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Antithesis vs.

In literature, juxtaposition means intentionally placing two things next to or near each other to show their
similarities and their differences.
An oxymoron is a specific kind of juxtaposition in which two contradictory words have combined into
one phrase.
An antithesis is a figure of speech in which an opposition or contrast of ideas is expressed by parallelism
of words that are the opposites of each other in clauses or sentences.

a) Highlight the words or phrases that show contrast of ideas.
b) Indicate whether each sentence includes an antithesis or an oxymoron.

1________ Jane has gotten herself into another fine mess.

2________ The white clouds popped against the blue sky.

3________ Carl and Pat have a love-hate relationship.

4________ A deafening silence filled the room.

5________ In a shelf filled with neutral-colored book spines, a single red spine stood out.

6________ She tried to cast her thoughts forward into the future, she felt pulled back by her past.

7________ That joke was seriously funny.

8________ The little girl slipped her tiny hand into the man's enormous one.

9________ Mary is having another minor crisis.

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