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BSIT 1-2 APRIL 12, 2024

Introduction to Predicate Logic

Each participant should write down a simple English sentence related to a specific domain
(e.g., animals, numbers, people).

Domain: Animals

English Sentence: All cats have fur.

Translate the sentence into a logical expression using predicates and quantifiers:

Logical expression: ∀x (Cat(x) → HasFur(x))


∀ (universal quantifier) - For all

x (variable) - Represents any animal

Cat(x): - Predicate indicating x is a cat

→ ( implication) - If... then...

HasFur(x) - Predicate indicating x has fur

What is the difference between universal quantification (∀) and existential quantification
● Universal Quantification (∀): This refers to statements that are true for every single
element in a particular set or domain. You can think of it as saying "for all" or "every." It
asserts that a predicate within the scope of a universal quantifier is true of every value of a
predicate variable.
● Existential Quantification (∃): This refers to statements where there exists at least one
element in a set or domain for which something is true. It translates to phrases like "there
exists" or "some."
Can you come up with an example where both quantifiers are relevant?
Logical expression for the statement "In every math class, there exists a student who understands
all the concepts" using both universal and existential quantifiers would be:

∀x (M(x) → ∃y (S(y, x) ∧ U(y, c)))

∀x - for all elements x
M(x) - x is a math class
→ - implies
∃y - there exists an element y
S(y, x) - y is a student in math class x
∧ - and
U(y, c) - y understands all concepts in math class x (c represents the concepts)

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