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Question: Make a one-page reflection paper about the Impeachment of President Estrada.

Answer: the primary objective of the video is to show the documentary of how long Former
President Erap Estrada's impeachment case , but upon watching I couldn't take my eyes off
those Filipinos; youth who was shouting at the top of their lungs, women who are not afraid to
voice her opinions, a man with persistence and dedication to oust the former president and the
people who continue standing, keeping themselves tuck and firmed to survive the tiredness and
hungriness to fight for their rights. The video reminds me of article II of the Philippines
constitution section 1. the Philippines is a democratic country and a republican state. Upon
mentioning democracy automatically means " it is the government of the people, by the people
and for the people" the video just proves that the voice of the people becomes the authority
the moment those representatives exploited their powers. The video is called people power II,
unlike people power revolution I, this is smaller compared to the previous one, but both are
similar when it comes to the core purpose of the said event, but are expressing their
frustrations toward the government, and both are fighting for what they truly believe and
deserved. You would see in the face of the people how much they wanted to oust those who
betrayed the nation, corrupt the money of the people, and exploit their powers.

One of the highlights of the video is the process of impeachment of Former president
Erap Estrada. estrade committed unlawful acts and broke the public trust, he refused to resign
from his position and act like an innocent dog inside of Malacañang. The people call him guilty
as he was, it was c; ear forms the evidence and how obvious it is for the people to disregard the
inconsistency of the trial of impeachment.
If was given a chance to live during the time of People power II, I'd gladly march with the
people, together with them I'll shout to the top of my lungs, I'll shout about how sucks the
Government until I lose my voice, I stand with the people even if I starved myself to death
because it is my country that is involved, it is the rights of the people being oppressed, it the
money of every blood, sweat, and tears of the people just to pay the taxes and just being
corrupted by those hypocrite officials.

There are people whose opposing the rallies preaching that Former President Erap
Estrada did nothing wrong to the people, the evidence speaks so loud, no matter how big or
small the thing that you commit as long as it is against the rule and policy of the state and the
will of the citizen, you have no right to justify your action even if you helped thousands of those
in need, it won't change the fact that you have committed a mistake, a mistake that unites the
people to go against the current, to challenge their fellow to get out of their house, be in the
middle of the street to fight for their rights and justice.

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