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molecular oral microbiology


T cells, teeth and tissue destruction – what do

T cells do in periodontal disease?
L. Campbell1, E. Millhouse2, J. Malcolm1 and S. Culshaw1,2
1 Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
2 Infection and Immunity Research Group, Glasgow Dental School, School of Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

Correspondence: Shauna Culshaw, Infection and Immunity Research Group, Glasgow Dental School of Medicine, College of Medical,
Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, 378 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JZ, UK Tel.: +44 (0)141 211 9739;

Keywords: adaptive immunity; animal model; human; periodontitis

Accepted 22 October 2015
DOI: 10.1111/omi.12144


The microbial plaque biofilm resides adjacent to tooth loss. It is the most common cause of bone loss
the tissue-destructive inflammatory infiltrate in in humans, with almost 50% of the adult population in
periodontitis. Although not sufficient, this biofilm the UK being affected, rising to 60% of those aged
is necessary for this inflammatory response. 65 and over (Petersen et al., 2005; Chapple, 2014).
Patients with periodontitis generate antibodies Treatment for the disease and resulting tooth loss is
specific for bacteria in the biofilm – although the costly, time consuming, and requires meticulous, life-
role of these antibodies is not clear, there is, long supportive care. Moreover, the inflammation in
undoubtedly, an adaptive immune response in the oral cavity may have systemic consequences and
periodontitis. T lymphocytes are central to adaptive impact on diabetes (Casanova et al., 2014), cardio-
immunity, and provide help for B cells to generate vascular disease risk (Dietrich et al., 2013) and
specific antibodies. T-cell receptor recognition of rheumatoid arthritis (Kaur et al., 2013). Hence, there
peptide antigen in the context of major histocom- is a need for a better understanding of the systemic
patibility complex can result in T-cell activation. implications of this inflammation in the oral cavity,
The activation and differentiation of the T-cell can and for novel treatment and prevention strategies for
take many forms, and hence numerous types of T periodontitis.
cells have been described. The role of adaptive Dental plaque is necessary but not sufficient for
immune responses, and the T-cell component periodontitis (Loe et al., 1986). The magnitude of tis-
thereof, in periodontitis remains relatively poorly sue destruction in response to the biofilm is deter-
defined. This review aims to broadly summarize mined largely by the host response, with genetics
findings about T cells and their role in periodonti- (Michalowicz et al., 1991), smoking (Ismail et al.,
tis, focusing primarily on studies of human disease 1983) and diet (Bawadi et al., 2011) all influencing an
with a short discussion of some animal studies. individual’s susceptibility to periodontitis.
The components of immune dysregulation in peri-
odontitis may be viewed in several ways:
• as an exaggerated or inappropriate inflammatory
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease, which response to microbial challenge;
causes loss of alveolar bone and ultimately results in • as a failure to resolve inflammation;

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T cells in the pathogenesis of periodontitis L. Campbell et al.

