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There is also a need to identify those officers who are on the job already that display the

highest performing traits.

Perceptions of a dangerous and low paid job are combined with very public

criticisms of police tactics and actions, including protests and riots, underscore the need

to use precision in the identification of a workforce that can rise to those challenges

(Mullins & Thompson, 2020). There is extensive current literature that has been devoted

to development of examination of psychological profiles not just for police officers under

trauma and stress, but also to identify certain character traits that would allow for the

eventual best leadership of police forces. Much of what has been developed over the past

few decades revolves around a temperament and ability to adapt quickly to rising and

volatile situations (Hilal, et al., 2017).

However, there has been a paradigm shift in the relationship between the police

and the community it serves, and law enforcement entities need a reassessment of the

people they need for these different services to be rendered. In recent months, the

community being served is demanding evolutionary change in how law enforcement

enforces the law and delivers those needed services (Communities United for Police

Reform, 2020). Other major metropolitan departments are facing extreme budget cuts or

being disbanded altogether (Associated Press, 2020).

Social change is happening and there is a need to provide information to the ranks

of law enforcement officials to meet these changing demands. With reduced budgets will

come less officers on the streets and those officers should be of the highest quality. There

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