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Applied English Language for Foundation and

Intermediate Phase
ENG 2611
ASSIGNMENT 1 Instructions
Department of English Studies

This document contains instructions and questions for
assignment 1 for this module.

Open Rubric
Assignment 1
Due date: [To be added]

Read Study Units 1 and 2 in your Study Guide (Tutorial Letter 501) before you
attempt this assignment. It is important that you complete the activities in these
Study Units to establish a sound understanding of what critical reading is and
how reading skills can be used for critical writing. You also need to refer to the
relevant sections of your prescribed textbooks for more insight.

1. Reading is not only a mechanical process of looking at and recognizing
words and absorbing them; it is a critical process of recognising words,
absorbing their meaning on different levels and in different ways and then
processing the information in our minds to obtain a deeper understanding
of ourselves, other people and the world (TL501 2020: 8)

1.1 Identify any two crucial aspects of the critical reading process from the
given explanation. In your opinion, why are they important in this process?
(3 marks)

2. In its broadest sense, literature refers to the written word, but it is usually
divided into genres such as poetry, novels, dramas, editorials, essays,
articles or visual texts. Thus, any text may be used for critical reading. The
reason for the various genres (types of literature) is that each has its own
purpose (TL501 2020: 9)

2.1 The above extract from TL501 offers examples of different kinds of
literature. Identify which of the given examples are from fiction genres and
which are from non-fiction genres. Which of these genres would be more
suitable to use at the Foundation Phase First Additional Language level?
Justify your answer. (2 marks)

2.2 In your own words, based on your understanding, explain the difference
in purpose between fiction and non-fiction genres. (2marks)

3. Source A Source B Source C

D: It’s
cool bro,
I’ll check

TP: No
walk with
3.1 Carefully consider sources A, B, and C. Briefly explain what is the purpose
of each of these sources? (6 marks)

3.2 Explain how the style of writing and the language used in each of the above
sources differentiate their genres.
(15 marks)

4. Source D
Lindi’s papa warned
her not to take the
path into the forest
because a scary
monster may live
there. This story
deals with size and
growth and
compounding of
numbers. It also
reinforces counting,
promotes figure
ground perception
and making patterns
out of rhythm and

4.1 In a paragraph of 250 – 300 words, critically evaluate the suitability of the
provided book (cover and brief) – (Source D) for a Foundation Phase EFAL
class. In your response, consider the important aspects of what according
to Unit 2, page 48 is analysed in critical writing. (16 marks)

4.2 Design two questions for a pre-reading activity you could use before
reading this book with your foundation phase EFAL class. Justify the
relevance of each question. (6 marks)

Grand Total: 50 Marks

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