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Marija Laban1
Jelena Janković1, 2
Plućna tromboembolija (Pulmonary Thromboembolism,
Jasmina Opačić1
PTE) i tromboza dubokih vena (Deep vein thrombosis, DVT)
Marina Đikić3
čine venski tromboembolizam (Venous thromboembolism,
Klinika za pulmologiju, Univerzitetski klinički centar Srbije, Beograd, VTE). U 70% slučajeva PTE je udružena sa dubokom ven-
skom trombozom. PTE je treća kardiovaskularna bolest po
Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd, Srbija
učestalosti, nakon infarkta miokarda i moždanog udara1.
Urgentni centar, Univerzitetski klinički centar Srbije, Beograd, Srbija
Prema različitim epidemiološkim studijama, godišnja stopa
incidence za PTE kreće se od 39 do 115 na 100.000 stanov-
Korespondencija sa autorom: nika, a podaci ukazuju i da postoji trend opadanja smrtnosti
od akutne PTE2. Nelečena akutna PTE ima stopu mortaliteta
Dr Jasmina Opačić
do 30%, dok je stopa mortaliteta lečene PTE, nakon tri me-
Klinika za pulmologiju, Univerzitetski klinički centar Srbije, Dr seca, od 8-17%. Mortalitet hemodinamski stabilnih normo-
Koste Todorovica 26, Beograd, Srbija tenzivnih pacijenata je 2%. Plućna hipertenzija, kao kompli- kacija mesec dana nakon akutne PTE, zaostaje kod čak 25%

Faktori rizika za VTE dele se na faktore velikog, srednjeg

i malog rizika. Faktori velikog rizika su prelomi kuka, kole-
Sažetak na, velike hirurške intervencije i trauma; faktori srednjeg
Dijagnoza plućne tromboembolije sve je češća u kliničkoj rizika su centralni venski kateter, hemioterapija, maligniteti,
praksi, zbog čega postoji potreba za ambulantnim kardiorespiratorna slabost, trudnoća, porođaj, trombofilija,
lečenjem. Odluka o tome zavisi od kliničke slike, faktora hormonska terapija, in vitro fertilizacija; dok su faktori ma-
log rizika nepokretnost, gojaznost, DM (Diabetes Mellitus),
rizika, rizika od krvarenja, komorbiditeta, laboratorijskih
starije životno doba, venski varikoziteti.
parametara, adherence i socijalnog faktora. Pacijenti
koji ispunjavaju PESI I, PESI II i sPESI kriterijume niskog Osnovni elementi dijagnostike su klinička prezentacija
rizika od smrtnosti, kao i pacijenti sa Hestia skorom uz anamnestičke podatke, procena pre-test verovatnoće za
0, lečenje mogu započeti ambulantno. Iako se mogu PTE (revidirani Ženeva skor za utvrđivanje kliničke verovat-
noće da je u pitanju PTE), vrednost D-dimera i vizualizacione
primeniti zajedno, niskomolekularni heparin i direktni
dijagnostičke metode. PTE je stratifikovana prema riziku od
oralni antikoagulansi, niskomolekularni heparin i oralni
smrtnosti na osnovu indeksa težine PTE (Pulmonary Emboli-
antagonisti vitamina K, zlatni standard je primena samo
sm Severity Index, PESI) i modifikovanog i pojednostavljenog
novih, direktnih oralnih antikoagulanasa. Ambulantni PESI (simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index, sPESI)
tretman traje najmanje tri meseca, a zavisi od više činilaca, skora na mali, srednji i visok rizik. Kandidati za ambulantni
najpre od reverzibilnosti faktora rizika. Iako se lekari i dalje tretman su bolesnici sa malim rizikom od smrtnosti od PTE,
retko odlučuju za započinjanje ambulantnog tretmana prema PESI skoru. Očekivani procenat pacijenata sa potvr-
plućne tromboembolije, ispitivanja ukazuju da je ovakav đenom PTE je oko 10% u kategoriji niske verovatnoće, 30%
način lečenja bezbedan, da smanjuje rizik od bolničkih u kategoriji intermedijarne verovatnoće i 65% u kategoriji
visoke verovatnoće3. Negativna prediktivna vrednost D-di-
infekcija, troškove i omogućava bolji kvalitet života.
mera je visoka, te normalne vrednosti D-dimera čine plućnu
Ključne reči: plućna embolija, Hestia kriterijumi, tromboemboliju malo verovatnom, dok je pozitivna predi-
ktivna vrednost povišenog D-dimera niska, tako da njegovo
ambulantno lečenje, antikoagulansi
određivanje nije korisno za potvrdu dijagnoze PTE1. Plućna

