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Rev. Dr Jeffry David Camm

Dedication ................................................................................................. 3
Copyright: ................................................................................................. 3
Reference Codes: ........................................................................................ 3
Overview of the New Testament Timeline ........................................................ 3
Do We Actually Know Who Wrote Hebrews? ..................................................... 5
Can An Unknown Author Be Trusted? .............................................................. 6
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews ................................................. 7
Chapter One: Christ’s Pre-Eminence Above the Angels ...................................... 7
Chapter Two: Why Christ Assumed Human Nature ............................................ 8
Chapter Three: The Danger of Unbelief ..........................................................11
Chapter Four: The Power of God’s Word .........................................................13
Chapter Five: Of Christ’s Priesthood ..............................................................15
Chapter Six: The Guilt and Danger of Falling Away ..........................................17
Chapter Seven: Jesus, a Priest Forever of the Order of Melchizedek....................22
Chapter Eight: The Levitical Priesthood Abolished ............................................27
The Levitical Priesthood...............................................................................27
THE ZADOK PRIESTHOOD ................................................................................................... 29
The Sons of Zadok .....................................................................................34
WHO ARE THE SONS OF ZADOK? ........................................................................................ 35
Appearance of Worship ...............................................................................37
Horizontal Worship .....................................................................................37
Chapter Nine: Christ is Mediator of The NEW Covenant.....................................40
Chapter Ten: The Law of Sacrifices & Exhortation of Steadfast Faith ...................43
Chapter Eleven: The Nature of Faith & Examples in Times Past ..........................46
Chapter Twelve: Exhortation to Faith, Patience, & Godliness ..............................50
Chapter Thirteen: Various Admonitions ..........................................................54

This commentary is dedicated to the hundreds of men and women, who have gone before us,
and who have been prepared to spread the word of God Almighty; to serve and honour Him,
and to preach the gospel in many nations, and who have risked, and in some cases, given up
their lives, for the gospel.
To my wife, Rani, who is my soulmate, and my encouragement, for these last 42 years, as we
have travelled and preached in 43 nations, planting 39 pioneer churches. There have been
many good experiences, (and some not so good ones), but throughout these travelling
adventures for the Lord, He has always been faithful; He is a person we know that we can trust,
in ALL situations ~ in the good, the bad, and the ugly!
The contents of this book remain the copyright property of the author, Rev. Dr Jeffry David
Camm, and his estate, in succession. Permission is given for the use of parts, or all-of this
document for Bible Study Groups, Evangelism, or Private Study. Permission is given for the
whole of this document to be reproduced by Christian organisations for evangelistic and/or
Bible College reference purposes, provided it is not sold for profit.
The following codes will be used in this book to identify/highlight specific explanations.

Verse Codes Timeline Description

A After the Millennium
D The Diaspora of the Jews to many nations
F The First Coming (Birth & Life of Jesus Christ)
I Israel
LD Last Days
M Millennium Reign
R Jesus appearing in the clouds to claim His saints, as HIS
S Second Coming ~ back to the earth
T Tribulation Period
[P] A promise in God’s Word
[BP] A Broken Promise
[FP] A fulfilled Promise in God’s word
[CP] A Conditional Promise in God’s Word. [IF ... Then ...]
[C] An Express Commandment of God
(Israel) Means the 10 rebellious tribes; not the geographical land.
Footnote code [h]~ Meaning of the Hebrew text
Footnote code [g]~ Meaning of the Greek text
Footnote code [L]~ Meaning of the Latin text
*** Therefore [Conclusion]: go back & read what it is “there” “for”.


The books in the New Testament, were not written in the order they appear in the Scriptures.
Below is a timeline of the actual dates and historical events of this era, obtained from scriptural
and historical documents.

New Testament Timeline
Books of the Bible Written Approximate Dates: AD Historical Events
Jesus is Crucified, Resurrected and
30 The Church Begins: (Acts 1)
The Dispersion and Saul’s persecution of the Christians
(Acts 8:1). Paul’s Conversion: (Acts 9)
Paul attends Holy Spirit School in the Arabian desert,
40 then called by Barnabas to the church at Antioch, as
“teacher” (Acts 11)
46 Paul’s First Missionary Journey (Acts 13)
It is accepted by most scholars that the Book of James
James & Galatians 49 was in fact the first New Testament document ever
Jerusalem Council and Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
(Acts 15)

1 & 2 Thessalonians 51-52

Paul’s Third Missionary Journey (Acts 18) Nero becomes


1 Corinthians, Mark: between 55–65 55

2 Corinthians 56–57

Romans 57
58 Paul Arrested (Acts 21)
Luke, Matthew: between 60–65 60

Ephesians, Colossians, & Philemon 61

61–63 Paul’s Roman Imprisonment (Acts 28)

Philippians 1 Peter: about 62–64 62

Acts 63–65
1 Timothy & Titus 64 Rome Burns
Jude 65
2 Timothy 66–67

2 Peter 67

Hebrews a
67–68 Paul and Peter Executed
Essenes hide their Library of Bible Manuscripts in Caves
68 in Wadi Qumran by the Dead Sea. (Discovered in 1948),
collected and translated ever since..
Jerusalem & the Temple Destroyed, as prophesied by
70 AD 70
John Begins Ministry in Ephesus. Rome Begins
Construction of the Coliseum.
79 Mt. Vesuvius Erupts in Italy – great destruction.
John 80–85
1 John 85–90

2 & 3 John 90 In about 94 A.D., John is banished to the Isle of Patmos.

Revelation 95

98 John’s Death at Ephesus

I personally believe that Apostle Paul wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews just before His death
(around 66-67 AD, to reinforce his testimony to the Jewish Christians that Jesus is the Messiah.
This belief is also confirmed in some Bible Translations, and by many Biblical scholars through
the ages.


As Published By Hope Bolinger In An Article Dated 18th July 2023.

Although many scholars have debated the authorship of various books of the Bible, Hebrews is
the only one, that does not have a majority rule, as to who wrote it. Conjectures as to the
author have ranged from the Apostle Paul, who wrote at least thirteen books in the New
Testament, to Priscilla, a friend of Paul’s, who accompanied him during part of his ministry.
Some may read the book of Hebrews with some scepticism. After all, if we do not know who
penned the book, how can we trust that it’s scripturally sound?
Although scholars have not reached a unanimous, or near-unanimous, conclusion about who
authored the book of Hebrews, this article will endeavour to explore some of the possible writers
who contributed to this book. This article will also discuss the context of Hebrews, and why the
church decided to include the book, in the Scriptural canon, even with the author being an
unknown factor.
In this article, we'll cover questions like how old is Hebrews? And what is Hebrews about. In
the case of this section, let's tackle the latter.
Hebrews, as one may guess from the title, is written to the Hebrews, particularly Jewish
people who had converted to Christianity, during the first century, prior to the fall of
Jerusalem in 70 AD. (Being now called Messianic Jews).
Because the Jewish audience would have had a rich understanding of Old Testament history,
the main purpose of Hebrews is to show how Christ fulfilled prophecies set forth in the Old
Testament, and to prove the sufficiency of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
Why would the audience need this proof, using several comparisons of the
Scriptures, like Hebrews 2:5-9 compared with Psalm 8:4-6? (Check out more comparisons
on Bible Study Tools here.)
There are a few reasons why the author may have written to a Jewish audience in these terms.
During the start of the early church, a number of the Jewish converts, tried to convince the
Gentile converts of Christianity, that they needed to be circumcised (Ephesians 2:11).
Circumcision, a stumbling block for many converts, had been a Jewish practice when a child
was weaned, or when a man converted to the Jewish faith.
So, when Jews converted to Christianity, they still had (many) ideas ingrained into their minds,
from the Old Covenant, such as circumcisions.
The Book of Hebrews seeks to show them, how Christ fulfilled the law, and that under the New
Covenant, they would no longer need to practice circumcision or sacrifices.
Second, the author knows that by using examples from the Old Testament, they can better
appeal to the audience. For instance, when Paul talks to a Greek audience, he quotes their
philosophers back to them (Acts 17:22-28). And when Stephen talks to a Jewish audience,
he uses examples from the Old Testament (Acts 7).
In the same way, the author tries to use concrete comparisons from the text they would’ve
known best, the Old Testament.
Hebrews was likely written prior to 70 AD, when the Romans sacked Jerusalem and laid waste
to their sacrificial systems. Therefore, as this article from Got Questions conjectures, we can
hazard that the author wrote the book in the 60s AD.
In short, not exactly. We can present a few possible authors that scholars have suggested
throughout all of church history.
The first, and one many seem to attribute the authorship to, is Paul. Church history until the
past few centuries had attributed the authorship to him as well.
After all, many of the examples he uses, such as running the race of faith (Hebrews 12:1,

1 Corinthians 9:24-27), and a great deal of the language appears to reflect the style of Paul.
However, the book also seems to miss some of the hallmarks of this author that we see in other
For instance, it misses the salutation we often see in Paul’s writings (1 Corinthians 1:1-2),
and the book uses the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament, instead of
the Masoretic Translation, which Paul often used.
Although perhaps Paul had written the book, perhaps he dictated it to someone, who had
followed him closely in ministry, and heard his sermons and the examples he used compiled
this book.
Second, that leaves us with a close companion of Paul who accompanied him on his
journeys, Luke. Got Questions explains that Luke, given his Greek and Gentile background,
may have favoured the Septuagint translation over the Masoretic translation, and compiled
the book, after having heard Paul’s preaching and examples he used in sermons.
Third, some scholars, like Mimi Haddad at CBE International, have suggested
that Priscilla wrote the book of Hebrews. If this is the case, she would be the only female
author to contribute to Scripture. After all, the Hall of Faith featured in Hebrews 11 features
three women, something a male writer may overlook. Priscilla also did spend a great deal of
time with Paul, and his companions on their missionary journeys.
Others have suggested a number of Paul’s companions such as Barnabas (Acts 4:36)
or Apollos (1 Corinthians 3:4), among others.
In short, the author most likely had some connection with Paul, whether it was Paul himself, or
one of his friends, who had heard a number of his sermons and read his writings. But ultimately,
we do not have a conclusive answer to who wrote this book.
This brings us to our next question: If we do not know the author, how can we trust the text?
After all, a number of the apocryphal books and pseudepigraphal books (books written under
a false name) did not make the cut for the New Testament canon. These were decided when
the aCouncil of Nicaea decided in 325 AD, which books belonged in the New Testament.
So how can we trust they made the right decision to put Hebrews, a book with an unknown
author, in the Bible?
Although entire books have been written on the subject, this article will briefly touch on some
of the criteria they used to determine if Hebrews fit, as well as how other books, such as the
Shepherd of Hermas did not make the cut.
First, although we do not have the list of criteria used at the Council of Nicaea, there would
have been works that the early church would have deemed “apostolic”, or having the authority
of an Apostle. Apollos, Paul, Priscilla, Luke, Barnabas, and anyone else to whom scholars
attribute authorship of this book, would have been apostles. That meant they had a certain
authority to write the book.
The book survived the test of time because the apostles, who had not perished or been
martyred yet, approved of its authority and made copies to send throughout the churches.
Although we may not know who wrote the book, those who received it would have.
The reason why the Council of Nicaea had to be called in the first place was because false
authors had written under pseudonyms to try and seep ideas of something known
as Gnosticism in the church. They would have known what books essentially were canon,
and what were not, but the Council decided to set the record straight and exile the books that
did not belong or contained erroneous teachings.

The Council of Nicaea Tyndale produced the EDITION of the KING have a copy in English of
decided to keep the First complete English JAMES BIBLE WAS the Epistle to the Church
Epistle to the Church in Bible in 1384. However, FIRST PUBLISHED, in Laodicea.)
Laodicea IN the Bible, some “so-called which also contained the
and it was still IN the scholars” removed it in complete Apocryphal
Bible when William 1611, when the FIRST Books. (Luckily, I still

Second, the Holy Spirit would not have sat back and watched the Council without playing an
active role. He helped them to separate the “wheat from the chaff” and determine which books
belonged in Scripture.


This is the title, in my treasured, old copy of the King James Bible, now more than 150 years old. Written from Italy by Timothy.
An Old Catholic Bible states: St. Paul writing this letter to the Jewish Christians of Palestine, points out that Christianity completes
the message of the prophets, and makes perfect everything that was of value in the Mosaic Law. He thus tries to assist those Jewish
converts who are tempted to return to their old religion. [Note this Bible says the Jewish Christians of Palestine ~ not Israel, so at
the time of the writing of the Vulgate Bible (in Latin) this land must have been known by the Romans as Palestine. A historical
check reveals the following. It was also referred to, however, as Palestine and, after the Bar-Kochba Revolt of 132-136 CE, the
Roman emperor Hadrian renamed the region Syria -Palaestina to punish the Jewish people for their insurrection (by naming it after
their two traditional enemies, the Syrians and the Philistines ~ NOT the Palestinians!).


1. [FP] God, who at sundry times, and ain divers (various) manners, spoke in times past unto
the fathers and the Prophets. [Paul starts out this Book, by acknowledging to the Jewish
Christians reading this Book, (and to other non-believers), that God Almighty used to
speak to the Old Testament Leaders, Kings and Prophets, in many different ways. By direct
confrontation (as with Moses in the burning Bush); in dreams and visions with David and
many of the other prophets, and also by the rustling of the leaves in the trees, or just as
still small voice.]
2. [FP] Has bin these Last Days, spoken unto us by cHis Son, whom He has appointed dheir
of all things, eby whom also He made the worlds;
3. [FP] Who, being the brightness fof His glory, and gthe express image of His person, and
upholding all things by the Word of His power, iwhen He had by Himself purged our sins,
sat down on the right hand of the Majesty, on high. [Many Christians have not probably
thought about this, but the whole universe exists, and is stable, by the Word of His Power.
It was spoken into being, by the word of His power, and has remained exactly as God
proclaimed it to be, ever since. Before mankind existed, the laws of the universe were
already in operation.]
4. [FP] Being made much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance, obtained ka more
excellent name than they. [Of course, Jesus is better than the angels that he created. A
servant is never greater than His master.]
5. For unto any of the angels did He (the Father) say at any time, “lYou are My Son, this day
have I begotten you?” And again, “mI will be to Him a Father, and He shall be to Me, a
Son.” [God the Father never told any of the archangels, or any other angel, that He would
be a Father to them. But to Jesus He said that “I have begotten you; I will be a Father to
Him, and He shall be a loving, obedient Son to Me.” Even though the angels are in the
presence of God continually, they will never have this title, they will never be greater than
the Son. The Father called Jesus, His Son. In Isaiah 9:6, The Messiah is referred to as the
“Prince of Peace”. A Son is called a Prince at birth, because His Father is a King. Therefore,
God the Father is the “King of Peace”, which is also the “king of Salem; and who was He?
A person without any previous genealogy ~ Melchizedek ~ the Father God, in His physical
form on the earth, as the time of Abram, whom He said, because of His faithfulness, would
deem to be righteous.]
6. [C] And again, when He brought the first begotten into the world, He (The Father) said,
“And let all-of the angels of God worship Him.” [A person worships something that has a

Numbers 12:6,8 d
Psalm 2:8; Matthew h
Colossians 1:17 k
Ephesians 1:21;
Galatians 4:4; Hebrews 21:38; Romans 8;17 i
9:14 Philippians 2:9,10
9:26 e
John 1:3; Ephesians 3:9 j
Psalm 110:1; Hebrews l
Psalm 2:7
See verse 8. f
John 1:14 8:1 m
2 Samuel 7:14
2 Corinthians 4:4

higher position, more power and authority, more holiness, and wisdom, than they
themselves have.]
7. [C] And aof the angels He said, “Who makes His angels spirits, and His Ministers, a flame
of fire.” [Now that is the challenge of ALL obedient disciples of Jesus Christ. Are you as it
says in 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a CHOSEN GENERATION, a Royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY
NATION, A “PECULIAR” PEOPLE; that you should show forth the praises of Him, who has
called you OUT OF DARKNESS, into His marvellous Light.”
So, we are ALL called By name, and we are ALL called according to His Divine Plan and Purpose.
a) Can the world see us as a flame, who has been called Out of Darkness?
b) Can the World see that we are “Different” ~ a chosen generation?
c) Can the world see that we are a “Royal Priesthood?
d) Can other nations see that we are a Holy Nation ~ set apart, to be an example for
all-of the nations to, see?
e) Does the world see us as a “Peculiar People”, an example people, operating under
the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit?]
8. [P] But unto the Son, He says, “bThy throne, O God, is forever and ever: a sceptre of
righteousness, is the sceptre of your kingdom.” [But unto His Son, His Father says, “Thy
Throne, O God, is for ever and ever.” The Father calls His Son, GOD! Indicating that even
though He is the begotten of His Father, He is also equal with God (Himself).]
9. *** (Conclusion), “You have loved righteousness, and hated iniquity: therefore, God, even
your God, dhas anointed You with the oil of gladness, above your fellows. [Even as Jesus
has loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; we His Body on this earth, must also take
upon ourselves, that same characteristic; always standing up for righteousness, and
pointing out iniquities, wherever they may be; in the Church, in the Government, or in
Business, without any consideration for our own lives, knowing as we obey Jesus, He will
protect us, both here, and in the life to come.]
10. [FP] “And eYou, Lord, in the beginning have laid the foundations of the earth; and the
heaven are the works of thine hands.” [By Your hands nothing in the universe was made,
without your hands being involved in it.]
11. [P] “They shall perish; but you remain: and they shall all wax, old as does a garment;
12. [P] “And as a vesture you shall fold them up, and they shall be changed, but you are the
same, and your years shall not fail. [All-of the spiritual changes in our lives, comes from
the ONE who never changes.]
13. “But to which of the angels said He at any time, “fSit on My right hand, until I make your
enemies, your footstool?” [The answer is NONE! But God the Father, did offer that position
to His beloved Son, upon His return from earth, after His Death, and Resurrection for the
salvation of mankind.]
14. “Are they not all ministering Spirits; gsent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of
salvation.” [Yes, they are, but Jesus is greater than all-of them; because He created all-
of them.]


1. *** (Conclusion), Therefore, we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which
we have heard, lest at any time we should hlet them slip. [Pay attention: do not ignore
the warning that you have been given; these issues are important.]
2. For if the word ispoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience
received a just recompense of reward; [For every transgression and disobedience
(rebellion to God’s word), we will be judged and punished: there is no escape!]

