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- Define a class called Fire that represents a fire in a 2D grid.

The class should

have properties such as location, size, intensity, and spread_rate. The class
should also have methods such as burn(), spread(), and extinguish().
- Define a class called FireTruck that represents a fire truck that can move around
the grid and carry water buckets. The class should have properties such as
location, speed, capacity, and buckets. The class should also have methods such as
move(), refill(), and drop().

- Define a class called FireFighter that represents a firefighter that can move
around the grid and use water buckets to put out the fire. The class should have
properties such as location, speed, strength, and bucket. The class should also
have methods such as move(), pick(), and throw().

- Define a class called WaterBucket that represents a water bucket that can be used
to extinguish the fire. The class should have properties such as location, size,
and effectiveness. The class should also have methods such as fill(), empty(), and

- Define a class called Simulation that represents the simulation of the fire
scenario. The class should have properties such as grid, fire, fire_truck,
fire_fighters, and water_buckets. The class should also have methods such as
initialize(), update(), and display().

- In the initialize() method, create the grid, the fire, the fire truck, the fire
fighters, and the water buckets, and assign them to their respective properties.

- In the update() method, update the state of the simulation by calling the methods
of the fire, the fire truck, the fire fighters, and the water buckets. For example,
call the burn() method of the fire, the move() method of the fire truck, the pick()
method of the fire fighter, etc. You can also add some logic to control the
behavior of the fire truck and the fire fighters, such as when to refill, when to
drop, when to pick, and when to throw.

- In the display() method, display the simulation on the screen using some graphics
library or framework. You can use different colors or shapes to represent the fire,
the fire truck, the fire fighters, and the water buckets. You can also display some
information such as the fire size, the fire intensity, the number of buckets, etc.

- In the main program, create an instance of the Simulation class and call its
initialize() method. Then, use a loop to call its update() and display() methods
repeatedly until the simulation ends. You can define some criteria to end the
simulation, such as when the fire is extinguished, when the fire truck runs out of
water, when the fire fighters are exhausted, etc.

This is just one possible way to design the assignment. You can modify or extend it
as you wish. You can also refer to some web resources to learn more about C# OOP
principles¹²³⁴⁵ and fire simulation algorithms⁶⁷⁸⁹. I hope this helps you. Good
luck! 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2/24/2024

(1) Object-Oriented Programming (C#) - C# | Microsoft Learn.
(2) C# OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) - W3Schools.
(3) Unveiling the Core Principles of Object-Oriented Programming in C#.
(4) Mastering Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles in C#.
(5) Object Oriented Programming in C# -
(6) firestarter – A Real-Time Fire Simulator - University of Wisconsin ....
(7) A model for physics-based fire simulation and analysis.
(8) A Fire Escape Simulation System Based on the Dijkstra Algorithm.
(9) Simulating Fluids, Fire, and Smoke in Real-Time.

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