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The end of the world is near, and I am in love.

That could be a great starting line for a novel. I mean that could be the worst
situation for anyone to fall in love. I mean when the world is falling apart and
everything is gonna end forever. When there's no tomorrow, the worst nightmare is
looking forward to it.
You spend your entire life loathing the world and your life. You have been dealt a
really really bad hand by fate and you spend your entire life frustrated about your
place in the world and about your purpose.
And when salvation shows itself, you fall into another pit. Love. You could have
finally been freed from the shackles of your misfortune but then you are hit by the
most contradicting event suited for the situation. The doom of the world. The final
day in the prison. But life has more on the plate for you.
If I were to lend you some sympathetic words, I'd say - actually, I'd do you the
favor of being your end. That is if stopping the doom isn't in my power.
But I'm just an old man narrating the old tale. He must find the way himself.

(ending with "what I've done" by "Linkin park")

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