[g]~ Unto d
Isaiah 61:1,3 g
Genesis 28:12; h
[g]~ Run out as leaking
Psalm 45:6,7 e
Psalm 105:25-27 32:1,2,24; Psalm vessels.
[g]~ rightness, or f
Psalm 110:1 103:20,21; Luke 1:19,26; i
Acts 7:53
straightness 2:9,13; Acts 12:7

3. a
How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which bat the first, began to be
spoken by the LORD, and was confirmed unto us cby them who heard Him; [This is a
question that everyone on earth must answer for themselves; “How shall we escape
PUNISHMENT, if we neglect the message of Salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
on the cross?” Jesus gives us a choice; Heaven or Hell. Jesus does not send us to Hell, we
choose to go to Hell, because we refuse to be obedient to His instructions, which will
guarantee our entry into heaven for eternity, which keeps us OUT OF HELL!]
4. God also bearing them witness, both with dsigns and wonders, and with divers (various
types of) emiracles, and fgifts of the Holy Ghost, according to His own will. [For those with
eyes to see, God was making His presence known to mankind, with signs and wonders in
the heavens, and on the earth; many different miracles, with the gifts of the Spirit being
distributed among the Believers, according to God’s own will ~ not by our will, or our
5. For gunto the angels has He not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak.
The Living Bible says: And the future world we are talking about, will not be controlled
by angels. [So, Paul is making it clear to the Hebrews, that the future world, will not be
ruled by angles, and reminds them of the saying by King David in Psalm 8:4-6 about these
6. But one in a certain place testified, saying, h“What is man, that you are mindful of him?
Or the Son of Man, that You visited Him?” [What is so special about mankind, that you
have a special place in your heart for them? Or the Son of Man that you would visit Him?
Is it because out of all-of your creation, mankind is the only one of your creations that
has a soul? Is it because mankind is the only part of your creation that can communicate
with you, and be reconciled back to you in righteousness?]
7. You made mankind a little lower than the angels: You crowned him with glory and honour,
and did give him authority over the works of your hands. [Most of mankind are not aware
that God Almighty has placed us in a position in the universe, just a little lower than the
angels, and that He has crowned us with glory and honour; and as it is stated in Genesis,
He gave us authority over the birds of the air, the animals on the earth and the fish of the
seas, and all-of creation. We are God’s chosen guardians of the earth.]
8. i
You (Lord) have put ALL things in subjection under his feet. For in that He (Jesus) put all
things in subjection under him, He (Jesus) left nothing that is not put under him. But jnow,
we see that not all things are put under him. [The Amplified Bible says: For You have
put everything in subjection under his feet. Now, in putting everything in subjection to
man, He left nothing outside of man’s control. But at present (AD 65) we do not see all
things subjected to Him (mankind).] Even today, some 2,000 years later, sin is still not
under man’s control! This who believe in Jesus Christ and who have been baptised and
received the Holy Spirit, have been given the power and authority to cast out devils, heal
the sick and also all this who are afflicted by diseases, to even raise the dead; but sin is
still a battle ground, where Satan is still trying to pull believers back into the darkness, to
take glory away from Jesus and His kingdom.]
9. But we see Jesus, kwho was made a little lower than the angels, lfor the suffering of death,
crowned with glory and honour; that He by the grace of God, should mtaste death nfor
every man. [God the Father made Jesus leave all-of His wealth, wisdom and authority,
that He possessed from before time existed, and become a baby, on this earth (that He
created) and be subjected to all-of the trials, temptations, and tribulations that is
experienced by mankind, even unto death; so that we would not have the experience the
penalties of death. For this He was raised up to heaven to receive glory and honour, and
to take His place once again, to be seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.]
10:28,29 f
[h]~ Or distributions; 1 j
1 Corinthians 15:25 n
2 Corinthians 5:15; 1
Mark 1:14 Corinthians 12: 4,11 k
Acts 2:33; Philippians Timothy 2:6; 1 John 2:2
Luke 1:2 g
Hebrews 1:2,4,8 2:7-9; Hebrews 2:7;
Acts 5:12 h
Psalm 8:4-6 l
[h]~ Or, by the
Acts 2:22; 1 Corinthians i
Ephesians 1:22; suffering.
2:4 Philippians 3:21 m
Matthew 16:28

10. a
For it became Him, for whom are all things, and bby whom are all things, in bringing many
sons unto glory, to make cthe captain of their salvation dperfect through suffering. [Do
you realise that Jesus is the “captain of our salvation”, that salvation being made perfect
through His suffering and death, so that many other sons, could be brought into the
presence and the glory of God. As we come to this special Passover/Easter season let us
be mindful of this; that without the cross, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there
would be no eternal forgiveness of sin; in fact, the New Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31 would
not have been activated, and we would all be still living under the OLD Covenant, where
our sins could be forgiven each your by a blood sacrifice, BUT would never be forgotten.]
11. For both eHe that sanctifies and fthey who are sanctified, are gall-of one: for which cause
He is not ashamed to call them hbrethren (brothers & sisters). [When Jesus sanctifies us,
we become just like Him, fully cleansed, and sinless, and able to enter into the throne
room of glory, because we are “in Christ”, and Christ and the Father are one.]
12. Saying, iI will declare your name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church, will I sing
praise unto thee. [This is a challenge to every Christian. There may be a new person come
to your church service, to see what “church is all about”.
a) Do you declare the name of Jesus in the church congregation, every time that you
b) Do your worship songs proclaim the majesty and kingdom attributes of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ?
c) If you had never been to a church service in your life before, and you went to your
church, what would be your impression of the person called Jesus by the end of the
d) Would you know anything about Him?
e) Would you want to come back, to learn more about Him?
f) Only you can answer that question!]
13. [P] And again, jI will put my trust in Him. And again, “kBehold I and the children lwhich
God has given Me.” [Jesus proclaims that He puts His trust in His Father, for the children
that His Father has given to Him.]
14. [P] Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, mHe also Himself
likewise took part of the same: that through death He might ndestroy him that had the
power of death, that is, the devil;
15. [P] And deliver them, who through fear of death, were for all-of their lifetime subject to
bondage. [Jesus took upon Himself the flesh of mankind so that he could disarm the power
of Satan, by conquering sin and death, and making a public spectacle of Satan , before
all-of the universe, when He died and rose again from the dead, proving to all of the
demons, and the angels, and to all-of creation, that He was the Proclaimed Messiah, the
ONE who would come and rule the universe from His kingdom throne in Jerusalem.]
16. For verily, oHe took not on Him the nature of Angels; but He took on Him the seed of
Abraham. [He did not take on the form of an angel, but He took of the form of the seed
of Abraham. This was to show, that a man without sin in his life, is more powerful than
Satan and all-of his evil demons.]
17. Wherefore, pin all things it behoved Him to be made like unto His brethren, that He might
be qa merciful and faithful High Priest, rin things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation
for the sins of the people. [The reason for His whole journey and ministry upon the earth,
was that He might live like His brethren, and so as the Son of God, He could be a merciful
and faithful High Priest, fulfilling forever the role as the High Priest of the Order of
Melchizedek, in all things pertaining to God the Father, in making reconciliation, through
His suffering, death, resurrection and ascension, for the sins of all mankind.]
Luke 24:26,46 f
10:10,20 l
John 17:2 of Abraham, He talks
1 Corinthians 8:6 g
Romans 8:14 m
Romans 8:3 hold.
Acts 3:15, Hebrews h
Romans 8:29 n
2 Timothy 1:10; 1 John p
12:2 i
Psalm 22:22 3:8 q
4:15,16; 5:2
5:9 j
Isaiah 8:17 o
[h]~ Or, takes not hold r
John 17:19 k
Isaiah 8:18 of Angels, but of the seed

18. h
For in that He Himself has suffered being tempted, (by the evil one) He is able to succour
them that are tempted. [As Jesus knows what it is like to be tempted (from personal
experience, as He was tempted in the wilderness, and in the Garden of Gethsemane) He
is able to succour (help, relieve, and assist), the brethren that have been tempted.]

1. *** (Conclusion), Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of athe heavenly calling, consider
the bApostle and the cHigh Priest, of our profession, Jesus Christ. [Therefore, Paul makes
a conclusion: After reading and understanding all-of what has been written and spoken
of in Chapter Two, we now have to make some serious decisions:
a) Seeing that you are now holy brethren, included in “a heavenly calling”, consider the
role of the Apostle, and Jesus Christ, the High Priest “of our profession”. So let us
unpack this scripture.
b) Firstly, Jesus makes it clear that now all who believe in Him and are obedient to His
commandments are now holy brethren. “We are to be holy, as He is holy.”
c) We all have an “individual” and a “corporate” calling on our lives.
d) John 15:16 makes this very clear. Therefore, each individual must pray and seek the
face of Jesus, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to them, what their individual calling
is upon their lives.
e) In a similar manner, a church must also pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal to that Body
of Believers what role in the Body of Christ, that particular church has to be,
so that the whole Body can function, according to God’s divine plan and purpose. (Not
all churches can be arms, or legs, or feet. Some have to be internal organs, so that
the Body can function properly. They maybe unseen functions, BUT that are still
important. Remember, without the heart, lungs, or liver, functioning properly,
we would die. The same with the Body of Christ!)
f) And finally, we have to recognise that we now belong to a profession, a group of
people who strive for holiness, who strive for obedience to God’s word, which means
that we have to be continually reading, learning, understanding, and putting into
practise, God’s Holy word in our daily lives.]
2. Who was faithful to Him that dappointed Him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house.
The Living Bible says: “For Jesus was faithful to God who appointed Him High Priest, just
as Moses, also faithfully served in God’s house. [Even though Jesus was the Son of God,
He was totally obedient to His Father, both in heaven and upon this earth, as a perfect
living example for us to follow, just as Moses tried to be. But unfortunately, Moses
disobeyed God ONCE, when He was told to “speak to the rock” to bring forth water, and
he struck it twice instead ~ in anger, at the mumbling, stumbling, Israelites. As a result,
He was forbidden from entering into the Promised land.]
3. For this man (Jesus) was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, in as much as ehe
who builds a house has more honour than the house (itself).
4. For every house is built by some man; but He that builds ALL THINGS is GOD! [If a
person builds a house, He is honoured more than the house itself. Moses built the
Tabernacle and received honour for that, But Jesus created the whole universe: hence
He receives more honour than Moses.]
5. And Moses was faithful in all his house, as fa servant, for a testimony of those things
which were to be spoken after; [Moses was obedient to God (His Master), performing
the tasks that His Master told Him to do, as the obedient servant, and an example for us
to follow.]

Philippians 3:14 c
2:17; 4:14,15; 5:5,10 e
Matthew 16:18 f
Exodus 14:31; Numbers
John 20:21 d
[g]~ made Him. 12:7

6. But Christ as aa Son over His own house; bwhose house are we; [IF] we chold fast the
confidence and the rejoicing dof the hope, firm unto the end. [Jesus, who is the Master
of His own house, (remember we are the Living Stones of Christ’s House), we must hold
fast to the confidence and promises of His Words until the very end of our lives; to be
considered worthy to be with Him in Heaven. We have to get the revelation that being a
Christian is a life-long lifestyle, not just a bit added on each Sunday. [IF] we have
anything more important than Jesus in our lives, then Jesus says that we have an idol,
and we are not worthy of Him, as our Saviour.]
7. [C] Wherefore, (as the Holy Ghost says, “Today [IF] you will hear His voice.
8. [C] “Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the days of temptation in the
9. [C] “When your fathers tempted Me, proved Me, and saw My works for forty years.”
10. [C] “Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, “They do always err in their
hearts; and they have not known My ways.
11. [C] So I swear in My wrath, “They shall not enter into My rest).” [Here we have a wake-
up call for all Jews and Christians. Even if you are of the seed of Abraham, or a follower
of Jesus Christ, it means nothing, if you are rebellious and turn away from God, and go
and follow after other gods; or are refusing to put God first in your life. Paul makes is
very clear in this verse, when He reminds us that God promised that “they shall not enter
MY rest”, because of their disobedience and their refusal to repent.
12. Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing
from the living God. [Remember: without repentance, no-one (Jew, or Christian)
shall see God.]
13. [C] “BUT eexhort one another daily, while it is called TODAY! Lest any of you be hardened
through the deceitfulness of sin.” [Do you exhort one another daily? Do you encourage
your brothers & sisters in the Lord ~ as they go about their daily lives. Do you ring them
up to make sure that they are OK? Do you pray for them? Paul makes the point, don’t
be deceived, do this while it is still today, because tomorrow maybe too late, you may
be dead! Don’t be deceived and grow spiritually cold by sin; It will keep you out of God’s
14. [CP] For we are made partakers of Christ, [IF] we ghold the beginning of our confidence
steadfast unto the end; [Notice in this chapter Paul says that you have to remain
steadfast “until the end”. He did not say “until the rapture.” Why? Because He realised
that many will have died and be in their graves before the “end time events” start to
occur. Therefore, as you were spiritually, as you took your last breath, so shall you be
15. “While it is said, hToday, [IF] you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, as in the
provocation. [Paul is again reminding the Jews of what happened to them in the
wilderness, when they rebelled against God Almighty, and built and worshipped the
golden calf, instead of God Almighty. As a result of that rebellion, all-of the adults, who
were above 20 when they came out of Egypt, all died in the wilderness ~ except Joshua
and Kalib, who brought a good report, when they went to spy out the Land, as
commanded by Moses.]
16. For isome, when they had heard, did provoke, howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by
17. But whom was He grieved for forty years? Was it not with them that had sinned, jwhose
carcasses fell in the wilderness?
18. And to whom swear He that they should not enter into His rest, but to whom that believed

1:2,8; 5;8; 7;3,28 c
See verse 14. f
Romans 7:11 i
1 Timothy 3:15; 1 Peter d
Romans 5:2 g
See verse 6. 14:2,4,11,24,30.
2:5 e
10:24,25 h
See verse 7. j
1 Corinthians 10:15

19. So, we see that athey could not enter in because of their bunbelief. [Paul makes it very
clear to the Hebrews (and to us) that unbelief in God’s laws, His righteousness, and His
holiness, by refusing to obey these commandments, will prevent us from being included
in the Bride of Christ, or a place in heaven.]


1. *** (Conclusion), Let us therefore fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into His
rest, and of you should seem cto come short of it. (The Living Bible says: Although God’s
Promise still stands ~ (His Promise that ALL may enter His place of rest) ~ we ought to
tremble with fear, because some of your maybe on the verge of failing to get there after
all.) [Paul is giving a valid warning here: Jesus has given us the promise that ALL may
enter into His rest, BUT that is only if all of the other conditions surrounding this promise
are met. The first one being, that you MUST BELIEVE THE PROMISE, and then OBEY His
2. For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as dunto them (through Moses): but the
word epreached, did not profit them, fnot being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
[For this wonderful news, this truth, this message from God that He really wants to save
us, have been given to all-of us, just as it was given back in the desert, at the time of
Moses. But sadly, it did not do them any good, because they did not have the faith to
believe it. Remember the anagram of faith is:
a) F = forsaking everything
b) A = all-of my other beliefs
c) I = I (you & me)
d) T = Trust
e) H = Him (Jesus Christ ~ the Son of God)
3. [CP] For we which have believed, do enter into (His) rest, as He said. “As I have sworn
in My wrath. [IF] they shall enter into My rest: although the works were finished from
the foundation of the world. [For [IF] we, through faith, have believed His promises,
[THEN] we will enter His promised rest. This is because I had already sworn an oath that
this would happen when I made the universe.]
4. For He spoke in a certain place on the seventh day on this wise, gAnd God did rest from
all-of His creation on the seventh day. [Now you may remember being told in Sunday
school that God made the heavens and the earth in six days, and on the seventh day he
rested: WELL, a big surprise, because that is NOT what the bible actually says. In Genesis
2:1-3 it says: Now at last the heavens and the earth were successfully completed, with
all that they contained, So, on the seventh day, having finished His task, God ceased
from this work that He had been doing, and God blessed the seventh day and declared
it holy, (why?) because it was the day when He ceased this work of creation.
5. And in this place again, h[IF] they shall enter into My rest. [Paul again warns that it is
conditional on us first believing through Faith, that God has made this promise, and we
have a soft heart of flesh to obey God’s word and be worthy to enter His rest.]
6. *** (Conclusion), Seeing therefore, it remains, that some MUST enter therein, and ithey
to whom jit was first preached, entered NOT in, because of (their) unbelief. [The promise
was available to the generations, from the time of Creation. Noah preached to the
masses, but they did not believe, they were destroyed in the flood ~ and did not enter
God’s rest. Moses preached to the Israelites in the wilderness for forty years, and a whole
generation that had seen God’s miracles in Egypt, with their own eyes, still did not
believe, and they perished in the desert. They did not enter into His rest.]

4:6 e
[g]~ of hearing g
Genesis 2:2 j
[h]~ Or. the gospel was
4:11 f
[h]~ because they were h
Psalm 95:11; Hebrews first preached.
12:15 not united by faith to hear 3:11
3”18 it. i

7. [CP] Again, He limits a certain day, saying ain David, b“Today, after so long a time, as it
is said, ‘Today, [IF] you will hear, His voice, [THEN] harden not your hearts’.” [God has
been reminding each generation through His word of His promise of eternal rest in His
presence. But in each generation, there has been rejection of His word, by unbelief, or
hardness of their hearts, so that they have been rejected by God for their rebellion
against his word, and against His promise. The generations have willingly chosen NOT
to follow Him. They have hardened their hearts. Paul is giving these examples as a
warning to the Jews of His generation (and us in this generation) to believe in His
promises through faith and not harden our hearts, so that we are acceptable to God and
His promise of eternal rest.]
8. [CP] For [IF] Jesus had not given them rest. [THEN] He would not afterwards have
spoken of another day. [Because Jesus has spoken of another day, the promise of His
eternal rest still remains. Paul is saying to the Hebrews of that generation; Don’t mess
up, like your forefather did, by not believing this promise, and do not harden your hearts,
like they did, and miss this promise. Through Jesus Christ, that promise of eternal rest
is still available to you, reach out in faith today, and take it.]
9. *** (Conclusion), There remains therefore, a rest to the people of God. [Paul reinforces
His previous statements in this conclusion. God’s promise of eternal rest still remains
available to all that believe in His words through faith, and do not harden their hearts.
That same promise is still AVAIABLE TO ALL-OF US TODAY, [if] we believe in faith, and
do not harden OUR hearts.]
10. For cHe (Jesus) that has entered in His rest, He has also ceased from His works, as God
(His Father) did from His. [For Jesus has entered into His eternal rest, because he has
finished all-of the works that His Father sent Him onto the earth to do; just as the Father
rested from His works of Creation, after they were completed.]
11. *** (Conclusion), Therefore, let us labour to enter that rest, lest any man fall after the
same example of unbelief. [Therefore, let us all be diligent, working steadily in faith, to
be deemed acceptable by Jesus to enter into His eternal rest, and not be rejected because
of unbelief, or hardened hearts.]
12. For dthe word of God is equick and powerful, and fsharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing to the dividing asunder of the gsoul and the spirit, and of the joints and the
marrow, and is ha discerner of the thoughts, and the intents of the heart. [Paul reveals
what the word of God really is in this scripture:
a) It is quick to act.
b) It is the most powerful source in the universe.
c) It is more powerful than any two-edged sword, like a laser it can cut through
d) It is so accurate that it can even divide the soul from the spirit, and the joints from
the marrow inside the bones.
e) It can read your thoughts in your mind, before you even speak them forth, and
f) It can discern the intentions of your hearts, be they good, or evil.
g) So, you see, from this breakdown of the attributes of God’s word, you cannot hide
anything from Him ~ even of you can successfully hide it from everyone around you.]
13. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but ALL things are naked
and open unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. [He knows everything about
everyone, We are all laid naked and bare before the all-seeing eyes of our Living God.
Nothing can be hidden from Him, to whom we must give an account of all our actions
(and our lack of actions); to all we have done in our lives, when His judgement comes
upon us.]

Psalm 95 (title) c
Revelation 6:11 f
Isaiah 49:2
Psalm 95:7; Hebrews d
John 12:48 g
1 Thessalonians 5:23
3:7,13 e
1 Peter 1:23 h
1 Corinthians 14:25

14. Seeing then that we have a great aHigh Priest; bthat is passed into the heavens, Jesus,
the Son of God, clet us hold fast to our dprofession. [We must recognise that Jesus Christ
is our great High Priest and our advocate in heaven to help us; therefore, we must never
stop trusting in Him. We can approach Him at any time with our problems.]
15. For ewe have not fa High Priest gthat cannot be touched wit the feeling of our infirmities;
but was in all points (and circumstances) htempted as we are, yet iwithout sin. [We do
not have a High Priest that lives in isolation, who does not understand our infirmities and
trails and temptations; but we have a High Priest who experienced all-of the infirmities,
trials, and temptations which are common to mankind; but was, and still is without sin.]
16. *** (Conclusion), Let us therefore come boldly into the throne of Grace, that we may
obtain mercy, and find grace, to help in time of need. [Because of these facts, we know
that we can come boldly, right into the throne of grace, to obtain mercy and grace, to
help us in our times of need. Jesus is always available. He has promised to never leave
us, nor forsake us. We can call upon His name and He will always answer.]


