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Friends are very important in life. They can make us happy, support us, and help us grow.

sometimes, friends can also go away. In this essay, I will talk about three main reasons why
people stop being friends: they have nothing in common, they are selfish, or they fall in love.

One reason why people stop being friends is that they do not share the same things anymore.
For example, two friends who met in school may have liked the same subjects, activities, or
dreams. But after they finish school, they may have different jobs, live in different places, or
have different families. They may not have time or energy to talk or meet. They may also like
new things or think differently. They may feel that they are not close anymore and that their
friendship is not important.

The second reason why people stop being friends is that one or both of them are not nice or
honest. Sometimes, friends may lie, cheat, or betray each other, which can hurt the trust and
respect that are essential for any friendship. Other times, friends may be rude, mean, or
insensitive, which can make the other person feel unappreciated or disrespected. When
friends are not nice or honest, they can damage the bond that they have and create resentment
or anger. This can lead to conflicts, arguments, or avoidance, which can eventually end the

Having romantic feelings for each other or for someone else is a third reason why friends
may stop being friends. Friends who fall in love or have crushes on each other can face
difficulties in their friendship. They may be afraid of losing the friendship or being rejected,
or they may not be able to express their feelings. Friends who have romantic feelings for
someone else can neglect their friendship. They may put their partner before their friend, or
they may feel jealous or possessive of their friend. The friendship can be affected by these
romantic feelings, and the friends can grow apart or have conflicts. This can result in
resentment, misunderstandings, or arguments, which can end the friendship.

To sum up, friendship is a great but weak relationship that can change because of many
things. Some of the main reasons why people stop being friends are they have nothing in
common, they are selfish, or they fall in love. These reasons can make people grow apart,
lose respect, or have fights that end or hurt their friendship. So, we should be thankful,
careful, and nice to our friends while we have them and be aware of the possible dangers and
difficulties that can affect our friendship.

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