• as an autoimmune response;
• or as a combination of all of these.
This review seeks to address how CD4 T cells may
influence these possible pathways of immune dysreg-
ulation. T cells play key roles in several inflamma-
tory diseases, exemplified by the prominence of
T-cell-associated genes identified in genome-wide
association studies of rheumatoid arthritis and
Crohn’s disease (The Welcome Trust Case Control
Consortium, 2007) and the success of some T-cell
targeting therapies such as Abatacept in rheumatoid
arthritis (Gizinski & Fox, 2014). T lymphocytes
express a T-cell receptor (TCR) for the recognition of
specific peptide antigen within the major histocompat-
ibility complex (MHC) binding groove (Fig. 1). Esti-
mates suggest that about 1 : 100,000 T cells will Figure 1 T-cell surface molecules. T cells communicate with other
recognize any given foreign antigen – and that T-cell cells and their environment through a coordinated network of sur-
face ligand/receptor interactions on the cell surface, which direct the
cross-reactivity with more than one peptide–MHC
subsequent immune responses. T cells interact with antigen-pre-
complex is essential (Mason, 1998). Hence, antigen- senting cells through the T-cell receptor (TCR) comprised of an
specific cells are rare, approximately 100 out of the a- and b-chain, each with a variable (v) and constant (c) region,
total naive T-cell pool are likely to recognize a pep- along with dimeric signaling molecules CD3de and CD3ce. The
tide–MHC complex (Jenkins & Moon, 2012; Tubo interaction with the antigen-presenting cells is enhanced through the
co-receptors CD4/CD8 for MHC class II/I respectively. The TCR
et al., 2013). Once they have found their cognate
complex confers the antigen specificity of the T-cell response. Fur-
antigen, the local microenvironment dictates what ther instructions that dictate the nature of that response come from
happens next. CD4 helper and regulatory T (Treg) co-stimulatory receptors such as CD27, CD28, CD40 ligand
cells express a wide array of different cell surface (CD40L), or co-inhibitory receptors including cytotoxic T lymphocyte
molecules (Fig. 1) and secrete a myriad of cytokines antigen 4 (CTLA4), programmed cell death protein (PD1), and
to instruct the immune response; it is these CD4 cells CD28 inducible co-stimulator (ICOS). Activation of T cells causes
gene upregulation and production of cytokines via nuclear factor-jB
that are the focus of this narrative.
(NF-jB) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), including
interleukin-2 (IL-2) protein release, which promotes T-cell activation
CD4 T CELLS IN PERIODONTITIS and survival through binding via IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) in a positive
feedback loop.
The role of T cells in human periodontitis has proved
difficult to definitively dissect. Studies of periodontal IL-2 and CD40 ligand (CD40L) (Ho et al., 1996).
health in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-posi- Transplant patients receiving cyclosporin A treatment
tive patients suggest an association with CD4 count frequently suffer gingival overgrowth, but this broad
and age, and that pharmacological control of HIV, inhibition of T-cell activation does not seem to cause
which protects the CD4 cell counts, may abrogate rapid progression of periodontal disease (Pejcic et al.,
impact on the periodontium. Compared with HIV-sero- 2014). This negligible impact on periodontal bone
negative controls, HIV-seropositive patients are more loss following treatment with cyclosporin A was mir-
frequently diagnosed with necrotizing periodontitis rored in animal studies (da Silva Peralta et al., 2015).
(Ryder et al., 2012). Pharmacological immune sup- Overall, human conditions of T-cell deficiency have
pression is relatively commonly used to treat autoim- shed little light on their role in periodontitis. Genome-
munity and prevent transplant rejection. The immune wide association studies of patients with periodontitis
suppressive treatment cyclosporin A, inhibits cal- have suggested associations with genes involved in
cineurin and prevents translocation of the cytosolic immune function (Divaris et al., 2013), but by compar-
component of nuclear factor of activated T cells, ison with diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis the
thereby blocking the production of interleukin-4 (IL-4), associations are relatively weak. Class II MHC poly-

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L. Campbell et al. T cells in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

morphisms can point to a role for T cells in disease T HELPER CELLS – TH1 AND TH2
susceptibility. In rheumatoid arthritis, human leukocyte
The characterization of activated CD4 T cells accord-
antigen (HLA) Class II discrepancies account for 30–
ing to their cytokine production and function (Fig. 2)
50% of the genetic susceptibility to rheumatoid arthri-
initially described two distinct cytokine profiles and
tis (Raychaudhuri et al., 2012). This is not so clear in
functions (Mosmann et al., 1986). This dogma of a
periodontitis. Meta-analysis of HLA associations in
dichotomous T-cell response was applied to numer-
periodontitis revealed no association with variations in
ous diseases, and their pathology was described as
MHC Class II (Stein et al., 2008). In spite of such
being either T helper type 1 (Th1) or Th2 associated.
apparently weak evidence of a role for T cells in peri-
Th1 cells are associated with protection against intra-
odontitis, numerous investigators have demonstrated
cellular pathogens and cancerous cells, whereas Th2
changes in T cells in periodontitis.

Figure 2 T-cell subsets. Stimulation of naive CD4+ T-cells with cognate antigen in the context of MHC Class II, along with co-stimulatory sig-
nals from the antigen-presenting cells, and specific combinations of cytokines, will result in differentiation into T-cell subsets each with differ-
ent functions. These can be characterized by their transcription factors (as labeled inside each cell) and cytokine release (labeled in the
green box). Other cytokines can inhibit differentiation into each subset (red box). The function of each subset has been studied- some subsets
in greater detail than others. In broad terms, T helper type 1 (Th1) and Th2 cells combat intracellular and extracellular pathogens respectively.
Th17 cells can promote inflammation at mucosal sites such as the gingival margin. T follicular helper (Tfh) cells provide B-cell help in the
lymph nodes. Regulatory T cells, both inducible (iTreg) and effector (effector Treg) regulate inflammatory immune responses. Abbreviations:
GATA3, GATA-binding factor 3; 2AHR, 2 aryl hydrocarbon receptor; RORct, retinoid-related orphan receptor-ct; BCL6, B-cell lymphoma 6;
Foxp3, forkhead box protein 3; TGF-b, transforming growth factor-b; IFN-c, interferon-c; RANKL, receptor activator of nuclear factor-jB ligand.

