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Choose the best answer.

1. Someday, Laura wants to _____________ a teacher like her father.

A. be come B. become C. became

2. There is a singing ________________ on TV tonight. I wonder who will win.

A. competition B. contemplation C. completion

3. If you want to be a good dancer, you must ________________ every day.

A. pre-form B. react C. practice

4. I _______________ that my sister's team wins the basketball game.

A. wonder B. hope C. wander

5. My brother's favorite form of _____________ is watching sports on TV.

A. entertainment B. entitlement C. enticement

6. It takes a lot of _____________ to sing and dance at the same time.

A. poster B. drag C. skill

7. Martial arts _____ special exercises for self-defense.

A. was B. is C. are

8. A pow-wow _____ a Native American tradition.

A. are B. is C. were


December 30, 1899_MyELT


Listen then choose the best answer. Refer to track 2-02 (p.84/course book)

1. When Hu Zhengsheng was a boy, he watched __________ films.

A. kung fu
B. spiritual
C. boxing

2. When Hu Zhengsheng was 11 years old, he __________.

A. wanted to learn kung fu
B. was a servant in his home
C. was a martial arts teacher

3. Practicing martial arts taught Hu Zhengsheng about __________.

A. traditional films
B. good health
C. cold weather

4. Hu Zhengsheng's kung fu school now has __________ students.

A. 200
B. 500
C. 100

5. Which statement about Shaolin kung fu is true?

A. Shaolin kung fu can help students develop useful skills.
B. Shaolin kung fu is a special religion in China.
C. Shaolin kung fu is one of the easiest forms of martial arts.


December 30, 1899_MyELT


Write the SIMPLE PAST form of the verb in the parentheses

1. My grandfather always __________________ (wear) a hat when he left the house.

2. I __________________ (study) law at the University of Georgia, just like my father.
3. Last week, I __________________ (go) to an interesting museum.
4. When we were kids, we __________________ (love) to eat popsicles on hot days.
5. Yesterday, the man __________________ (walk) home from work.
6. We __________________ (travel) to Shanghai last year to visit our relatives.
7. The little girl __________________ (practice) piano for one hour after school.
8. We __________________ (see) a rainbow in the sky this morning.
9. In Italy, we __________________ (learn) how to bake pizza over a fire.
10. The man __________________ (become) a martial arts teacher after many years of practice.


December 30, 1899_MyELT


Watch the video then choose the best answer.

1. What is the speaker's Indian name?

A. Buck Spotted Tail
B. Sinte Gleska
C. Rosebud Sioux
2. Which statement is true of pow-wow dancing?
A. Today, the dancers don't like the contemporary style.
B. The dance hasn't changed much over the years.
C. The dancers try to move like the grass.
3. How are the pow-wow dances learned?
A. Children take special dance lessons at a certain age.
B. Young people grow up watching and doing the dances.
C. Young boys and girls play dancing games.
4. Which statement about pow-wows is not true?
A. There is a small amount of money to pay.
B. There is always lot of singing and dancing.
C. There is usually enough food for everyone.
5. What is the Indian name for a pow-wow?
A. tiyospayes
B. celebration
C. wachipi


December 30, 1899_MyELT


Choose the best answer.

1. Because there are many people in my town, we sometimes have water __________________.
A. layovers B. shortages C. champions

2. We use moving water and special machines to make_________________.

A. electricity B. trajectory C. formula

3. It is easy to change your ________________so that you don't use so much energy and water.
A. carbon B. lifestyle C. footprint

4. Taking a long shower every day is a bad_________________ that many people have.
A. longing B. repeat C. habit

5. To save water, it is a ______________ that you cannot water your grass.

A. rule B. forbode C. rancid

6. To save energy, many stores are only open to ________________ during daylight hours.
A. players B. customers C. payers

7. We can save __________________ by turning off lights and using less water.
A. fun B. sadness C. energy

8. There are several ways to easily __________________ to using less energy.

A. adapt B. adopt C. adept

Listen then decide whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE. Refer to track 2-09 (p.94/course book)

December 30, 1899_MyELT


1. The population of Pakistan is more than 100 million people.

2. Pakistan only has electricity shortages at night.
3. Sometimes the electricity in Pakistan is out for more than half the day.
4. The government in Pakistan is making new rules to help save energy.
5. Shops in Pakistan must close early because there aren't many customers.
6. Customers in Pakistan prefer to shop at night when it is cooler.
7. The government in Pakistan wants all weddings to end after midnight.
8. Banks in Pakistan used to be open for six days a week.
9. The people of Pakistan are happy about the energy shortages.
10. Pakistan is adapting to its electricity shortages.

Choose the best answer.

December 30, 1899_MyELT


1. Venice _____ a beautiful city in Italy.

A. is B. are C. was

2. Venetians _____ people who live in Venice, Italy.

A. was B. is C. are

3. I _____ on vacation in Pakistan last week..

A. is B. was C. am

4. My grandmother _____ a dancer many years ago.

A. is B. are C. was

5. We _____ in that restaurant last Monday.

A. were B. are C. was

6. My older sister _____ a famous singer..

A. am B. were C. is

7. Martial arts _____ special exercises for self-defense.

A. is B. are C. are

8. A pow-wow _____ a Native American tradition.

A. are B. is C. was

9. Last night there _____ an electricity shortage in the city.

A. was B. were C. is

10. My cousin's wedding _____ two days ago.

A. was B. are C. is

December 30, 1899_MyELT

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