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Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024 S5

Summary of Revisions: Standards American Diabetes Association

Professional Practice Committee*
of Care in Diabetes—2024
Diabetes Care 2024;47(Suppl. 1):S5–S10 |

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GENERAL CHANGES health outcomes, costs, individual prefer- hierarchy to acknowledge real-world prac-
The field of diabetes care is rapidly chang- ences and goals, and treatment burden. tice when diagnosing diabetes and predia-
ing as new research, technology, and treat- The subsection “Status and Demo- betes, respectively.
ments that can improve the health and graphics of Diabetes Care,” formerly “Care Recommendation 2.5 was added to
well-being of people with diabetes con- Delivery Systems,” was updated to include emphasize the importance of differenti-

tinue to emerge. With annual updates current data with respect to cholesterol, ating which form of diabetes an individ-
since 1989, the American Diabetes Associ- blood pressure, and glycemic management. ual has in order to facilitate personalized
ation (ADA) has long been a leader in pro- The “Cost Considerations for Medication- management.
ducing guidelines that capture the most Taking Behaviors” subsection now includes Figure 2.1 was added as a new figure
current state of the field. costs of insulin and glucose monitoring to provide a structured framework for in-
The 2024 Standards of Care includes devices, with an update on insulin price vestigation of suspected type 1 diabetes
revisions to incorporate person-first and lowering. in newly diagnosed adults.
inclusive language. Efforts were made to Language was added to the “Home- The “Type 1 Diabetes” subsection was
consistently apply terminology that em- lessness and Housing Insecurity” subsec- updated to refine diagnostic criteria for
powers people with diabetes and rec- tion to reflect issues more accurately in type 1 diabetes based on recent U.S. Food
ognizes the individual at the center of this population. and Drug Administration (FDA) approval
diabetes care. The “Social Capital and Community of a new drug to delay the incidence of
Although levels of evidence for sev- Support” subsection now discusses the type 1 diabetes. Recommendations 2.6
eral recommendations have been up- possible role of community paramedics and 2.7, for type 1 diabetes, were up-
dated, these changes are not outlined in community-based diabetes care. dated accordingly.
below where the clinical recommenda- Recommendation 2.8 was added for
tion has remained the same. That is, Section 2. Diagnosis and consideration of standardized islet auto-
changes in evidence level from, for ex- Classification of Diabetes antibody tests for classification of diabe-
ample, E to C are not noted below. The ( tes in adults who phenotypically overlap
2024 Standards of Care contains, in ad- The title of Section 2 was changed to with type 1 diabetes, and a new para-
dition to many minor changes that clarify “Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes” to graph was added to highlight the possible
recommendations or reflect new evidence, better represent real-world clinical practice association between coronavirus disease
more substantive revisions detailed (i.e., diagnosis occurs before classification). 2019 (COVID-19) infection and new-onset
below. Recommendation 2.1a was added to type 1 diabetes.
emphasize the structured approach to di- Recommendation 2.15a was added to
SECTION CHANGES agnostic testing, and Recommendation emphasize the role of several medication
Section 1. Improving Care and 2.1b was updated to highlight the impor- classes in increasing the risk of prediabe-
Promoting Health in Populations tance of confirmatory testing when an ab- tes and type 2 diabetes and the need for
( normal test result is identified. screening.
Recommendation 1.4 was updated to em- Tables 2.1 and 2.2 were modified to Recommendation 2.15b was added to
phasize improving processes of care and include A1C at the top of the testing provide screening guidance for prediabetes