REVIJALNI RADOVI Galenika Medical Journal, 2023; 2(8):61-66. 61

angiografija kompjuterizovanom tomografijom (Multi-dete- karcinoma i hipotenzija, dok mentalni status, koji kao kate-
ctor computed tomography pulmonary angiography, MDCT- gorija može biti veoma delikatan ukoliko se procenjuje ge-
PA) je metod izbora za potvrdu plućne tromboembolije. Ona neralno, a ne kao deo kliničke slike PTE, sam nosi čak 60 bo-
omogućava vizualizaciju arterija pluća do subsegmentnog dova (tabela 1). Prema pomenutom simplifikovanom skoru
nivoa. Ventilaciono-perfuziona (V/Q) scintigrafija može da sPESI, pacijenti sa kriterijumima koji nose bar 1 bod (stariji
se primeni kod ambulantnih pacijenata sa niskom klinič- od 80 godina, muški pol, sistolni pritisak ispod 100 mmHg,
kom verovatnoćom za PE i normalnim rentgenom grudnog SF preko 110/min, SpO2 ispod 90% ili hronična kardiorespi-
koša. Primenjiva je kod trudnica i pacijenata sa bubrežnom ratorna bolest) ne mogu da se leče ambulantno. Negativna
slabošću. Ultrazvuk srca nije obavezan deo dijagnostičkog prediktivna vrednost sPESI skora za 30-odnevni mortalitet
postupka kod hemodinamski stabilnih pacijenata sa suspe- je 100%.
ktnom PTE, dok je neophodan kod suspektne visoko rizične
PTE, kada se odsustvo znakova disfunkcije desne komore Prema Hestia kriterijumima (tabela 2), koji se pored PESI
praktično isključuje3. CDF (Color Doppler Scan, CDF) vena skora koriste u proceni za ambulantni tretman, ukoliko su
ekstremiteta u 30-50% slučajeva pokazuje duboku vensku odgovori na svih 11 pitanja „NE”, pacijent se može lečiti
trombozu kod pacijenata sa PTE. ambulantno. Ukoliko je bar jedan odgovor „DA”, tretman se
započinje u bolnici9. Negativna prediktivna vrednost Hestia
Kod pacijenata sa visokom ili intermedijarnom kliničkom skora za 30-odnevni mortalitet je 99%. Hestia kriterijumi
verovatnoćom za PTE, antikoagulantna terapija uobičajeno uključuju trudnice i socijalni status, kao i insuficijenciju je-
podrazumeva primenu niskomolekularnog heparina (Low tre i bubrega, dok PESI kriterijumi uključuju malignitete, pa
Molecular Weight Heparin, LMWH), supkutano, ili fondapa- se u praksi mogu koristiti oba sistema bodovanja, jer pokri-
rinuksa, kao i nefrakcionisanog heparina, intravenski. Isti vaju različite oblasti. Socijalni status odnosi se na moguć-
antikoagulantni efekat sa najvišim nivoom dokaza postiže nost adekvatne adherence za terapiju, mogućnost redovnih
se i primenom direktnih antikoagulantnih lekova (Direct kontrola i podobnost pacijenata za kućno lečenje. Zondag
oral anticoagulants, DOAC)3. DOAC (apiksaban, dabigatran, je uporedio Hestia i sPESI kriterijume i predložio da se paci-
rivaroksaban) imaju prednost nad oralnim antagonistima jenti koji su klasifikovani kao visokorizični prema sPESI sko-
vitamina K (Vitamin K Antagonists, VKA), ali nisu preporučeni ru, zbog starosti ili osnovne maligne ili kardiopulmonalne
kod pacijenata sa teškom bubrežnom slabošću, u trudnoći bolesti, ukoliko se na njih primene i budu negativni Hestia
i periodu dojenja, kao ni kod antifosfolipidnog sindroma3. kriterijumi, mogu bezbedno lečiti ambulantno9, 10. Ukoliko
su PESI skor i Hestia kriterijumi dijametralno suprotni, od-
Iako sama PTE nije primarno plućna, već sistemska i kar- luka se donosi na osnovu dominantnih komorbiditeta. Uko-
diovaskularna bolest, godinama unazad to je jedna od naj- liko bolesnici imaju 0 bodova i prema sPESI i prema Hestia
češćih indikacija za hospitalizaciju na pulmološkim odeljenji- skoru, moguće je potpuno bezbedno započeti ambulantnu
ma. U evropskim zemljama prosečna dužina hospitalizacije antikoagulantnu terapiju, sa ili bez procene funkcije desne
pacijenata primljenih zbog PTE je 7-14 dana4. U Sjedinjenim komore (tabele 1 i 2)8. Oba skora imaju visoku osetljivost za
Američkim Državama prosečno trajanje hospitalizacije zbog adekvatan odabir pacijenata sa PTE niskog rizika za rani ot-
PTE je 7 dana, a procenjuje se da je 25% ovih pacijenata pust i/ili kućno lečenje11.
moglo biti lečeno kod kuće5. U literaturi, pod ambulantnim
lečenjem PTE podrazumevaju se ambulantni tretman, rani Korišćenje PESI skora, prema istraživanju Aujeskog i sa-
otpust i kućno lečenje, mada nedostaje preciznija definicija. radnika, potvrdilo je da ambulantni tretman nije inferioran
Pod kućnim lečenjem podrazumeva se i otpuštanje nakon u smislu recidiva PTE, smrtnog ishoda, kao i velikih krvare-
24 h opservacije u odnosu na inicijalnu prezentaciju pacije- nja 14 dana od početka lečenja12. Prema Kabrhelu i sarad-
nta, a rani otpust podrazumeva otpust nakon hospitalizaci- nicima, odsustvo parametara kao što su sistolni pritisak <
je od 72 h6. Postoje mnoge prednosti vanbolničkog lečenja 90 mmHg, Sat O2 < 90%, koronarna bolest, srčana slabost,
pacijenata sa plućnom tromboembolijom. Ipak, odluka za stanje duboke venske tromboze i aktivni malignitet, daje
ambulantno uvođenje i potpuno ambulantno lečenje PTE u prednost ambulantnom lečenju pacijenata sa PTE13. Am-
praksi je retka, delikatna i prepušta se samo iskusnim spe- bulantno se može lečiti velika grupa pacijenata sa PTE kao
cijalistima. posledicom hronične srčane insuficijencije i atrijalne fibrila-
cije, bez de novo tegoba, kao i bolesnici sa malignitetom, na
hemio, radio ili biološkoj terapiji kod kojih je PTE slučajno
Preporuke za ambulantno lečenje PTE verifikovana, najčešće u sklopu praćenja efekata terapije.
Ambulantno se mogu lečiti i svi pacijenti kod kojih je mogu-
Prema preporukama Britanskog torakalnog udruženja
će pravilno, uz kontrolu vrednosti anti Xa i krvne slike, ordi-
(British Thoracic Society, BTS), na osnovu indeksa težine pluć-
nirati niskomolekularni heparin. Pacijenti koji su kandidati
ne tromboembolije, kandidati za ambulantno lečenje PTE
za ambulantni tretman mogu se kratkotrajno opservirati u
su bolesnici sa malim rizikom od 30-odnevne smrtnosti,
hitnim službama 24 h, a potom pustiti na kućno lečenje6, 8.
odnosno, klase PESI I i PESI II i oni sa simplifikovanim sPE-
Za konačnu odluku uzima se: opšte stanje pacijenta, nalaz
SI skorom 07, 8. Pacijenata sa malim rizikom smrtnosti ima
MSCT pulmoangiografije i UZ srca, laboratorijski markeri
oko 20%. Najveći broj bodova nose godine života, prisustvo
- troponin i NTpro BNP (čiji porast kod prethodno zdravih

62 DOI: 10.5937/Galmed2308060L
Tabela 1. Originalni i pojednostavljeni indeks težine plućne tromboembolije (PESI i sPESI). SpO2 - saturacija hemoglobina kiseonikom
Kriterijum PESI sPESI

Životno doba Godine > 80 godina 1

Muški pol 10 1

Karcinom 30

Srčana slabost 10
Hronična kardiorespiratorna bolest 1
Hronična plućna bolest 10

Srčana frekvenca ≥ 110/min 20 1

Sistolni krvni pritisak < 100 mmHg 30 1

Respiracije ≥ 30/min 20

Temperatura < 36 C° 20

Izmenjen mentalni status 30

SpO2 < 90% 20 1

I ≤ 65 veoma nizak rizik (0-1,6%)