1. j
For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men, kin the things
pertaining to God, that he may offer both lgifts and sacrifices for sins:
2. Who mcan have compassion of the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way; for
that he himself also is ncompassed with infirmity.
3. And by reason hereof he ought, oas for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins.
[Verses 1-3: The Jewish High Priest is merely a man like anyone else, but he is chosen
(originally from the line of Aaron) to speak for all other men, in their dealings with God.
It was He that presented their gifts and offerings to God, and to offer to Him the blood
of animals that are sacrificed to cover the sins of the people, (and his own sins too). And
because he is a man, he can deal gently with other men, though they be foolish and
ignorant, for he too, is surrounded with the same temptations, and understands their
problems very well.]
4. And pno man takes this honour for himself, but he that is called of God, qas was Aaron.
[We must remember that no one can become the high priest, just because He wants to
be, He has to be called by God for this work, in the same way that God Himself called
Aaron to be the High Priest over the nation of Israel in the wilderness. In my own
personal case, I was already on the mission field for many years before I was ordained
to be a pastor in God’s service at Easter in 1981.]
5. In a similar manner, Christ did not rglorify Himself to be made a high priest; but He (God
the Father) who said unto Him. “sYou are my Son, today I have begotten you.”
6. And His Father said in another place, “tYou are a priest forever after the order of
Melchizedek.” [This clearly indicates that Jesus, (even though He is of the line of Judah),
not the line of Aaron, and of the Levites, is clearly anointed by God, to be forever a Priest
of the Order of Melchizedek; a priestly line which is eternal.]
7. Who, in the days of His flesh (when He walked the earth), uwhen He had offered up
prayers, and supplications, vwith strong crying and tears unto Him that was able wto save
Him from death, and was heard in that He feared. [While Jesus was here on the earth,
He pleaded with God (His Father), praying with tears and agony of soul, to the only one
who could save Him from (premature) death. And God heard His prayers, because of His

3:1 i
John 8:46; 2 Corinthians compassion of the t
Psalm 110:4; Hebrews
7:26 5:21 ignorant. 7:17,21
10:23 j
8:3 n
7:28 u
Matthew 26: 39,44
1 Timothy 6:13 k
2:17 o
Leviticus 4:3 v
Matthew 27: 46,50
Isaiah 53:3 l
9:9 p
Number 16:5 w
Mark 14:36
3:1 m
[h]~ Or, who can q
Exodus 28:1
5:2 reasonably bear with the r
John 8:54
2:18 s

strong desire to obey God at all times.] {The comments to this verse in the Living Bible
says this: Christ’s longing was to live until He could die on the cross for all mankind.
There was a strong case to be made that Satan’s great desire was the Christ should die
prematurely, BEFORE the mighty work at the cross, could be performed. Christ’s body,
being human, was frail and weak, like ours (except that He was sinless). He has just said
a few moments before, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful unto death.” And can a human
body live long under such pressure of spirit as He underwent in the garden of
Gethsemane, that cause sweating that caused sweating of great drops of blood? But God
the father graciously heard and answered his anguished cry in Gethsemane (“Let this
cup pass from Me”.) and preserved Him for seemingly imminent and premature death:
for an angel was sent to strengthen Him so that He could live to accomplish God’s perfect
will at the cross.} [That is why Jesus could cry out on the cross; “IT IS FINISHED”! AND
Satan has forever been defeated, when Jesus descended down into Hell, preached to all-
of those who had never heard a salvation message, took the keys of sins and death from
Satan, made a public spectacle of him before all-of his demons, rose again from death,
proving once and forever, that He has power over sin, death and Satan.]
8. Though He was athe Son of God, yet He blearned his obedience by the things that He
suffered: [Even though he was the Son of God, He had to learn obedience to His Father
through His suffering, being abused, mocked, and being flayed with the cat and nine tails,
yet He remained steadfast in his calling and purpose, going to the cross for our sins, so
that we would not have to suffer, for the sins that we have committed, through His blood
shed upon the cross, for us.]
9. And cbeing made perfect, He became lthe author of eternal salvation, unto all-of them that
obey Him. [And being made perfect in His suffering, He became the giver of eternal
salvation, unto all-of those people, who:
a) Believed on His name that He IS the Messiah, the Promised One from Heaven, that
was spoken about in the scriptures by the prophets.
b) That they are prepared to follow Him, and obey all-of his commandments.
c) This means as it states in John chapter 4, we have to worship Him, in Spirit and in
d) Recognizing, as it states in the next verse that He is forever the High Priest, of the
Order of Melchizedek.
10. Called of God da high priest after the order of Melchizedek.
11. Of whom we have many things to say, and ehard to be uttered, seeing that you are dull
of hearing. [Here we see Paul starting to admonish the hearers of this message. He states
that I have many things to say to you about Jesus as the High Priest of Melchizedek, and
these are hard things to understand spiritually, but you are dull of hearing; what I teach
you goes in one ear and out the other, you are not getting the revelation in your spirit,
about the importance of what I am trying to teach you here.]
12. For when for the time you ought to be teachers, but you have needed that one teaches
you again fthe first gprinciples of hthe oracles of God; and have become such, as need of
the imilk of the Word, NOT the strong meat of the word. [You have been Christians for a
long time now, and you should know and understand all-of these things and should be
able to teach others; but I perceive now that you have never fully understood the basic
first principles about who is God, and what are His attributes, and the promises that He
has given in His word, through the prophets, and through the words of Jesus, when He
ministering here on earth Himself. Therefore, I need to teach you once again the very first
principles of the Oracles of God. When you should be receiving and understanding the
strong meat of the word, the things that make you able to withstand the darts of the
enemy, I am sadly forced to keep teaching you the milk of the word, feeding you spiritual

John 14:31; Hebrews c
2:10 f
6:1 i
1 Corinthians 3:2
1:2 d
See verse 6. g
Galatians 4:3
Philippians 2:8 e
2 Peter 3:16 h
Romans 3:2

baby food, because you have not learnt or understood it yet. Without this understanding
I cannot move on to more difficult teaching subjects.]
13. For every one that uses milk, ais unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a
(spiritual) baby. [Here Paul is making it very clear, that irrespective of how old you are as
a person, or how many years you have been a Christian; if you are still unskilful in the
word of God about righteousness, what it is, and how to apply it to your own life (the
Greek says: if you have no experience in the works of righteousness) ~ then you are still
spiritual babies in Christ. Sadly, there are many people who sit in churches all-of their
lives, and never transfer from the milk of the word to the meat of the word. They are
always in trouble, because they have not learnt the very basics about the fundamental of
a Christian life, and how to live it for the glory of God.]
14. But strong meat belongs to them that are bof full age, even those who by reason of cuse,
have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. [The strong meat of the word
of God belongs only to them who have moved from spiritual kindergarten to higher levels
of spiritual maturity, who not only understand the basics of spiritual righteousness, but
regularly exercise this knowledge, by application in their daily lives, using the gifts of
spiritual discernment to identify both good and evil, and take the necessary steps to
receive the good but reject the evil. This is the backdrop we have as a spiritual challenge
as we move into chapter 6, where Paul identifies what He calls the kindergarten principles
of spiritual maturity.]


After telling the Hebrews in chapter five that they should by now, (having been Christians for
several years) be able to be teachers of new believers; He is forced to keep teaching them the
milk of the word of God, because they have not grown up spiritually, by exercising the word of
God, that they have been taught in their lives: they are still spiritual babies. In the first two
verses of Hebrews chapter 6, Paul lays out the fundamental principles of the gospel, which
every born-again believer should be able to recognise, explain. and show, “how to” apply it in
their own spiritual lives. If they cannot do this, then they to, are still spiritual babies and need
further instructions before they can be tested by God, and allowed by God to move on the next
spiritual level of understanding. So let us look at these first three scriptures in detail.

Hebrews chapter 6, verses 1-3

Apostle Paul, writing to the Hebrew Christiansd, identifies in these first three verses of Hebrews
chapter 6, what he calls the “kindergarten classes” of Christianity.

1. Therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection;
not laying AGAIN the foundations of repentance from dead works, and of faith towards
2. Of the doctrines of baptisms, and of the laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the
dead, and of eternal judgement.
3. And this will we do ~ IF GOD PERMITS!

Let us look at each of these identified principles in detail.

1. The Doctrines of Jesus Christ [Notice, there is more than one doctrine.] What are they?
2. Foundations of repentance from dead works [Notice, that there is more than one
foundation doctrine for repentance.] What are they?

[g]~ has no experience. c
[h]~ a habit of learning original Syriac texts).
[h]~ Or, perfect age, perfection Also, the Jack Van Impe
the ones who are d
As identified in the Bible
spiritually mature. Peshitta Bible, (the

3. Faith towards God. What is it? How do you use it? What is the difference between “worldly
faith” and “spiritual faith?”
4. The Doctrine of Baptism(s) (plural) – [not one baptism, but more than one baptism].
What are the “other baptisms” that are being referred to?
5. The Doctrine of “the laying-on of hands.” [We must ask “when,” “why,” “who can” &
6. The resurrection of the dead. When will this occur? Does it apply to everyone ~ or just
to the Christian taken up in the clouds as per 1 Thessalonians chapter 4?
7. Eternal Judgement.
➢ How does this apply to “born again” Christians?
➢ How does this apply to “believers”?
➢ How does this apply to “unbelievers”?
Here Paul lists the seven fundamental doctrines of a “Kindergarten Christian,” that is, a “baby
in Christ.”
Unfortunately, today, if you asked some pastors to prepare a sermon on each of these topics,
they would be struggling, let alone members of their congregations!!!! THAT HAS TO CHANGE!
A wise general once said these words: “An army can never go farther than its leader”.
So, looking back at the seven kindergarten subjects, can you prepare a sermon on each of
these topics?
Or are you still a “baby” Christian? Are you still attending “Spiritual Kindergarten classes”, or
have your graduated to a higher class? Only you and God can answer these questions, which
have eternal repercussions and consequences, for you and your eternal soul.


The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ Hebrews 6:1-2
*Leaving the principles of the Christ, let us go on unto perfection*

1. Repentance from Dead Works

Repentance means ~ to change one’s mind and purpose; to turn around reversing one’s
direction. A change of heart and attitude toward the things practiced that are offensive to God,
and turning to God to do His will.
Dead Works are Sin, Works of the Law, Traditions, we must give up trying to save
ourselves. Repentance has been, and is the key to salvation, in all dispensations.
God at one time winked at sin, BUT NOW IS COMMANDING ALL MEN TO REPENT (Acts
I Kings 8:46- No man that sins not. There is no perfect man, no sinless man, without Christ.
Job 42:5-7- Job repents in dust and ashes.
Luke 13:1-5- Repent or Perish!
II Peter 3:9- God is willing for all to come to repentance!
Remember, without Repentance, No-one shall see God.

2. Faith toward God

Faith- Simply is that which you believe (We all have faith in something). What do you believe
about God?
Hebrews 11:1- Faith is substance (Either you have it, or you don’t!)
Hebrews 11:6- We must believe that God is (that God exists), and reverence him with godly
fear (reverential fear).
Romans 4:19-20- Abraham believed; staggered not at the promise of God, and was strong in
Matthew 21:32- Pharisees did not repent, so that they might believe John’s preaching, You
must repent, so that you might believe.
Mark 1:14-15- Repent & Believe.
Mark 16:14-15- He that believeth & is baptized shall be saved!

Acts 16:29-31- Believe & ye shall be saved!
John 7:38- Believe as the scripture hath said.

3. Doctrine of Baptisms
1. Baptism in Water.
2. Baptism in Spirit (John 3:5)
3. Baptism in Fire.

Baptism in Water:
Baptism is connected with getting rid of sin, the washing away of sins (Acts 22:16)
Mark 1:4- John the Baptist, baptized and preached repentance.
Matthew 3:14-16- John the Baptist baptized Jesus: Jesus was baptized to fulfill all
righteousness, Jesus had to be baptized & He set that pattern by doing so (No one is better
than Jesus). We cannot fulfill all righteousness without being baptized.
John 3:22- Jesus baptized his disciples.
Mark 16:15- He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.
Matthew 28:19- Baptize in the NAME of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost (One name to baptize
Luke 24:45- Repentance and remission of sins preached in His Name
Acts 2:38- Baptized in Jesus Name
Acts 4:12- No other Name whereby we must be saved
Acts 8:12-16- Baptized in Jesus Name
Acts 10:47-48- Baptized in Jesus Name
Acts 19:4-5- Baptized in Jesus Name

Baptism of the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit)

Not necessarily for hands to be laid upon to receive the Holy Spirit. You must fully repent and
fully believe, in order to receive the Holy Ghost.
Acts 8:14-20- Peter lays hands on Samaritans,
Acts 19:6- Paul lays hands on Gentiles,
Galatians 3:2- Receive the Spirit by the hearing of faith,
John 14:26- The Comforter (Holy Ghost) teaches you all things,
John 7:38- The Holy Ghost will fill them that believe,
Acts 1:8- Shall receive power after the Holy Ghost comes upon you,
Luke 24:49- Promise of the Father is power from on high,
Isaiah 28:11- Prophecy of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit,
Joel 2:28- Prophecy of outpouring of the Holy Spirit,

Baptism with Fire

This the purification fire, that takes away the dross within your life. Like when you heat up
gold or silver, the dross, (the impurities) float to the surface and can be removed, leaving
purified gold or silver. That is what Christ wants us to be, purified, without any dross, to bring
honour and glory to Him, as His living stones in His Body on this earth.
Matthew 3:11- "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire."
Matthew 3:12- "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his
wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
Galatians 3:27- "For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ."
Ephesians 4:5- "One Lord, one faith, one baptism".
1 Peter 3:21- "Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt
from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus

4. Laying on of Hands
1 Timothy 5:22 - Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thereby share responsibility for
the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.

Acts 28:8 - Paul entered in, and prayed, and laid his hands on him, and healed him.
Deuteronomy 34:9 - Moses had laid his hands on him; and the sons of Israel listened to him
and did as the Lord had commanded Moses.
2 Kings 4:34 - He went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth and his eyes
on his eyes and his hands on his hands, and he stretched himself on him; and the flesh of the
child became warm.

5. Resurrection of the Dead

Death in this present life is not the end! Do whatever you must to make the resurrection unto
Acts 24:15- Resurrection of the death both of just and unjust.
Hebrews 11:35- Hope for a better resurrection.
I Corinthians 15:12-13- If Christ rose, how can we say there is no resurrection!
I Thessalonians 4:13-17- Those who sleep in Jesus will be brought with him.
I Corinthians 15:51-53- Corruption to IN corruption.
Job 19:25- 27- After worms eat the flesh, we shall see God.
Psalms 16:9-10- Our souls will not be left in Hell (Grave).
John 5:24-29- Resurrection unto life and unto death.
Luke 20:35-37 Jesus assures the fact of the resurrection.

6. Eternal Judgment
Judgment- To separate; to make a division between two or more entities.
II Corinthians 5:9-10- We labour now to be accepted of God, for we must all appear before
the judgment seat of Christ.
I Peter 5:17- Judgment begins at the house of God.
Hebrews 9:27- Appointed for man to die, after this judgment.
Matt 13:49- Judgment of righteous and wicked ~ no-one escapes judgement!
Isaiah 5:14- Hell has enlarged itself without measure.
Matthew 18:7-9- Everlasting Fire and Hell are the same thing.
Hebrews 10:26-27- One who sins wilfully looks for fiery indignation.
Matthew 25:41, 46- Everlasting punishment.
Romans 2:2-16- The soul is the object of judgment.
Revelation 22:14-15 Eternal judgment for those who do not do His commandments.

Now let us continue with the remainder of Chapter six.

3. And this we will do ~ IF God permits. [We cannot proceed further towards spiritual
maturity until after we are tested, and have passed the test! Nowadays children go
to school into a “Preparatory class” to get them ready, to prepare them for school, to
teach them very basic things, so that when they start “real school”, where you start to
learn new things. You are ready to take on this task, already having a basic knowledge
that this “learning” will be beneficial to you in future classes. The same applies to “Sunday
school”, where basic Christians stories are told about God, creation, and the prophets, and
about the birth of Jesus, coming as a baby being born in a manger in Bethlehem. But
these are just “surface stories;” the depth of spiritual instruction is limited, based upon
their ages. These children are being prepared for the “Kindergarten Scriptures” mentioned
4. For ait is impossible for those who were once benlightened, and have tasted of cthe
heavenly gift, and dwere made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
5. And tasted the good word of God, and the powers of ethe world to come.
6. If they shall fall away, to renew them again, funto repentance: gseeing they to themselves
the Son of God afresh, and put Him to open shame. [When God’s word says that it is

a b d f
Matthew 12: 31,45; Hebrews 10:32 2:4 12:7
10:26 c
John 4:10 e
2:5 g

impossible; He means just what He says! There is no use trying to bring a backslidden
Christian back to the Lord again, if they have tasted for themselves the good things of
heaven, and shared in the Holy Spirit, and really know how good the Word of God is; and
have felt the mighty powers of the world to come, and have then turned against God. You
cannot bring yourself to repent again, if you have nailed the Son of God to the cross
again, by rejecting Him, (when He hung on the cross the first time.) You are
holding Him up to mockery and to public shame. The Father refuses to send Jesus to the
cross again, as it could not achieve anything extra than it did the first time.]
7. For the earth awhich drinks in the rain that comes often upon it, and bring forth herbs
meet for them bby whom it is dressed: creceives blessings from God.
8. But dthat which bears thorns and briars is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing: whose end
is to be burned. [In John 15:16, Jesus commands us to go and bear good fruit, and that
fruit MUST remain. In this scripture, Paul makes it clear; If your fruit is briars and thorns,
it will be rejected, harvested and wrapped up and put aside to be burnt. You will go before
the throne of Christ empty handed, and be burnt. Your spirit will be saved, but you will
have no mansion to live in; you will have to sleep like a homeless person. On the other
hand, if you have also turned away from God as has been explained in the verses above,
you will be included in the second death, and end up in Hell ~ not Heaven.]
9. But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation,
though we thus speak. [Paul says, even though I am saying these things to you, I do not
believe that they apply to you, because I believe that you are actually producing good
fruit, worthy of your salvation. Paul makes this statement as a warning to both the Jewish
Christians and the Gentile Christians, to make sure that your actions after your salvation,
results in the production of Good Fruit, not thorns and briars, which will be harvested, set
aside to be burned in God’s eternal fire ~ Hell!]
10. e
For God in not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have showed
towards His name, in that fyou have ministered to the saints, and do (continue to)
minister. [God knows everything; He knows of your good works in helping the people and
telling them about salvation in Jesus Christ, the long-awaited Messiah. And we know that
you will not cease in your endeavours to continue to minister to the downtrodden, those
still in the grips of Satan and despair.]
11. And we desire that that every one of you, do show the same diligence, to the full assurance
of ghope unto the end:
12. [P] That you be not hslothful, but followers of them, who through faith, and patience,
inherit the promise.
13. [P] For when God made promises to Abraham, because He could swear by no greater
(name), iHe swore by Himself. [Paul encourages the Hebrew disciples that everyone of
them show due diligence (making sure that you do not miss even a single thing out), to
the full assurance of the Word of God, spoken by the prophets, through Jesus Christ
Himself, and through the Apostles, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit; making sure
that you do not become slothful ~ not becoming lazy and stopping the work of the
ministry, that the Lord has called each on of us to do. God made promises to Abraham
long ago, and because there was no higher name in the universe than His own, He swore
those promises on His own name. Those promises that God made to Abraham and the
promises that God the Father made through Jesus on the cross, as still valid today ~ don’t
ignore them; but remain faithful and patient for His return; so that you may be rewarded
for your faithfulness and obedience to your calling here on earth, as a witness for Jesus
Christ. Remember: no other god has promised eternal life for believers, on the blood of
their own Son.]
14. [P] Saying, “jSurely blessing, I will bless thee, and multiplying, I will multiply thee.”

Psalm 65:10 c
Psalm 65:10 f
Romans 15:25; 2 Timothy h
[h]~ Or, for whom it is d
Isaiah 5:6 1:18 i
Genesis 22:16; Luke 1:73
dressed. e
Matthew 10: 42 3:6 j
Genesis 22:17

15. [P] And so, after He had patiently endured, He obtained the Promise. [After waiting
patiently all-of these years in faith, believing the words of His promise, God gave Him the
promised son ~ Isaac, through which line Jesus would come many centuries later, again
fulfilling God’s Promise to Abraham. For those reading this today, or hearing this message
via video, do not give up. God never gives up on His promises to His people. He said the
nation of Israel would be reborn, in one day, like a mother giving birth to a child (Ezekiel
37:21-22). This prophecy was given by God Almighty 2,900 years before it came to pass.
God has a very long memory, and never forgets His promises to His people.]
16. For men verily swear by the greater: and aan oath for confirmation is to them and end of
all strife. [Have you ever wondered why a judge in a courtroom will ask people going to
give evidence in the courtroom, to take an oath on the Bible? Because the judicial system
recognises that there is a higher court, and a higher judge in heaven; sitting in judgement
upon the evidence, and upon the proceedings in their courtrooms. It also states the judges
who make wrong judgements will be judged more severely, because they are supposed
to know better, than the ordinary citizen.]
17. [P] Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto bthe “Heirs of Promise” cthe
immutability of His counsel, dconfirmed it by an oath (in His own name.) [To prove that
God was serious about His promises to the Heirs of Promise, He made an Unchangeable
Promise, confirming this promise by an oath in His own name. [IF] you do not believe all-
of the Promises made by God, [THEN] how can you believe any of them? Because they
are all made by the same God. We know from history, that people make promises, but
later break them ~ BUT God never breaks His promises. At creation He said: “The sun
shall shine by day and the moon by night.” That promise has not been broken, since the
beginning of time and will continue to be unbroken unto God rolls up the universe like a
scroll, before the creation of a New Heaven and a New Earth, which has no sun, no moon
and no seas, as stated in Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, Hebrews 12:26-27 and Revelation 21:1.
From this we can see that God is faithful to His promises, to all who put their trust in Him.]
18. That by two immutable (unchanging) things, in which it was impossible for God to
lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the
hope set before us: [Firstly people misquote scripture, stating that “nothing is
impossible for God”. Here is a scripture which clearly states that it is IMPOSSIBLE
FOR GOD TO LIE! That in one thing that is impossible for God to do: He cannot lie.
If He could lie, then your salvation is not guaranteed, because He could be lying to you!
Think about that! Be careful when you misquote scripture, because you are bringing down
judgement upon yourself!]
19. Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and ewhich enters
into that within the veil. [Remember, since the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the veil has
been ripped asunder and we no longer need the action of a priest to make our supplications
before God; we can enter into the Holy of Holies, ourselves through the blood sacrifice of
Jesus Christ.]
20. Whither fthe forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made ga high priest hforever, of the
order of Melchizedek. [Jesus has gone before us, into the Holy of Holies, and put His own
blood on the mercy seat, so that we all can be reconciled back to God the Father, through
His own precious blood, to be called sons and daughters of the King.]