*A complete list of members of the American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee can be found at
Duality of interest information for each author is available at
Suggested citation: American Diabetes Association Professional Practice Committee. Summary of revisions: Standards of Care in Diabetes—2024. Diabetes
Care 2024;47(Suppl. 1):S5–S10
© 2023 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not
for profit, and the work is not altered. More information is available at
S6 Summary of Revisions Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

and type 2 diabetes in individuals treated with The subsection on "Bone Health" has with diabetes, and Recommendation 5.20
second-generation antipsychotic medications. been extensively revised and updated was updated to emphasize including
In the “Pancreatic Diabetes or Diabetes in to reflect the current best practices in healthy fats within the context of a Med-
the Context of Disease of the Exocrine the field. Recommendations 4.9–4.14 iterranean style of eating.
Pancreas” subsection, Recommendation were added to include regular evalua- A subsection on religious fasting was
2.17 was added to highlight the impor- tion and treatment for bone health, and added, and the concept of chrononutrition
tance of screening for diabetes in people accompanying text was expanded to re- (impact of eating on circadian rhythms)
following an episode of acute pancreatitis flect these updates. Table 4.5 was added was introduced.
or in individuals with chronic pancreatitis. to include general and diabetes-specific Recommendation 5.23 was updated
In addition, the discussion on cystic risk factors for fracture. to include advising alcohol abstainers to
fibrosis–related diabetes (CFRD) was in- Recommendation 4.22 was added to not begin use of alcohol for the purpose
corporated into this subsection. Recom- include assessment and referral to appro- of improving health outcomes.
mendation 2.19 was modified to clarify priate health care professionals who spe- The text on nonnutritive sweeteners

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that while A1C is not recommended as a cialize in disability management, which was expanded to address the World Health
screening test for CFRD due to low sensi- was expanded upon in the text. Organization’s conditional recommendation
tivity, it is widely used in clinical practice, Major changes regarding liver dis-
on their use and safety.
and a value of $6.5% ($48 mmol/mol) is ease in people with diabetes were pre-
In the “Physical Activity” subsection,
consistent with a diagnosis of CFRD. viously added as a 2023 Living Standards
Recommendation 5.31 was updated to
update, with extensive recommendations
define sedentary behavior and to be in-
Section 3. Prevention or Delay of for screening and management to be in
clusive of all types of diabetes. The text of
Diabetes and Associated alignment with other professional socie-
this subsection was updated to include a
ties. In addition, the recently proposed
( changes in the nomenclature proposed discussion of the application and benefits
Recommendation 3.2 was added to state for steatotic liver disease is discussed. The of high-intensity interval training.
the importance of monitoring individuals terminology for nonalcoholic fatty liver dis- The subsection “Smoking Cessation:
at risk for developing type 1 diabetes, as ease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis was Tobacco, E-cigarettes, and Cannabis” was
a younger age of seroconversion (partic- maintained at this time. updated to include cannabis. Although
ularly under age 3 years), the number of The “Bone Health” subsection is en- not enough data are available to support
diabetes-related autoantibodies identi- dorsed by the American Society for Bone a new recommendation, the text of this
fied, and the development of autoanti- and Mineral Research. subsection was revised to include a dis-
bodies against islet antigen 2 (IA-2) have cussion on cannabis use. In addition, Rec-
all been associated with more rapid pro- Section 5. Facilitating Positive Health ommendation 5.33 was updated to advise
gression to clinical type 1 diabetes. Behaviors and Well-being to Improve that clinicians ask people with diabetes
Recommendation 3.15 was added to Health Outcomes about use of cigarettes or other tobacco
address use of teplizumab, which was ( products and make appropriate referrals
approved to delay the onset of stage 3 The recommendations and text of Sec- for cessation as a routine component of
type 1 diabetes in adults and pediatric tion 5 were adjusted to place focus on diabetes care and education.
individuals (aged 8 years and older) with guiding the behavior of health care pro- Recommendation 5.36 in the “Psycho-
stage 2 type 1 diabetes. fessionals rather than people with dia-
social Care” subsection was updated to
betes, thus aligning with the purpose of
provide greater detail for psychosocial
Section 4. Comprehensive Medical the Standards of Care as guidance for
screening protocols, including diabetes-
Evaluation and Assessment of health care professionals.
related mood concerns, stress, and quality
Comorbidities Recommendation 5.4 was updated
( of life.
to include a broader integration of cul-
In Recommendation 4.1, language was Recommendation 5.39 was changed to
tural sensitivity in the context of person-
modified to be more inclusive for com- centered care. specify the frequency for diabetes distress
prehensive medical evaluation. Recommendation 5.5 reflects inclusion screening and to highlight the role of
Figure 4.1 was updated to include in- of telehealth and digital interventions for health care professionals in addressing dia-
dividual lifestyle choices when choosing DSMES. betes distress. The accompanying text also
treatment, and Table 4.1 was modified to The “Diabetes Self-Management Edu- includes links to validated measures of dia-
include changes made throughout Section 4. cation and Support” subsection text was betes distress.
Changes were made in the “Immuni- updated to reflect changes in DSMES re- Recommendation 5.40 has been up-
zations” subsection to reflect the COVID-19 imbursement policies and the importance dated to include screening for fear of
post-pandemic period, and updates were of addressing barriers to using DSMES hypoglycemia.
made regarding the respiratory syncytial services. Recommendation 5.41 has been up-
virus vaccine in adults $60 years of age Recommendation 5.13 was added to dated to reflect increased frequency for
with chronic conditions such as diabetes. the “Medical Nutrition Therapy” subsec- depression screening and monitoring in
Table 4.4, formerly Table 4.5, was re- tion to incorporate inclusive food-based people with a history of depression.
vised to include these important vaccina- eating patterns with key nutrition princi- In the “Sleep Health” subsection, Rec-
tion updates. ples that are foundational to all people ommendation 5.51 was added to Summary of Revisions S7

