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Century Bank Case Problems

In 2008, Century Bank experienced liquidity problems because large customers of Century
Bank withdrew their funds massively, while the funds in the bank did not exist so they were
unable to return customers' money, on October 30 and November 3 as much as the US $ 56
million and letters foreign currency value due and default.
This situation got worse on November 17, Antaboga Delta Sekuritas owned by Robert
Tantular began to be unable to pay obligations for the discretionary fund products sold by
Century Bank since the end of 2007.
On November 20, 2008, BI through a board of governors meeting determined Bank Century
as a failed bank with a systematic impact. The decision was then conveyed to the Minister of
Finance Sri Mulyani as chairman of the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK).
Then KSSK held a meeting on November 21, 2008. Based on the BPK audit, the closed
meeting was attended by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani as chairman of KSSK and its
secretary Raden Pardede.
From the meeting, it was decided to inject funds into Century Bank amounting to Rp 632
billion to increase capital so as to increase the CAR to 8%. Six days after the takeover, LPS
disbursed Rp 2.775 trillion to Century Bank to increase its CAR to 10%.
Because the problems have not been resolved, Century Bank began to face the demands of
thousands of Antaboga investors for embezzlement and investments worth Rp 1.38 trillion
that flowed to Robert Tantular.
The bank, which seemed to have received preferential treatment from BI, was still given a
disbursement of Rp 1.55 trillion on February 3, 2009. Even though this bank has been
proven to be paralyzed. On December 5, 2008, IDIC re-injected Rp 2.2 trillion to meet the
Bank's soundness level. At the end of 2008 Century Bank recorded a loss of Rp 7.5 trillion.
In June 2009 Bank Century disbursed funds that had been misappropriated by Robert
amounting to Rp 180 billion to Budi Sampoerna as a customer. However, Budi denied that
he did not receive any money from Century Bank. Based on this statement, LPS disbursed
another Rp 630 billion to Century Bank to cover the CAR. Thus, the total funds disbursed to
Century Bank amounted to Rp 6.72 trillion.

Explain your analysis of the problem above! Complete with existing data, and relate it to the
learning materials for this 3rd meeting.
Permasalahan Kasus Bank Century
Pada tahun 2008, Bank Century mengalami kesulitan likuiditas karna nasabah besar Bank
Century menarik dananya besar-besaran, sedangkan dana yang ada di bank tidak ada
sehingga tidak mampu mengembalikan uang nasabah, pada tanggal 30 oktober dan 3
november sebanyak US$56 juta dan surat-surat berharga valuta asing jatuh tempo dan gagal
Keadaan ini semakin parah pada tanggal 17 november, Antaboga Delta Sekuritas yang di
miliki Robert Tantular mulai tak sanggup membayar kewajiban atas produk discraetionary
fund yang di jual Bank Century sejak akhir tahun 2007.
Pada 20 november 2008, BI melalui rapat dewan gubernur menetapkan Bank Century
sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistematik. Keputusan itu kemudian di sampaikan kepada
Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani selaku ketua Komite Stabilitas Sitem Keuangan (KSSK).
Kemudian KSSK mengadakan rapat pada 21 november 2008. Berdasarkan audit BPK, rapat
tertutup itu di hadiri oleh Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani sebagai ketua KSSK dan
sekretsarisnya Raden Pardede.
Dari rapat tersebut di putuskan untuk menyuntikan dana ke Bank Century sebesar Rp 632
miliar untuk menambah modal sehingga dapat menaikkan CAR menjadi 8%. Enam hari dari
pengambialihan LPS mengucurkan dana Rp 2,775 triliun pada Bank Century untuk
menambah CAR menjadi 10%.
Karna permasalahan tak kunjung selesai Bank Century mulai menghadapi tuntunan ribuan
investor Antaboga atas penggelapan dan investasi senilai Rp 1,38 triliun yang mengalir ke
Robert Tantular.
Bank yang tampak mendapat perlakuan istimewa ini dari BI masih tetap di berikan kucuran
dana sebesar Rp 1,55 triliun pada tanggal 3 Februari 2009. Padahal bank ini sudah terbukti
lumpuh. Pada tanggal 5 Desember 2008 LPS menyuntikkan dana kembali sebesar Rp 2,2
triliun untuk memenuhi tingkat kesehatan Bank. Pada akhir tahun 2008 Bank Century
mencatat kerugian sebesar Rp 7,5 triliun.
Pada bulan Juni 2009 Bank Century mencairkan dana yang telah diselewengkan Robert
sebesar Rp 180 miliar pada Budi Sampoerna selaku nasabah. Namun, dibantah oleh Budi
yang merasa tidak menerima sedikitpun uang dari Bank Century. Atas pernyataan tersebut
LPS mengucurkan dana lagi kepada Bank Century sebesar Rp 630 miliar untuk menutupi
CAR. Sehingga,total dana yang di kucurkan kepada Bank Century sebesar Rp 6,72 triliun.

Tuliskanlah analisis Saudara mengenai permasalahan diatas! Lengkapi dengan data yang
ada, serta kaitkan dengan materi pembelajaran untuk pertemuan ke 3 ini.

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