1. For this iMelchizedek, the King of Salem, Priest of the Most-High God, who met Abram
returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed Him: [Melchizedek who has no
record of mother or father, who has come out of nowhere to become the King of Salem ~
the King of Peace. Have you ever wondered why the son of a king is called a prince? We

a d f i
Exodus 22:11 [g]~ Interposed Himself by it, 4:14 Genesis 14:18-20
11:9 n in an oath, by His own name. g
Psalm 110:4 Leviticus 16:15 h

only have to look at royal families in the world today to see that this tradition still exists.
Have you ever wondered why Jesus is called the “Prince of Peace”? Simple! Because His
Father is, and always will be, “the King of Peace”! That is why the relationship between
Jesus and Melchizedek is so special. We know from scriptures that Jesus (in His spiritual
form) was speaking to Moses from within the burning bush: I personally believe that
Melchizedek is “the spiritual manifestation of God the Father on the earth”, at that
important time in biblical history. It is also why Melchizedek offered Abram “bread and
wine,” instead of the worldly traditional of bread and salt, as a sign of peace. It was the
first reference to the elements of communion in the scriptures.]
2. To whom also Abram gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation, King of
Righteousness, and after that, King of Salem, which is, King of Peace. [Now I have a
problem with the translation of this scripture, for the following reasons:
a) As recorded in Genesis 14:12, at this time in his life, his name was still Abram.
b) In verse Genesis 14:20, it states clearly that Abram gave him “tithes of all”. Now,
nowhere before this time in scripture, does it state that people were required to give
one tenth of their harvest/produce, as a mandatory offering to God. Neither Cain,
nor Abel gave one tenth as an offering to God.
c) The tenth was not mentioned in scripture until Genesis 28:22, at the time of Jacob
and Esau’s birth. Abraham died when they were both 15 years of age.
d) When you look up a dictionary you read the definition of a tithe, as “one tenth of
one’s harvest, or income, given to support the synagogue or church”. Well, back at
the time of Abram, there were no synagogues, nor churches. This definition is not
valid at this time in history, when referring to Melchizedek and Abram. The translators
have tried to impose a later historical fact, on earlier scriptural history & this is
3. Without Father and without Mother, without adescendants, neither beginning of days, nor
end of life; but made like unto bthe Son of God; abides a priest ccontinually. [This
statement confirms my previous statement where I believe that Melchizedek was God the
Father on the earth, as follows:
a) He has no father nor mother, because before time and space existed, God the Father
b) He has no record of Birth, nor of death, because God the Father will never die.
c) But made like unto the Son of Man; Jesus said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen
the Father.”
d) Until Christ’s resurrection and ascension back into heaven and His glory, God the
Father was the Eternal priest of the Order of Melchizedek.
e) When Jesus was proclaimed to be forever the High Priest of the order of Melchizedek,
He was answerable to someone in a position of higher authority than Himself.
f) The only person in the universe that is in a higher position of authority than Jesus is
His Father, who delegated all authority in heaven and on the earth to Him ~ EXCEPT
The Father withheld one item from His Son; the day He is to go back to the earth to
establish His throne in Jerusalem and reign for 1,000 years.]
4. Now consider how great this man was, unto who even the patriarch Abraham (Abram)
gave the tenths of the spoils. [see my comments above]
5. [C] And verily, dthey that are the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood,
have a commandment to take tithes, of the people, according to the Law, that is, of their
brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham: [The Levi, the descendants of
Aaron, who are ordained into the office of the priesthood, have a commandment from
God, as per the Law given to Moses, that requires that the whole nation of Israel, (outside
of the Tribe of Levi), must pay a tithe to the Levites, being 10% of the gross of their
harvests, twice in every seven-year cycle.

a b c d
[g]~ Pedigree (genealogy) 1:2; see verse 28. 10:1 Numbers 18:21,26; 2
Chronicles 31;4,5

a) The first tithe of 10% shall be paid after the harvest in the 3rd year, and this tithe
shall be 10% of the gross of the harvest for years 1-3 inclusive.
b) The second tithe of 10% shall be paid after the harvest in the 6th year, and this tithe
shall be 10% of the gross of the harvest for years 4-6 inclusive.
c) This tithe was primarily for the maintenance of the Temple, and to be used by the
Levite priests, to sustain their families, because they were forbidden from owning
d) As per the Law, no planting is allowed in the 7th year, as the land is to remain fallow.
e) It is permitted to harvest any grain that comes up by itself in the 7th year, but no
tithe is required from this harvest, because this is God’s blessing to the nation.
f) This was the reason that Israel was punished for 490 years, because for the 70 years
that they were captives in Babylon, they disobeyed the Laws of Moses, and planted
and reaped a harvest, for the 7th year of every year that they were in captivity: 7
times 70 = 490 years.
g) Now, every time that a Jew goes to the Temple, (or after 70 AD, to the synagogue),
they were to make a “free-will offering” at the entrance gate of the Temple.
h) There is no scripture which states that a person must make a tithe to the synagogue,
(or to a church), every Sunday. Sadly, that is been introduced by the secular
traditions of denominations. It is to be a free-will offering.
6. But He whose adescent is not counted from them that receive tithes of Abraham, and
blessed bHim that had the promises. [Firstly, Melchizedek was not a relative of Abraham,
but still Abraham gave Him a tithe. Melchizedek blessed Abraham. A person gives a
blessing is greater than the one who receives it.]
7. And without all contradiction, the lesser is blessed of the better.
8. And here men that die, receive tithes: but there He receives them, of whom cit is witnessed
that he lives. [The Jewish priests, though mortal received tithes; but we are told that
Melchizedek lives on ~ He never dies!]
9. And as I may so, Levi also, who received tithes, paid tithes in Abram.
10. For he was in the loins of his father, when Melchizedek met him. [One might even say that
Levi himself, who was the ancestor of-all the Jewish priests, of all who received tithes,
paid tithes to Melchizedek through the father Abram. For although Levi was not born yet,
the seed from he came was already in Abram, when Abram paid the tithes to Melchizedek.]
11. *** (Conclusion), dIf therefore, perfection was by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it
the people received the Law), what further need was there that another priest should rise
after the Order of Melchizedek, and not be called after the order of Aaron? [Why was it
necessary for another priest to rise after the Law was given, in the order of Melchizedek,
instead of the order of Aaron, from the tribe of Levi? Was it because the Law was
inadequate, and needed to be upgraded, so that the better covenant of Jeremiah 31:31
could be activated, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? [IF] the Jewish
priests and the Laws of Moses, and the 613 Levitical Laws had been able to save us, why
then did God need to send Christ as a priest with the rank of Melchizedek, instead of
sending someone with the rank of Aaron ~ the same rank as all the other priests?]
12. For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the Law.
13. For He of whom these things are spoken pertains to another tribe, of which no man gave
attendance at the altar.
14. For it is evident that our LORD sprang up out of Judah; of which tribe Moses spoke nothing
of concerning the priesthood. [And when God sends a new kind of priest, His law must be
changed to permit it. As we all know, Christ did not belong to the priest-tribe of Levi, but
came from the tribe of Judah, which had not been chosen for priesthood: Moses had never
given them that work.]
15. And yet it is far more evident: for that after the similitude (the first model) of Melchizedek
there arises another priest. [So, we can plainly see that God’s method changed, for Christ,

a c e
[g]~ Or pedigree, (genealogy) 5:6 5:6
b d
Romans 4:13; Galatians 3:16 Galatians 2:21; Hebrews 8:7

the new High Priest who came with the rank of Melchizedek. Did God Almighty make a
mistake by handing down a Law to Moses which would not guarantee salvation? No, it was
to make them aware that the blood of animals, even though they covered the sins of the
people for one year, were never forgotten, and hence their salvation was never guaranteed
16. Who is made, not after the law of aa carnal commandment, but after the power of an
endless life.
17. [P] For He testifies, “You are a priest forever, after the Order of Melchizedek.” [Jesus did
not become a High Priest by meeting the requirements of the Old Testament, having to
be of the tribe of Levi, He became the High Priest on the basis of the power flowing from
a life which can never end. And even the psalmists knew this when they wrote of Christ,
“You are a priest forever with the rank of Melchizedek.” This prophecy was made over
1,000 years before the Cross and the Resurrection.]
18. For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before, for bthe weakness
and the unprofitableness thereof.
19. For cthe Law made nothing perfect, but dthe bringing in of a better hope did: by which ewe
draw nearer unto God. [Yes, the old system of the priesthood, based upon family lines,
was cancelled, because it didn’t work. It was weak and useless for saving people. Do you
realise that it was impossible to be saved under the Old Testament Priesthood? It never
made anyone really right with God. But now we have a better hope, for through the blood
of Christ we are made acceptable to God, and now we may draw near and be reconciled
to Him.]
20. And in as much as not without an oath, He was made Priest:
21. [P] For the (Old Testament Priests) were made without fan oath: but this with an oath by
Him (God the Father), that said unto Him (Jesus Christ, the Son), “gThe LORD swear and
will not repent, You are a Priest forever after the Order of Melchizedek.”
22. By so much was Jesus made a surety of ha better testament.
23. And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason
of death.
24. But THIS MAN, because He continues forever, has ian unchangeable priesthood (which
does not pass from one to another ~ but is now eternal.) [God took an oath that Jesus
Christ, His only Son, would always be a Priest: Only to Christ He said, “The LORD has
sworn and will never change His mind. You are a Priest forever, with the rank of
Melchizedek.” Because of God’s oath, Christ can guarantee forever the success of this new
and better arrangement. Under the old arrangement, there had to be many priests, so
that when the older ones died off, the system could still be carried on by others who took
their places. But Jesus lives forever, and continues to be a Priest, so that no-one else is
25. Wherefore, He is able also to save them jto the uttermost that come unto God by Him,
seeing that He lives to make intercession for them. [Because Jesus Christ is our
intercessor, (and advocate) as the High Priest, in the courtrooms in Heaven, He can save
all who come to Him, through His own blood offered on the Mercy seat in Heaven, made
in the Heavenly Temple, not made by human hands.]
26. For such ka high priest, became us, who is lholy, harmless, undefiled, mseparate from
sinners, and made nhigher than the heavens; [Jesus is therefore, exactly the High Priest
we need; for He is eternally holy and blameless, (even though He took the sins of the
whole world upon Himself), He is unstained by sin, undefiled by sinners, and to Him has
been given a place of honour in Heaven.]
27. Who needs not daily, as these High priest (of the old arrangement) need to offer up
sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people’s: for this He did one once, when
a e i m
9:10 4:16 [g]~ Which passes not from 4:15
Romans 8:3; Galatians 4:9 f
[h]~ Or, by the swearing of an one to another. n
Ephesians 1:20
9:9; 10:1 oath [h]~ Evermore.
g k
[h]~ Or, it was the bringing in; Psalm 110:4 3:1
h l
Galatians 3:24 8:6 Revelation 15:4

He offered up Himself. [The High Priest of the Old Covenant needed to offer up regular
sacrifices, firstly for his own sins, and the for the sins of the people of Israel: But Jesus
did it once, for all time, when He willingly offered up Himself on the cross at Golgotha.]
28. For the Law makes men high priests, awhich have infirmity: BUT the word of bthe oath,
which was since the Law, makes cthe Son, who is dconsecrated for evermore. [For the
people who were made Hight Priests under the Old Testament Law, were not perfect; and
the Old Testament Law did not make them perfect ~ they had infirmities. But because of
the oath given by God Almighty, sworn upon His own name, after the Law was given,
makes the Son, who is perfected on the cross, consecrated as High Priest forevermore,
and as such, able to save all-of those who come to Him in every generation.]

a b c d
5:2 See verse 21. 1:2 [g]~ Perfected.


In scripture, the number eight signifies a “new beginning”. Here in this chapter, we have the
Levitical Priesthood abolished, and a new beginning’ commences, with Christ as the new High
Priest, and all-of the born-again disciples, being part of the newly established “royal


Many people in western society have lost, or failed to understand, the role of the Levitical
priesthood. Others look and think – it is in the Old Testament, so it does not apply to us,
because we live under grace, not under the law.
It is true that we now live under grace and not under the law, but it is not true that we should
disregard what is written in the Old Testament, because it is a shadow of what is to take place
in the New Testament.
The Levitical Priesthood is no exception. They were ordained into this office to minister unto
God – not unto man! They were to minister to God in the temple, whether there were any
people in the temple or not.
How many pastors (priests) do you know, that would minister to empty seats? Not many. That
is because they have not understood their responsibilities of ministering unto God.
In the following study, you will see that God sent an unnamed prophet to Eli to give him a
message. This message is still relevant today, because the prophecy states it will be
in operation until Christ comes again!
So, this prophecy starts in the Old Testament, and will finish when Jesus comes back, at the
end of the “Age of the Gentiles”.
We are all commanded to be sons and daughters of the king; a royal priesthood before the
throne room of grace. How can we “act like priests” if we do not understand their role, function
and responsibilities?
Notice the prophecy clearly indicates two (2) very different types of priests, which will be
allowed to exist within the Body of Christ, right up until Christ returns for His bride.
On the next page, you see the Levitical Line of the Priests.


Discerning the Difference of “Holy” and “Phony” Ministries!

The book of First Samuel tells us that an unnamed prophet came to Eli (the High Priest) with
an awful message. This unknown man delivered an amazing prophecy -- one that has
everything to do with what we see going on in the church today.
This divine word reveals much about dead, dry, ungodly ministers and churches that are in
operation in the world around us - right now!
The prophecy tells of two priesthoods that would develop and continue, from that day onwards,
until the very end of time. Both of these priesthoods would be ministering in the church. One
would be cursed with abominable shame; but the other would be a ministry after
God's own heart!
The unnamed prophet tells Eli: "Behold, the days come, that I will cut off thine arm, and the
arm of thy father's house, that there shall not be an old man in thine house". 1 Samuel 2:31.
He is describing a curse upon the ministry of Eli! But then he continues: "And I will raise me up
a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind: and I
will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before mine anointed for ever" (verse 35).
This prophecy of two priesthoods is being fulfilled today -- right before our eyes. Indeed, both
ministries are operating simultaneously, in nations all across the world!
Firstly, the prophet speaks of the ongoing ministry of a self-centred, backslidden, compromising
priesthood. He describes those priests who are “of the spirit of Eli”, mentioning two specific
1. Priests who please man more than God:
i. Such priests are “people-pleasers”, more than “pleasers of God”. "Wherefore kick ye at
my sacrifice and at mine offering ...and honour thy sons above me..." (verse 29).
ii. Eli was soft on sin! He never made any decisions that would offend his two sons. Only
once, in over fifty years of ministry, did Eli correct them. They had been committing
adultery, raping women, committing the vilest acts. Yet even then, all Eli could say to
them was, "Why do you do this?"
iii. This man had no righteous indignation! He was not “a keeper of the Law”. He never
shared God's wrath and hatred toward sin. He represents a priesthood of ministers who
are afraid to reprove God's family, that is - the congregation today!
iv. Unfortunately, there are churches today that you can attend for up to a year,
and yet never hear one word of reproof. A church could be totally corrupted; half
of the congregation divorcing, adultery rampant, teenagers sleeping around, children
unruly, in fact, many of the forbidden sins of Scripture ~ but the pulpit is silent, afraid
to “offend”, because it might affect the offerings to the church! These churches are
worshipping MONEY ~ not GOD!
v. The whole congregation has been given over to pleasure(s), or sports, or other forms
of entertainment; but there is never a word of correction from the pulpit!
vi. Instead, the pastor caters to the people's weaknesses and cravings. He is afraid to
offend anyone -- afraid the offerings will go down and he'll lose his income.
This is the first characteristic of the evil ministry developing in Eli's soul. And it is the mark of
every ongoing; compromising, priesthood of today & the apostate church, mentioned in the
Book of Revelation (before Christ comes back!)
They cater to their own needs and comfort rather than give themselves toward the
needs of the flock. “They ... make (themselves) fat, with the chief (or best portion) of all the
offerings of Israel, my people" (verse 29).
When the people brought the meat offering to the priest, it was supposed to go into the seething
pot to be boiled. Afterwards, the priest dipped a three-pronged hook into the pot, and whatever
came out on the hook went onto his table.

But Eli's two sons didn't want the boiled, sodden meat. They wanted the red, fresh raw filet
mignon! So, they brought their father the prime cuts. There was no sodden flesh on his table.
That's how Eli got fat, lazy, and careless. If he would have dealt with his sons, he might have
lost his filet mignon!
Eli was concerned with his own interests, his own table. And that is what is happening in
many dying churches today:
Many preachers are interested only in their own comfort, in caring for themselves --
instead of spending time on their knees for the sake of the people entrusted into their
The prophet is saying, "You are self-absorbed, Eli -- feathering your own nest! To you, the
ministry means nothing more than food on the table, security for you and your family. You are
treating this position as a “profession”, NOT “a calling from God”. You don't really care
about the flock. You are more interested in what goes onto your table than in what goes into
the people's hearts.
Yet, you never once think about how your compromise and selfishness, brings reproach to God's
honourable name. You never consider the people who watch as your sons steal the prime meat.
You are soft on sin, afraid to reprove -- because you're consumed with things that make you
The Unnamed Prophet Pronounced Three Terrible Judgments on This Priesthood!
Every “so-called minister” who is of the seed of Eli -- compromising, soft on sin, concerned only
for himself, will know these three judgments:

1. A loss of all spiritual power and authority.

"...they that despise me shall be “lightly esteemed”. Behold, the days come, that I will cut
off thine arm [strength], and the arm of thy father's house [their inheritance]." (Verses: 30-
To be "lightly esteemed" by the Lord meant a loss of God's favour and blessing! It meant your
work has had no impact against Satan's kingdom. Such a minister may be esteemed by
others -- but in God's eyes he is a lightweight, someone in whom God puts no trust!
God said, "You despise me by not preaching my whole counsel. You're not a man of prayer.
You're not concerned about my people, but only about your success and reputation. You just
want to make sure there's a crowd. You have lightly esteemed My Word -- and now I am going
to lightly esteem you! Go your way -- do your own works. You are lightly esteemed in my
This cutting off, by the removal of God's anointing, leaves the Eli priesthood to busy themselves
with helter-skelter programs; works of the flesh that looks good. It all sounds like important
kingdom work, but God refuses to touch it! It is simply busy activity; lightly esteemed
ministries, undertaken by lightly esteemed ministers!

2. They will be bypassed by the true anointing and blessing of God in the last days.
"And you will see the distress of my dwelling, in spite of all that I do good for Israel..." (Verse
32, NAS).
In other words, "When I choose the time to pour out My Spirit, you'll be standing in ruins!" And
that's exactly what is happening in Britain, Australia and America today: Preachers are standing
in churches that are dead, dry and ruined! God has said to them, "I will pass you by!" This
priesthood will be standing there among the ruins as God blesses and anoints another
priesthood. That is men of God who have paid the price!
Right now, in these last days, His anointing is falling on those who have given their lives to
Him, who are prepared to serve Him and Him alone, without any thought for their own well-
being. The Spirit is laying hold of these praying, fearless men.
But those of Eli's seed are being bypassed, left to play their church games! God is saying, in
essence, "In spite of all I do, you will not see the good! You will not be part of my last-day, holy
remnant. You are lightly esteemed, and you will go about your ministry with no real spiritual

3. They will lose God's touch in the very prime of their life.
"...all the increase of your house will die in the prime of life" (verse 33, NAS).
This verse is taken two ways.
First, it was fulfilled literally when King Saul sent Doeg up to Nob to slay eighty-five priests who
were of the seed of Eli. But the verse also has a spiritual application. It is saying that this
priesthood will look good up to a certain point. The ministers will be very active and busy.
Just at the point when they ought to be at their best -- full of energy, power, wisdom, holiness,
and ready to be used the most -- a spiritual death will take place. God is going to leave
them! They will be left standing before the people as dead men, while in the very prime of their
Yet perhaps the most tragic of all the prophecies given by this unnamed man of God is that this
backslidden, compromised priesthood would never be cut off from God's altars! The evil
ministry would continue to the very end.
"Yet I will not cut off every man of yours from my altar that your eyes may fail from weeping
and your souls grieve". (Verse 33, NAS).
God will not cut them off! Compromising, spiritless, dead men are going to exist until the last
days, when the Lord returns. But, God says, "What a grief they're going to be. They will be a
cause for weeping!"
Now, I want to show you another kind of priesthood. It is the other ministry of priests that the
prophet said God was raising up.
"But I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who will do according to what is in My
heart and in My soul; and I will build him an enduring house, and he will walk before
My anointed always" (verse 35, NAS).
This holy ministry is the “Zadok priesthood”! It is made up of faithful, holy ministers of God,
who walk and live according to His desire, not their own desires. And such a priesthood remains
to this very day! Everything that this unnamed prophet prophesied is fully illustrated in David's
kingdom. David is a type of Christ, and Israel is a type of church.
David had two priests who fulfilled these two prophetic priesthoods to the letter: Abiathar and
Zadok. "And hast thou not there with thee Zadok and Abiathar, the priests?" (2 Samuel 15:35).