recommend practicing sleep-promoting details were added to the text. Recommen- approach to CGM interpretation by various
routines and habits. dation 6.13 was revised to clarify criteria for methods, such as assessing data sufficiency
prescribing glucagon and express preference and reviewing glycemic trends to modify
Section 6. Glycemic Goals and for glucagon preparations that do not have therapeutic approaches.
Hypoglycemia to be reconstituted. Table 6.6 was added The text on real-time CGM was up-
( to summarize currently available glucagon dated to outline the systems that can be
The title of Section 6 was changed to products and their monthly costs. Recom- used by pregnant individuals with diabe-
“Glycemic Goals and Hypoglycemia,” and mendation 6.14 was added to address the tes, and substances that interfere with
hypoglycemia content throughout the need for patient education for hypoglyce- CGM device accuracy were updated in the
Standards of Care was consolidated into mia prevention and treatment, especially text and in Table 7.4.
this section. for insulin users. Recommendations 6.15 Recommendation 7.24 was refined to
Recommendation 6.1 was updated to and 6.16 were updated to communicate emphasize the usefulness of insulin pens
include more frequent glycemic assess- how hypoglycemic events should inform or insulin injection aids for people with

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ment for populations needing closer gly- modification of the diabetes treatment dexterity issues or vision impairment.
cemic monitoring. plan and to direct clinicians to use evi- The text on AID systems was updated
The “Glycemic Assessment by A1C” dence-based interventions to reestablish to include benefits reported from real-
subsection was revised to reflect recent awareness of hypoglycemia, respectively. world studies.
data on the strengths and limitations of the Table 6.7 was added to summarize Recommendation 7.33 was added to
A1C assay and to include a discussion of the components of hypoglycemia preven- emphasize continuation of personal CGM
the benefits and limitations of serum gly- tion and their recommended frequency. use in hospitalized individuals with diabetes
cated protein assays as alternatives to A1C. when clinically appropriate in a hybrid fash-
Table 6.2 was updated to outline CGM ion and under an institutional protocol.
Section 7. Diabetes Technology
metrics and recommended glycemic goals.
The subsections “Glucose Lowering and Section 8. Obesity and Weight
Recommendation 7.1 was added to state
Microvascular Complications” and “Glucose Management for the Prevention and
that people with diabetes should be of-
Lowering and Cardiovascular Disease Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
fered any type of diabetes device (e.g., in-
Outcomes” were updated to include evi- (
sulin pens, connected pens, glucose
dence on long-term follow-up of clinical Language throughout the section was
meters, and CGM or AID systems), and
trials of tight glycemic management and amended to be person centered and to
Recommendation 7.2 was added to em-
to put these findings into the context of emphasize the importance of weight man-
phasize the need to start CGM early in
newer diabetes medications with cardio- agement within the overall context of the
type 1 diabetes, even at diagnosis, to pro- treatment of people with diabetes, and
vascular and renal benefits.
mote early achievement of glycemic goals. the justification for a weight-based ap-
Recommendations 6.8a and 6.8b were
Recommendation 7.3 was added to proach to diabetes treatment has been ex-
added to clarify the clinical scenarios
where deintensifying diabetes medications emphasize that health care professionals panded. The recommendations and text
is appropriate, and text in the “Setting should acquire sufficient knowledge for pertaining to weight management treat-
and Modifying Glycemic Goals” subsec- the use and application of diabetes tech- ment have been expanded to acknowl-
tion was added to discuss the rationale nology for people with diabetes, and the edge the expected range of benefits