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T cells in the pathogenesis of periodontitis L. Campbell et al.

cells are associated with immunity to extracellular provide a source of IL-23 to amplify the Th17
pathogens and humoral immunity. Rheumatoid arthri- response observed in chronic periodontitis (Allam
tis, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis were et al., 2011). Transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b)
described as Th1 diseases; allergy and asthma were was detectable only at lower levels in disease tissues
designated Th2-driven diseases (Kidd, 2003). Studies compared with healthy tissues (Dutzan et al., 2012).
of human periodontal tissues suggested that the ratio However, TGF-b may be dispensable for Th17 differ-
of Th1 to Th2 cells in gingival tissue contributes to entiation (Ghoreschi et al., 2010). Numerous studies
the development and pathogenesis of periodontitis. have documented elevated expression of IL-17 in
Th1 cytokines were found in almost all periodontitis periodontitis tissues compared with healthy controls
gingival tissues and were therefore associated with a (Beklen et al., 2007; Cardoso et al., 2009; Allam
susceptible individual, whereas Th2 cytokines were et al., 2011; Adibrad et al., 2012; Awang et al., 2014)
found less frequently (Seymour et al., 1993). The T and patients with gingivitis (Honda et al., 2008; Mout-
cells in diseased gingival tissues were reported to sopoulos et al., 2012). This IL-17 is generally
predominantly express the chemokine receptors reported to be expressed by T cells (Cardoso et al.,
CCR5 and CXCR3, which are characteristic of Th1 2009) but has also been found in mast cells (our
cells (Gamonal et al., 2001; Taubman & Kawai, unpublished observations; Culshaw et al., 2011). The
2001). Ligands for these receptors, CCL5 and cytokines necessary for Th17 cell differentiation are
CXCL10, were elevated in diseased tissues. There present in the inflamed periodontal tissue but the dri-
were conflicting studies demonstrating that unstimu- ver of these Th17 cells in periodontitis is presumed to
lated cells isolated from patients with early-onset peri- be microbial in origin. Cell culture supernatants from
odontitis (Manhart et al., 1994) or advanced human antigen-presenting cells stimulated with Por-
periodontitis produced predominantly Th2 cytokines phyromonas gingivalis preferentially induced a Th17
(Lappin et al., 2001). Furthermore, CD4 T cells iso- response. This biased T-cell differentiation was
lated from inflamed gingival tissues of patients with assumed to be the result of relatively little IL-12p35,
periodontitis expressed both Th1 and Th2 cytokines, combined with the greater resistance of IL-1 over IL-
supporting the concept of a co-existence of Th1 and 12 to proteolytic degradation by gingipains – hence
Th2 cells in periodontitis (Takeichi et al., 2000; Ber- creating an environment favoring Th17 development
glundh et al., 2002). Subsequently, novel cytokines (Moutsopoulos et al., 2012). In addition to elevated
that could not be attributed to these T helper subsets IL-17A in the gingival crevicular fluid of patients with
were discovered, and new T-cell subsets emerged. periodontitis, elevated levels of IL-35 protein and Ebi3
and Il12A mRNA (components of IL-35) have been
reported. Interleukin-35 is a suppressor of Th17;
therefore it may be increased in periodontitis to com-
The discovery of Th17 cells stemmed from the obser- pensate for the increased number of Th17 cells
vation that IL-23-deficient mice are highly resistant to (Mitani et al., 2015). Clearly Th17 cells are present in
experimental autoimmune encephalitis. In this sys- periodontitis, but where these cells differentiate and
tem, experimental autoimmune encephalitis was the their function has been difficult to elucidate in human
result of IL-23 driving the development of a patho- observational studies (Mitani et al., 2015).
genic T-cell population characterized by their expres-
sion of IL-17A, IL-17F and IL-6 – Th17 cells (Langrish
et al., 2005). An explosion of studies of Th17 cells
ensued (Gaffen, 2009; Cheng et al., 2014). The variation in T cells identified in different studies of
There is elevated expression of mRNA for Th17 human tissues likely reflects the challenges of studying
inducing cytokines il1b, il6 and il21 in the gingival a multifactorial chronic disease. T helper cell plasticity
tissue of patients with periodontitis compared with the may further confound these studies. Differentiated T
healthy control tissue (Gaffen & Hajishengallis, 2008; cells can display different effector phenotypes upon
Cardoso et al., 2009; Dutzan et al., 2012). Inter- appropriate restimulation. This phenomenon has been
leukin-23p19-producing macrophages have been most studied in Th17 cells, some of which express IL-
detected in severely inflamed lesion sites, which may 12Rb2, and in response to IL-12 can co-express T-bet