1. Let Us First Consider Zadok. [Zadok means "one who's proved righteous"]
"Now these are they that came to David to Ziklag. ... And Zadok, a young man mighty of valour,
and of his father's house twenty and two captains" (1 Chronicles 12:1, 28).
Zadok was the first young priest to recognize God's anointing was now upon David!
Men were fleeing to David, coming from all over, to join his forces. Zadok recognized that the
Holy Spirit had left Saul. Saul’s ministry now was all hype, flesh, with no call or touch of heaven.
And Zadok said, "I don't want any part of that kind of ministry. It's dead -- God has gone from
it. I'm going with David, who has the Spirit's anointing resting upon him!" So Zadok went to
David at Ziklag -- never to leave him for the rest of his life! Through every rebellion, Zadok
stood with him, a man proved righteous. David had captured the priest's heart -- and Zadok
never looked back.
Thank God, there are men of God like this in many pulpits today. These are men of prayer, who
are committed to Jesus, having walked away from all flesh, entertainment and worldliness. You
know it when you hear them preach -- because something registers in your soul!
When others forsook David, Zadok remained faithful. David was running from his son Absalom,
who had rebelled. And when David came to the brook Kedron, the Scripture says, "Now behold,
Zadok also came... and Abiathar went up..." (2 Samuel 15:24, NAS). Notice here that both
Zadok and Abiathar are with David. Both are at the brook Kedron with him, and both go back
to Jerusalem at David's order.
So, while Absalom defiled David's concubines in full public view, and Israel went berserk with
wickedness and revelry, two holy men stood in God's house -- Zadok and Abiathar.
And so it is today! While the whole world is going to hell amid unheard-of wickedness,
God still has His holy men serving at His altar. He still has a Zadok priesthood, faithful
in all God's Word!

2. Consider Now the Abiathar Priesthood! [Abiathar ~~"at peace with God”.]
He was with Zadok as they took the ark back to Jerusalem. Indeed, at this point, Abiathar
appears to be holy, dedicated, devoted, and loyal to David. He will have nothing to do with
Absalom's rebellion. He goes about his ministry looking as pure and uncompromising as Zadok.
But why is he never mentioned in the Word after this? Why isn’t he named among the prophets?
Why does his name die out? Something happens. Suddenly Abiathar is "lightly esteemed" --
and Zadok is made the example of the holy, remnant priesthood. Why? It is because Abiathar
had “the spirit of Eli” in him!
All those awful prophecies spoken by the unnamed prophet fell upon him. And it all happened
quickly! The unnamed prophet had said that not all such kind, would be cut off. Abiathar’s
father and eighty-three other priests, who wore an ephod, were slain by Doeg. Only Abiathar
escaped! He ran to David -- and the ministry he represented survived, which was according to
prophecy. Yet just as the prophet had spoken, Abiathar -- the seed of Eli -- in the prime of his
life and at the peak of his blessings was seduced by the call of success. He lost his place with
God's anointed!
You see, David had another son, Adonijah. His name means "success and prosperity." This
young man pretended to introduce a "new move" into the land, by naming himself king. Yet it
was only another rebellion ~ not a move of God ~ but a snare of Satan! This is the very ministry
the prophet had warned of: “self-exaltation and success”.
"Then Adonijah...exalted himself..." (1 Kings 1:5). It was self-centeredness, pride! Adonijah
said, "I will set myself up as king!" This young man was raised under a ministry of "no reproof":
"And his father had not displeased him at any time in saying; why hast thou done so?" (Verse
Notice here: Everything the prophet had prophesied of this kind of ministry had happened! All
of the elements he had said would happen under this kind of priesthood were in this man,
Adonijah! "And he conferred with Joab, the son of Zeruiah..." (Verse 7). Adonijah surrounded
himself with ungodly men! There was not a holy man among them; not Zadok, not Nathan, not
any faithful men of David (see verse 8).
Scripture says that this group met at "the stone of Zoheleth" -- which means "place of the
serpent." This was a group of self-serving, success-driven, ego-stroking rebels.
They cried out: "Here is something new, something that works! Away with David's old worn-
out ways. God is doing a new thing in the land!"
Up to that point, Abiathar had been loyal to David. But now the word was out: "There's a new
move taking place -- some great, new thing happening in the land. And it's very exciting!" It
grabbed the heart of Abiathar -- because it looked like a ticket to success and prosperity. Now
he could make it! He had found a new man and a new message.
I meet many people who come to this country from places in Europe, Africa and Asia where
churches are dying. They hear about some new work happening in the churches here, and they
become hungry to see it happen in their church – “a new move of God”.
Once, when I was overseas, I told one pastor friend, "You and your wife used to be on your
faces continually, weeping before God. That is why your church was so blessed. But you've
gotten so busy, you don't know God anymore!" This couple began to weep, crying, "You're
right!" But instead of repenting, they went to America -- looking for some new program that
might make their ministry work!
That is the ministry of Abiathar! He got caught up in a fleshly, ungodly work of Satan. And he
gathered with the others at the stone of Satan, eating, drinking and shouting, "Long live King
When David was told about it, he cried out, "Get me Nathan, the Prophet!" You see, when God
wants to do something that really counts for His eternal purposes, He calls on those who have
been shut in with him. David is a type of Christ here. And he cried, "Forget Abiathar. Go get
Nathan, the Prophet! I lightly esteem Abiathar. Tell Nathan to get the trumpet and the oil, and
to go anoint Solomon to be king over Israel!"
So, Solomon was anointed king. And the first thing he did was to kill Shimei, who cursed David.
Then he began dealing with all of David's enemies -- and he called forth Abiathar. Now, I remind

you that the unnamed prophet said this Eli-Abiathar ministry would never be cut off. And
Solomon knew all about this prophecy.
Abiathar should have been executed for treason. But instead, Solomon told him: "You cast your
lot in with my brother Adonijah. You tried to bring down this kingdom. And because of that,
you deserve to die. But I'm not going to kill you. You carried the ark of God for my father,
David, and you were afflicted with him. Because of those things, I will not put you to death at
this time. Now, go to Anathoth, to your own field, to do your own thing. You are lightly
"So, Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the Lord; that he might fulfil the word
of the Lord, which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh" (verse 2:27).
The Eli priesthood is still here today! But God says to their kind, "Go, do your own thing. I
lightly esteem you!"

3. Ezekiel Understood the Prophetic, the Importance of These Two Priesthoods!

Both the Zadok and Abiathar priesthoods were operating in Ezekiel's day. And, like the unnamed
prophet, Ezekiel prophesied they both would flow, as two streams of ministry to the very end:
"...mark well the entering in of the house, with every going forth of the sanctuary" (Ezekiel
God was telling Ezekiel, "Stand at My house and see all the people coming and going. Discern
all the activities going on here. It's all an abomination! They are bringing strangers and
foreigners into my house to defile it!"
Likewise, today, the abominations going on in churches are so horrible, God is saying, "Enough
-- I've had it!" Ungodly ministers have brought into the holy sanctuary rock-and-roll,
entertainment, utter foolishness, singers who use drugs and alcohol and don't even know
Christ, or what He stands for.
These people stand ministering in the pulpit, and the congregations don't even know the
difference! "And ye have not kept the charge of mine holy things: but ye have set keepers of
my charge in my sanctuary for yourselves" (Ezekiel 44:8).
He was saying, in other words: "You've brought in foreigners, people who do not know me, to
keep charge of my sanctuary!" These were foreign elements -- wicked, unholy, unseparated,
still of the world. God's house was being profaned!
So, God appointed an Abiathar priesthood, to minister to a people, whose hearts were set on
idols! The shepherds had strayed far from God. They were filled with the spirit of Eli, chasing
fame and success -- and the people loved to have it so! Thus, God appointed idolatrous priests
to give the people what they wanted. "Like people, like priest!" "Yet I will appoint them to keep
charge of the house of all its service, and of all that shall be done in it" (verse 14, NAS). How
blind such ministers are!
God says of them; and they shall not come near unto me..." (verse 13). They stand in the
pulpit lightly esteemed by God, full of self and idolatry, nowhere near to the Lord. Yet they go
through all the motions: preaching, teaching, counselling, in fact, all the ministerial duties. But
they don't know the difference! They have no discernment, no witness of the Spirit of God!
Beloved, if you do not repent and surrender all to Jesus -- if you hold onto an idol in your heart
-- you will end up listening to a minister who preaches to your idolatry!

God made a promise in His Word that if His people would repent and return
to Him with all their hearts, He would raise up for them Zadok Shepherds!

"Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord... and I will bring you to Zion: and I will give you
pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding"
(Jeremiah 3:14-15).
Ezekiel prophesied that a Zadok priesthood would be very much alive and well in the last days:
"But...the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of My sanctuary when the children of Israel went
astray from me, they shall come near to Me, to minister unto Me, and they shall stand before
Me, to offer unto Me the fat and the blood, said the Lord God. They shall enter into My sanctuary,

and they shall come near to My table, to minister unto Me, and they shall keep My charge"
(Ezekiel 44:15-16).
There will be no mixture in this priesthood: "...they shall be clothed with linen garments; and
no wool shall come upon them, while they minister..." (verse 17). Wool mixed with linen
represents mixture -- a little bit of God and a little bit of flesh. But God says, "My priesthood is
made of pure linen. There is no mixture!"
This Zadok priesthood will be fearless against sin -- and will have the power to lead people into
righteousness and holiness.
"And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the profane; and cause
them to discern between the unclean and the clean" (verse 23).

These are the marks of the Zadok priesthood:

1. They are not afraid to reprove with the power and authority of the Holy Ghost.
2. They make clear to you what wrong and right are, until you gain the knowledge and
wisdom to make right choices yourselves.
3. These men know and recognise the voice of the Lord. They know what God speaks,
because they sit and wait on Him! They don't pray, "Bless me, bless my programs, give
me money..." Rather, they cry out: "Oh, Jesus, I love you! I want to know Your mind and
Your heart!" “Show me Your ways, Oh Lord”.
You may be saying, "It's good to know all this about preachers." But God is saying to you right
now: "What about you?"

Dear Saints, Did You Know This Message Is All About You?

Scripture says, "(He) hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be the
glory and dominion for ever and ever..." (Revelation 1:6). Beloved, this verse is true for the
whole body of Christ! Everyone who calls himself or herself by God's name is to be a priest
unto the Lord.
So, I ask you: Which priesthood best describes your walk with God?
Are you of Zadok? Or are you an Abiathar priest?
Are you self-centred -- running around to conventions and seminars, looking for comforting
answers? Or do you receive reproof with joy, knowing that God wants to cut the cancer of sin
out of you, in order to heal you?
Do you buy tape after tape of some evangelist, to try to get a word from heaven? Or are you
learning to discern God's voice for yourself, by giving quality time to Him in the secret closet,
in prayer and fasting, seeking God’s face?
Everyone who lives by the name of Jesus should be learning to hear God's voice. He wants you
to hear His word in your own heart! If you learn that, you can go to any church anywhere and
know within five minutes if the Spirit of the Lord is there. If it's really Zadok, your hands will
go up in the air. You'll say, "I'm hearing something good. Something is registering in my soul.
This is God!"
Or -- you will discern what is of Abiathar. And it will make you sick to your stomach! You will
flee, because you cannot stand the stench of this flesh!

Oh, God -- give us the spirit of the Zadok priesthood right now! We pray that you raise up this
priesthood in our church, in our city and in our nation, so we can hear Your voice and respond
to Your Holy Spirit. Amen.


Everyone knew that the Sons of Zadok were different. There is a clear path explaining
how man is to minister to God and what He requires of this ministry. In this day, we are
challenged to examine our faith and belief structure, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and
in light of the Word. The King-Priest blessings are framed in powerful perspective, along with

the demand for righteousness and holiness. It's time to release the Sons of Zadok! Sons of
Zadok minister under the great High Priest, Jesus. Only the Sons of Zadok were to minister
unto God. Eli ministered unto the people. Zadok ministered unto God.
Who Are the Sons of Zadok?
Few people even believe that God needed ministering to, or that no one would know where to
begin. Unmistakably, the essence of Ezekiel 44 was 'what characterizes the person who
may minister to God.'
Ezekiel 44:14 was a pivotal verse, separating those who minister to the people and declaring
who will NOT minister to God.
Only the Sons of Zadok were to minister to God. They ministered to God through their sacrifices,
their leadership, all the while walking in holiness. Their prayers were mingled with their
anointed, sweet-smelling savour at the altar of incense. Their holiness exuded from their lives
as they offered sin and peace offerings. People knew... they were different!
Rituals were not observed by the Sons of Zadok: They entered/enter into the presence of the
Lord during their duties. They taught the difference between the holy and the profane. They
talked differently and they walked differently. Their lives reflected the purity and holiness of
the Lord.
Demonstration in the Holy Ghost and power is not the unusual but rather the ordinary for the
Sons of Zadok. Only the Sons of Zadok (righteousness) could come before the Lord and minister
unto Him. Those who walk in holiness compromising no aspect of Word or walk, and who teach
the people to be holy - qualify. To minister to God begins with clean hands and a pure
Its rewards are different; instead of accolades from men, the Sons of Zadok find accolades
from the Lord. His Presence insures that peace reigns and 'every dedicated thing in Israel shall
be theirs' (Ez. 44:29) Peace will rest upon the congregant’s houses, as they minister to them
holiness and the ways of the Lord.
The bottom line is: Choose whether you will be a minister TO THE PEOPLE only, or a MINISTER
UNTO the People and UNTO GOD.
Will you continue to be what you have been, or will you become a Son of Zadok? There is no
middle ground: either you are a Son of Zadok, or you are not. That is why it is necessary to
know what is and what is not related to the Sons of Zadok.
What it means to be a Son of Zadok speaks of the “baptism of fire” by the Holy Spirit. The
sensitivity to the Spirit of God; and the determination to have Jesus, as my 'only' Lord.
(Ezekiel 44). "Who will ascend into the Presence of the Lord or who shall stand in His Holy
Place?" Psalm 24:3. Its rewards are different -- instead of accolades from men, Sons of Zadok
find accolades from the Lord through His Presence (Ezekiel 44:29). Sensitivity to the Spirit of
God and determination to have Jesus as their only Lord is their secret and their power.
Demonstration in the Holy Ghost and power is not the “unusual”, but rather the “ordinary” for
the Sons of Zadok. They minister to God through their sacrifices and their leadership, all the
while walking in holiness. Their prayers are mingled with their sacrifices (worship). The Earth
Splits With The Sound.
1 Samuel 1-4 tells us that the Sons of Eli represents the “flesh-religion”, set apart from God;
but the Sons of Zadok represent a spiritual heritage, based on intimacy with God.
That which is precious to Eli (the system) is its people and its goods. That which is precious to
the Sons of Zadok are their vows to God, and they have one rule -- they must obey the voice
of the Lord in all things (Zechariah 6:15).
Righteousness and “rejection of the system” characterize the Sons of Zadok. Eli ministers to
the people and Zadok ministers to the Lord.
The system always substitutes something, to take the place of, or modify the real thing.
Righteousness is fluid like a river.
Ezekiel 47 shows the origin in the Throne Room of the Temple of God. Sons know that one does
not "take time to pray" because there simply is no meaningful time without it. We were made
to commune with God.
Religion/the system can only minister to man. In Eli's times, holiness was not emphasized.
Zadok does not practice "being in" God's Presence, they just "live in" His Presence continually.

Everywhere Zadok and his Sons find themselves there is great honour and blessing. I Kings
1:39-40 says, "And Zadok, the priest, took a horn of oil out of the tabernacle, and anointed
Solomon to be king. And they blew the trumpet; and all the people said, 'Long live King
Solomon.' And all the people played on flutes, and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth
split with the sound of it." Talk about the sound being released through their worship and
intercession! We need to release the Sons of Zadok in houses of prayer and worship right across
our nations today!
Ezekiel 44:15 But the priests the Levites, the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of my
sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall come near to me to
minister unto me, and they shall stand before me to offer unto me the fat and the blood, saith
the Lord GOD:
Ezekiel 48:11 It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of Zadok; which have
kept my charge, which went not astray when the children of Israel went astray, as the Levites
went astray.
Ezekiel 40-48 deals with the glory of the future kingdom that Israel will enjoy, once the nation
is reborn (chapter 37) and her enemies defeated (chapters 38-39) at the second coming of
Jesus Christ.
Twice it is repeated that the sons of Zadok will enjoy special blessings and special privileges in
that kingdom because they remained faithful to God despite the apostasy and idolatry of the
Zadok was a priest who lived and served during the reigns of David and Solomon. He was of
the line of Eleazer, Aaron's son (as opposed to the line of Ithamar; 1 Chronicles 24:3) and
became the fulfilment of God's judgment upon the house of Eli (1 Samuel 2:35) at the outset
of Solomon's reign over Israel (1 Kings 2:27, 35).
As a young man, the Bible says that Zadok was mighty of valour (1 Chronicles 12:28). He was
not only a priest but also a warrior. He remained true to the Lord and the king when others
were carried away by the rebellions under Absalom (2 Samuel 15) and Adonijah (1 Kings 1).
His progeny served faithfully in Judah's great revival under King Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 31).
Because of this steadfast commitment, the Lord will richly reward Zadok and his sons when
Jesus Christ returns to rule and reign on the earth.
There's an important practical lesson for us to learn from this interesting statement in the book
of Ezekiel. Just like Zadok and his sons, we find ourselves in a time when God's people on a
massive scale are going astray. Despite the apostasy and the apathy and the ignorance and the
lukewarm condition of today's church, God calls on us to stand fast, be faithful, and remain
true to the charge He's given us.
And there are ETERNAL blessings and privileges that await those who will answer the call.
I believe the Sons of Zadok minister 'to' the Lord and not 'to' the people. Also the Sons of Zadok
will teach the difference between the holy and the common (unholy).
Where Are the Sons of Zadok today? [More than One Kind of Worship]
Are you satisfied with the worship you are seeing and hearing in the body of Christ today? This
is a question I heard the Lord speak to me some years ago. I did not have to think long for an
answer, as I have now been in worship ministry for more than 70 years. I had been very
unsatisfied with what I had been hearing in churches and Christian meetings and on Christian
television for a very long time.
I knew that there was a higher place. A place where the true worship of the Great Almighty
God, could be experienced by His children who truly loved Him. We had experienced this type
of worship in the meetings in Singapore and Thailand in the early 1980’s and longed for it to
return to the Body of Christ.
Jesus had promised in John 4:23, "But the hour comes, AND NOW IS, when the true
worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeks such to worship
In saying this, Jesus made it obvious that there is more than one kind of worship. And further
He stated that there is such a thing as “true worship” which is done in the spirit, rather than in
the flesh. And He said the hour for that real worship was starting right then.

Yet today in the Body of Christ, I see very little of this type of worship. I estimate that less than
10% of all worship in churches across the nations falls into this category today, which is a pity,
because where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Part of the problem is our great advancements in technology. Virtually, everything can be
programmed now. If you do not have a great voice, no problem. The right equipment can make
anyone sound good!
I am not against the wonderful equipment that can be had today. I believe God is the inventor
of it all. After all, we are told that Satan himself was created with tabrets and pipes right in
him. (Ezek. 28:13).
However, equipment can become the instrument that is used to mimic reality. A person can be
made to appear to worship, when in fact his heart is not worshipping God at all. You can be
taught to look right and sound right, even when you are not right in your own spirit.
Skill has become more important than anointing in a lot of our services. But I still believe it is
not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord. Give me an anointed musician any
day over a “skilled” musician who has no anointing.
In the Old Testament there is a bit of information about a man called Zadok. Now the name
Zadok means "righteous". It means, just, or to make right in a moral sense. Zadok and his
sons were priests; but they belonged to a special order of the priestly calling. These men were
men of great integrity, who were deeply committed to the call of God on their lives to worship
Him who had called them. They were sanctified and consecrated to the work that the
Lord had called them to do.
In Ezek. 48:11 the Word says, 'It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of
Zadok, which have kept My charge, which went not astray when the children of Israel went
astray, as the Levites went astray."
The Levites were called to minister to the house of the Lord. Their responsibility was to care for
the holy things and for the tabernacle itself. But the sons of Zadok had a different calling.
They were called to draw near to God Himself and to worship Him only.
You could say the Levites were called to horizontal ministry. They ministered outward, in regard
to the tabernacle and to the Jewish people. The sons of Zadok had a vertical worship. They
worshipped upward to God.
Horizontal ministry is necessary. It is not a bad thing. However this ministry is 'to' the people
and not as much 'to the Lord.' The vertical ministry of Zadok is unique and it is a very high call
to God Himself, before it ever touches the people of God. Both ministries are necessary.
Zadok Anointing
Most importantly I do believe the ministry of the Sons of Zadok is unto or 'to the Lord.' We are
told in Revelation 1:5-6 that we have all been made to be kings and priests unto our God. Every
Christian is a priest unto God.
Yet as surely as there were those who were Levites and those who were sons of Zadok in Old
Testament days, so there are both kinds of priestly ministry today. The reason we find ourselves
unsatisfied with much of the worship today is that it does not come to us by the Zadok
anointing. It is often ego driven and self-centred.
But when you sit under a true Zadok anointing you will know it. Under that anointing you will
find release from yourself, as you soar upward into the throne room of the Most-High God. You
will become lost in His presence and will no longer suffer from the fear of man. It is under this
great anointing that you will experience realms of His Spirit, seeing visions and hearing the
heavenly orchestra and choir. In this anointing you will also find healing and miracles to flow
because you are in His Divine presence.
The worship that comes from a Zadok anointing will lift you higher and higher as you climb the
Mount of Ascension, to where He becomes the very centre of your being. And at last, as you
fall before His throne, you will know the satisfaction that comes from the union of God and
man. In this place you know that He is satisfied with the worship as well.

