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Emily Song

April 15, 2024

Blog #2

I have spent the time planning and preparing for my next postings to create. To move forward with these
postings, I need to get a grasp on the materials needed for my baking plans. I want to make matcha
cookies but currently matcha is not present in my household pantry. Therefore I need to buy matcha
powder the next time I go grocery shopping. However, my matcha powder was forgotten to get and my
baking has been postponed as of right now. I do not wish to waste any time so I will move forward with
my next baking plan; I wish to make madeline’s. Madelines are french shell shaped mini cakes. I have the
shell mold for this baking, thus I am able to do this while I wait for the matcha powder. The last past days
were planning for my future needs such as more all-purpose flour, muffin tins, matcha powder, more
granulated sugar, and any extras needed. In order to move on, I must also keep in check with the
materials and resources required. This has been an obstacle of mine especially with online purchasing.
To overcome this obstacle, I will start with the materials I have to bake something I am able to do such as
madeline’s while I postpone the matcha cookies. I can prepare myself ahead my researching and getting
my recipes ready for my next postings. This weeks plan is to bake madeleines, and if able to, create a
chocolate shell on top of the madeleines. My matcha powder and white chocolate chips should have
arrived by next week. This week I will bake madeleines, next week I will bake matcha cookies, and in
between I will he doing frequent checkups on any resources of materials and recipes needed for the

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