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L. Campbell et al. T cells in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

and convert to non-classic Th1 cells (Nistala et al., epithelium in health and around five-fold increase in
2010). In juvenile autoimmune arthritis, most IL-17-pro- cell numbers in periodontitis. CD8, not CD4, was co-
ducing cells in synovial fluid show expression of both localized in these studies and these data imply that
the Th17 transcription factor RORC2 and the Th1 tran- the majority of the CD3 cells are CD8, with relatively
scription factor T bet (Nistala et al., 2010). In Crohn’s few CD4 (Seguier et al., 2000). In both health and
disease patients with fistulating disease, Th1, Th17 and periodontitis, T cells in the oral mucosa are predomi-
Th1/17 intermediate cells are found in greater numbers nantly CD45RO+ memory phenotype, with a small
in the fistula compared with peripheral blood, showing proportion of CD45RA+ naive cells. However, in peri-
that these ‘intermediate’ cells are present in inflamma- odontitis, the proportion of CD45RA+ naive T cells, is
tory sites (Maggi et al., 2013). Interleukin-17-producing greater than in health. Cells obtained from the gingi-
‘Th2’ cells have been identified in patients with atopic val tissues proliferated following in vitro stimulation
asthma in significantly higher frequencies than in with P. gingivalis, and other bacteria associated with
healthy controls. These cells express classical Th2 periodontitis. The proliferative response of the gin-
cytokines (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13) along with IL-17 and IL- giva-derived cells was greater than that from matched
22, and express transcription factors characteristic of peripheral-blood-derived T cells, suggesting that a
both subsets of T cells. These Th2/17 cells expressed number of the gingival T cells are specific for oral
CD45RO, CCR4 and CXCR4, suggestive of a memory bacteria (Gemmell et al., 1992). Similar findings are
phenotype (Wang et al., 2010). T helper cell plasticity documented in buccal mucosa, in the context of oral
occurs predominantly in sites of inflammation. To the lichen planus; naive CD45RA+ CD4 cells were absent
best of our knowledge, at this time, there is limited evi- from control epithelium, but comprised 24% of CD4
dence of T helper cell plasticity in periodontitis but this cells in oral lichen planus (Walton et al., 1998). These
offers one potential explanation for the variable T helper data suggest that in health IEL are predominantly of
cell characteristics reported in different studies. memory phenotype, but in inflammation naive T cells
can populate this niche too.
In addition to IEL, there are reports of oral lymphoid
foci, with areas of CD83 mature dendritic cells local-
ized with CD4 in human periodontitis tissues (Jotwani
The phenotype of the antigen-presenting cell, and the et al., 2001). The function of the IEL, and lympho-
local cytokine milieu, instruct initial T-cell differentia- cytes in foci, remain relatively poorly defined. The IEL
tion and may subsequently alter the memory T-cell within the gut are strategically positioned to provide
phenotype and contribute to T-cell plasticity. The local rapid defense against intestinal pathogens. They can
antigen-presenting cells and the cytokine milieu in secrete interferon-c and tumor necrosis factor and
periodontitis have been elegantly reviewed elsewhere have been shown to migrate to the lamina propria
(Cutler & Teng, 2007; Kinane et al., 2011; Preshaw & where it is suggested that the cells modulate the
Taylor, 2011). The induction of the initial response of immune response (Sun et al., 2015).
naive T cells to antigen in the gingival tissues may be Myriad factors determine the induction and mainte-
assumed to occur in the local draining lymph nodes, nance of memory cells, and the associated potential
although the kinetics and mechanics – specific to the plasticity of the immune response. Compared with a
oral mucosa – of this initial response are relatively primary response to pathogens, the recall of memory
poorly defined. There are undoubtedly tissue-resident shows less stringent requirements for antigen presen-
memory cells within the oral mucosa, although, there tation by MHC and co-stimulation. Numerous studies
is limited information about whether the memory have demonstrated that IL-7 and IL-15 are required for
T cells are truly tissue resident or are migratory, cen- the survival and proliferation of memory cells (reviewed
tral memory T cells travelling through vessels present by MacLeod et al., 2010). In gingival tissues, IL-15
within the tissue. The T cells within the oral mucosa abundance exceeds that of IL-2, and this IL-15 may be
may exist as intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL), or in key to the proliferation and survival of memory cells, as
oral lymphoid foci. Histological studies of gingival has been demonstrated in other sites (Lappin et al.,
biopsies from healthy controls, gingivitis and peri- 2001). Similarly, the signals that maintain the resident
odontitis identified fewer than 20 CD3 cells per mm of memory cells are unknown. Local antigen-presenting

