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Page - 726; Item- 2, 4, 6, 9~

2] Change the following words as directed and make sentences with the changed words:

hate (noun), safe (adverb), laughter (verb), distance (adjective)

4] Use the right form of verbs within brackets:

(a) Look at those black cloud. It (rain).

(b) I wish my brother (be) here.
(c) I know all about that film because I (see) it twice.
(d) It is time we (play).

6] Frame WH-questions from the following sentences : -

(a) I found him disciplined.

(b) Overtaking tendency causes traffic jam. (c) The nineteenth century saw a number of
(d) He took admission into Rupganj High School.

9] Translate the following passage into English

মানুষ তার নিজের ভাগ্যের স্রষ্টা। পরিশ্রম না করলে মানুষ সৌভাগ্যবান হয় না। কেউ কেউ ভাবে জীবনের সাফল্য
ভাগ্যের ওপর নির্ভ র করে। কিন্তু তা সত্য নয়। আমাদের মনে রাখতে হবে পরিশ্রমই সাফল্যের চাবিকাঠি.


Page- 728; Item- 4,6,9~

4] Use the right form of verbs within brackets: -

a)He studied sincerely lest he (fail).
b)While they (play), the rain came.
c)He did nothing but (sing) all day long.
d) The prime minister as well as the other ministers (be) present.

6] Frame WH-questions from the following sentences : -

a)You are fond of playing football

b)I expect you to cooperate me.
c)She was reported to be a spy.
d)She put on blue dress.

9. Translate the following passage into English -

আমাদের দেশের অধিকাংশ লোক নিরক্ষর। তা পড়তে জানে না, লিখতেও জানে না। অথচ লেখাপড়া না জানলে মানুষ
উন্নতি করতে পারে না। শিক্ষিত জাতি দেশের শক্তি। ইহা জাতির উন্নতির পূর্ব শর্ত ।


Page-777; Item 4,6,9~

4] Use the right form of verbs within brackets: -

(a) I (had) my breakfast before I started for college.

(b) Since the weather (be) rough, we cancelled the concert.

(c) I made him (answer) my questions.

(d) My friend guide and benefactor just (arrive).

6] Frame WH-questions from the following sentences : -

(a) The baby is crying for food.

(b) She works in an NGO.
(c) He has caught the bird by means of a trap.
(d) Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.

9] Translate the following passage into English :

পরীক্ষা পাশ করা ছাত্রদের অন্যতম দায়িত্ব। কিন্তু মনে রাখতে হবে তাদেরকে জ্ঞান অর্জ ন করতে হবে। জ্ঞান ছাড়া জীবনে
সফলকাম হওয়া যায় না। জ্ঞানই শক্তি। ইহা অর্জ ন করতে কঠোর পরিশ্রমী হতে হয়।


Page 869; Item 2,7,10~

2] Correct the following sentences (any five):

a)He died of the country.
b)It is high time we start our journey. He is comparatively better today.
c)He is comparatively better today.
d)Death is more preferable than disgrace.
e)There is no place in the bench.
f)Would you mind to close the door,
g) Mr. Ali has resigned from his post.

7] Rearrange the words to make sensible sentences (any five)

a)most of fruits all apples like the I

b)many in spent years Canada he

c)is brief the in narrated story

d)I, I abroad English so am studying that go may

e)some to wanted I chocolates buy

f)letter wrote buy to books Shova to father her a

g)last boy Monday the has since suffering been.

10] Use the right form of verbs (any five):

a) I wish I (sing) a folk song.

b)The play just (begin)

c)If you wanted, I (help) you.

d)English (speak) all over the world.

e)I have (had) my revenge at last.

f)He (visit) his mother every week.

g) French is not easy to (learn).

Page- 879; Item- 2,8,14~

2]Correct the following sentences (any five) :

(a) He is ill for three days.

b)Mohua is tall than Maliha.
c)He said me a lion.
d)Why he went to Dhaka?
e)Would you mind to have a cup of tea?
f) I prefer read than write.
g) I feel out of sort today.

8]Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences (any five) :

a)Nobody believes a liar.

b)He was only four when his father died.
c)I take five cups of tea a day.
d)I have been waiting for half an hour.
e) It is 9 o' clock now.
f)They are playing football.
g)Our college is two kilometers away from our house.

14] Translate into English.

আজকাল শিক্ষার্থীরা জ্ঞান অর্জ ন করিতে চায় না। তাহারা শুধু কিছু উত্তর মুখস্থ করিয়া পাশ করিতে চায়। মুখস্থ করা
বাদ দিতে হইবে। পড় এবং শিখ। যতই পড়িবে ততই শিখিবে।

Page- xxix; 12,29,30,33,38 (Amplification)

12. Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet

29) A rolling stone gathers no moss
30] All that glitters is not gold
33] Where there is a will, there is a way
38) A friend in need is a friend indeed

Page- xv (Paragraph)

8] A book fair
69] Covid 19/ Coronavirus
109] Facebook
119] Happiness

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