II ≤ 66-85 nizak rizik (1,7-3,5%)
0 nizak rizik (0-2,1%)
Rizik od ranog mortaliteta III ≤ 86-105 umeren rizik (3,2-7,1%)
≥ visok rizik (8,5-13,2%)
IV ≤ 106-125 nizak rizik (4-11,4%)
V ≥ 125 veoma visok rizik (10-24,5%)

Tabela 2. Hestia kriterijumi

Kriterijum DA / NE Lečenje

Da li je bolesnik hemodinamiski nestabilan? da / ne

Da li su tromboliza ili embolektomija neophodne? da / ne

Da li postoji aktivno krvarenje ili visok rizik od krvarenja? da / ne

Da li je potrebna oksigenoterapija duže od 24 h da bi se održala SpO2 > 90%? da / ne

Da li je PE dijagnostikovana tokom primene antikoagulantne terapije? da / ne

0 DA - vanbolničko
Da li postoji jak bol koji zahteva intravensku primenu analgetika > 24 h? da / ne
≥ 1 DA - bolničko
Da li postoje medicinski ili socijalni razlozi za lečenje u bolnici > 24 h? da / ne

Da li bolesnik ima klirens kreatinina < 30 mL/min? da / ne

Da li bolesnik ima tešku jetrenu disfunkciju? da / ne

Da li je bolesnica trudna? da / ne

Da li je bolesnik imao HIT? da / ne

I ≤ 65 veoma nizak rizik (0-1,6%)

II ≤ 66-85 nizak rizik (1,7-3,5%)
0 nizak rizik (0-2,1%)
Rizik od ranog mortaliteta III ≤ 86-105 umeren rizik (3,2-7,1%)
≥ visok rizik (8,5-13,2%)
IV ≤ 106-125 nizak rizik (4-11,4%)
V ≥ 125 veoma visok rizik (10-24,5%)

pacijenata ili stabilnih hroničara indikuje bolničko lečenje), krvarenja, npr. krvareći ulkus ili drugi oblici gastrointesti-
procena rizika od krvarenja ili recidiva, ali nažalost i finansij- nalne hemoragije, hemoragijski CVI (Cerebrovascular Insult,
ska mogućnost pacijenta. D-dimer nije najvažniji marker na CVI), subarahnoidalno krvarenje, veće povrede, nedavne
osnovu kog se donosi odluka o načinu lečenja, dok negativ- operacije, maligna hipertenzija, vrednost trombocita8 ispod
ne vrednosti NT proBNP i troponina dozvoljavaju bezbedan 75.
ambulantni tretman14. Troponin se, prema istraživanjima,
smatra jednim od ključnih biomarkera kada je odluka o pri- Za procenu rizika od krvarenja koristi se HASBLED skor
jemu u bolnicu u pitanju. koji predstavlja akronim sastavljen od početnih slova naj-
važnijih faktora rizika: H - hipertenzija; A - abnormalna funk-
cija bubrega ili jetre; S - moždani udar (stroke); B - krvarenje
(bleeding); L - labilan INR; E - osobe starije od 65 godina (el-
Rizici i kontraindikacije za
derly); D - upotreba lekova (drugs) koji predisponiraju krva-
ambulantno lečenje PTE renje ili upotreba alkohola. Prema ovom skoru, broj bodova
Pri donošenju odluke o ambulantnom započinjanju le- ≥ 3 označava visok rizik od major krvarenja15. Pacijenti sa
čenja najvažniji je adekvatan odabir pacijenata. Jedan od visokim rizikom od krvarenja trebalo bi da budu redovno
najvećih problema ambulantne antikoagulacije je rizik od pregledani i kontrolisani nakon započinjanja antikoagulan-
krvarenja. Ambulantni tretman se ne može sprovoditi ako tne terapije. Zašto o tome treba voditi računa, govori i pri-
kod pacijenta postoji bilo kakav oblik aktivnog ili skorijeg mer da starost preko 65 godina, korišćenje antiagregacione

REVIJALNI RADOVI Galenika Medical Journal, 2023; 2(8):61-66. 63

terapije i sistolni pritisak preko 160 mmHg prema ovom Naša iskustva
skoru, već nose tri boda, a u toj kategoriji je značajan broj
pacijenata. Za ambulantni tretman nisu pogodni pacijenti Nakon 16 meseci rada urgentne pulmološke ambulante
sa bilo kakvom simptomatologijom koja može biti vezana u Urgentnom centru, Univerzitetskog kliničkog centra Srbi-
za kompleksniju PTE, kao što su: nesvestice, vrtoglavice, je (UC UKCS), najčešća patologija sa kojom su se suočavali
izražena nelagodnost u grudima, kao ni pacijenti sa jakim pulmolozi, bila je plućna tromboembolija. Plućna trombo-
bolovima. Kontraindikacije su i insuficijencija desnog srca, embolija često je zadesan nalaz, te se pulmolog poziva u
hronična bubrežna insuficijencija i insuficijencija jetre. Oni konsultaciju, a da sam nije tražio dijagnostiku u pravcu iste.
pacijenti koji su na oralnoj antikoagulantnoj terapiji i razvi- Nekada je verifikovani tromb u plućnim krvnim sudovima
ju PTE kada je vrednost INR (International Normalized Ratio, praktično jedini patološki nalaz nakon opsežne dijagnostike
INR) > 2 moraju biti hospitalizovani8. Hospitalno uvođenje kod starijih osoba, pacijenata sa brojnim komorbiditetima
antikoagulantne terapije je neophodno i kod trudnica, kao i i terminalnim stanjima, kod traumatizovanih, teško pokret-
kod svih drugih koji su neadekvatno adherentni za terapiju. nih pacijenata sa neplućnim karcinomima, pa se zaključak
ostavlja pulmologu.