for this update. text has been expanded to discuss the across the spectrum of weight loss.
Recommendations 6.11a, 6.11b, and need for both knowledge and compe- Recommendations 8.2a, 8.2b, and 8.3
6.11c were added to clarify when and tency for interprofessional teams manag- were expanded to incorporate additional
how health care professionals should re- ing diabetes care. anthropometric measurements beyond BMI
view an individual’s hypoglycemia history, Recommendation 7.8 was modified (i.e., waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio,
awareness, and risk. Table 6.5, which pro- to align with Section 14, “Children and and/or waist-to-height ratio) to encourage
vides a summary of hypoglycemia risk Adolescents,” to support initiation of an individualized assessments of body fat mass
factors (formerly in Section 4), was up- insulin pump and/or AID system early for and distribution.
dated to reflect recent evidence. The individuals with type 1 diabetes, even at Recommendation 8.6 was added to
“Hypoglycemia Risk Assessment” sub- diagnosis. highlight that approaches to treating obe-
section was added to provide the back- Recommendation 7.15 was updated to re- sity should be individualized and that any of
ground and rationale for Table 6.5. flect the benefits of intermittently scanned the established approaches (i.e., intensive
Several recommendations were added to CGM in less intensively treated people with behavioral interventions, pharmacologic
and updated within the “Hypoglycemia As- type 2 diabetes. treatment, or metabolic surgery) can be
sessment, Prevention, and Treatment” sub- The text on CGM systems was expanded considered in people with obesity and dia-
section. Recommendation 6.11d was added to include updates on systems that are betes alone or in combination.
to highlight the benefits of continuous glu- cleared for integration with AID systems Recommendation 8.8b was updated
cose monitoring (CGM) use for hypoglyce- and to include the benefits of CGM use in to suggest counseling strategies to ad-
mia prevention. Recommendation 6.12 was type 2 diabetes for those using noninten- dress barriers to access.
revised to provide hypoglycemia treatment sive insulin therapy and/or not using insulin Recommendations 8.11a and 8.11b
guidance inclusive of individuals using auto- therapy. In addition, the text was updated were updated to highlight the effective-
mated insulin delivery (AID) systems, and to include suggestions to streamline the ness of weight maintenance programs
S8 Summary of Revisions Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

and to suggest monitoring weight loss dose based on concurrent glycemia, gly- glycemic management that is preferred
progress while providing ongoing sup- cemic trends, and sick day management. to insulin, and Recommendation 9.24 was
port for maintaining goals long term. Recommendation 9.6 was added to updated to reflect reassessing insulin dos-
Recommendation 8.17 was added to suggest prescribing glucagon for indi- ing upon addition or dose escalation of a
include glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) re- viduals taking insulin or at high risk for GLP-1 receptor agonist or a dual GIP and
ceptor agonists or a dual glucose-dependent hypoglycemia. GLP-1 receptor agonist.
insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and GLP-1 Recommendation 9.7 was added to Recommendation 9.25 was broadened
receptor agonist with greater weight loss emphasize the importance of regular to include any glucose-lowering agents
efficacy as preferred pharmacotherapy treatment plan evaluation for individu- if justified for additional benefits (e.g.,
for obesity management in people with als with diabetes to ensure individual- weight management, cardiometabolic,
diabetes. ized goals are met. or kidney benefits) to treatment goals.
Recommendation 8.18 was added to Recommendation 9.14 was updated Recommendation 9.26 was added to
address the importance of reevaluation to highlight the importance of early suggest reassessing the need and/or dos-

