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A Gli i dec a f Chosen Music for Classic Gutta wo Best~ of Tarrega, Joseph. Castles oc Mel Bay's chosen Music for Classic Guitar (Best~ of Tarrega_, Edited by Joseph. Castle. PREFACE Francisco TArrega is sometimes referred to as the father of the modern guitar ‘This is true in the sense that his analytical mind and untiring efforts did so much to advance the technical and expressive resources of the instrument. What I the piano, Paganini to the violin, Térrega was to the classic guitar. ‘Térrega lived in the era of Romantic composers. Some of his distinguished con- temporaries were Brahms, Bizet, Sarasate, Albéniz, Mahler, Debussy and G: ‘Térrega was the first classic guitarist of importance to write in the Romantic idiom. He also transcribed many works for guitar by other composers, such as Bach, Beethoven, Schumann and Chopin, Joseph Castle CONTENTS PAGE Adelita 2 Lagrima a. 3 Study In D Minor... . A ate 4 La Mariposa ........ eer ae Te . 6 Prelude No. 7 ee Chopin-Tarrega 8 Prelude In A Minor . " 9 Prelude In D Minor 9 Prelude In A Major _u Capricho Arabe ; 2 paanils ADELITA The history of the modern classic guitar is closely associated with Francisco Tarrega, master guitarist and teacher. He was born November 21, 1852, at Villareal, Castellon Spain and died December 5, 1909 in Barcelona. It has been said that he was a man with a genial personality, an extraordinary intelligence, and that his genius was equalled only by his modesty. Moderato (4-92) on, ay ———_, 2d oa LAGRIMA During his lifetime, Tarrega suffered from an incurable and painful chronic eye disease called ophthalmia. This was caused from being pushed into a polluted stream of water, when he was a child, by a vicious nursemaid. Tarrega nearly drowned during the incident, which seriously impaired his eyesight, and in later years caused him to be reluctant to give public concerts. He was much more content to play for a select group of friends and pupils. Andantino ii {——4 ee, * — STUDY IN D MINOR When Tarrega was but eleven years of age, he performed a guitar concerto by Julian Arcas. This would indicate, of course, that he was a child prodigy. His early musical training was received [rom local musicians, including a blind guitarist and a blind pianist. In 1874, at the age of 22, he entered the Madrid Conservatoire of Music as a student of piano and harmony, The following year he was awarded the first prize for harmony and composition. or tH i i i + a + | oenrerkPnrserss e Sth pos. y ite Sth pom. " LA MARIPOSA Upon the completion of his studies at the Madrid Conservatoire of Music, Tarrega commenced his career as teacher of classic guitar. From then on his life was devoted to his art, both as teacher and composer. His original compositions and transcriptions of the classic masters reveal his marvelous insight into the resources of the guitar and its technical possibilities. In the ensuing years, he taught many pupils who acquired fame ‘Tune 6th string down to D. Allegretto 6 PRELUDE NO. 7 (Opus 28) Chopin -Tarrega One of Tarrega's greatest contributions to the modern guitar repertoire is his masterly transcriptions of music by classic and romantic composers. The list is long and includes such greats as Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin, and Albeniz. ‘Tarrega transcribed several of the Chopin preludes ior guitar, and the following is one of the most beautiful. ‘Tune 6th string down to D. Andantino PRELUDE IN A MINOR Tarrega wrote many Studies and Preludes for the guitar. Some were, of course, designed as teaching material and emphasize certain technical aspects as they relate to the guitar. Most of these compositions are characterized by ingenious fingering, particularly of the left hand, as will be seen in the little Prelude which follows. Moderato PRELUDE IN D MINOR Emilio Pujol, one of Tarrega's outstanding pupils, describes a day in the life of the Master as something like this: each morning, after dressing, he would light up a cigarillo, after which he would seat himself in a corner of the dining room, tune his guitar and begin the day's practice with some exercises and improvisations. Breakfast interrupts the practicing, but soon it is resumed with an hour on chromatic scales, diatonic seales in thirds and sixths, followed by an hour of arpeggios, then an hour on runs and trills, followed by an hour or two on difficult passages. After lunch was reserved for writing music. Toward evening friends and aficionados would come to hear him play. Then at night, when everyone in the house was asleep, he would play for himself, ‘Tune 6th string down to D. Mode: == | Sth pos. 9 -. — eo PRELUDE IN A MAJOR It was Tarrega who perfected the playing position of the right hand. Previously guitarists had persisted in resting the little finger on the soundboard for support, employing