Kada se u UC odlučujemo za ambulantno započinjanje

Lečenje PTE lečenja PTE, strogo se pridržavamo preporuka Britanskog
Lečenje PTE se može započeti na više načina. Mogu se torakalnog društva za ambulantno lečenje PTE iz 2018. godi-
primeniti kombinacije niskomolekularnog heparina i dabi- ne7. Prednost urgentne pulmološke ambulante u UC je, što
gatrana ili LMWH i edoksabana, a u našoj zemlji je još uvek je lekarima dostupna sva potrebna dijagnostika: biomarke-
česta kombinacija LMWH i oralnih antagonista vitamina K8, ri- troponin, NT proBNP, D-dimer, krvna slika, INR, radiogra-
14, 16
. Drugi način je primena direktnih oralnih antikoagulana- fija grudnog koša, MSCT pulmoangiografija, UZ srca, kon-
sa, apiksabana ili rivaroksabana, od samog početka14, 16. Svi sultacije drugih specijalista, te se odluka o ambulantnom
pomenuti modaliteti lečenja imaju nivo dokaza A. Primena započinjanju antikoagulantne terapije lakše donosi. Svako
novih, direktnih antikoagulanasa (DOAC) smatra se zlatnim ovakvo započinjanje lečenja zahteva detaljan razgovor sa
standardnom u lečenju PTE, pre svega zbog mogućnosti pacijentom i familijom u vezi sa prednostima i rizicima te-
peroralne primene jedne doze leka, bez neophodnog labo- rapije. Ukoliko se akcidentalno verifikuje subsegmentna
ratorijskog praćenja17. Za sada ne postoje jasni dokazi koji tromboembolija jedne grane, u odsustvu duboke venske
bi favorizovali određeni DOAC u odnosu na PESI ili Hestia tromboze i jakih faktora rizika, ista se ne mora lečiti. Prema
kriterijume. DOAC nisu indikovani u trudnoći i dojenju, kao našem iskustvu, najvažniju ulogu u proceni mogućnosti za
i kod antifosfolipidnog sindroma2. Prema preporukama, po- ambulantno lečenje imaju komorbiditeti, rizik od krvarenja
djednako adekvatna je i alternativa oralnim antagonistima i socijalni momenat.
vitamina K, inicijalno uz niskomolekularni heparin, najma-
Po pitanju izbora i doziranja medikamenata za lečenje
nje pet dana istovremeno, dok se ne postigne INR između
PTE, u našoj službi najčešće se ambulantno savetuju apik-
2-318. Trajanje antikoagulantne terapije koja je uvedena am-
saban i rivaroksaban, a odluka uglavnom zavisi od starosti
bulantno može da bude različito. Svi pacijenti sa PTE moraju
pacijenata, bubrežne funkcije i rizika od krvarenja. Prema
da primaju antikoagulantnu terapiju najmanje tri meseca.
protokolu koga se pridržavamo, početna doza apiksabana
Međutim, u mnogim situacijama se ne može na samom po-
je 2 x 10 mg/dan prvih 7 dana, nakon 7 dana doza se sma-
četku odrediti dužina njenog trajanja19. Pacijenti sa velikim,
njuje na 2 x 5 mg/dan, a ukoliko se lečenje nastavlja i posle
ali reverzibilnim faktorom rizika leče se tri meseca, dok se
6 meseci, doza se dalje smanjuje na 2 x 2,5 mg/dan. Doza
rekurentna PTE, koja nije povezana sa reverzibilnim fakto-
rivaroksabana sa kojom se počinje ambulantno lečenje je
rom rizika leči uvek duže od tri meseca, nekada i doživot-
2 x 15 mg prve tri nedelje, a potom 20 mg/dan, a ukoliko
je potrebno nastaviti lečenje i nakon 6 meseci nastavlja se
Iako postoje jasne preporuke i kriterijumi na osnovu dozom od 10 mg/dan. Pacijenti kod kojih je terapija zapo-
kojih se može slobodno započeti ambulantno lečenje, to je četa ambulantno, redovno i pažljivo se prate i niko do sada
i dalje izazov u praktičnom sprovođenju. Kako su pacijenti nije hospitalizovan zbog loše komplijanse ili hemoragijskog
sa PTE veoma različiti i kompleksni, odluku o započinjanju sindroma.
ambulantne terapije mora doneti iskusni specijalista. Spe-
cijalista koji je terapiju započeo, mora biti stalno dostupan
pacijentu, jer u našoj zemlji ima malo ambulanti za preven-
ciju tromboza i praćenje pacijenta najčešće obavlja izabrani
lekar u domu zdravlja.

64 DOI: 10.5937/Galmed2308060L
S obzirom na značajan broj predisponirajućih faktora, starenje populacije, porast broja
traumatizovanih i bolesnika sa malignitetom, nalaz plućnog tromboembolizma je sve češći. Mnogi
pacijenti su asimptomatski, neke tromboembolije su subsegmentne, jedan broj pacijenata ne
prihvata bolničko lečenje, zbog čega postoji neophodnost ambulantnog zbrinjavanja PTE. Prema
preporukama Britanskog torakalnog udruženja, na osnovu indeksa težine plućne tromboembolije,
kandidati za ambulantno lečenje su bolesnici sa malim rizikom od 30-odnevne smrtnosti, klase
PESI I i PESI II, bolesnici sa simplifikovanim skorom 0, kao i oni sa Hestia skorom 0. Oba skora su
jednostavna, pogodna za ambulantnu primenu i imaju visoku osetljivost za pravilan odabir pacijenata
sa PTE niskog rizika. Ambulantno lečenje podrazumeva i ambulantno uvođenje antikoagulantne
terapije i lečenje nakon kratke hospitalizacije, odnosno opservacije od 24 h. U proceni mogućnosti
vanbolničkog lečenja najvažniju ulogu imaju kliničko stanje bolesnika, rizik od krvarenja, pridružene
bolesti i komplijantnost za terapiju. Lečenje podrazumeva primenu više modaliteta, koji uključuju
i niskomolekularni heparin, dok se samostalno lečenje direktnim oralnim antikoagulansima, pre
svega apiksabanom ili rivaroksabanom, sprovodi sve češće. Ambulantni antikoagulantni tretman
je bezbedan, smanjuje mogućnost bolničkih infekcija i troškove hospitalizacije i omogućava bolji
kvalitet života, te ga treba razmotriti kod svih pacijenata koji ispunjavaju uslove. Ovakav način lečenja
zahteva posvećenost lekara i edukaciju pacijenata, kao i dogovor u vezi sa mogućnosti vanredne
kontrole, ukoliko je neophodno. U našoj zemlji i dalje se mali broj lekara odlučuje da na ovaj
način započne i vodi antikoagulantnu terapiju. Ipak, očekuje se da će rezultati aktuelnih i budućih
istraživanja učvrstiti razloge i preporuke za kućno lečenje i osloboditi lekare za širu primenu ove
komforne i isplative terapijske opcije.