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for obesity treatment intensification or combination therapy when shortening ages for other glucose-lowering agents
deintensification for people with diabe- the time to attainment of individualized that are associated with higher risk of hy-
tes to reach their weight goals. treatment goals for adults with type 2 poglycemia when initiating or intensifying
The text of the “Metabolic Surgery” diabetes. insulin treatment.
subsection was updated to emphasize Recommendation 9.15 was added to Recommendations 9.28 and 9.29 were
preventing and addressing therapeutic reflect that pharmacologic therapies should added to provide guiding principles of
inertia pertaining to weight manage- address both individualized glycemic and care for people with obstacles that may
ment goals in people with obesity and weight goals in adults with type 2 diabetes impede their diabetes management.
type 2 diabetes. without cardiovascular and/or kidney Figure 9.1 was updated to reflect a
Recommendation 8.19 was updated disease. terminology change from “hybrid closed-
in response to growing evidence of the Recommendation 9.16 was added to loop technology” to “automated insulin
long-term benefits of metabolic surgery advise consideration of additional glucose- delivery systems.”
treatment in people with obesity and lowering agents for adults with type 2 dia- Table 9.1 was updated to reflect ter-
type 2 diabetes. betes not meeting their individualized gly- minology updates, and Table 9.2 was up-
Recommendation 8.20 now includes cemic goals. dated to include counseling people with
a link to accredited metabolic and bar- Recommendation 9.17 was added to diabetes about potential for ileus (subcu-
iatric surgery centers. highlight the importance of treatment taneous semaglutide) and to include that
Recommendation 8.25 was added to intensification and combination of ap- dual GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonist treat-
emphasize the importance of monitor- proaches pertaining to weight manage- ment is not recommended for individuals
ing weight loss progress of individuals ment and their alignment with glycemic with a history of gastroparesis.
who have undergone metabolic surgery. management goals for adults with type 2 Tables 9.3 and 9.4 were updated to
In the case of inadequate progress, po- diabetes. reflect changes in cost for several agents.
tential barriers and additional weight Recommendation 9.18 was updated to
loss interventions should be considered. reflect prioritizing glycemic management Section 10. Cardiovascular Disease
Table 8.1 was updated to include the agents that also reduce cardiovascular and and Risk Management
recent FDA approvals and price changes kidney disease risk in adults with type 2 (
for several obesity pharmacotherapies. diabetes and established/high risk of ath- Recommendation 10.12 was revised to
This section is endorsed by The Obe- erosclerotic cardiovascular disease, heart recommend monitoring of serum creati-
sity Society. failure, and/or chronic kidney disease. nine/estimated glomerular filtration rate
For adults with type 2 diabetes who and potassium within 7–14 days after ini-
Section 9. Pharmacologic have heart failure, Recommendation tiation of treatment with an ACE inhibitor,
Approaches to Glycemic Treatment 9.19 was added to recommend sodium– angiotensin receptor blocker, mineralocor-
( glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibi- ticoid receptor agonist, or diuretic.
Recommendation 9.2 was updated to tors for glycemic management and pre- Recommendation 10.24 was added to
reflect preference of insulin analogs or vention of heart failure hospitalizations. include bempedoic acid treatment for
inhaled insulin over injectable human Recommendations 9.20 and 9.21 were people with diabetes and without estab-
insulins to minimize hypoglycemia risk added to reflect individualized recommen- lished cardiovascular disease who are in-
for most adults with type 1 diabetes. dations for individuals with type 2 diabe- tolerant to statin therapy. In addition,
Recommendation 9.3 was added to tes and chronic kidney disease. Recommendation 10.28b recommends
include early use of CGM for adults with Recommendation 9.22 was updated bempedoic acid or proprotein conver-
type 1 diabetes, and Recommendation to reflect that insulin therapy should be tase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9)
9.4 was added to indicate consideration for considered at any stage irrespective of inhibitor therapy with monoclonal anti-
use of AID systems for adults with type 1 other glucose-lowering medications in body treatment or inclisiran siRNA as al-
diabetes. certain circumstances. ternative cholesterol-lowering therapy.
Recommendation 9.5 was expanded Recommendation 9.23 was updated A new subsection, “Intolerance to Statin
to include educating adults with type 1 to include a dual GIP and GLP-1 receptor Therapy,” was added to expand on these
diabetes on how to modify their insulin agonist as an additional option for greater updates. Summary of Revisions S9

