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Question 1:

I will suggest the AGILE METHODOLOGY because:

- Firstly, at the begin of the project, the requirements were defined so that
people can understand what they will do:
+ Using Virtual Room to allow people try on clothes virtually.
+ Users Reviews and Give Feedback.
+ Give Style Suggestions and Outfit Inspiration.
+ Let people share the products on more platforms.
+ Send Notifications and Alerts.
- Secondly, requirements may be able to change in the future because
nowadays, the technology is updated daily. In future, the augmented reality (AR)
or virtual reality (VR) technologies may be updated to more modern version or
even places by another technologies.
- Finally, it is about development team. The number of team member: 6
developers and 2 QA so that Agile methodology is suitable.
Following the reasons I listed above, the methodology is most suitable for
this project is AGILE METHODOLOGY because the tools and technology can
change in the future, requirements can be change and team size is just little bit

Question 2:

I suggest using manual testing and automated testing. Because sometimes,

like performance and whether the mobile application interface is user-friendly
cannot be checked using automated testing.

- There are two forms of manual testing: White box and Blackbox.

+ White-box testing is a method of testing software where the tester

examines its internal code, structure, and logic to ensure correctness and identify

+ Blackbox: Checking software by giving it inputs and checking the

outputs match the actual results, without knowing how it works inside.
- Automated testing provides faster, consistent, and broader software testing,
improving efficiency and catching issues early.
Question 3:
There are 4 test cases I expect the testing team to use are:
+ Using black-box testing to check the output of application is correct
or not correct.
+ Test the application on other devices to see if it works smoothly or
+ Using user account to send feedbacks after that use the admin
account to see whether feedbacks sent or not.
+ Test on Virtual Room function to see whether it can automate select
or fit women’s clothing for user or not.

Question 4:
- Four function requirements I want to suggest are:
+ Using most power technology as augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality
(VR) to let user can see how a garment look on their body.
+ Create user feedback function and enable users to give their experiences
and products feedback.
+ Integrate multiple social media platforms to allow users share products.
+ Send notification such as email about order confirmations, shipment
updates, discounts or new product arrivals.

- Two non-function requirements I want to suggest are:

+ Users' inputs should receive a response from the system in under two
+ The project could be run on multiple platform such as IOS or Android.

Question 5:
- As a user, I want to receive Notifications and Alerts, so that I can update the
status of product frequently.
- As a user, I want chatting function with seller so that I can receive useful
advises when I have problems or not sure about the products I choose.

Question 6:

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