Due to more common diagnoses of pulmonary thromboembolism in clinical practice, it is necessary to initiate outpatient
treatments. Such a decision is based on the clinical picture, risk factors, risk of bleeding, comorbidities, laboratory
findings, adherence, and social factors. Patients meeting PESI I, PESI II, and sPESI criteria of low mortality risk, as well
as patients with a Hestia score 0, may start receiving outpatient treatment. Even though low-molecular-weight heparin
(LMWH) and direct oral anticoagulants can be administered together, as well as LMWH and oral vitamin K antagonists, the
gold standard is to use only new, direct oral anticoagulants. Outpatient treatment lasts at least 3 months, depending on
several factors, first of all on risk factors reversibility. Doctors still rarely decide to start outpatient treatment of pulmonary
thromboembolism, even though studies show that this kind of treatment is safe, that it reduces the number of unnecessary
hospital admissions and risk of infections, cuts the costs, and enables a better quality of life.

Keywords: pulmonary thromboembolism, Hestia score, outpatient treatment, anticoagulation therapy

pulmonary embolism of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). 2019

Literatura ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary
embolism developed in collaboration with the European Respiratory
1. Trobok J. Dijagnostika i lečenje plućne tromboembolije, Monografija, Society (ERS): The Task Force for the diagnosis and management of
Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, 2013. acute pulmonary embolism of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
Eur Respir J. 2019 Oct 9;54(3):1901647.
2. Omčikus M, Milivojević I. Novi oralni antikoagulansi u prevenciji i
lečenju plućne tromboembolije. Odabrana poglavlja iz pulmologije. 4. van der Wall SJ, Hendriks SV, Huisman MV, Klok FA. Home treatment of
Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2023. acute pulmonary embolism: state of the art in 2018. Curr Opin Pulm
Med. 2018 Sep;24(5):425-31.
3. Konstantinides SV, Meyer G, Becattini C, Bueno H, Geersing GJ, Harjola
VP, et al. The Task Force for the diagnosis and management of acute 5. Stein PD, Matta F, Hughes PG, Hourmouzis ZN, Hourmouzis NP, White

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RM, et al. Home Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism in the Era of Novel 14. Bellou E, Keramida E, Karampinis I, Dimakakos E, Misthos P, Demertzis
Oral Anticoagulants. Am J Med. 2016 Sep;129(9):974-7. P, et al. Outpatient treatment of pulmonary embolism. Breathe (Sheff).
2020 Sep;16(3):200069.
6. Klok FA, Huisman MV. When I treat a patient with acute pulmonary
embolism at home. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2020 15. Zhu W, He W, Guo L, Wang X, Hong K. The HAS-BLED Score for
Dec 4;2020(1):190-4. Predicting Major Bleeding Risk in Anticoagulated Patients With Atrial
Fibrillation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Clin Cardiol. 2015
7. Howard LSGE, Barden S, Condliffe R, Connolly V, Davies CWH, Sep;38(9):555-61.
Donaldson J, et al. British Thoracic Society Guideline for the initial
outpatient management of pulmonary embolism (PE). Thorax. 2018 16. National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK). Venous Thromboembolic
Jul;73(Suppl 2):ii1-ii29. Diseases: The Management of Venous Thromboembolic Diseases and
the Role of Thrombophilia Testing [Internet]. London: Royal College of
8. Vučićević Trobok J, Peković S, Bokan A, Mirić M, Ilić M. Preporuke BTS Physicians (UK); 2012 Jun.
za ambulantno lečenje plućne tromboembolije. Respiratio 2019; 9 (1-2):
155-60. 17. Konstantinides SV, Meyer G, Becattini C, Bueno H, Geersing GJ, Harjola
VP, et al. ESC Scientific Document Group. 2019 ESC Guidelines for the
9. Zondag W, Mos IC, Creemers-Schild D, Hoogerbrugge AD, Dekkers OM, diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism developed
Dolsma J, et al. Hestia Study Investigators. Outpatient treatment in in collaboration with the European Respiratory Society (ERS). Eur Heart
patients with acute pulmonary embolism: the Hestia Study. J Thromb J. 2020 Jan 21;41(4):543-603.
Haemost. 2011 Aug;9(8):1500-7.
18. Barco S, Schmidtmann I, Ageno W, Bauersachs RM, Becattini C,
10. Donzé J, Le Gal G, Fine MJ, Roy PM, Sanchez O, Verschuren F, et al. Bernardi E, et al. HoT-PE Investigators. Early discharge and home
Prospective validation of the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index. A treatment of patients with low-risk pulmonary embolism with the oral
clinical prognostic model for pulmonary embolism. Thromb Haemost. factor Xa inhibitor rivaroxaban: an international multicentre single-arm
2008 Nov;100(5):943-8. clinical trial. Eur Heart J. 2020 Jan 21;41(4):509-18.
11. Palas M, Silva BV, Jorge C, Almeida AG, Pinto FJ, Caldeira D. The Accuracy 19. Howard LS, Barden S, Condliffe R, Connolly V, Davies C, Donaldson
of Hestia and Simplified PESI to Predict the Prognosis in Pulmonary J, et al. British Thoracic Society Guideline for the initial outpatient
Embolism: Systematic Review with Meta-analysis. TH Open. 2022 Oct management of pulmonary embolism. BMJ Open Respir Res. 2018 Jun
23;6(4):e347-e353. 13;5(1):e000281.
12. Aujesky D, Roy PM, Verschuren F, Righini M, Osterwalder J, Egloff M,
et al. Outpatient versus inpatient treatment for patients with acute
pulmonary embolism: an international, open-label, randomised, non- Konflikt interesa: Nema
inferiority trial. Lancet. 2011 Jul 2;378(9785):41-8.
Primljeno: 26. 09. 2023.
13. Kabrhel C, Rosovsky R, Baugh C, Connors J, White B, Giordano N, et
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Increases the Outpatient Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Onlajn: 01. 12. 2023.
Vein Thrombosis. Acad Emerg Med. 2019 Jun;26(6):657-69.

