class JButton.

Câu 73 import java.awt.*; (in Java) - Using * means that we want to ______ all the classes within the

named package.

Câu 74 In Java, to create an object of the class Friday, I put ______.

[<#>] In Java, classes called Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

grouped in a package called week.

Câu 75 Write down the Java import statement that will be needed to use only the class Sunday

Câu 76 Write the statement to create an object monday of the class Monday

Câu 77 Write down the import statement that will be needed to use all the classes in the package.

Câu 78 Typically the classes are described in a graphical notation, called a ______.

Câu 79 Dịch câu sau: “Java is a language that provides single inheritance”

Câu 80 Dịch câu sau “Những chương trình lớn phải được phát triển bởi đội ngũ lập trình viên”

[<#>] In OOP, “Classes Square and Rectangle are subclasses of superclass Shape”

Câu 81 superclass là _______.

Câu 82 subclasses là _______.

Câu 83 It is ______ to group the classes of a large program into packages.

Câu 84 Robust software is _______.

Câu 85 Trong tin học, “Division by zero” nghĩa là _______.

Câu 86 Trong tin học, “floating point overflow” nghĩa là _______.

Câu 87 Dịch câu sau: “Faults can be prevented and detected during software development”

Câu 88 What should we do to prevent errors during software development?

Câu 89 Dịch câu sau sang tiếng anh “Kiểm thử viên là người được yêu cầu kiểm thử chương trình”

Câu 90 A tester is a person who has been ______ to test programs.

Câu 91 Dịch câu sau “Errors can be detected by a compiler”

Câu 92 Errors can be _______by a compiler.

[<#>] Monday monday = new Monday(); (In Java)

Câu 93 Monday is a ______.

Câu 94 monday is a _______.

[<#>] public void moveLeft (int amount) { x = x - amount; } (In Java)

Câu 95 moveLeft is a _______.

Câu 96 x is a _______.

Câu 97 amount is a ______.

Câu 98 Dịch câu sau sang tiếng anh “Verification is the general term for techniques that aim to produce

fault-free software”.

Câu 99 Software testing is the process of verifying a system with the purpose of identifying any


Câu 100 There are two kinds of testing: ____ box and ____ box.

Câu 101 Testing is one set of ______ for verifying software.

Câu 102 In white box testing, the internal structure of the software is _____ to select test data.

Câu 103 Dịch câu sau sang tiếng anh “Chất lượng phần mềm được nâng cao nhờ nhiều lỗi được loại bỏ”

Câu 104 Dịch câu sau “Meeting deadline is improved because project is managed well”

Câu 105 The _____is a graph that describes steps of software development in sequence.
Câu 106 The principle of the waterfall model is each step is well _____.

Câu 107 Dịch câu sau “In a waterfall model, the correctness of each step is checked”.

Câu 108 _______model shows progress as a line that spirals out from near the centre of the diagram.

Câu 109 Dịch câu sau sang tiếng anh “Thỉnh thoảng khách hàng thay đổi một vài yêu cầu”

Câu 110 Which one is not a risk while developing software?

Câu 111 Which one is a risk while developing software?

Câu 112 “The software occupies too much main memory” - Từ “occupies” nghĩa là _______.

Câu 113 The program _____too much main memory

Câu 114 Dịch câu sau: “For effective management, we must establish deadlines for the next stage of the


Câu 115 We will decide how many people will be ______ in the project.

Câu 116 Dịch câu sau sang tiếng anh “Trưởng nhóm sẽ quyết định bao nhiêu lập trình viên sẽ được tham

gia vào dự án này”

Câu 117 Prototyping is a process model that offers a _____ to the problem of ensuring that the customer

gets what they want.

Câu 118 A _____ is an early version built for a system that reflects the features which are of interest.

Câu 119 Dịch câu sau “A prototype is an early version built for a system that reflects the features which

are of interest.”

Câu 120 Which one is an approach to incremental implementation of software?

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