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London, Friday 25 April 1855

The day dawned cloudy in the City as if it were a reflection of Mr. White's mind. Mr.
White rose at 6 a.m., took a cup of tea and began to read the London Chronicle, an
activity which did not cease until 8 a.m. Mr. White was a tall, handsome man of 47.
Mr. White was a tall, handsome man of 47. He grew up in London, the son of Jesica
and Jason White. His family came from a humble background but he managed to
amass a fortune of £20,000 from the silver trade in the Indies. As early as 8 o'clock
in the morning he was at the James E Webb's where he used to meet his friends.

Hello White, how are you doing? asked Danny.

White, who wasn't very talkative, replied with a simple

Well, have you finished planning?

No," replied Tom.

After that they spent 2 hours discussing how to carry out their plan.

I think we should get a train to Wales and then take a cruise to North America. said

That sounds like a good idea, take care of buying the tickets and chartering a cruise,
White. Said Tom

White got up and went to the train station in North London, arranged to buy tickets
for himself and Tom, Danny and Wales for four o'clock the next morning. He sent a
telegram to the captain of the RMS Atlantic to be transported to New York. After
spending the five pounds he had on the tickets, he went home to Shakespeare
Avenue, where he sent a telegram to his friends informing them that he had made
the purchase. White concealed it, but behind the mask of a confident man was a
man who doubted the plan, but did not tell his colleagues. After all, his future and
that of his country depended on that Friday night. At noon he ate a curry stew
cooked by Samantha, his cook. At four o'clock in the afternoon he met up again with
his friends at the James E Webb's. They dressed appropriately and talked at length.
They dressed appropriately and talked at length about the execution of their plan. r
At 5pm, the four of them left the premises and boarded a stagecoach bound for
Queen Victoria Avenue. At 18:30 the coach arrives, the night is already cold and
cloudy as usual in the City. The coach waits a few more hours.

At 19:00 they go to dinner at Vernus where they all have Italian macaroni for dinner.
They continue to discuss the plan, as they still have time until they finally leave at

They head to the Royal Bank where they enter with briefcases full of money like
businessmen going to deposit their pounds. There, a tall man in a suit accompanies
them to the deposit room. They take advantage of the situation and inject him with a
painkiller and set about stealing £5 million, an amount never stolen before. After
filling sacks of money, they leave through a small back door where the stagecoach is
waiting for them, so far, everything has gone smoothly. They board the coach and
arrive at the train station, where they catch a train to Cardiff. However, already
seeing the port and the ship on which they would escape and distribute the money
among the workers in New York, they are met by two army soldiers who ask for
identification and search their belongings. Mr. White immediately realises that they
are not going to get out of Britain alive and tries to flee, the soldiers quickly open fire.
Surprised, they see £5 million in the luggage and send it by train to the Royal Bank.
However, the money never arrived. It was essential money for Britain. But it should
be noted that these pounds, which could have helped the plight of the average City
dweller, were used to satisfy Queen Victoria's whims and to further the conquest of
Africa. And after all, those £5 million had been obtained by selling Opium to a
decadent Chinese society. The need of those four idealistic men was to help the
world with their £5 million, but the need of the British government was to complete
the conquest of Egypt and finish building Buckingham Palace. The five million
pounds are still missing, and to recover her money the Queen launched a war in
China known today as the "Second Opium War" intended to feed the state coffers,
by making the most populous country in the world addicted to opium that the British
and French sold in China, taking the lives of more than 20 million Chinese along the

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