66 DOI: 10.5937/Galmed2308060L
Marija Laban1 (VTE). In 70% of cases, PTE is associated with deep vein
Jelena Janković1, 2 thrombosis. PTE is the third most common cardiovascular
Jasmina Opačić1 disease after myocardial infarction and stroke1. According
to various epidemiological studies, the annual incidence
Marina Đikić3
rate for PTE ranges from 39 to 115 per 100,000 populati-
Pulmonology Clinic, University Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
on, and data also indicate a trend of decreasing mortality
Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia from acute PTE2. Untreated acute PTE has a mortality rate
Emergency Center, University Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia of up to 30%, while the mortality rate for treated PTE after
three months ranges from 8-17%. The mortality rate for he-
Corresponding author: modynamically stable normotensive patients is 2%. Pulmo-
nary hypertension, as a complication one month after acute
Dr Jasmina Opačić
PTE, persists in as many as 25% of patients1.
Klinika za pulmologiju, Univerzitetski klinički centar Srbije, Dr
Koste Todorovica 26, Beograd, Srbija Risk factors for VTE are categorized into high, modera-
te, and low-risk factors. High-risk factors include hip and knee fractures, major surgeries, and trauma. Moderate-ri-
sk factors include central venous catheters, chemotherapy,
malignancies, cardiorespiratory weakness, pregnancy, chil-
dbirth, thrombophilia, hormone therapy, and in vitro fertili-
Abstract zation. Low-risk factors consist of immobility, obesity, dia-
Due to more common diagnoses of pulmonary betes mellitus (DM), advanced age, and venous varicosities.

thromboembolism in clinical practice, it is necessary to The basic elements of diagnosis include the clinical pre-
initiate outpatient treatments. Such a decision is based sentation along with historical data, assessment of pre-test
on the clinical picture, risk factors, risk of bleeding, probability for PTE (revised Geneva score for determining
comorbidities, laboratory findings, adherence, and social the clinical likelihood of PTE), D-dimer levels, and visual dia-
factors. Patients meeting PESI I, PESI II, and sPESI criteria gnostic methods. PTE is stratified based on the risk of mor-
tality using the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI)
of low mortality risk, as well as patients with a Hestia score
and the modified and simplified PESI (simplified Pulmonary
0, may start receiving outpatient treatment. Even though
Embolism Severity Index, sPESI) scores into low, interme-
low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) and direct oral
diate, and high-risk categories. Candidates for outpatient
anticoagulants can be administered together, as well as treatment are patients with a low risk of PTE-related mor-
LMWH and oral vitamin K antagonists, the gold standard tality according to the PESI score. The expected percenta-
is to use only new, direct oral anticoagulants. Outpatient ge of patients with confirmed PTE is around 10% in the low
treatment lasts at least 3 months, depending on several probability category, 30% in the intermediate probability
factors, first of all on risk factors reversibility. Doctors still category, and 65% in the high probability category3. The
rarely decide to start outpatient treatment of pulmonary negative predictive value of D-dimer is high, meaning that
normal D-dimer levels make pulmonary thromboembolism
thromboembolism, even though studies show that this
unlikely. On the other hand, the positive predictive value of
kind of treatment is safe, that it reduces the number of
elevated D-dimer is low, making its determination not use-
unnecessary hospital admissions and risk of infections, ful for confirming the diagnosis of PTE1.
cuts the costs, and enables a better quality of life.
Multi-detector computed tomography pulmonary angi-
Keywords: pulmonary thromboembolism, Hestia score, ography (MDCTPA) is the method of choice for confirming
outpatient treatment, anticoagulation therapy pulmonary thromboembolism. It allows visualization of the
pulmonary arteries down to the subsegmental level. Ventila-
tion-perfusion (V/Q) scintigraphy can be used in outpatient
patients with low clinical probability for PE and a normal
Introduction chest X-ray. It is applicable in pregnant women and patients
Pulmonary Thromboembolism (PTE) and Deep Vein with renal insufficiency. Echocardiography is not a man-
Thrombosis (DVT) constitute Venous Thromboembolism datory part of the diagnostic process in hemodynamically

REVIEW PAPER Galenika Medical Journal, 2023; 2(8):53-58. 53

stable patients with suspected PTE, but it is essential in ca- chronic cardiorespiratory disease) cannot be treated on an
ses of highly suspected high-risk PTE, where the absence outpatient basis. The negative predictive value of the sPESI
of signs of right ventricular dysfunction practically rules out score for 30-day mortality is 100%.
PTE3. Color Doppler Scan (CDF) of the extremity veins shows
deep vein thrombosis in 30-50% of cases in patients with According to the Hestia criteria (Table 2), which are used
PTE. in conjunction with the PESI score for outpatient treatment
assessment, if the answer to all 11 questions is "NO," the
In patients with high or intermediate clinical probability patient can be treated on an outpatient basis. If at least one
for PTE, anticoagulant therapy typically involves the use of answer is "YES," treatment is initiated in the hospital. The
low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) administered sub- negative predictive value of the Hestia score for 30-day mor-
cutaneously or fondaparinux, as well as unfractionated he- tality is 99%. Hestia criteria include pregnant women and
parin administered intravenously. The same anticoagulant social status, as well as liver and kidney insufficiency, while
effect with the highest level of evidence is achieved with the PESI criteria include malignancies. In practice, both scoring
use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs)3. DOACs (including systems can be used because they cover different areas. So-
apixaban, dabigatran, and rivaroxaban) have an advantage cial status refers to the ability to adhere to therapy adequa-
over vitamin K antagonists (VKAs), but they are not recom- tely, the possibility of regular check-ups, and the suitability
mended in patients with severe renal insufficiency, during of patients for home treatment. Zondag compared Hestia
pregnancy and breastfeeding, or in cases of antiphospho- and sPESI criteria and suggested that patients classified as
lipid syndrome3. high-risk according to the sPESI score, due to age or under-
lying malignant or cardiopulmonary disease, could be safely
Although PTE itself is not primarily a pulmonary but rat- treated on an outpatient basis if they also meet negative
her a systemic and cardiovascular disease, it has been one Hestia criteria9, 10. If the PESI score and Hestia criteria are
of the most common reasons for hospitalization in pulmo- diametrically opposite, the decision is made based on do-
nary departments for years. In European countries, the ave- minant comorbidities. If patients have 0 points according to
rage length of hospitalization for patients admitted due to both the sPESI and Hestia scores, it is entirely safe to initiate
PTE is 7-14 days4. In the United States, the average duration outpatient anticoagulant therapy, with or without an asse-
of hospitalization for PTE is 7 days, and it is estimated that ssment of right ventricular function (Tables 1 and 2)8. Both
25% of these patients could have been treated at home5. In scores have high sensitivity for the appropriate selection of
the literature, outpatient treatment of PTE includes ambu- patients with low-risk PTE for early discharge and/or home
latory care, early discharge, and home treatment, although treatment11.
a more precise definition is lacking. Home treatment also
involves discharge after 24 hours of observation relative to The use of the PESI score, according to research by Auje-
the patient's initial presentation, and early discharge refers sky and colleagues, confirmed that outpatient treatment is
to discharge after 72 hours of hospitalization6. There are not inferior in terms of recurrent PTE, mortality, and major
many advantages to outpatient treatment for patients with bleeding within 14 days from the start of treatment12. Accor-
pulmonary thromboembolism. However, the decision to in- ding to Kabrhel and colleagues, the absence of parameters
troduce outpatient care and fully treat PTE on an outpatient such as Sat O2 < 90 mmHg, oxygen saturation < 90%, co-
basis in practice is rare, delicate, and is left to experienced ronary artery disease, heart failure, deep vein thrombosis,
specialists. and active malignancy favors outpatient treatment of pa-
tients with PTE13. Outpatient treatment can be considered
for a large group of patients with PTE as a consequence of
Recommendations for outpatient chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation without de novo
treatment of PTE symptoms. Additionally, patients with malignancy undergo-
ing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or biological therapy, whe-
According to the recommendations of the British Thora- re PTE is incidentally verified, often as part of monitoring
cic Society (BTS), based on the Pulmonary Embolism Severity therapy effects, can be treated on an outpatient basis. All
Index (PESI), candidates for outpatient treatment of PTE are patients for whom it is possible to properly administer low
patients with a low risk of 30-day mortality, specifically tho- molecular weight heparin with monitoring of anti-Xa levels
se in PESI classes I and II, and those with a simplified sPESI and blood counts can also be treated on an outpatient ba-
score of 07, 8. Patients with a low risk of mortality constitute sis. Patients eligible for outpatient treatment can be briefly
about 20%. The highest number of points is attributed to observed in emergency departments for 24 hours and then
age, the presence of cancer, and hypotension, while mental released for home treatment6, 8. The final decision is based
status, which can be a delicate category when assessed glo- on several factors, including the patient's overall condition,
bally rather than as part of the clinical picture of PTE, carries findings from MSCT pulmonary angiography and echocardi-
up to 60 points (Table 1). According to the mentioned simpli- ography, laboratory markers such as troponin and NT-proB-
fied score sPESI, patients with criteria earning at least 1 po- NP (whose elevation in previously healthy patients or stable
int (age over 80, male gender, systolic blood pressure below chronic patients indicate hospital treatment), assessment of
100 mmHg, heart rate over 110/min, SpO2 below 90%, or the risk of bleeding or recurrence, and unfortunately, the

