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Once upon a time there was a girl named Emma who

lived in a big city. It was a cold and snowy night and

Emma had to sell matches on the street to help her family
which was very poor.
Emma was wearing a worn dress and broken shoes;
she had no coat to protect herself from the cold. As she
walked through the city, she saw families sharing in their
warm and cozy homes but she felt lonely and frozen.
Emma carried a box of matches and thought of lighting
one to warm herself up a bit.
When she struck the first match, a bright and warm
light lit up and that light she saw a comforting vision: A
home with a table full of delicious food and a happy
The match went out and Emma returned to reality
where the cold was unbearable; she decided to light
another match to see the vision again. This time, she saw
her grandmother who had passed away long ago. Her
grandmother smiled at her and seemed happy.
But the match went out again.
Emma lit match after match to see comforting
visions, but each one went out quickly. However, in the
last vision, Emma saw her grandmother once more and
this time her grandmother spoke to her lovingly
She said, “Emma I have always watched over you
from heaven and I want you to know that you are never
alone. You must remember that love and hope exist no
matter how difficult your life may be right now. Nothing
lasts forever and everything will be all right. You will find
people on your way willing to help and love you.”
With these words of encouragement, Emma felt
comforted. Despite the cold, she knew that there was hope
and love in the world.
And so ends the story of Emma, a girl who found
solace and hope and the connection with her grandmother,
reminding us that even in the most difficult moments,
Love and Hope can illuminate our lives.

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