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T cells in the pathogenesis of periodontitis L. Campbell et al.

cells could reactivate adjacent T cells, and there is also tory infiltrate, but found co-localization of Foxp3 and
likely to be bystander cell activation, for example CD25 only in healthy tissues and not in periodontal
through the effects of stromal signals. disease tissues, suggesting a deficiency of Treg cells
in periodontal disease (Ernst et al., 2007). It is cur-
rently impossible to accurately describe the extent of
contribution of Treg cells in human periodontitis.
T cells play damaging roles in other bone destructive
disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. CD4+ T cells
from synovial fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
have been shown to express receptor activator of The T cell is unique in its expression of the TCR,
nuclear factor jB ligand (RANKL), which directly which confers its antigen specificity. The majority of T
induces differentiation of osteoclast progenitor cells cells in the inflammatory infiltrate show CD45RO
into mature osteoclasts (Kotake et al., 2001). expression, characteristic of memory T cells (Gem-
RANKL is a key cytokine in the bone destruction of mell et al., 1992). There are also some naive T cells
periodontitis. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, present in the tissue, based on their expression of
confocal microscopy and RNA detection methods pin- CD45RA (Gemmell et al., 1992). The microbial pla-
pointed the primary cellular source of RANKL to Th1 que biofilm is presumed to be the source of the anti-
and Th17 type T cells (Kawai et al., 2006; Vernal gen seen by the CD45RO+ T cells.
et al., 2006; Han et al., 2009, 2013). So it seems likely Currently, the specificity of the T cells in periodonti-
that activated T cells may have a direct impact on tis is poorly defined. The TCR repertoire, as
bone resorption in inflamed periodontal tissues (Taub- assessed by Vb or Va usage (Fig. 1) in the gingivae
man & Kawai, 2001; Belibasakis & Bostanci, 2012). differs from that in the peripheral blood. The predomi-
nance of a particular Vb gene seems to vary between
studies, and on the cell population studied, for exam-
ple CD45RO+ compared with CD45RO cells (Ber-
Although T cells play roles in the destructive bone glundh et al., 1998; Karimzadeh et al., 1999; Gao &
loss observed in periodontitis through RANKL expres- Teng, 2002). The use of MHC tetramers has allowed
sion and inflammatory cytokine production, identification of antigen-specific T cells in RA (Snir
CD25+ Foxp3+ Treg cells display protective roles et al., 2011). This is a challenging technique in multi-
against pathogenic bone resorption through their anti- factorial inflammatory human disease, as it requires
inflammatory properties. Treg cells function to down- identification of peptide antigen and HLA-typing of
regulate Th1 and Th2 immune responses through patients. To date, tetramers have successfully been
their expression of IL-10 and TGF-b (Sakaguchi, developed to track P. gingivalis-specific memory/ef-
2005). The production of IL-10 by these cells has fector T cells in the murine model of periodontitis (Bit-
been found to inhibit RANKL expression by activated tner-Eddy et al., 2013). Moreover, there have been
human peripheral blood T cells in vitro. Moreover, significant recent advances in molecular means of
increasing concentrations of IL-10 in gingival tissue is evaluating T-cell antigen specificity, which allow sin-
associated with decreasing concentrations of soluble gle cell analysis of TCR specificity and transcriptional
RANKL (Ernst et al., 2007). Flow cytometry analysis profiles (Han et al., 2014). These advances will be
of tissues taken from 10 patients with periodontitis crucial to identifying antigen-specific memory T cells
identified increased numbers of Treg cells, infiltrating periodontal tissues and elucidating their
CD45RO+ CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ in the inflammatory effector function. Given the variability in the microbial
infiltrate of diseased gingival tissues. Some of these biofilm, both between and within patients, there is the
Treg cells expressed TGF-b. In the same study, possibility that the clonality of the T cells in the
immunofluorescence identified CD25+ cells in the inflammatory infiltrate changes over time and if so,
inflammatory infiltrate. The expression of both IL-10 this may relate to their function in disease. Overall,
and TGF-b transcripts were increased in periodontitis- the majority of antibodies in the gingival crevicular
affected tissue (Cardoso et al., 2008). However, an fluid and gingiva of patients with periodontitis are gen-
earlier study identified CD25+ cells in the inflamma- erally found to belong to the IgG class; IgA is the next