54 DOI: 10.5937/Galmed2308060L
Table 1. Original and simplified pulmonary thromboembolism severity index (PESI i sPESI). SpO2 - hemoglobin oxygen saturation
Criterion PESI sPESI

Life span Age > 80 years 1

Male gender 10 1

Carcinoma 30

Heart failure 10
Chronic cardiorespiratory disease
Chronic pulmonary disease 10

Heart rate ≥ 110/min 20 1

Systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg 30 1

Respiration ≥ 30/min 20

Temperature < 36 C° 20

Altered mental status 30

SpO2 < 90% 20 1

I ≤ 65 very low risk (0-1.6%)

II ≤ 66-85 low risk (1.7-3.5%)
0 low risk (0-2.1%)
Early mortality risk III ≤ 86-105 moderate risk (3.2-7.1%)
≥ high risk (8.5-13.2%)
IV ≤ 106-125 low risk (4-11.4%)
V ≥ 125 very high risk (10-24.5%)

Table 2. Hestia criteria

Criterion YES/NO Treatment

Is the patient hemodynamically unstable? yes/no

Is thrombolysis or embolectomy necessary? yes/no

Is there active bleeding or high bleeding risk? yes/no

Is oxygen therapy required for more than 24 hours to maintain SpO2 > 90%? yes/no

Was PE diagnosed during anticoagulant therapy? yes/no

0 YES - out-of-hospital
Is there severe pain requiring intravenous analgesics > 24 h? yes/no
≥ 1 YES - hospital
Are there medical or social reasons for hospital treatment > 24 h? yes/no

Does the patient have creatinine clearance < 30 mL/min? yes/no

Does the patient have severe liver dysfunction? yes/no

Is the patient pregnant? yes/no

Did the patient have HIT? yes/no

I ≤ 65 very low risk (0-1.6%)

II ≤ 66-85 low risk (1.7-3.5%)
0 low risk (0-2.1%)
Early mortality risk III ≤ 86-105 modreate risk (3.2-7.1%)
≥ high risk (8.5-13.2%)
IV ≤ 106-125 low risk (4-11.4%)
V ≥ 125 very high risk (10-24.5%)

patient's financial capability. D-dimer is not the most criti- barachnoid hemorrhage, major injuries, recent surgeri-
cal marker for deciding on the treatment approach, while es, malignant hypertension, or a platelet count8 below 75.
negative values of NT-proBNP and troponin allow for safe
outpatient treatment14. According to research, troponin is To assess the risk of bleeding, the HAS-BLED score is
considered one of the key biomarkers when deciding on used, which is an acronym composed of the initial letters
hospital admission. of the most important risk factors: H - hypertension; A - ab-
normal kidney or liver function; S - stroke; B - bleeding; L
- labile INR (International Normalized Ratio); E - elderly (age
over 65); D - drugs predisposing to bleeding or alcohol use.
Risks and contraindications for
According to this score, a total score of ≥ 3 indicates a high
outpatient treatment of PTE risk of major bleeding15. Patients with a high risk of blee-
When deciding on the initiation of outpatient treatment, ding should be regularly monitored and supervised after
the most crucial factor is the proper selection of patients. starting anticoagulant therapy. It is important to consider
One of the major challenges in outpatient anticoagulation these factors because, for example, in the HAS-BLED sco-
is the risk of bleeding. Outpatient treatment is not feasible if re, age over 65, the use of antiplatelet therapy, and systolic
the patient has any form of active or recent bleeding, such as blood pressure over 160 mmHg already contribute three
a bleeding ulcer or other forms of gastrointestinal hemorr- points, and a significant number of patients fall into this ca-
hage, hemorrhagic stroke (Cerebrovascular Insult, CVI), su- tegory. Patients with any symptoms potentially related to a
more complex PTE, such as fainting, dizziness, severe chest