mostly the thumb, index and middle fingers for sounding the strings. Tarrega did not rest the little finger on the soundboard, but held the hand perpendicular to the strings which automatically brought the ring finger over the strings, making many more fingering combinations possible. Allegretto a Ml CAPRICHO ARABE spain is justly proud of its native son, Francisco Tarrega. In 1916 a monument was erected to his memory in the public park of Villareal. Ona house in the Plaza Pascual is a plaque with the following inscription "In this house was born on November 21, 1852, to the honor and glory of Villareal, the eminent guitarist, Francisco Tarrega. " In Villareal, Castellon, and Barcelona, streets have been named after him as a daily reminder and lasting tribute to this great man. ‘Tune 6th string down to D. > = ae Andantino PDD ee ‘ oe (Harmonies) ce ee a | = a CaS gyi et a i) JEU ah) =e = oe ea ee ‘ll a 4 Te: 7" i et Het TU! ! IM /eg el du 5 ae i 7 HI A} eS* ani): Guitar Methods ‘$9007 Clase ular Mesh 93008 Classe Gar Med 208 Cass Gatar Ma I 5194 Easyway Guta 8 95195 Easyay Guta 8 9198 awe Guts 4590 Guta Clase Wetted 9534 Guta Class Wetted Cassette Tape 95109 Guna Workshop 3108 Juno: Gute £9506 Complete Medan Method for Cutar $000 Med Gurar Netod | £201 Maden Guta: Method $302 Meern Gurar Method I £8308 Maden Gute: Meio S004 Meer Guta: Med V £006 Maven Gutar Method Vt {5905 ever Guta: Med VE S397 Prine {88400 Comlee Method forCasic Guitar Chord Books Sa Chords ‘95521 Bano Cho Char 93265 Barone Use Cords 097 Sass Guta Cama Chat 809 One Bano Cros 890 asc ures Dance Bet Chat 35348 Done Eee Bass Cos 5285 Douno Guta Chores £3422 Dono Orga horas 3933 Dole Pio Cos £137 Dol Ten Bano Chords 3061 Guta hats, 32 Gta Chr 5257 Manin Chats 93219 Nad Guar Chords 5014 Fry Chor Syston (050 Ten Banjo Cores 3050 Usele Chas, (953 Pod Ste! 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Gur Mestad vo, £20 Stool Gor Mestad Vo, £096 Teno Bano Mestad Vo, 07 Tenor Bann Mota Vo. 2 (30 Stago Band Oranmers Gute Mel Bay String Method 351 Bass Ia isaac 7 $53 Fn zoo. |—Iso 38258 Paro Acoana. 38248 Via |~emc 38250 Vio I 38247 Vin | 83248 Vin —kaae eee Fok na Bluegrass Anes yas ota sic Page Sie Cul S335 tan Falr ano too 3381 Banp Pade Tunes Sg 95552 Bano Pc Sos 3245 Begass Ea even 3341 Bueyrass Fda 2292 Get ke Sie | Se thea he S100 Chet AsO Te cord $1286 Grd Sawer Bar S204 Cera Sa Gata $546 County es Guta 3380 Gun Dato Guat {4309 Coonay utr Pekin’ 434 Goon Ragtime Gutar £5548 Dene Stress Bano Metnd {3800 Date Bsgass Wanain Meta S357 Dag ines $928 Fat Pen uta Ses S571 Fak aa ues Hmanca S202 Fan Foe Si 2225 Fah Gt Sy 78 Gur Tunes a a Modes oe Dciner ‘216 Twee Sung Guat Sues {£5583 Amencar Hato Sem 5401 Jeti Buns ~ Manan Payer 573 Contenonay Ste Guta 548 Lean To Pay Comty Fee Sacred Music SESE Dene Gitar Praise Bok £35374 Gospel Bao 379 Gospel Gut S11 ava Hymna S515 Jesus Sts 514 One Hay Sengook $5304 Sure Cuts $6302 Sates pans S330 Sates Pst 5516 Sue Sal Faw Serghock 5517 Spt Fle Songs 9221 Hymns Fs Par Slo £5400 Classe Guta Hs Solo and Engombie Books 2264 Dole Casio Cutar Nbum 88012 Easy Cassie Sous Sie Famenco Guar Siles 5013 Great Cassi Solos 9824 Guitar Band Vl 248 Guna Bad VoL 4592 Guta Duets on Cass Themes 4885 Ragin Baro ay Sek 512 Arto Bano, 4508 Ten Bajo Saks 8246 Guta Enotes 93281 Guna Vriexo 98379 Jaz Corterpray Guitar Duets ‘33 Rosorder Eons 5319 Seted GutarSalos 95217 Sob Fal No, 9218 Sao Fal No.2 $3296 Soo Guta {33347 Tony Motcla Guitar Ses {3491 Baroows Guar Mule ‘43436 Baro Recor: Ms 432 Gasscal Pood Guar Music 85437 Casscal eid Rosser Music 5490 Renascance Guar Muse £3435 Renassance Recorder Msc 343 Bes of $a 33434 Bos of Targa Rlock Books 3344 Bass Blues Ban 3091 Blues Guar Stes 3990 Bes Lead Gular Mettod 83901 Date Armoiogy of ck Cuter ‘33301 rurmar's Cookbook 42277 Now Sods fx Bete Bass 94625 Rock Blues Gutar Grove oun hs 35573 Contempxay Se Guitar Technique and Theory Books 78 Sus Ce Paton Ss ita peg Sales line Guta Soa Book 93490 Dot Gutar 23308 Guta nga 278 Guta inrovsng Vol | 9275 Sota 335 ota Teak 240 Jazz Guta 2a Jazz Guta 3292 Jonny Sa Approach Guitar 3283 Jy ran prec Gar 5303 aren Book iat2 Ser Manus Book Plano Books 3428 Stuer Classis —Beetnoxen 546 Stent lass 34a Stuer Classics — Maca 3358 Barve Pano Ses 3931 Bes Piao Ses. 17 Cassie Period Plano Styles 933 Datu Pa Crows 93343 Fun wit Pana 23376 impegstanst Plano Ses 8 E 93959 Mat Demis Pays Seat ein 1417 Nat Dems Pla Neti Volune 1 3377 20th Cen Pano shies 3380 Pes Plato Woods 98950 Pano Baoge 25830 Raine Plo Styles 3359 Fo Png See Pare Par Pana Ses 3303 eon fe Ses 5440 Piro inguin Christmas Books $3304 EasywayGristnas Guta 1296 Easyway Cristnas Sos Bo Book {5257 EasywayCristmas Song Ba0k 33313 EasywayCisnas Piao 133901 Guar Chinas Cas Sounes ot crises 3413 Tory Mata Holy Guts a crntmas Cz For Reco

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