The Zadok anointing does not have anything to do with technology, or voice training, or learning
to play an instrument well. It has to do with a spiritual endowment, an anointing given by God,
and developed under His instruction. The worship produced under that anointing comes from
the spirit of a man, touched by the Spirit of God.

The purpose of the Zadok anointing is to minister unto God. Yet when you are in the presence
of that anointing, (even if you are not moving in that anointing yourself), you will be ministered
to as well. For that anointing draws the presence of God, and He is always so powerful and
generous, that when He draws near, you cannot keep from being blessed in numerous ways.
This is not about laying hands on people, although I very much believe in that ministry as well.
This is about the awesome presence of God as He Himself is drawn to His people, by true
spiritual worship.
This is not even what has come to be called "soaking music" for it has a prophetic edge, as God
speaks to His people, through new songs and the prophetic word, which is released by that
I do believe that this wonderful anointing is going to be poured out upon the Body of Christ in
this hour. Though we have travelled all over the world, I can count on one hand the number of
people with the Zadok anointing I have known. Yet, I believe it is coming. The cry of God's
people for true worship is growing now. Surely, He will answer this cry from the hearts of His
Are you ready to cry out to God for the release of the Zadok anointing to fall upon the
Body of Christ in your church, your city and your nation?

1. *** (Conclusion), Now of the things that we have spoken of (in the previous chapters),
this is the sum: We have such aa High Priest bwho is set on the right hand of the throne,
of the Majesty in the heavens; [Paul starts His summation of what He has been teaching
them about Christ; reminding them that all He has been teaching them comes from the
Old Testament Law and the prophets. that Jesus Christ, is the promised Messiah, but he
came as a “Servant King”, not as a “Military King., and to prove that He even fulfilled the
prophecy of Zechariah 9:9, riding into Jerusalem on a foal of a donkey (a sign of
servanthood), not on as warrior horse, (the sign of the victorious King). Jesus then went
on to be killed on a tree, fulfilling the promise stated in Deuteronomy 21:22-23 which
teaches that there was a divine curse placed on a hanged person: “And if a man has
committed a crime punishable by death and he is put to death, and you hang him on a
tree, his body shall not remain all night on the tree, but you shall bury him the same day,
for a hanged man is cursed by God. You shall not defile your land that the LORD your God
is giving you for an inheritance” (ESV). He also fulfilled the promise that He would be
raised from the dead on the third day, and then to ascend into heaven, to sit at the right
hand of God the Father Almighty. All-of these things were prophesied, and all-of these
things came to pass, because God Almighty never lies! THIS IS A WARNING to all people
that do not believe in God, or who do believe in “another god”, who in fact, is a false god.]
2. A minister cof dthe sanctuary, and of the true Tabernacle, which the LORD pitched, not
man. [The first Tabernacle constructed by Moses, was a temporary structure, to be taken
down and moved as they moved in the desert. Jesus was their guide sending a cloud of
His presence by day and the fire of His light by night. But the Tabernacle that Jesus pitched
in the Heavens, is permanent and eternal.]
3. e
For every High Priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices: wherefore it is of necessity
that this man fsomewhat also to offer. [As every High Priest was ordained to offer up gifts
and sacrifices, on behalf of the people, up to God, it was necessary that the Eternal High
Priest (Jesus Christ), must also be able to offer up gifts to God, on behalf of all-of the

a c e
3:1 [h]~ Or. of holy things. 5:1
b d f
Psalm 110:1; Hebrews 1:3 9:2,8,12,24,25, Ephesians 5:2

people who believed in Him. This gift was forgiveness for sins and to be eternally in the
presence of God Almighty, being part of the newly established Royal Priesthood.]
4. For IF He was on earth, He should not be a priest, seeing that athere are priests that offer
gifts according to the Law. [Because Jesus does not belong to the tribe of Levi, it was
impossible for Him to be a priest under the Old Covenant and the Law given to Moses.]
5. Who serve unto the example and bshadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished
of God when he was about to make the Tabernacle: for, ‘See says He, that you make all
things according to the patterns showed to you in the mount.
(The Living Bible says, Their work (the work of the priests) is connected to a mere earthly
model of the real Tabernacle in heaven; for when Moses was getting ready to build the
Tabernacle, God warned him to follow exactly the pattern of the heavenly Tabernacle, as
shown to him on Mount Sinai.) [So, when Moses was on Mount Sinai, God opened up the
heavens, so that Moses could see the actual heavenly Tabernacle; so, He would know what
he had to build, as an accurate replica model on the earth. God also warned Moses to
make sure that it was an accurate replica model of the real thing that He saw in heaven.]
6. But now has He (Jesus) obtained a cmore excellent ministry, by how much also He is dthe
Mediator of a eBETTER fCovenant, which was established upon BETTER promises. [But
Christ, as the High Priest in the Heavenly Tabernacle, has been assigned more important
tasks than the mere mortals, who act as high priests upon the earth, operating under the
Old Covenant; because the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31) which He is authorised to
offer to us, has far more excellent eternal promises than the Old Covenant, which offered
only temporary relief, and saved no-one.]
7. [CP] For g[IF] that first covenant had been faultless, [THEN] should no place have been
sought for the second. [Paul makes a very clear point here to the Jewish believers; He is
telling them: “[IF] the Old Covenant given to Moses had been perfect, and could forgive
and forget all-of your sins, and reconciled you back to God Almighty, [THEN] there would
have been no need for a New Covenant to be prophesied by Jeremiah. In the following
verses He actually reminds them, by quoting the verses from Jeremiah.]
8. [P] For finding fault with them, He says, “hBehold, the days come, says the LORD, when I
will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel, and with the House of Judah: [Here
the name Israel, represents the 10 rebellious Tribes, and the “House of Judah” represent
the Tribe of Judah, half of the tribe of Benjamin, and the tribe of Levi.]
9. [P] “NOT according to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day when I took
them by the hand and led them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued NOT in
My Covenant, and I regarded them NOT, says the LORD. [God “regarded them not”,
because they rebelled against His covenant; BUT He never abandoned them. For all-of
those 430 years that they spent in captivity in Egypt, God was watching over them from
afar. When Moses went back into Egypt to command the Pharoah to “Let My People Go!”
and performed the 10 plagues and miracles, not one Jew was hurt, God protected them
all, and then guided them out of Egypt, and slavery, into the wilderness, to learn to
become a nation. God is forever faithful to the nation He chose and set apart, as a witness
to the nation of the world.]
10. [P] “For ithis is the Covenant that I will make with the House of Israel, after those days”,
says the LORD; I will jput My Laws into their minds, and write them kin their hearts; and
I will be to them a GOD, and they shall be to Me a people:
11. [P] “And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying,
‘Know the LORD: for ALL shall know Me, from the least to the greatest. [This is a challenge
to Israel today, and also for the Body of Christ. Have we come to a point in our spiritual
maturity, where we recognise that we no longer have to go to our brothers and sisters
and teach them about Jesus Christ; because the Holy Spirit shall have fallen upon all flesh,

a c g k
[h]~ Or, seeing they are 1:4 7:11,18 [h]~ Or, Upon their hearts
priests … d
9:15; 12:24 h
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Colossians 2:17; Hebrews e
7:22 i
10:1 f j
[h]~ Or, Testament [h]~ Or, Give.

as stated in Joel 2:28, and EVERYONE shall know the LORD, from the least to the
12. [P] “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will
I remember no more. [Under this NEW Covenant, the sins of the Jewish people and the
Jewish nation can be forgiven and forgotten, and they can be reconciled to the Father,
through their Prfomised Messiah, Jesus Christ.]
13. [P] “In that He says, ‘a New Covenant’, He has made the first one old. Now that which is
decays and waxes old is aready to vanish away. [Now this is something that the Jewish
believers (and many denominations today) have to get their head around: Jesus
prophesied through Jeremiah and Joel, specific events which were to take place. The New
Covenant was activated, when Jesus went to the cross and ROSE Again! This proves that
forever He has power and authority over sin and death, and the activation of the New
Covenant cancels out the Old Covenant. NO-ONE can live under two covenants! Neither
can we “run with the devil and walk in the Promised Land”.]


After Paul tells the Hebrew believers that the Levitical Priesthood has been abolished and that
the New Covenant has come in Chapter 8, he then tells them that the Old Covenant is ready to
vanish away. He is telling them that you cannot have two covenants operating at the same
time. So, in this chapter, Paul starts to explain the New Covenant in more detail, so that they
can be obedient to the promises of the New Covenant, which can save them from their sins
forever. But first, he must remind them of the Old Tabernacle and its facilities and its functions:

1. Then verily the First Covenant had also bordinances of divine service, and a worldly
2. For there was da tabernacle made: the first, ewherein was fthe candlesticks, and gthe table,
and hthe showbread; which is called ithe sanctuary.
3. And jafter the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of All;
4. Which had the golden kcenser, and lthe Ark of the Covenant, overlaid roundabout with
gold, wherein was mthe golden pot that had manna, and nAaron’s rod that budded, and
the (two) tablets of the covenant;
5. And over it cherubim’s of glory shadowing the mercy seat; of which we cannot now speak
particularly. [But Paul said, this is just revision, you already know all-of this, and some of
you are priests, and have actually performed the functions in the sanctuary.]
6. Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went palways into the FIRST
tabernacle, accomplishing the service of God. [This signified the First Covenant.]
7. But into qthe SECOND, went the high priest alone, rONCE EVERY YEAR, not without
blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errors (sins) of the people: [Even though
he had been ordained as the High Priest under the Old Covenant, it was not enough to
allow him to enter beyond the second veil, into the Holy of Holies, without bringing the
blood to be offered up on the mercy seat, firstly for his own sins, and then for the sins of
the whole nation. His actions were not everlasting; they only were valid for one year.]
8. The Holy Ghost this signifying that sthe way into the holiest of all, was not yet made
manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing: [While ever the temporary
tabernacle remained in existence the eternal promises of the New Covenant could not
become activated.]

a f k p
2 Corinthians 5:17 Exodus 25:31-39 2 Chronicles 26:19 Numbers 28:3
b g l q
[h]~ Or, ceremonies. Exodus 25:23-29 Exodus 25:10,11; 40:3,21 See verse 3.
c h m r
Exodus 25:8 Exodus 25:30 Exodus 16:33,34 Exodus 30:10; Leviticus 16:34
d i n s
Exodus 26:1 [h]~ Or, the holy place. Number 17:10 John 14:6
e j o
Exodus 26:35 Exodus 26:31-35 Exodus 25:16; 40:20; 1 Kings

9. Which was aa figure for a time then present; in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices,
that could NOT make him that did the service perfect; as pertaining to the conscience.
[Here Paul points out the dilemma of the Old Testament Covenant; even though they
followed it to the letter; it did not make the participants perfect in their conscience. The
Living Bible says it this way: This is a very important lesson for us to learn today. For
under the Old System, gifts and sacrifices were offered, BUT these failed to cleanse the
hearts of the people who brought them, (nor the priests who offered them).]
10. Which stood only in cmeats and drinks, and divers (various) washings and dcarnal
ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation. [These offerings and rituals
were carnal in nature (not spiritual) which were imposed upon them ~ (not through
freedom of choice, into a spiritual realm), but by obligation; until Christ came with God’s
new and better way.]
11. [P] But Christ being come a High Priest of good things to come, by a greater and more
perfect tabernacle; not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; [But Jesus
came as a High Priest, representing the good things to come, through a purer, greater
perfect Tabernacle, which is eternal; not like this building that Paul and the believers were
occupying, while he taught them these words. Paul had been telling them that this building
will eventually collapse and fall down; but the building that Jesus represent in Heaven, is
eternal and will never collapse or fall down.]
12. Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by fHis OWN BLOOD, He entered in gonce
into hthe Holy Place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. [When Jesus entered into
the Holy Place, as the Eternal High Priest, with the rank of Melchizedek, He did not enter
with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own shed blood, that He placed once
forever on the Mercy Seat, in the Heavenly Tabernacle; having by His sacrifice on the
cross and His resurrection, obtained eternal salvation for all who call upon His name.]
13. [CP] For [IF] ithe blood of bulls and goats, and jthe ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the
unclean, sanctifies to the purifying of the flesh:
14. [CP] (THEN) How much more kshall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit
offered Himself without lspot to God, mpurge your conscience nfrom dead works, to serve
the Living God? [If the blood of bulls and goats under the old system could sanctify the
purification of the flesh, (for one year), then just think how much more can the blood of
Christ, who offered up His sinless blood for all-of us, do for us in the heavenly kingdom.
As written in Hebrews 6:1; Let us, therefore, purge ourselves from dead works, they are
not going to achieve any eternal benefit, and let us change our direction, and serve a
Living God, Jesus Christ, while we are here on this earth.]
15. [P] And for this cause, He is othe Mediator of the pNew Testament, that by means of death,
for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the FIRST Testament, qthey
which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. [Christ is the Mediator
of the New Covenant, which made the Old Covenant obsolete, that by means of His death
on the cross ~ and His resurrection, He will give an eternal inheritance, to all that are
called by His name, and found worthy, on the day of their presence before Christ’s
judgement throne.]
16. For where a testament is, there must also of necessity rbe the death of the testator.
17. s
For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise, it is of no strength at all, while
the testator lives. [For we know that the last will and testament, has no legal value while
the person who made the will is still alive. It only become legal and comes into force after
the person has died. The same applies here to Christ.]
18. Whereupon neither the First Testament was tdedicated without blood.

a g l q
11;9 10:10 [h]~ Or, fault. 3:1
b h m r
7:19 10:19 Titus 2:14; Hebrews 10:22; [h]~ Or, be brought in
Leviticus 11:2-47 i
Leviticus 16:14-16; see also Revelation 1:5 s
Galatians 3:15
7:16 Hebrews chapter 9, verses 12 6:1 t
[h]~ Or, was purified.
e &19. o
[h]~ rights, or ceremonies j
f Numbers 19:2,17,18 p
Acts 20:28 k
Revelation 7:14

19. For awhen Moses had spoken every precept to all-of the people, according to the Law, he
took the blood of calves, and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and
sprinkled both the book and all-of the people; [At the cross all-of these same elements
were in operation:
a) Instead of the blood of animals Christ’s own blood was shed;
b) When the soldier gored Christ with a spear, blood and water run out;
c) When Jesus cried out that He was thirsty, they wrapped wool and hyssop onto a spear
and dipped it in vinegar and wet His lips with it.
d) Jesus Himself went up into heaven and sprinkled His own blood on the Mercy Seat,
and this activated His testament before the Father ~ the New Covenant, written and
prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31-34, over 600 years before Christ was born.
e) This was also the trigger for the end-time prophecies of Daniel and other prophets to
start being put into motion:
f) The first one being the first Pentecost after His ascension, where the 120 people in
the Upper Room were waiting for the Promised Holy Ghost to come down upon all
those who were gathered.
g) This was followed by the conversion of over 3,000 Jews, by the Holy Spirit’s anointed
message spoken by Peter, and the beginning of the evangelism, which is recorded in
the book of Acts, followed by persecution and finally the destruction of the Temple in
70 AD and the diaspora of the Jews.
h) Then the next major even occurred on 14th May 1948, when another prophecy was
fulfilled and the nation of was reborn in one day. And so, the Testament of Christ, the
Son of God, continues.]
20. Saying, “bThis is the blood of the testament which God has enjoined unto Me.”
21. Moreover, cHe sprinkled with blood both the Tabernacle and all-of the vessels of the
22. And almost all things are by Law purged with blood: and dwithout the shedding of blood
there is no remission (of sins). [In the Old Covenant, of the Law, there could not be any
remission of sins (for one year), unless the High Priest sprinkled blood on the Mercy Seat.]
23. *** (Conclusion), It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens
should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices
than these.
24. For Christ is not entered into the Holy Places made with hands, which are the figures of
the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us. [The
resurrected Christ entered into Heaven itself, to appear once again before his Father,
confirming His words on the cross; “IT IS FINISHED!” He came into the throne room of
Heaven as our advocate. It was not into the replica tabernacle on earth that he did this,
but the eternal Tabernacle in Heaven.]
25. Not yet that He should offer Himself often, fas the high priest entered into the Holy of
Holies (in the replica Tabernacle) every year with blood of others.
26. For then must He often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now “gonce
in the end of the world” ihas He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. [If
there was not a NEW Covenant, then Christ would have had to die again and again, ever
since the world began, suffering that agony every year. But NO! He came once for all time,
at the end of the age, to put away the power of sin forever, by dying for us, both Jews
and Gentiles, who believe upon His name.]
27. [P] And as it is appointed unto men once to die, and then the judgement.
28. So, jChrist was once offered to bear the sins of kmany; and unto them that llook for Him,
shall he appear the second time, without sin unto salvation. [For unto those who are
diligently seeking Him, Jesus will appear a second time, without sin, to save them forever.]

a d g j
Exodus 24:7 Leviticus 17:11 See verse 12. 1 Peter 2:24
b e h k
Matthew 26:28 8:2 1:2 Matthew 20:28
c f i l
Exodus 24:6 See verse 7. 1 John 3:5 1 Corinthians 1:7


1. For the Law, having aa shadow bof good things to come, and not the very image of the
things, can never cwith those sacrifices, which they offered year by year, continually make
the comers thereunto perfect. [The Living Bible says: The OLD SYSTEM of Jewish laws
gave only a dim foretaste of the good things Christ would do for us. The sacrifices under
the “old system” were repeated again and again, year after year, but even so, they could
never save those who lived under their rules. IF they could have, one offering
would have been enough; the worshippers would have been cleansed once for all, and
their feeling of guilt would have been gone! And we know from Physics that “a shadow” is
never the real thing; so the Old Covenant, was not the “real thing”; it was only a “shadowy
image” of the “Real Thing”, which is the New Covenant; which was fulfilled and activated
by Jesus Christ on the cross, and through His resurrection, proving to the whole universe,
that Jesus had defeated Satan, the power of sin and death, rose from the dead, to take
up His rightful place forever, as the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek.]
2. For then dwould they not have ceased to be offered? Because that the worshippers, once
purged, should have had no more conscience of sins.
3. BUT in those sacrifices, there is a remembrance again made of sins eevery year. [The Old
Covenant required that the people to get on the merry go round, once again every year;
once again remember the rebellion and the sins that they had made, from the time of
their birth, with no hope of ever having those sins forgotten.]
4. [P] For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins. [This is
one of the reasons why the Levitical Priesthood was abolished, because although it brought
the nation to a place of revelation of their individual and corporate sins, it was impossible
for those sins to be forgiven and forgotten.]
5. Wherefore fwhen He comes into the world, He says, “gSacrifice and offerings you would
not, but ha body have you prepared Me:
6. In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin, you have no pleasure.
7. [FP] Then I said, “Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of Me, to do thy will
Oh God. [This is why Christ said, as He came into the world, “O God, the blood of bulls
and goats cannot satisfy You, so You have made ready this body of mine for Me to lay
down, as a sacrifice upon YOUR altar, in Heaven. You were not satisfied with the animal
sacrifices, slain and burnt before you as offerings for sins. Then I said, “See, I have come
to do YOUR will, to lay down MY life, just as the scriptures prophesied that I would.”]
8. Above, when He said, “Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin, you
would not, neither had pleasure therein: which are offered by the Law;”
9. [FP] Then said He, “Lo, I come to do thy will Oh God. He takes away the first, that He may
establish the second.” [Jesus confirms to His Father that has come to the earth to be
obedient to the Father’s will, by going to the cross, so that He may take away the First
inferior Covenant, (which did not permanently remove one’s sin), and replace it with an
eternal covenant, which not only forgave the sins, but also forgot the sins forever.]
10. [FP] By this will, iwe are sanctified through the offering of jthe body of Jesus Christ, once
and for all time.
11. And every priest stands kdaily ministering and offering often times the same sacrifices,
which can never take away sins: [The priests were obedient to the commandments of the
Old Covenant, daily ministering before the LORD, and offering sacrifices up to Him, without
having the revelation from the Old Testament prophets, that their actions could never,
ever, take away their sins. It is sad that even today, there are people still trying to live
their spiritual lives, by repeated worthless works: not having the revelation that without
the salvation blood in their lives, there is no remission of their sins.]

a d f i
Colossians 2:17 [h]~ Or, Would have ceased to 1:6 John 17:19
9:11 be offered because … g
Psalm 40:6-8 j
John 6:51
9:9 9:7 h
John 6:51; Hebrews 10:10 k
Numbers 28:3; Hebrews 7;27