REVIEW PAPER Galenika Medical Journal, 2023; 2(8):53-58. 55

discomfort, or those experiencing intense pain, are not su- having asked for diagnostics in the direction of the same.
itable for outpatient treatment. Contraindications also inc- Sometimes a thrombus was verified in the pulmonary blood
lude right heart failure, chronic renal insufficiency, and liver vessels practically the only pathological finding after exten-
insufficiency. Patients on oral anticoagulant therapy who sive diagnostics in elderly people, patients with numerous
develop PTE when the International Normalized Ratio (INR) comorbidities and terminal conditions, in traumatized, diffi-
is > 2 must be hospitalized8. Hospital initiation of anticoa- cult-to-move patients patients with non-lung cancers, so the
gulant therapy is necessary for pregnant women and for all conclusion leaves the pulmonologist.
others who are inadequately adherent to therapy.
When deciding on outpatient initiation of PTE treatment
in the Urgent Care (UC), we strictly adhere to the recom-
mendations of the British Thoracic Society for outpatient
Treatment of PTE
PTE treatment from 20187. The advantage of the urgent pul-
Treatment of PTE can be initiated in several ways. Com- monary outpatient clinic in UC is that all necessary diagno-
binations of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) and stics are readily available to physicians: biomarkers such as
dabigatran or LMWH and edoxaban can be applied. In our troponin, NT-proBNP, D-dimer, complete blood count, INR,
country, the combination of LMWH and oral vitamin K anta- chest X-ray, MSCT pulmonary angiography, echocardiograp-
gonists is still common8, 14, 16. Another approach is the use hy, consultations with other specialists, deciding to start
of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) such as apixaban or outpatient anticoagulant therapy easier. Each initiation of
rivaroxaban right from the start14, 16. All these treatment mo- treatment of this kind requires a detailed discussion with
dalities have Level A evidence. The use of new DOACs is con- the patient and family regarding the benefits and risks of
sidered the gold standard in PTE treatment, primarily due to therapy. If a subsegmental embolism of a branch is acci-
the possibility of oral administration without the need for la- dentally verified without deep vein thrombosis and strong
boratory monitoring17. There is currently no clear evidence risk factors, it may not require treatment. According to our
favoring a specific DOAC over PESI or Hestia criteria. DOACs experience, comorbidities, bleeding risk, and social consi-
are not recommended in pregnancy and breastfeeding, as derations play a crucial role in assessing the feasibility of
well as in antiphospholipid syndrome2. According to recom- outpatient treatment.
mendations, an alternative to oral vitamin K antagonists is
equally adequate, initially with LMWH for at least five days Regarding the choice and dosage of medications for the
simultaneously until an INR between 2 and 3 is achieved18. treatment of PTE in our department, apixaban and rivaroxa-
The duration of anticoagulant therapy introduced on an ban are most commonly recommended for outpatient use.
outpatient basis may vary. All PTE patients must receive The decision typically depends on the patient's age, renal
anticoagulant therapy for at least three months. However, function, and bleeding risk. According to the protocol we
in many situations, the duration of therapy cannot be de- follow, the initial dose of apixaban is 2 x 10 mg/day for the
termined initially19. Patients with a large but reversible risk first 7 days, then the dose is reduced to 2 x 5 mg/day after 7
factor are treated for three months, while recurrent PTE not days. If treatment continues beyond 6 months, the dose is
associated with a reversible risk factor is treated for a lon- further reduced to 2 x 2.5 mg/day. The starting dose for out-
ger period, sometimes even a lifetime17. patient treatment with rivaroxaban is 2 x 15 mg for the first
three weeks, followed by 20 mg/day, and if treatment needs
Although there are clear recommendations and criteria to continue after 6 months, it is continued with a dose of
based on which outpatient treatment can be safely initiated, 10 mg/day. Patients whose therapy is initiated on an out-
it remains a challenge in practical implementation. As pa- patient basis are regularly and carefully monitored, and so
tients with PTE are very diverse and complex, the decision to far, no one has been hospitalized due to poor compliance or
start outpatient therapy must be made by an experienced bleeding syndrome.
specialist. The specialist who initiated the therapy must be
constantly available to the patient, as there are few antico-
agulation clinics in our country, and patient monitoring is
often carried out by the primary care physician in the health

Our experiences
After 16 months of working in the emergency pulmono-
logy clinic at the Emergency Center, University Clinical Cen-
ter of Serbia (UC UKCS), the most common pathology that
pulmonologists faced, was pulmonary thromboembolism.
Pulmonary thromboembolism is often a coincidental fin-
ding, and a pulmonologist is called in consultation, without

56 DOI: 10.5937/Galmed2308060L
Given the significant number of predisposing factors, aging populations, and an increase in
traumatized and cancer patients, the diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) is becoming
more common. Many patients are asymptomatic, some thromboembolisms are subsegmental, and a
several patients do not accept hospital treatment, highlighting the need for outpatient management
of PTE. According to the recommendations of the British Thoracic Society, candidates for outpatient
treatment are patients with a low risk of 30-day mortality, PESI class I and II, patients with a
simplified score of 0, as well as those with a Hestia score of 0. Both scores are simple, suitable for
outpatient use, and have high sensitivity for the correct selection of low-risk PTE patients. Outpatient
treatment also involves initiating anticoagulant therapy on an outpatient basis and treating after
a short hospitalization or observation period of 24 hours. The assessment of outpatient treatment
possibilities is mainly influenced by the patient's clinical condition, bleeding risk, comorbidities, and
compliance with therapy. Treatment involves the use of various modalities, including low-molecular-
weight heparin, while standalone treatment with direct oral anticoagulants, especially apixaban
or rivaroxaban, is becoming more common. Outpatient anticoagulant treatment is safe, reduces
the risk of hospital-acquired infections and hospitalization costs, and improves the quality of life. It
should be considered for all patients who meet the criteria. This approach requires the dedication
of healthcare professionals and patient education, as well as an agreement on the possibility of
emergency control if necessary. In our country, only a small number of doctors currently choose to
initiate and manage anticoagulant therapy in this way. However, it is expected that the results of
current and future research will strengthen the reasons and recommendations for home treatment
and encourage wider adoption of this comfortable and cost-effective therapeutic option.

8. Vučićević Trobok J, Peković S, Bokan A, Mirić M, Ilić M. Preporuke BTS

Literature za ambulantno lečenje plućne tromboembolije. Respiratio 2019; 9 (1-2):
1. Trobok J. Dijagnostika i lečenje plućne tromboembolije, Monografija,
9. Zondag W, Mos IC, Creemers-Schild D, Hoogerbrugge AD, Dekkers OM,
Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, 2013.
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58 DOI: 10.5937/Galmed2308060L

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