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Exploring the Uniqueness of Coffee Wine: Process, Flavor, and

Cultural Aspects
Marcellino Putra Budiman, Oktaviana, Muhammad Maulana Satrio Ingpambudi and Reggie
Food Technology Department, Faculty of Engineering, Bina Nusantara University Jakarta 11480
Coffee wine is selected coffee that has been picked without peeling the skin and then
fermented for a long time, and the drink acquires an aroma and flavor reminiscent of wine. The
aroma and flavor of coffee wine can vary depending on the process, where the coffee is harvested
and the terroir. Thus, the purpose is to identify how the fermentation process, coffee varieties, and
aspects of terroir contribute to the unique flavor of wine coffee. The inclusion criteria used
included Include studies from various coffee-producing regions globally to capture the diversity
of terroir conditions, peer-reviewed research articles, reviews, and academic dissertations that
focus on the fermentation process, coffee varieties, and terroir in relation to the flavor of coffee
wine, studies that explicitly investigate and report on the flavor attributes of coffee wine resulting
from the fermentation process, coffee varieties, and terroir. Exclusion criteria included studies not
directly related to the fermentation process, coffee varieties, and terroir as factors influencing the
flavor of coffee wine, studies that do not explicitly address the flavor outcomes associated with
the fermentation process, coffee varieties, and terroir, studies that primarily focus on interventions
unrelated to coffee fermentation, varieties, or terroir. The data sources had been search engines
such as PubMed, EBSCOhost, Garuda, and Willey Online. The search strategy includes keywords
related to uniqueness of coffee wine, process, flavor, cultural aspects, coffee wine. The results of
this systematic review were obtained, and there were nine journals from the screening results.
Wine coffee is a subcategory that is gaining increasing attention in the world of specialty
coffee, having been the subject of growing debate and research [1]. Wine coffee is selected coffee
that has been picked without peeling the skin and then fermented for a long time. The post-harvest
processing that is carried out is dry fermentation. The process is like the natural process of coffee
because it is dried in the sun until the coffee fruit dries naturally. In terms of processing, wine
coffee is subjected to facultative anaerobic and aerobic fermentation [2]. Wine coffee is known to
have a unique flavor profile, such as nuances of fruits, flowers, and rich acidity. This appeals to
coffee lovers looking for a special sensory experience [3]. While there have been several previous
studies addressing the flavor characteristics and production methods of wine coffee, there are still
some unresolved issues. One issue that has been highlighted is how numerous factors, such as the
fermentation process, coffee variety, and terroir aspects, contribute to the unique flavor of wine
Several previous studies have tried to answer critical questions about wine coffee. Some
studies have tried to identify the chemical components that give wine coffee its unique flavor
characteristics, focusing on compounds such as citric acid and lactic acid [4]. In addition, some
sensory studies have tried to understand how degustation experts and coffee connoisseurs describe
and distinguish wine coffee from other coffee varieties [5]. While these findings have provided
valuable insights, there is still a lack of information on how different fermentation processes,
coffee varieties, and the environment in which the coffee is grown interact to create the distinctive
flavors of wine coffee. In addition, some previous studies have provided valuable insights into
wine coffee, there are still some areas that have not been fully elucidated by previous research.
One of these is the impact of different fermentation methods on the flavor characteristics of wine
coffee. Early research has identified the significant role of fermentation in creating fruity nuances
and acidity in wine coffee, but there are still many unanswered questions. In addition, a few studies
have delved deeply into the role of variety and the influence of terror aspects on flavor
characteristics. Therefore, this literature review aims to fill this knowledge gap and identify future
research needs for understanding the uniqueness of wine coffee.
To fill this void, this literature review will delve deeper into the factors that contribute to
the unique flavor profile of wine coffee. Differences in the fermentation methods used in wine
coffee production will be outlined to better understand their influence on flavor characteristics.
The influence of coffee varieties and aspects of terroir will also be explored to gain greater insight
into differences in flavor nuances. By analyzing the latest research findings and results of previous
studies, the aim of this literature review is to provide a more comprehensive understanding of wine
coffee. Latest trends in the wine coffee industry, as well as the cultural and social implications of
its increasing popularity, will be summarized to provide a richer and more in-depth view of wine
coffee, while looking for future research directions that can enrich knowledge in this field.
This paper is a systematic literature review (SLR) following the PRISMA protocol. The
purpose is to identify how the fermentation process, coffee varieties, and aspects of terroir
contribute to the unique flavor of wine coffee.
A. Search
The first step to getting the information you need is to use a search tool. A targeted search uses
a keyword to find relevant documents in the database. This research collected journals from
PubMed, EBSCOhost, Garuda, and Willey Online databases. Many studies have used these four
databases in this field of research. The four databases are important for this research topic because
they can make it easier to determine relevant topics.
B. Synthesis
Synthesis is the stage of grouping information from the selected journals based on
predetermined objectivity [12]. This stage consists of applying the pre-defined search strategies
that have been defined at the planning stage: sample characteristics, search keywords and extracted
data. In the sample characteristic, there are several characteristics such processing, geographic
variation, cultural significance and historical evolution which will be considered in screening
journals. The search keywords used to search for journals are uniqueness of coffee wine, process,
flavor, cultural aspects, coffee wine and the extracted data that will be obtained are processing of
coffee wine, coffee varieties and aspects of terroir.
C. Result Report
The general structure used includes an introduction containing background information on the
topic, research methods, results presented following the research questions and their discussion, a
conclusion, and references. The structure will follow the following PRISMA protocol.

