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Wolo University

Institute of teachers Education and Behavioral sciences

Department of Psychology
Assignment for the course General Psychology(Psyc1011), 2024
Total weight: 25%
Group assignment
1. Define intra-personal skills and discuss their significance for academic achievement and
personal development with real life examples .
2. Explore the concept of emotional intelligence and How can emotional intelligence contribute
to personal development and effective relationship with others ?
3. Discuss the impact of cultural awareness on effective interpersonal communication. Provide
examples of how cultural differences can be navigated.
4. Explore the concept of assertiveness in interpersonal communication. Provide examples of
assertive communication and its benefits.
5. Explain the importance of intra-personal, and interpersonal skills in your personal and
academic achievements.
6. What are social influences and peer pressure, and how do they manifest in university
settings? Explore these concepts using real-world examples from the university context.
Discuss strategies for resisting peer pressure.
7. Discuss test anxiety and its coping mechanisms with examples

Submission Guidelines: Use credible sources to support your points. Submit your assignment in
a clear, organized, and well-edited format the latest March 15, 2024. There will be also
individual presentation.

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