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1. Parties: This agreement is made between Natalie

Alison Lovato and Brian Lovato, hereinafter referred to as
the “Parties.”
2. Date of Marriage: The Parties were married on
[Date of Marriage].
3. Grounds for Divorce: The Parties have mutually
agreed to dissolve their marriage due to irreconcilable
4. Division of Assets and Liabilities:
a. Marital Property: The Parties agree to divide all marital
property as follows:
• [List of assets and their proposed distribution]
b. Marital Debts: The Parties agree to divide all marital
debts as follows:
• [List of debts and their proposed distribution]
5. Spousal Support: The Parties agree to waive
any claims for spousal support.
7. Health Insurance: The Parties shall maintain
health insurance coverage for their child(ren) as required
by law.
8. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising under
this agreement shall be resolved through mediation
before pursuing legal action.
9. Modification: This agreement may be modified
or amended only in writing and signed by both Parties.
10. Governing Law: This agreement shall be
governed by the laws of Los Angels United States.
11. Execution: The Parties hereby acknowledge
their understanding and acceptance of the terms of this
agreement by affixing their signatures below.
Signature: Signature:

Natalie A Lovato Brian Lovato

Date: Date:

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