Fig. 1 PRISMA Protocol

Based on Fig. 1, we obtained several journals from three search engines totaling 570
journals which were then screened, resulting in 9 journals that were used to conduct a systematic

Result and Disscusion

The history of coffee itself has various stories since it was first discovered. Coffee was first
discovered by a sheepherder from the Harrar mountains in Ethiopia named Kaldi who discovered
the coffee plant when he saw his sheep become more excited after eating the fruit of the plant [6].
Finally, Kaldi tried it and felt the same effect. This was the beginning of the discovery that coffee
has a stimulating effect derived from its caffeine content. In the 11th century, Arab traders
increasingly bought coffee from Ethiopia and began to grow it. Until the 16th century, coffee was
still dominated and consumed by Muslims as a stimulating beverage instead of wine and alcohol.
When traders traveled long distances, the coffee beans they brought with them were accidentally
fermented [7].
The coffee wine fermentation process is divided into two stages, namely facultative
anaerobic fermentation and then aerobic fermentation. During coffee wine fermentation,
facultative anaerobic fermentation occurs, where LAB dominates microbial growth. During the
coffee postharvest process, coffee will be fermented. In fermentation there are changes that occur
in coffee, such as degeneration of the mucilage component. In the mucilage or resin there is
protopectin, an insoluble complex that produces ultracellular lactic acid in the pulp. This material
will break down during the fermentation process. This degradation is caused by enzymes present
in the coffee fruit. This enzyme is a type of catalase that breaks down protopectin into organic
acids such as acetic acid. There is a process of sucrose breakdown, the riper the fruit, the sugar
content will increase. The breakdown of sugar results in lactic acid and acetic acid and other acids
produced are ethanol, butyric and propionic acids. The color of the fruit skin changes, the cuticle
of the coffee fruit turns brown. This browning process is caused by oxidation of polyphenols. Then
aerobic fermentation is carried out, namely drying in the sun. Fermentation occurs by the yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Saccharomyces fungus is a type of yeast that can convert glucose into
ethanol and CO2 [8].
The variety of coffee beans affects the flavor of the coffee wine produced. Arabica coffee
varieties are the best coffee varieties to make coffee wine, because Arabica coffee varieties grow
at altitudes above 1500 meters above sea level. Arabica coffee is known for its complex flavor
profile. Arabica wine coffee flavors often involve a combination of striking fruits, such as berries,
pomegranates, or citrus fruits. The combination of gentle acidity and fruity flavors creates complex
layers of flavor. Arabica tends to have a softer, more refreshing acidity compared to other coffee
varieties. Arabica coffee often has a distinctive aroma, including floral nuances such as flowers or
orange blossoms. Robusta tends to have a stronger, bitter flavor compared to Arabica and a higher
caffeine content. Robusta coffee often has a heavier body and a thicker texture on the tongue. The
acidity in Robusta coffee is generally lower than Arabica. Robusta coffee often has a stronger and
longer-lasting aroma compared to Arabica [11]. Liberica varieties can have varying flavor profiles
depending on terroir and growing conditions. Some can have chocolate or sugar nuances, while
others may feature typical fruit flavors. The aroma of Liberica coffee can be considered one of a
kind, often incorporating nuances of flowers and tropical fruits. Liberica has a lower acidity
compared to Arabic [12].
The altitude of a location has a significant impact on air temperature and rainfall. The
higher the place, the lower the air temperature tends to be and the higher the rainfall, making the
soil more fertile. Changes in these two climatic factors influence the decomposition process of
organic matter, soil chemical composition, and fruit ripening. Information about the chemical
properties of the soil can guide in determining the location for planting coffee and selecting the
appropriate fertilizer dose according to the plant's needs. This way, coffee plant management can
be carried out more efficiently, reducing production costs. The ability of soil to provide nutrients
depends on its chemical properties, such as pH, organic carbon, and mineral content [10].
The optimal soil pH range for Arabica coffee's growth, production, and quality is between
5.8 and 6.2. Altitude is positively correlated with soil pH, with pH increasing with altitude. The
crucial factor is the high content of organic matter in the soil, which can increase the pH depending
on the quality of the organic material. The decomposition of various organic materials causes an
increase in pH to produce basic cations such as Ca, Mg, K, and Na. The release of basic cations
into the soil solution saturates the soil with these cations, ultimately increasing the soil pH.
Environmental factors related to cultivation, including soil nutrient content and altitude, influence
the physical quality of coffee beans. Higher altitudes and lower temperatures can slow the ripening
of coffee berries, resulting in better coffee beans overall. Correlation analysis of soil chemical
properties and altitude shows that the higher the altitude, the better the soil chemical properties,
thus positively impacting the quality and production of coffee beans [9].

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