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In his influential TED Talk "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" Sir Ken Robinson delves into the
educational system's tendency to prioritize certain subjects, such as math and science, over the
arts and humanities. He argues that this approach can suppress creativity and originality in
students, as the system often rewards conformity and standardized testing over independent
thought and creative expression.
Robinson highlights several key points in his talk:
1. Hierarchy of Subjects: He explains how schools place greater emphasis on certain
subjects at the top of the hierarchy (math, science, language) while relegating the arts
to a lower status. This hierarchy sends a message to students about which talents are
valued more, potentially leading to the neglect of other forms of intelligence and
2. Fear of Mistakes: Robinson suggests that the fear of making mistakes hinders creativity.
In traditional educational systems, students are often discouraged from taking risks or
thinking outside the box, which can stifle their natural curiosity and willingness to
explore new ideas.
3. Lack of Support for Diverse Learning Styles: The current system often fails to
accommodate different learning styles and talents, focusing instead on a narrow set of
academic abilities. Robinson emphasizes the importance of recognizing and nurturing
diverse forms of intelligence and creativity.
4. Changing the System: Robinson calls for a fundamental rethinking of education to foster
creativity and individuality. He suggests a more holistic approach that values a wide
range of talents and encourages students to explore their passions.
5. Preparing for an Unpredictable Future: Robinson argues that the future is
unpredictable, and the current educational system is not preparing students for the
challenges they may face. By nurturing creativity and adaptability, schools can better
equip students for the complexities of the modern world.
Overall, Sir Ken Robinson's talk is a passionate call to action for educational reform that
prioritizes creativity and individuality, encouraging schools to create environments where
students can thrive and unlock their full potential.

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