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L. Campbell et al. T cells in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

most commonly found, and then IgM (Berglundh & et al., 1994). Further studies demonstrated deletion of
Donati, 2005). Hence there are B cells producing the a-chain of the TCR to specifically delete T cells
class-switched antibodies, which presumably have resulted in decreased bone loss (Baker et al., 2002).
received T-cell help to generate class switching and CD8+ T-cell and natural killer T-cell knockout mice
B-cell expansion. showed no significant change in bone loss after oral
There are a number of studies suggesting an infection (Baker et al., 1999). Combined, these results
autoimmune component to periodontitis. Many of highlight a role for CD4+ T cells in periodontal dis-
these studies have focused on B-cell components of ease, implying a net contribution to bone destruction.
an autoimmune response and demonstrated that in These studies endeavor to give a ‘global’ picture of
periodontitis, there are elevated titers of autoantibod- T-cell contributions. Many other studies using in vivo
ies recognizing type I collagen, fibronectin and lami- models have sought to look at defined aspects of T-
nin (De-Gennaro et al., 2006). Isotype-switched IgG cell function, in particular the T-cell contribution to the
anti-collagen antibodies have also been identified in exaggerated or inappropriate inflammatory response
the gingiva of patients with periodontitis (Anusak- to microbial challenge.
sathien et al., 1992), and CD5+ B cells isolated from The Th1/Th2 paradigm has been explored using
inflamed gingiva are proficient in producing anti-col- gene knockout mice deficient in associated cytokines.
lagen antibodies of both IgM and IgG classes (Suga- For example, interferon-c knockout mice appeared
wara et al., 1992). To date, no autoreactive T cells, protected from bone loss following oral infection with
which are required to support B-cell isotype-switching P. gingivalis (Baker et al., 1999); however, infection
and affinity-maturation of autoreactive antibodies, in with Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, was
periodontitis have been identified. However, T-cell- fatal following disseminated infection and exaggerated
independent B-cell activation could be induced by sol- acute-phase response (Garlet et al., 2008). Clearly,
uble factors, including B-cell-activating factor (Gumus although animal models offer a platform for exploring
et al., 2014) and the cooperation of epithelium- and forming hypotheses, it can be difficult to extrapo-
derived mediators such as thymic stromal lymphopoi- late such findings to human disease, other than to
etin (Astrakhan et al., 2007). The nature and extent postulate that interferon-c plays a role both in protec-
of any T-cell component of the autoreactive response tion against periodontal bacterial infections, and in
in periodontitis remains to be elucidated. inflammation-induced tissue damage and bone loss in
There are limitations in attempting to dissect cell periodontitis. Studies of IL-33 in animals suggest that
function in human chronic inflammatory disease; in this Th2 cytokine is likely to promote bone destruction
patients with periodontitis, for example, it is impossi- following infection (Malcolm et al., 2015). Investiga-
ble to accurately define disease duration and activity. tions into the role of Th17 responses in murine models
Animal models allow investigation of known and con- of periodontitis yielded conflicting results. Mice defi-
trollable stages of disease, and manipulation of com- cient in IL-17RA show increased bone loss following
ponents of the T-cell response. oral infection with P. gingivalis. In this model, IL-17-
dependent neutrophil recruitment to infected gingival
tissue was imperative for defense against bacterial
infection. Hence IL-17RA-deficient mice show reduced
recruitment of neutrophils to the inflamed gingival tis-
Severe combined immunodeficient mice are unable to sue and increased bone loss (Yu et al., 2007). Con-
complete V(D)J recombination of gene segments, versely, Del-1-deficient mice revealed a role for IL-17
causing a lack of productive generation of surface in promoting bone destruction. Interleukin-17 inhibits
immunoglobulin on B cells or TCR on T cells resulting Del-1 expression, thereby promoting neutrophil recruit-
in complete T-cell and B-cell deficiency. Oral infection ment; and in this setting the neutrophil recruitment
of severe combined immunodeficient mice with appears to be more destructive than protective (Eskan
P. gingivalis results in less alveolar bone loss than et al., 2012). Neutralizing RANKL with either antibod-
that observed in similarly infected immunocompetent ies or its natural decoy osteoprotegerin, has offered
mice. Hence, a potentially destructive role for adap- protection against bone loss induced by oral infection
tive immunity in periodontitis was suggested (Baker (Han et al., 2013; Malcolm et al., 2015) and elevated

