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LÍNGUA INGLESA – Teacher Vivian Pilger

Turma 301 – 13/março/2024 (quarta-feira)

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A) Copie e leia o texto com atenção. Traduza o que for necessário para sua compreensão.


Anne and her friends graduated about a week ago. They all have different plans. Anne is
moving to New York for medical school. Lilly is staying in Los Angeles and working as a medical
assistant. Lisa is traveling in Europe. Ruby is teaching English in China. The four girls have been
best friends since their first year of college. It was hard for all of them to be away from each other.
However, they accepted that they were going to do what would be best for them.
Anne was more excited than sad. She has always wanted to go to New York and loved the
fast-paced lifestyle, the skyline and the subway system. Unlike Anne, Lilly is taking a break from
school. She wants to have a year of work experience before going to medical school. Lisa is excited,
too. She was going to travel by herself, and she was okay with that. She plans to visit England,
Ireland, Spain and more. Ruby is more nervous about moving, she has never been to China before
and doesn’t speak Chinese. She loves teaching and seeing students’ faces light up when they
understand something.
Although the four of them will be apart, they promised to keep in contact with each other
through video call. They agreed that they would all talk on Fridays at 8 p.m. They also agreed to
meet up for big events, such as weddings and holidays.

B) Marque (T) TRUE ou (F) FALSE, de acordo com o texto. Circule o erro nas afirmações

1. ( ) Anne e suas amigas se formaram há um ano.

2. ( ) Lisa está morando na Europa.
3. ( ) Ruby está ensinando chinês na China.
4. ( ) Lilly está viajando para Los Angeles para estudar medicina.
5. ( ) Anne está muito triste por se afastar das amigas.
6. ( ) Lisa planeja visitar alguns países da América.
7. ( ) Ruby ama ensinar, mas não fala chinês.
8. ( ) Lilly quer ter um ano de experiência no trabalho antes de ir para a faculdade de medicina.
9. ( ) As quatro amigas prometeram manter contato uma com a outra através de vídeo chamada.
10. ( ) Elas concordaram que conversarão aos sábados às 8h da noite.

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