12. [FP] But this man (Jesus), aafter He had offered ONE sacrifice for sins FOREVER, bsat down
on the right hand of God. [Jesus Christ is the only man in the history of the universe, that
willingly gave up His life, for the sins of all-of mankind. No other deity, or man who claimed
to be a prophet, was willing to do this; Neither Buddha, or Mohammad, nor Confucius, nor
any of the other multiplicity of Indian, or Nordic gods. This makes Him special: This verifies
His claim, that He IS the Son of the Most-High, the living God.]
13. [FP] From henceforth expecting ctill His enemies became His footstool. [When Christ cried
out from the cross; “IT IS FINISHED!” ~ it was! Satan and his demons did not realise it
at the time, but very soon after, He appeared in Hell, (as stated in Ephesians 4:9). He
broke up their victory party, preached to every soul, (from the time of Adam until the time
of His crucifixion). Like the robber on the cross, those who believed in Him, were taken
into paradise. He then took the keys of sin and death from Satan, and rose again to eternal
victory, seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.]
14. [FP] For by ONE offering He has perfected for ever them that are sanctified! [By just one
offering of His own sinless body, He paid the ransom price for the sins of mankind. In
Islam they tell their followers, that if they strap a bomb on themselves, and go and kill
the infidels, they will go to paradise. If that is true, then why are not all-of their Mullahs
first in line to become martyrs, as an example to all-of their followers? Selah! Stop! Pause!
And think about that!]
15. Whereof dthe Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that He had said before;
16. [P] e“This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days,” says the LORD, “I
will put MY Laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them.” [Jesus is promising
through this prophecy, that there will no longer be any need to repeatedly go through the
repetition of daily sacrifices and offerings; or any of the other Old Law rituals being taught
be the priests in the Temple. Because Jesus knew that the Temple would be destroyed;
Jesus was promising that He would put His Laws into their hearts, and He would write
them in their minds. Notice to be obedient, you must have His Laws in both your mind,
and your heart! Jesus said in John chapter 4, that the time now is when those who worship
ME, must do it in spirit and in truth. The spirit is in the heart, and truth is in the mind. Our
life, whatever we say or do, must be an act of worship to our LORD 24/7, not just for an
hour on Sundays.]
17. [P] fAnd their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. [This is the major difference
between the two Covenants. The Old Covenant forgave their sins for 1 year ~ BUT never
FORGOT THEM. The New Covenant not only forgives their sins forever: but also FORGETS
THEM FOREVER! With this revelation clearly in scripture, why do some people want to
keep following the OLD TESTAMENT LAWS AND COVENANTS, especially when Jesus said
18. Now, where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. [Now, when sins have
been forever forgiven, and forgotten, there is no longer any need to offer more sacrifices
to get rid of them.]
19. *** (Conclusion) gHaving therefore brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest (of Holies)
by the blood of Jesus. [Jesus did it ONCE for all time. There is no need to do it again.]
20. [FP] By a NEW and LIVING way, which He has hconsecrated for us, through ithe veil, that
is to say, His flesh;
21. [FP] And having ja High Priest over kthe House of God;
22. [FP] Let us draw near with a true heart, in lfull assurance of faith, mhaving our hearts
sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies nwashed with pure water. [Because of
what Christ has done, let us therefore draw near with true, purified hearts, cleansed with
the blood of Christ, removing all sin and purifying our minds and our consciences, being

a e g k
7:27 Jeremiah 31:33; Hebrews Romans 5:2: Hebrews 4:16 1 Timothy 3:15
1:3 8:10 h
[h]~ Or, new made. l
Colossians 2:2; Hebrews 6:11
Psalm 110:1 Some translations say, “THEN i
9:3 m
d He said … j n
3:7 3:1 1 Corinthians 6:11

now acceptable members of the New Royal Priesthood. This was never made available
under the Old Covenant.]
23. Let us hold fast the aprofession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that
promised;) [Let us boldly profess our faith in Jesus Christ, without wavering, for Jesus is
faithful to all-of His promises. Unlike humans, He never lies!
24. And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works. [And let us not
become selfish, but consider one another, to activate God’s love to one to another, and to
encourage people to do good works; not to gain salvation, but because we already have
salvation, through the blood of Christ.]
25. [C] bNot forsaking the assembling together, cas the manner of some is: but exhorting one
another: and so much the more, as you see dthe day approaching. [Do not forsake the
coming together of the assembly of believers, and the strong teaching of God’s Word, as
some do; but continually exhort one another, as we see the clear evidence around us, of
the signs of the approach of His second coming.]
26. [CP] For e[IF] we sin WILFULLY after that we have received the knowledge of the truth,
[THEN] fthere remains no more sacrifice for sins. [If we sin wilfully, after knowing the
truth of Jesus Christ, and have received the Holy Spirit into our hearts, then there is no
longer any sacrifice left for us. Jesus died once for all sins. of all mankind. But if you have
received that forgiveness once, Jesus in not coming back to the cross again to forgive you
a second time! Sadly, many churches teach that you can go back to Jesus as many times
as you want to get forgiveness, after you have been saved and receive the Holy Spirit ~
but this particular verse makes it very clear that this is NOT the case; Christ cannot be
sacrificed again.]
27. But a certain fearful looking for a judgement and fiery indignation which shall devour the
28. g
He that despised Moses’ Law hdied without mercy under two or three witnesses:
29. i
Of how much sorer punishment, suppose you, shall he be thought worthy, jwho has
trodden underfoot kthe Son of God, and has counted lthe blood of the mcovenant,
wherewith he was nsanctified, and unholy thing, oand has done despite unto the Spirit of
Grace? [In verse 28 a man was condemned to death by stoning on the evidence of 2 or 3
witnesses. However, in verse 29 it says that a greater punishment is to be made for a
person who has received the sanctified blood of Christ, the new covenant, and then later
rejected it, as an unholy thing, and has done despite (contempt) unto the Holy Spirit of
Grace. If the punishment for despising the Old Testament law was death by the word of 2
or 3 witnesses, imagine what more punishment Christ has reserved for this person, who
has turned his back on the suffering of Christ on the cross, and shown contempt for the
Holy Spirit of Grace. There is no longer any redemption for Him.]
30. [P] For we know Him that has said; “Vengeance belongs unto Me, I will recompense,” says
the LORD. And again, “The Lord shall judge His people.” [In this case, judgement is taken
out of the hands of human courts altogether, and rests with Jesus in the courtroom in
heaven, and recorded in his book for the white throne judgement.]
31. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
32. But pcall to remembrance the former days, in which, after you were illuminated, you
endured a great fight of Afflictions;
33. Partly, whilst you were made a gazing stock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly,
whilst you became companions of them that were so used. [Don’t ever forget those
wonderful days when you first heard and learnt about Jesus Christ annd how He died on
the cross for your sins. Remember how you kept right on with the LORD, even though it
meant terrible suffering. Sometimes you were laughed at, cursed, spat upon, and beaten,

a e i m
1 Timothy 6:13 6:4 2:3 See verse 16.
b f j n
Acts 2:42 1 John 5:16 6:6 See verse 10.
c g k o
Jude 19 Deuteronomy 17:2 1:2 Matthew 12:31,32
d h l p
Luke 17;24 Deuteronomy 17:6 13:20 2 John 8

and sometimes you had to watch and sympathised with other believers going through the
same punishment.]
34. For you had compassion of me in my bonds, and atook joyfully the spoiling of your goods,
knowing bin yourself that you have cin heaven a better and enduring substance. [You
suffered with those who were thrown in jail, and you actually rejoiced when they took
away all-of your assets, knowing that there were better things waiting for you in heaven,
things that would be yours forever.]
35. *** (Conclusion), Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great recompense
of reward. [Therefore, knowing all-of this, do not throw away all-of the promises that have
been made for you, and the reward which remains for you in heaven.]
36. For dyou have need of patience, that, after you have done the will of God, you might
receive ethe promise.
37. [R] For fyet a little while, and gHe that shall come, and will not tarry. [Have patience,
because His coming will not be delayed any longer. Rejoice because God’s timetable is in
38. [CP] Now, the just shall live by faith: BUT if any man draws back, My souls shall have no
pleasure in Him. [And those whose faith have made them good in God’s sight must
continue to live in faith, trusting Him in ALL situations. Otherwise, IF they shrink back,
God will have no pleasure in them. So, here we have clearly outlined, the future for the
backsliders; Christ shall have no pleasure in them.]
39. But we are not of hthem who draw back into perdition; but of them that believe to the
saving of the soul. [But we have never turned our backs on God, and sealed our eternal
fate. No! our faith in in Him who guarantees our souls’ eternal salvation.]


1. Now faith in the isubstance of things hoped for, the evidence of jthings not seen. [What is
the definition of FAITH?
b) A = ALL (everything)
c) I = YOU & ME
d) T = TRUST
e) H = HIM
It is the confident assurance that something we really want is going to happen. It is the
100% certainty that what we hoped for is waiting for us, even though (at this moment in
time) we cannot see it up ahead of us.]
2. For by it, the elders kobtained a good report.
3. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by lthe word of God, so that
things which are seen mwere not made of things that appear. [By faith, by believing in
God Almighty, we know that the world and the stars; in fact, all things, were made at
God’s command; and they were all made from things that cannot be seen (with the naked
eye; namely, atoms, electrons, & neutrons)]
4. By faith, nAbel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained
witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it, he being dead oyet
speaks. [Abel by faith knew that he had to offer a blood sacrifice, so He offered one sheep.
He did not offer 10% of his flock as a tithe offering, because at this time in God’s history,
that was not a requirement, until the Mosaic Law came into force.]
5. By faith pEnoch was translated that he should not see death; qand was not found, because
God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased
a e i m
Matthew 5:12; James 1:10 9:15 [h]~ Or, grounds or confidence Romans 4:17
[h]~ Or, That you have in (or f
1 Peter 5:10 in n
Genesis 4:4
for) yourselves … g
Habakkuk 2:3,4 2 Corinthians 4:18 o
[h]~ Or, is yet spoken of.
c k
Matthew 6:20 h
2 Peter 2:20,21. See verses 4,5,39. p
Genesis 5:22
d l
Luke 21;19; Hebrews 12:1; 2 Peter 3:5 q
Genesis 5:24
James 1:3,4

God. [Can you imagine; he went off to work and his wife faithfully prepared his evening
meal, but he never came home. They searched for him but to no avail. It is suggested
that both Enoch and Elijah will be the two witnesses, as neither of them died but were
both translated into heaven alive.]
6. [P] But without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God; for he that comes to God must (first)
believe that He is; and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
7. [FP] By faith, aNoah being warned of God of things not seen as yet, bmoved with fear,
prepared an ark, cto the saving of his house; by which dhe condemned the world, and
became heir of ethe righteousness, which is by faith.
[Because of his faith for 120 years, as he preached
to the people, telling them to prepare for the
upcoming disaster as he made the ark, he and his
wife and their three sons and their wives were
saved, to recommence the human race.
But think of how he had to trust God.
Firstly, he had to understand the design of this boat
that God was telling him to build, and what it was
to be constructed of, and how it was to be sealed
with pitch, so that it would not leak, etc.
Download free of charge, as a PDF file.

8. [FP] By faith fAbraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after
receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing where he went. [As it
says in Genesis 12:1, when God called him out, his name was still Abram, NOT Abraham!
It was changed later. Abram had to rely on his GPS (God’s Positioning System), to get to
where he was going.]
9. [FP] By faith he sojourned in the Land of Promise, as in a strange country, gdwelling in
tabernacles, with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him, of the same promise: [These
“tabernacles”, in other translations says tents, which he had to erect at each place they
wanted to stay over, and then later break camp and take their tents with them to the next
place to stay, just like they were tourists in the land.]
10. For he looked for ha city iwhich had foundations, jwhose builder and maker is God.
11. [FP] Through faith also kSara received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a
child, when she was past (child bearing) age, lbecause she judged Him faithful who had
promised. [We must always remember that God never breaks His promises. They may
happen in a different timeframe than we wanted, (or imagined), but they always come to
12. *** (Conclusion), Therefore sprang there even of one, and him mas good as dead, so may
as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore
innumerable. [So, out of Abraham came a whole nation, (in fact, as promised, many
nations), just to prove that God Almighty can make barren women give birth to children;
namely Sarah (Abraham), Hannah (Samuel), the wife of Manoa (Samson), Elizabeth (John
the Baptist), and Mary, who gave birth to Jesus.]
13. These all died oin faith, not having received the promises, but phaving seen them afar off,
and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and qconfessed that they were
strangers and pilgrims on the earth. [These people of old, had the revelation that this

a f k p
Genesis 6:13,22 Genesis 12: 1,4 Genesis 17:19 John 8:56; 2 Corinthians 4:18
b g l q
[h]~ Or, being wary. Genesis 12:8 Genesis 18:12 Genesis 23:4; Psalm 39:12
c h m
1 Peter 3:20 12:22 Romans 4:19
d i n
Matthew 12:41 Revelation 21:14 Genesis 22:17
e j o
Romans 3:22 13:14; Revelation 21:2. [g]~ according to.

world is not our eternal homes; we are just passing through, on a visit visa. We long to
live in the promised eternal home, that we can see afar off, through the scriptures.]
14. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.
15. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country, from when they came out, they might
have had opportunity to have returned. [When these people talked like this, they were
looking forward to living in their eternal home in heaven. They had a choice, they could
have gone back to the things of this earth, but they chose not to.]
16. [P] But now (with this revelation) they desire a better country, that is heavenly: wherefore
God is not ashamed bto be called their God: for He has prepared for them can (eternal)
city. [The Old Testament prophets promised an eternal city, with an eternal presence of
the Messiah. The Old Testament Jews longed for this time to come, being able to see
through revelation, that this promise was still in the future to be fulfilled.]
17. By faith dAbraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac; and He that had received the
promise, OFFERED UP His only begotten son. [When Abraham offered up Isaac, on behalf
of mankind, how could God refuse not to offer up His Only Son as a ransom price for the
sins of the world?]
18. e
Of whom it was said, fthat in Isaac shall thy seed be called: [This is where all-of the
hatred between the lineage of Ishmael and Isaac stems from. Ishmael was the first-born
of Abraham, (even though it was through the Sara’s Egyptian servant, Hagar.) As the
first-born, he was entitled to a double portion of the inheritance. But God said the
inheritance would pass through the second son of Abraham, (the first-born of
Sarah, his wife.) This event took place in 1858 BC. So, now, for the last 3,882 years,
the hatred between these two lines of descendants, has been simmering, sometimes even
at war with each other, fighting over the “Promise Land”, that God promised to the
“descendants of Isaac”, which we know to be Israel! Now you get a better understanding
of why they scream out; “From the river to the sea.” They want to annihilate every last
descendant to Isaac, so that the land can belong to the descendants of Ishmael; who,
they believe, are the rightful owners; irrespective of what God Almighty says!]
19. Accounting that God gwas able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he
received him in a hfigure.
20. By faith iIsaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. [The Living Bible
explains verses 17-20, as follows: While God was testing him, Abraham still trusted in
God and His promises, and he offered up his son Isaac, and was ready to slay him, on the
altar of sacrifice; Yes, to slay even Isaac, through whom God had promised to give
Abraham a whole nation of descendants! He believed that “IF” Isaac died, “THEN” God
would bring him back to life again; and that is just about what happened, for as far as
Abraham was concerned, Isaac was doomed to death, but he came back again alive! It
was by faith, that Isaac knew God would give future blessings to his two sons, Jacob and
21. By faith, jJacob, when he was dying, blessed both of the sons of Joseph: and worshipped,
leaning upon the top of his staff. [As a last effort before his death, leaning upon his staff,
Jacob worshipped the Lord and blessed the two sons of Joseph. Let us also be able to
worship the LORD with our Lasts breaths, and bless our children and grandchildren.]
22. By faith, kJoseph, when he died, lmade mention of the departing of the children of Israel,
and gave commandments concerning his bones. [By faith, before his death Joseph
reminded the Jews of God’s promise that they would be released from slavery in Egypt
after 400 years, and commanded that when they left Egypt, that they would take his
bones with them into the promised land.]
23. By faith mMoses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they
saw that he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment. [At

a d g k
2:11 Genesis 22:1-9; James 2:21, Romans 4:17-21 Genesis 50: 24,25
Exodus 3:6 22 h
9:9 l
[h]~ Or, Remembered.
13:14 [h]~ Or, To … i
Genesis 27:27-29; 39,40 m
Exodus 2:2
Genesis 21:12; Romans 9:7 j
Genesis 48:1, 5, 16,20

the risk of their own lives, Amram, ~ of the tribe of Levi, and Jochebed, (his mother), the
parents of Moses, hid him for 3 months and then placed him in a water-tight crib, and
placed him into God’s hands on the River Nile; where she was found and raised by
Pharoah’s Daughter, and called Moses.
24. By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called athe son of the Pharoah’s
daughter. [Even though he had been raised up in the luxury of the Pharoah’s palace, and
educated in the ways of Egypt, when He became of age, he refused to be called the son
of the Pharoah’s daughter.]
25. Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of
sin for a season;
26. Esteeming bthe reproach cof Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt: for he had
respect unto dthe recompense of the reward. [For it was by faith that Moses, when he
grew up, refused to be treated as the grandson, of the Pharoah, but chose to share the
ill-treatment with God’s people, instead of enjoying the fleeting pleasures of sin. He
thought it was better to suffer for the promised Christ, than to own all-of the treasures of
Egypt, for he was looking forward to the great reward that God would give him. Sadly, in
today’s society, there would be very few people that would follow his choices.]
27. By faith eHe forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king (Pharoah): for he endured,
as seeing Him who is invisible. [Moses fled from Egypt after murdering an Egyptian
soldier, who was brutally treating one of the Jewish slaves. His sin was exposed, and he
fled out into the desert, without any fear of what the Pharoah would do to him, fleeing to
a country he had never visited before, putting his complete trust in God, to protect him,
provide food and clothing for him, and even a new life in peace. God did all-of that! The
challenge for Christians, is to consider the same things for us today. If our sins are
exposed, and we have to flee to protect our lives, do we trust God enough, to put our lives
totally (100%) into His hands, to lead us, to guide us, to provide food for us, and to bring
us to live in a better place? All for His glory?]
28. Through faith ghe kept the Passover, and hthe sprinkling of blood, lest He that destroyed
the first-born should touch them. [Throughout the 40 years in the wilderness, Moses
faithfully kept the instructions of the Passover, taking the lamb, killing it and sprinkling
the blood, on the 14th Day of Nisan, the first month of the new Hebrew “Spiritual Calendar”
given to Moses in Egypt; just before the 10th miracle took place, (the death of the first-
born of all creation in Egypt, but not of the Jews living there, nor their animals). The next
day they were ordered out of Egypt by Pharoah, and on the 15th Day of Nisan, they
commenced their journey towards the Promised Land. It could have been just eleven days,
BUT because of their disobedience and rebellion, it took more than 40 years in the
wilderness before God said that they were ready to enter the promised land. They had to
endure the “40 years of testing.”]
29. By faith ithey passed through the Red Sea, as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying
to do were drowned. [Can you imagine yourself being told by God to hold up your staff
and point it towards the sea, and expecting it to open up, and prepare a passage for you
and your family to go to a safer place? Do you have the faith to do that? Do you have the
faith to trust God completely, when He tells you to do something “out of left field”,
something completely unexpected? All-of us, have to get to that level of faith with Jesus.]
30. By faith jthe walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days.
[Investigations have shown that the walls of Jericho fell “outward” under the power of
God, not “inward” under the power of man’s voices, when the whole army gave a shout.
This was to show Joshua and the army, that the victory belonged to the LORD; they were
there to clean up the mess afterwards.]
31. By faith, kthe harlot Rabah perished not, with them lthat believed not, when she had
received the spies with peace.

a d g j
Exodus 2:10,11 10:35 Exodus 12:21 Joshua 6:20
b e h k
13:13; 1 Peter 4:14 Exodus 10:28,29 Exodus 12:22 Joshua 6:23; James 2:25
c f ii l
[h]~ Or, for. See verse 13. Exodus 14:22-29 [h]~ Or, were disobedient.

32. And what shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of aGideon, and of bBarak,
and of cSamson, and of dJephthae; of eDavid also, and fSamuel, and of the prophets: [Paul
is saying to these Messianic Jews, that they are many more heroes of the Old Testament
whose faith in God led them to do mighty things for God. But you already know all-of
33. Who through faith gsubdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, hobtained promises,
stopped the mouths of lions. [Through faith, people were able to do these things. Do you
have faith today, to do tasks assigned to you by God? Are you even listening for His
34. jQuenched the violence of fire, kescaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were
made strong, waxed valiant in fight, lturned to flight, the armies of the aliens. [Paul
reminds them of other events which took place in the Old Testament by men of faith, that
changed the direction of wars, and stood up for righteousness in times of evil.]
35. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting
deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection. [Paul reminds them of people
who were raised from the dead in the old Testament, and also in the New Testament, and
of others who experienced extreme torture, even unto death, to obtain a better
36. And others had trails of cruel mocking’s and scourging’s, yes, moreover of bonds and
imprisonment. [Yes, I can personally testify that in my 65 years on the mission field, I
have been cursed, spat upon, beaten, tortured and put in prison for the gospel; BUT it
has not stopped my for proclaiming the word of God. In fact, it has reinforced my belief
to keep spreading the word, because I have had the revelation that I am being persecuted
because Satan is upset with the truth of God’s word, and wants to get people back into
his kingdom of darkness.]
37. They were mstoned (and left for dead), they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain
with the sword: they wandered about nin sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute,
afflicted, tormented;
38. (oOf whom the world was not worthy;) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and
in dens and caves, of the earth.
39. And these all, phaving received a good report though faith, qreceived not the promise:
40. God having rprovided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be smade
perfect. [The Living Bible says for verses 37-40: His coming will not be delayed much
longer. And those whose faith has made them good in God’s sight MUST live by faith,
trusting Him in EVERYTHING. Otherwise, if they shrink back, (if they backslide) God will
have no pleasure in them. But we have never turned our backs on God and sealed our
fate. NO! Our faith in Him assures our souls of salvation.]