Recommendation 10.35b has been Section 11 was updated to align with Table 12.2 was updated to include
modified to recommend an interprofes- the latest consensus report on diabetes “Fish skin graft” under “Acellular matrix
sional team approach that includes a management in chronic kidney disease tissues” for advanced wound therapies.
cardiovascular or neurological specialist by the ADA and Kidney Disease: Improv-
to decide on the length of treatment ing Global Outcomes (KDIGO). Section 13. Older Adults
with dual antiplatelet therapy in peo- Recommendation 11.4a was updated (
ple with diabetes after an acute coronary to include the role of ACE inhibitors or an- Recommendation 13.6 was modified to
syndrome or ischemic stroke/transient is- giotensin receptor blockers in preventing align with the revised Medicare reim-
chemic attack. the progression of kidney disease and re- bursement rules allowing CGM for adults
Recommendations 10.39a and 10.39b ducing cardiovascular events. with type 2 diabetes on any insulin.
were added to include screening of adults Recommendation 11.7 was updated Recommendations 13.8a, 13.8b, and
with diabetes for asymptomatic heart fail- to reflect dietary protein intake levels for 13.8c were amended to highlight the het-
ure by measuring a natriuretic peptide individuals with stage 3 or higher chronic erogeneity present for treatment goals

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level to facilitate the prevention or progres- kidney disease who are currently treated for older adults, especially those with in-
sion to symptomatic stages of heart failure. with dialysis.
termediate or complex health conditions
Recommendation 10.40 was modified Figure 11.1 was updated and illustrates
who need to personalize glycemic goals.
to include screening for peripheral artery chronic kidney disease progression, fre-
Recommendations 13.16a–13.16d were
disease with ankle-brachial index testing quency of visits, and referral to nephrol-
updated to highlight the need to dein-
in asymptomatic people with diabetes ogy according to glomerular filtration rate
tensify therapy, most particularly hypo-
aged $50 years , microvascular disease in and albuminuria. Figure 11.2 was added
any location, foot complications, or any to present a holistic approach for improv- glycemia-causing medications (such as
end-organ damage from diabetes. Periph- ing outcomes in individuals with diabetes insulin, sulfonylureas, and meglitinides).
eral artery disease screening should be and chronic kidney disease. These recommendations also suggest
considered for individuals with diabetes switching to classes of glucose-lowering
for $10 years or more. Section 12. Retinopathy, Neuropathy, medications with a lower risk of hypo-
Recommendation 10.42a was updated and Foot Care glycemia to meet individualized glycemic
to recommend either an SGLT2 inhibitor ( goals. In addition, treatment plans for
or an SGLT1/2 inhibitor for people with di- Language in Recommendations 12.1, 12.2, older adults with diabetes and other co-
abetes and established heart failure with 12.5, and 12.7 was refined to be more ac- morbidities (e.g., atherosclerotic cardio-
preserved or reduced ejection fraction to tionable by health care professionals. vascular disease, heart failure, and/or
reduce risk of worsening heart failure and Recommendation 12.6 was updated to chronic kidney disease) should include
cardiovascular death. Additional text in- indicate the application of FDA-approved agents that reduce cardiorenal risk, re-
cludes a discussion on cardiovascular out- artificial intelligence algorithms, and the gardless of glycemia.
comes trials of the SGLT1/2 inhibitor text was updated with approved artificial
sotagliflozin. intelligence algorithm details and clinical Section 14. Children and Adolescents
Recommendations 10.45a–10.45e have trials. (
been added to address treatment ap- Recommendations 12.15 and 12.16 were Recommendation 14.4 was added to state