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T cells in the pathogenesis of periodontitis L. Campbell et al.

tray a role for T cells in periodontitis. Nevertheless,

similar to human studies, there are both similarities
and discrepancies in their findings.


T cells are indisputably present in periodontitis, and the

findings of decades of human and animal studies point
to dynamic and varied functions for these cells (Fig. 3).
The unique feature of T cells is their TCR, and a key
question remains: what is the specificity of T cells at the
initiation of periodontitis and does this change through-
Figure 3 The role of T cells in the immune dysregulation of peri- out disease? There have been significant advances in
odontitis. Bacterial biofilm grows on the surface of the tooth in close
molecular and cellular techniques for investigating TCR
proximity to the gingival epithelial cells of the oral sulcus initiating
the host immune response. T cells can play multiple roles in the specificity along with T-cell function. Understanding T
immune dysregulation that contributes to the pathology of periodon- cells better may provide a rationale for investigating
titis. (i) Exaggerated response to microbial challenge. Activated T local delivery of T-cell-targeting therapies used in other
helper type 1 (Th1), Th2 and Th17 cells can produce a variety of inflammatory diseases. More broadly, the relationship
proinflammatory cytokines that can activate immune cells such as
between the adaptive response and the biofilm is lar-
dendritic cells, neutrophils and B cells. Activation of both T cells
and subsequently B cells can cause RANKL production, which
gely unknown. This question is of interest in under-
causes alveolar bone destruction by osteoclasts resulting in tooth standing not just periodontitis but almost any other
loss. (ii) Autoimmunity. The activation of B cells by T follicular helper inflammatory pathology at a mucosal surface.
cells (Tfh) in either peripheral lymph nodes or tertiary lymph organs
can result in clonal activation of B cells, which produce antibodies
to recognize bacterial components (green antibodies); however, pro- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
duction of autoantibodies to collagen, fibronectin and laminin (red
antibodies) can contribute to local destruction of the gingivae. (iii) LC was supported by a Sir Jules Thorn PhD
Failure to resolve inflammation. Regulatory T (Treg) cells typically Studentship, EM was supported by BBSRC CASE
protect against local destruction through their anti-inflammatory Studentship, JM was supported by ‘Gums&Joints’
properties. In periodontitis a lack of Treg cells or an inability of EUFP7 Health (261460), Chief Scientists Office
those present to reduce local inflammatory responses by other
SDC13, Arthritis Research UK 20823; and SC was
immune cells may play a role in the chronic inflammation associated
with periodontitis.
supported by the Scottish Funding Council Scottish
Senior Clinical Fellowship Scheme. The authors
expression of RANKL has been demonstrated in T declare no conflict of interest.
cells in these models. However, to date, there are no
reports of specific targeting of T-cell-derived RANKL
in these models. Elegant studies have documented
the role of Treg cells in murine models of periodontitis. Adibrad, M., Deyhimi, P., Ganjalikhani Hakemi, M. et al.
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