1. *** (Conclusion), Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud
of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and tthe sin, which does so easily beset us,
and ulet us run the race that is set before us. [Since we have a huge crowd of men of faith
watching us from the grandstands of heaven, let us strip off any restrictive thing that
slows us down, or holds us back, especially any unrepented sins, that that so tightly wrap
around us and trip us up. So let us run the race that God has set before us, without doubt,
but with His patience.]

a g l q
Judges 6:11 2 Samuel 5:1-5 Judges 7:21; 15:8;15; 1 See verse 13; 1 Peter 1:12
Judges 4:6 h
2 Samuel 7:11,12 Samuel 17:51,52; 2 Samuel r
[h]~ or, foreseen.
c i 8:1-6 s
Judges 13:24 Judges 5:6; 1 Samuel 17:34- m
d 36 1 Kings 21:13; 2 Kings 24:21 t
Judges 11:1 n
2 Corinthians 7:1
e j
Daniel 3:25 2 Kings 1:8 u
1 Samuel 16:1, 13; 17:45 o
1 Corinthians 9:24
f k
1 Samuel 20:1 Isaiah 57:1
1 Samuel 1:20; 12:17 p
See verse 2.

2. Looking unto Jesus, that aauthor and bfinisher of our faith: cwho, for the joy that was set
before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and dis set down at the right hand
of the throne of God. [Look continually to Jesus, who is our creator and our instructor,
who gave us the understanding of faith, and who, for the joy of the prize that He could
see beyond the cross, (the salvation of mankind,) endured the pain, suffering and shame,
all for us; because of His obedience to His Father’s will, He is now seated at the right hand
of throne of righteousness, beside His Father, God Almighty.]
3. For econsider Him that endured such fcontradiction of sinners against Himself, lest you be
wearied and faint in your minds. [Think for a moment the contradiction that Jesus was
facing. Here was the sinless Son of man, being scourged and beaten beyond recognition,
taking upon Himself, the sins of the whole world, so that we (that is, you and I,) would
not be faced with a task that we could not possibly bear. Therefore, stand up with the
power of His might through the Holy Spirit that has been given to each of us, and
steadfastly head for the finish line, that He has set before us.]
4. You have not resisted gunto blood, striving against sin. [You have never had to resist sin
to the extent that you were sweating drops of blood. Your trials and temptations were
nothing, compared to what Jesus had to face. So never give up!]
5. And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks unto you, as unto children, “hMy
son, despise not you the chastising of the LORD, nor faint when you are rebuked of Him:
6. “For whom the LORD loves He chastens, and scourges every son who He receives.
7. [CP] “[IF] you endure chastening, [THEN] God deals with you as with sons; for what son
is he whom the Father chastens not?” [Have you forgotten already the encouraging words
that God spoke to you, His child? Remember, He said, “My son, don’t be angry when the
LORD disciplines, or punishes you. Don’t be discouraged when He has to show you where
you are going wrong; in what you say or do. For when He punishes you, it proves without
any doubt that He loves you. When He whips you, it proves that you really are His child,
that you really do belong to Him. He wants you to learn to become perfect, just like He
8. [CP] “BUT, [IF] you be without chastisement, whereof ALL are partakers, [THEN] are you
bastards (illegitimate) and not sons? [But [IF] you refuse to be chastised, who are all
partakers of His judgements, [THEN] are you illegitimate and not His real sons? Do you
realise that [IF] you are illegitimate, [THEN] you are not entitled to the promised
inheritance of eternal life.]
9. “Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them
reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection the Father of Spirits, and live? [We
have had earthly fathers who have corrected us, and we gave them respect: shall we not
[want to be in subjection to the Father Almighty, who created us and live?]
10. For they, verily for a few days chastened us iafter their own pleasure; but He for our profit,
that we might be partakers of His holiness. [Our earthly fathers chastened us according
to their rules: But the Heavenly Father chastened us, so that we might become partakers
of His eternal holiness, which is a greater gift.]
11. Now, no chastening for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless,
afterwards it yields kthe peaceable fruit of righteousness, unto them which are exercised
thereby. [Now punishment is never fun when it is happening; in fact, it hurts! But those
who have wisdom can see the results, of a quiet growth in righteousness, grace, and
spiritual character. Therefore, if you refuse to accept God’s chastisement, there will be no
growth in righteousness, or grace, in your character, and you will run the risk of being
rejected by God at the judgement.]

a e i
[h]~ Or, beginner. Matthew 10:24,25 [h]~ As seemed good, or meet
1 Corinthians 1:8 f
1 Peter 2:23 to them.
1 Peter 1:11 g
10:32,34 2 Peter 1:4
1:3 h
Proverbs 3:11,12 James 3:17,18

12. Wherefore, alift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees: [Rejoice and lift up
those hands which hang down: Strengthen your feeble knees with Holy Spirit power from
God. You are no longer a victim, but a victorious son of the Most-High God!]
13. [C] And bmake cstraight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the
way; but dlet is rather be healed. [Make a clear, straight and smooth path for your own
feet; so that those who follow after you, even though they may be weak or lame, will not
fall and hurt themselves, but will become stronger.]
14. [P] eFollow peace with all men, and fholiness, gwithout which no man shall see the LORD.
[Now, many people would know the scripture which says that “without REPENTANCE, no-
one shall see God. But here we have another promise. Without keeping peace with all
men, and holiness, no-one shall see the LORD.]
15. Looking diligently hlest any man ifail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness
springing up, trouble you, and thereby many be defiled. [Here is a warning in the
scriptures. We have seen earlier in this chapter that if a follower of Jesus refuses to accept
being chastised by Him, then Jesus no longer considers Him to be a son of the Most-High
God, but is in effect, an illegitimate child, not worthy to receive the inheritance of eternal
salvation. Here also an unrepentant root of bitterness, will cause many to be defiled, and
if defiled, not worthy to enter the Holy Place in heaven, without first being cleansed by
16. Lest there be any jfornicator, or kprofane person, as Esau, lwho for one morsel of meat
sold his birthright. [These are the things which can disqualify a person from receiving the
promised eternal salvation HOUSE IN HEAVEN. Therefore, make sure that you are not one
of them. Keep short accounts with God.]
17. For you know how afterward, mwhen he would have inherited the blessing, that he was
rejected: for he found no nplace of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.
[And even when Esau realised his mistake, he cried out in earnest repentance, but sadly
it was too late. The mercy of God was passed, and now came the judgement, the
inheritance which was his from birth, was given to another, and he was let outside the
place of blessing. Joshua warned the nation Israel also in Joshua 24:14-15. Even though
God had miraculously brought them out of slavery in Egypt, across the Red Sea on dry
land and into the wilderness, they did not successfully make the last 11 days of the journey
into the Promised Land, because of their grumbling and rejection of God’s authority. As a
result, they spent 40 years wandering around in the desert, until one whole generation
above 20 years of age, perished in the desert, except for Joshua and Calib, because they
continued to believe in God’s promises, and were obedient to His instructions throughout
these 40 years of isolation and testing. So, if you seem to be wandering around, and going
nowhere, examine yourselves, just as Joshua challenged the nation of Israel, before they
went across the River Jordan into the Promised Land. Are you serving the gods of your
forefathers, or are you serving the gods of the nation you now are living in? Do you put
worldly issues before the issues of your eternal soul? This was the challenge that Joshua
issued to the People of Israel. They are the same issues God that is challenging every
person with today. Do you love me more than anything else? More than your family, your
career, your possessions, or even your life? Joshau answered to the people of the Old
Testament; “As for me and MY house, we CHOOSE to serve the LORD.” Can you positively
make this same statement? Your eternal life depends upon it.]
18. For you are not come unto othe mount which might be touched, and that burned with fire,
nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest. [Consider yourself lucky: you did not
have to stand face to face with terror, with flaming fire, with gloom, darkness, and a
terrible storm, as the Israelites did, out in the desert at Mount Sinai, when God gave His
laws to Moses, and to His chosen people.]

a e i m
Isaiah 35:3 Romans 14:19 [h]~ Or, fall from grace, Genesis 27:34,36,38
b f j n
Proverbs 4:26 1 Thessalonians 4:3 13:4 [h]~ Or, way to change his
[h]~ Or, even. g
Matthew 5:8 k
1 Timothy 1:9 mind.
Galatians 6:1 h
Galatians 5:4 l
Genesis 25:33 Exodus 19:12,18,19

19. And athe sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice bthey had heard intreated
that the word should not be spoken to them anymore: [For there came the sound of a
large Trumpet blast, and the voice so powerful, that they begged God to stop speaking.]
20. (For they could not endure that which was commanded and if so much as a beast of their
flocks touched the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart.
21. And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, “I exceedingly fear and quake:) [No-one
was allowed to come up the mountain, unless commanded by the LORD, and even their
animals were to be killed if they came onto the presence of the Holy Mountain. Even
Moses, when commanded to come up the mountain states that He was fearful, and his
legs were trembling.]
22. But you are come into cMount Zion, and unto dthe city of the Living God, ethe heavenly
Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.
23. To the General Assembly, and the fchurch of gthe First-born, hwhich are iwritten in heaven,
and to God Almighty, the judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
24. And to Jesus, jthe mediator of the new kcovenant, and to lthe blood of sprinkling, that
speaks mbetter things than that of Abel. [But you have ascended right up into Mount Zion,
to the city of the Living God, and to the gathering of the heavenly angels, who are all
rejoicing; and to the Church, made up of all-of those who are registered in heaven, and
to God Almighty, who is the ultimate judge of all; and to the spirits of the redeemed in
heaven, who have already been made perfect. And to Jesus Himself, who has activated
the New and better Covenant, promised by Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31:31. To the sprinkled
blood of Christ on the Mercy Seat in heaven, which graciously forgives and forgets our
sins, instead of crying out for vengeance, as the blood of Abel did.]
25. [C] See that you do not refuse Him that speaks. For if they escaped not those who refused
Him that spoke on the earth, much more shall we not escape, if we turn away from Him
that speaks now from heaven. [A warning: See that you do not refuse Him that speaks.
If the people on the earth did not escape punishment and judgement from the one who
spoke upon the earth, how much more can we expect punishment, if we reject the voice
of the one who speaks to us from heaven.]
26. [P] nWhose voice (was so powerful that it) shook the earth: but now He has promised,
saying, “oYet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.”
27. And this word, “Yet once more”, signifies the removing of those things that are shaken,
as of things that are made, that those things that cannot be shaken may remain. [God
has promised to shake the earth, but this time it will not be the earth only, but the heavens
as well, and to find those things which are made by hands which can be shaken for those
things which are made by God which are unshakeable.
28. Wherefore we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved (which is unshakeable).
Let us phave grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably, with reverence, and godly
29. For our qGod is ra consuming fire. [When God spoke from Mount Sinai, His voice shook the
earth, but “Next Time”, He says; I will not only shake the earth but the heavens (plural)
also. By this statement, God Almighty is clearly saying that He is going to sift out
everything that is on a faulty foundation, so that only those things which are proven on
sound foundations shall remain. Since God has promised us a kingdom that is eternally
indestructible, let us therefore please God by serving Him with joyful, thankful hearts, and
with a holy reverential fear, and awe. For we know that our God is a consuming fire.]

a f k p
Exodus 19:16 2:12 [h]~ Or, New Testament. [h]~ hold fast grace,
bb g l q
Exodus 20:19 Exodus 4:22 1 Peter 1:2 Deuteronomy 4:24
c h m r
Revelation 14:1 Luke 10:20 7:19 Psalm 21:9; 2 Thessalonians
11:10,16; 13:14 i
[h]~ Or, enrolled. n
See verse 19. 1:8
e j o
Galatians 4:26 8:6 Haggai 2:6


1. [C] Let brotherly love continue! [Showing brotherly love is a clear witness that you follow
the laws of Christ, and not the laws of the evil one, who are prepared to kill anyone to
achieve their world domination goals.]
2. [C] Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels
unawares. [As was the case with Abraham, he entertained strangers and entertained
angels (and Jesus in His spiritual form) and received the message of God’s intention to
destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, and how He pleaded and interceded for those cities; ‘If
there be just 10 righteous men in the city, will you still destroy the city?’ As we look at
the turmoil in the middle East right now, maybe we all should be asking this same
question: “Lord, if there is but one righteous man in the city of Jerusalem, will you still
allow the city to be destroyed?”]
3. [C] aRemember them that are in bonds, bas bound with them; and them which suffer
adversity, as being yourself also in the body. [Do not forget those who are in prison,
persecuted for their beliefs; be there with them in the spirit, as they stand up for
righteousness sake. Also remember those who are suffering aversities of evil regimes,
pray to be there spiritually to give them strength.]
4. [P] Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers
God will judge. [Now we have to deal with an important issue in this 21st Century. Despite
what worldly governments say is OK, God’s word is true, and God is the ultimate and final
judge; There is no higher court to which we can appeal, that is above the courtrooms of
Heaven. God’s word is clear: God made MAN & WOMAN. There are no other human
creations! God said that “marriage” is a holy estate, between a MAN and a WOMAN. All
other sexual relationships are sinful, and will be judged as such! Paul makes it very clear
that 2,000 years ago homosexual relationships (which existed at that time) were a sin, as
God’s word clearly says; homosexual activities are an abomination in the sight of God.
(Refer to Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, where homosexual acts were punishable by death.)
And it is no use doing these activities in the darkness, or in secret, because God sees all
things, and knows all things, and we will individually and collectively be judged on ALL
5. Let your conversation be without covetousness; and cbe content with such things as you
have: for He has said, dI will never leave thee nor forsake thee. [Guard your words, so
that you do not speak covetously against another, and be happy with what God has given
because God has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you. That promise is
worth more than thousands of dollars!]
6. So, that we may boldly say, e“The LORD is my helper, and I will not fear, what man shall
do unto me.” [Do you trust the LORD 100% so that you can also say; The Lord is my
helper, in my time of need, and I have no fear whatsoever, for what mankind can do to
7. [C] Remember them which fhave the rule over you, who have spoken unto you, the Word
of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. [Now this verse
must not be confused with the worldly leadership, many of whom do not even believe in
God’s word, let alone teach it to others. This verse refers to church leaders, who have
correctly taught the word of God, and whose faith in both word and actions, bring a
positive outcome to all gconversations.]
8. [P] Jesus Christ is the same, hyesterday, today and forever. [Jesus Christ, who existed
before time and space were created, is still the same today, and will be the same tomorrow
and for all-of eternity, because HE IS THE UNCHANGING GOD!]

a c f
Matthew 25:36; Colossians Matthew 6:25,34; Philippians [h]~ are the guides over you.
4:18 4: 6,11,12 g
Galatians 1:13
b d
Romans 12:15; 1 Corinthians Joshua 1:5 h
Revelation 1:4,8,11,17
12:26 e
Psalm 118:6

9. [C] “Be not acarried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that
the heart be established with grace; not with meats which have not profited them that
have been occupied therein. [Warning! Be not deceived and tempted by various types of
strange doctrines, which will carry you away from the truth of God’s word. For it is a good
thing to be established with grace. But to know that the doctrines are not true, requires
that you test the doctrines being taught against the word of God, and allow the Holy Spirit
to prompt you of teachings, which are contrary, which are not profitable to you, or to the
people who are teaching them. That is why Paul challenged his congregations, in all-of the
churches that he planted, to always check the word being preached, and any prophetic
messages, against the word of God; if it lined up with the Word of God, then accept it:
but if it did not, then to reject it, and the person preaching it, as a false teacher.]
10. [P] We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the Tabernacle.
[Remember, we have an altar, which is the cross where Jesus Christ was sacrificed as a
sin offering for us. But those who seek their salvation by continuing to follow the Judaic
laws of the Old Covenant can never be helped.]
11. For the bbodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the High
Priest for a sin, are burned without the camp. [As per the Laws of the Old Testament, the
animals that were slaughtered for a sin offering, were slain outside the city, in a place that
was unclean and not purified. The blood was then brought into the city and to the Temple
by the priests, so that the High Priest may offer it up to God and a sin offering, firstly for
Himself, and then for the whole nation. Because the High Priest was obedient to the
instructions given in the Law unto Moses, God forgave their sins for just one year ~ but
they were never forgotten. The animal carcasses themselves were burnt outside the city
12. Wherefore Jesus also, that He might csanctify the people with His own blood, dsuffered
without the gate. [Jesus died outside the walls of the city, on a cross in Golgotha, the
place of the skull, so that His sinless blood, could be offered on the mercy seat of the
heavenly altar, as an everlasting sin offering for mankind. By His actions, Jesus not only
forgave our sins, but He also “forgot” our repented sins, never to be remembered in
Heaven again.]
13. *** (Conclusion), Let us go forth therefore, without the camp, bearing eHis reproach.
[Therefore, let us make a conscious decision to go out to Jesus, “outside the walls”, that
is outside the hustle and bustle, and the interests of this evil world, being willing to be
despised and persecuted for His namesake, being prepared to witness for His name.]
14. For fhere we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
15. *** (Conclusion), By Him therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually,
that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. [With the help of the Jesus and the
power of His Holy Spirit, we will continue to offer up our sacrifices of praise and worship
to God, by witnessing to others, and teaching them the glory of His name.]
16. [C] But to do good and gto communicate, forget not: for with such sacrifices, God is well
pleased. [Do not forget to do works, sharing what you have with those in need, even to
the point of sacrifice; for God is well pleased with a cheerful, sacrificial giver.]
17. [C] hObey them that have rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your
souls, as (the shepherd of God’s flock) they must give an account, that they may do it
with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you! [This is a hard one for many
Believers in the 21st Century. They do not like being told to OBEY ANYTHING! They are
free thinkers; they make their own rules; they have their own sense of morality! But
whether you like it or not, that is what God’s word tells you to do! OBEY! Those that the
Lord has chosen to be a shepherd over you, they have been given a higher level of
responsibility; they are responsible for the protection of your soul, and they have to give
an account of each sheep that the LORD has placed under their care. They want to be able

a d f h
Ephesians 4:14 Matthew 21:39; 27:32 Philippians 3:20; Hebrews 1 Corinthians 1:28
Exodus 29:14 e
11:26 11:10,16
10:10 1 Timothy 6:18

to give that account with praise and joy about you to the Father; not with sadness and
with grief, of a person who is lazy, or has little or no fruit, or has backslidden; none of
these reports will be beneficial for you.]
18. [C] aPray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in ALL things, willing to live
honestly. [Here we have another command, which we ALL have to OBEY! We have to pray
for our elders and leadership in authority over us, so that they experience a good
conscience, and set the example of spiritual leadership, by living honestly in an evil
19. But I beseech you the rather to do this, that I may be restored to you sooner. [Paul
requests that the brethren pray for Him, so that he will be able to return to them as soon
as possible.]
20. [FP] Now, bthe God of Peace that cbrought again from the dead, our LORD Jesus, that
great dShepherd of the sheep, through ethe blood of the everlasting covenant,
21. Make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you, that which is well
pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever, Amen.
[Now the God of Peace, who raised Jesus, that great shepherd, from the dead, to show
all-of the universe that Satan and his cronies have been defeated; and now Jesus has the
everlasting power over sin and death, through the blood of His everlasting Covenant. This
promised and activated New Covenant, makes you want to do His will, and perfects every
good work in you, which is pleasing to Almighty God through Jesus Christ, to whom is
glory forever and ever, Amen.]
22. And I beseech you brethren, suffer the Word of Exhortation: For I have written a letter
to you in a few words.
23. Know you that four brother Timothy is set at liberty; with whom, IF he comes shortly, I
will see you. [We rejoice that our brother Timothy is now out of jail; if he comes here
soon, then I will shortly come to see you.]
24. Salute all-of them that ghave rule over you, and hall-of the saints, They of Italy salute you.
[Again, Paul reminds the Jewish believers to salute (to give respect) to all-of them that
are in authority in the church over them, be they Jew or Gentile, and in all situations. The
Believers in the church in Italy give you greetings.]
25. Grace be with you all. Amen.

The footnote in my Old King James Bible states: Written to the Hebrews from Italy by Timothy.

a c f h
1 Thessalonians 1:25: 2 Acts 2:24 2 Corinthians 1:1; Colossians Philippians 4:22
Thessalonians 3:1 d
John 10:11.16 1:1; 1 Thessalonians 3:2
b g
Romans 15:33 e
10:29 See verse 7.


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