proaches for people with diabetes and added to address vision loss from diabetes, the need for insulin dosing adjustments
heart failure, including the roles of an in- and the text was expanded to discuss com- according to meal composition.
terprofessional team and pharmacological plications of vision loss and the importance In the “Psychosocial Care” subsection,
approaches to prevent heart failure pro- of evaluation and rehabilitation. Recommendation 14.10 was revised to
gression and hospitalization. The text in the “Neuropathy” subsec- include screening details for psychosocial
Recommendation 10.47 was added to tion was updated to discuss the limited
and behavioral health concerns and for
suggest including education on risks and data available to support use of lidocaine
appropriate referral when indicated, and
signs of ketoacidosis and methods of man- 5% plaster/patch and gastric stimulation
Recommendation 14.12 was updated to
agement and tools for testing in people as efficacious therapies for people with
clarify diabetes distress and lower en-
with type 1 diabetes, ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes.
gagement in diabetes self-management
diabetes, and/or those consuming keto- In the "Foot Care" subsection, Rec-
ommendation 12.27 was updated to in- behavior.
genic diets treated with SGLT inhibition.
Recommendation 14.53 was modified
Figure 10.2 was modified to reflect clude toe pressures when screening for
changes in initial blood pressure values peripheral artery disease. In addition, to state “at least” a 7–10% decrease in
and treatment recommendations for Recommendation 12.28 was amended excess weight for youth with overweight
confirmed hypertension in nonpregnant to include the importance of an inter- and obesity with type 2 diabetes when
people with diabetes. professional approach facilitated by a recommending developmentally and
This section is endorsed by the Amer- podiatrist with other appropriate team culturally appropriate comprehensive life-
ican College of Cardiology. members for individuals who have foot style programs.
ulcers and high-risk feet (e.g., individu- Recommendations 14.68 and 14.70
Section 11. Chronic Kidney Disease als on dialysis, with Charcot foot, with were updated to include consideration
and Risk Management prior ulcer or amputation history, or for empagliflozin prior to initiating and/or
( with peripheral artery disease). intensifying insulin therapy plans for
S10 Summary of Revisions Diabetes Care Volume 47, Supplement 1, January 2024

glycemic management, and Fig. 14.1 was modified to emphasize that all pregnant Recommendation 16.4 was updated
updated to include empagliflozin. individuals with diabetes should monitor to reflect that insulin and other therapies
Recommendation 14.69 was added fasting, preprandial, and postprandial blood should be initiated or intensified for
to suggest consideration for medication- glucose levels, and Recommendation 15.10 treatment of persistent hyperglycemia
taking behavior and the medications’ was updated to include CGM use for preg- starting at a threshold of 180 mg/dL
effects on weight for youth with over- nant individuals with type 1 diabetes. (10.0 mmol/L).
weight or obesity and type 2 diabetes. The text in “Insulin Physiology” was Recommendation 16.5a was added to
The term “severe obesity” in Recom- expanded to include information about delineate the glycemic goals for most
mendation 14.72 was changed to “class 2 changes to basal and bolus insulin re- critically ill individuals with hyperglycemia
obesity or higher (BMI >35 kg/m2 or quirements as pregnancy progresses for (target glucose range of 140–180 mg/dL
120% of 95th percentile for age and sex, individuals with preexisting diabetes. [7.8–10.0 mmol/L]), and Recommen-
whichever is lower)” to provide greater The text in “Glucose Monitoring” was dation 16.5b was updated to suggest
details for adolescents being considered updated to differentiate lower limits of more stringent goals (110–140 mg/dL

