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She walks with grace, a beauty so rare,

Her smile shines bright like the morning air.

Her eyes are like jewels, precious and bright,
A gaze that holds the essence of light.

Her hair cascades down, a river of gold,

A crown of splendor, to young and old.
Her skin so soft, her curves so fine,
An angel on earth, a goddess divine.

Her laughter is music, a song so sweet,

It lifts the heart, makes the soul complete.
Her voice is like honey, a soothing sound,
Her presence like peace, bringing joy all around.

She shines from within, a light so bright,

Her kindness and love, shining through the night.
She's more than just beauty, with a heart of gold,
The most beautiful woman, to have and to hold.

So here's to the women, the fairest of all,

With beauty and grace, they stand tall.
For they are a blessing, a precious gem,
The most beautiful women, a gift to men.

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