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Your eyes are just like everybody else

They're not blue, and definitely not green

But they indeed the prettiest eyes i've ever seen
The way you carry yourself, the way you speak
It leaves in awe, in a scale of one to ten
I'm probably at the peak
The way God draw a smile on your face
It looks like a lovely flower freshly put in a vase

Oh i always have a flashback of when we were walking

When we were out together eating
Greeting each other "Good Morning"
Talking 'till past midnight
It feels so good, it feeels so right
The times when i say "ang bilis mo naman maglakad"
I hope God captured that
So in my list of favorites i'd be able to add that
Remember the time we took photos in Robinson??
I, for sure, would be staring at it 'till dawn
Only if we don't have a church the next day
I thought of those moments as only platonic
Then it came day by day
I didn't expect a thing, how ironic

I feel 'me' whenever we're together

It's getting tougher, scared and excited
Because how am i going to discuss this to my mother?
Your presence gives me peace and comfort
Triggering me to, once again, put more effort
Triggering me to protect you
The person that gives me an amazing point of view

You make me want to be a better person

Making me strive for betterment than perfection
It's weird because i'm naturally competitive
But when it comes to you
I feel all set while counting one and two
With you and to you, i am patient
You're also a human yet you're so different
Crazy how you cause an impact to my system

Is it weird that i keep coming back to you?

Or maybe i was just distracted
And to begin with, there was really no 'new'
Maybe all this time, to you, is where my heart belongs
Maybe until now, to you, is where my heart wants to stay
That no matter where i go
There's something that reminds me of you along the way

This won't top the poem 'Miss Pythagoras'

And that is for sure
But i know you'll reminisce about this in the future
And i think when that time comes
We are in our own lover's arms
But don't you think it would be better
If we would reminisce about this together?
I mean, perhaps it's a yes or it's a no right?
I want you to know that i'm not closing my door
I'll leave an open light, and neat floor
For you to come in
If ever the right time begins

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