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for metabolic surgery. glucose thresholds based on blood and [6.1–7.8 mmol/L]) for selected critically ill
Recommendation 14.78 was updated sensor glucose monitoring. individuals if these goals can be achieved
to clarify protein intake according to age Language was added to “Continuous without significant hypoglycemia.
for those with nephropathy. Glucose Monitoring in Pregnancy” to en- Recommendations 16.6 and 16.7 were
The new subsection “Substance Use in courage individualization for CGM use in added to indicate continued use of
Pediatric Diabetes” includes Recommen- pregnant individuals with type 2 diabetes personal CGM devices and use of AID sys-
dations 14.106 and 14.107 to discourage or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). tems in conjunction with CGM, respec-
initiation of smoking (tobacco and elec- Language was also added to clarify the tively, in the inpatient setting if clinically
tronic cigarettes) and to encourage smok- international consensus on time in range appropriate, with confirmatory point-
ing cessation. The text was expanded for pregnant individuals with type 2 dia- of-care glucose measurements for insulin
to discuss the adverse health effects of betes or GDM. dosing decisions and hypoglycemia assess-
smoking and exposure to secondhand Recommendation 15.15 was updated ment, if resources and training are avail-
smoke for youth with diabetes. able, and according to an institutional
to clarify that metformin and glyburide,
In the “Transition from Pediatric to protocol. The narrative has also been
individually or in combination, should
Adult Care” subsection, Recommenda- expanded to recommend a personal-
not be used as first-line agents for treat-
tions 14.108 and 14.109 were revised ized approach for achieving glycemic
ing hyperglycemia in pregnancy.
to reflect the role of interprofessional goals throughout the hospital stay.
Language was added to the “Pre-
teams in the transition from pediatric In the “Perioperative Care” subsec-
eclampsia and Aspirin” subsection to
to adult care and to be more person tion, a statement was added about the
note that individuals with GDM may also
centered. Recommendation 14.110 was safe use of GLP-1 receptor agonists in
be candidates for aspirin therapy if they
added to give direction for the coordi- the perioperative period.
have a single high risk factor or multiple
nation between pediatric diabetes spe- The “Glucose-Lowering Treatment in
cialists and youth with diabetes and moderate risk factors. Hospitalized Patients” subsection dis-
their caregivers on the timing of trans- Recommendation 15.27 was updated to cusses the evidence on the coadministra-
fer to adult care. encourage breastfeeding efforts for all indi- tion of a low dose of basal insulin analog
viduals with diabetes who are postpartum. while on intravenous insulin infusion.
The “Postpartum Care” subsection was For the management of diabetic ketoa-
Section 15. Management of Diabetes
in Pregnancy updated to explain that a preconception cidosis and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar
( evaluation is needed for individuals with state, the text has been expanded to in-
“Reproductive potential” was changed to childbearing potential who have predia- clude a nurse-driven protocol with a vari-
“childbearing potential” throughout the betes or a history of GDM. able rate based on glucose values as an
section to be more specific. “Women” option.
was changed to “individuals” throughout Section 16. Diabetes Care in the Hospital Recommendation 16.11 was added to
the section, except for instances men- ( indicate the use of SGLT2 inhibitors for in-
tioning the title of a published study, to Recommendation 16.2 was expanded to dividuals with type 2 diabetes hospitalized
be more inclusive. emphasize the need for personalized ap- with heart failure during hospitalization
In the “Preconception Care” subsection, proaches in the emergency department, and that SGLT2 inhibitors should be con-
Recommendation 15.4 was updated to intensive care unit and nonintensive care tinued after recovery from acute illness if
highlight the approach of interprofessional unit wards, gynecology-obstetrics/delivery no contraindications are present.
care and the need for inclusion of an en- units, dialysis suites, and psychiatric wards.
docrinology health care professional, and The text has been expanded to encourage Section 17. Diabetes Advocacy
Recommendation 15.5 was expanded to in- institutions to perform regular audits to (
clude physical activity for preconception care. monitor proper use of protocols and to The Care of Young Children With Diabetes
In the “Glycemic Goals in Pregnancy” ensure institute educational/training pro- in the Childcare and Community Setting
subsection, Recommendation 15.7 was grams keep staff up to date. advocacy statement has been updated.

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