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Pixar Short

written by

Rio Knowles
Animated ten 7 year olds are running out of the garage one by
one at racing speed to go play hockey on the outdoor rink in
the TOMMY'S back yard. All ten of the boys have laced up
skates and are ready to have fun on the rink.
There is a pause in the boys running out and then you see
JIMMY, the 4 year old younger brother of Tommy running out of
the garage because he wants to join his brother and his
friends only, jimmy missed the fact that skates are needed.
One by one the older boys step onto the ice and begin to
skate, and Jimmy is watching them and how they glide as the
ones ahead of him step onto the ice. When it is finally time
for Jimmy to enter, he executes the skating movement like he
studied the others doing, but there is a long moment where
his limbs are failing all over the place before finally
spinning up in the air and plummeting to the ice.
Jimmy crawls to the entrance of the rink and is watching how
they move before attempting to be on the ice again with his
brothers. He begins prating the movement on the side before
finally getting a running head start to be on the ice again.
He makes it further onto the ice and for a longer period of
time before he looses control and spins out and plummets to
the ice. He is angry that he is not able to do it and crawls
back to the entrance of the ice.
Jimmy takes a moment to think it through before deciding that
he needed a longer running start. Jimmy backs his way into
the garage and there is a moment of silence before Jimmy
busts through the garage and is bolting to the ice with high
hopes that this will fix his struggles. He makes it further
and longer than the first two attempts before he looses
control and goes face first into the ice. He lifts his face
up from the ice
before gathering himself together and crawling back to the
stable ground.
Tommy and his friends are not aware of Jimmy's attempt as
they have an intense hockey game transpiring on the other
half of the rink with their backs to Jimmy.
Jimmy is back on his feet on stable ground when he realizes
he is wearing the incorrect shoes to be successful at this.
He jumps in the air and kicks his feet forward where he can
see them before dashing for the garage.

The camera is outside of the garage and there are things

flying out of it coming from all different directions as
Jimmy is trying to find the appropriate shoes for the
occasion. There is a pause in the things being torn apart in
the garage when Jimmy comes flying out with a pair of soccer
cleats in his hand.
He races to the edge of the rink as he thinks he has figured
it out and laces the soccer cleats up as fast as possible.
Jimmy steps onto the ice only this time he sinks a little and
falls straight onto his face. He lift his face up with
confusion. And begins his crawl of shame back to the entrance
point of the rink. He is practicing the movement again
because he believes that is the issue until the lightbulb
goes off the those are the incorrect shoes.
He looks down at his cleats then at his brothers skates 3
times before his eyes get huge towards the camera and he
races back to the garage. There is more rumbling in which
things are flying from the garage until he races out of the
garage with a pair of ski boots.
He is at the edge of the rink and straps on his ski boots and
is excited as he believes he has finally figured out the
issue at hand. He is ready to try again and is about to step
onto the ice to begin skating when he decides to look down
and double check before committing to the action. He looks at
his brother's skates as he is playing a hockey game on the
other side of the ice and realizes he has the wrong shoes
once again.

He races back to the garage and things are flying around

Jimmy races out of the garage with a pair of Tommy's old
hockey skates and is so excited because he knows he had
finally found the correct pair of shoes. He laces them up and
practices the stride once again before committing to doing so
on the ice.
Jimmy has the stride down and steps onto the ice and begins
to do the motion for 2 strides then looses balance and falls
on his face. Jimmy is confused on how this attempt was
unsuccessful when he had the correct pair of shoes.
He crawls to the side of the rink and pulls himself up while
staying on the ice and tries to skate once again and makes it
5 sides before loosing control and falling once more. This
time Jimmy is extremely discouraged and becomes upset while
sitting criss cross apple sauce on the ice.

As tears begin to stream down his face Jimmy is sprayed with

a sheet of snow. He looks up and sees his older brother Tommy
Tommy reaches down to grab Jimmy's hands and helps him up and
holds his hands whil he begins to teach Jimmy how to skate.
They go around the half of the rink 3 times before Tommy lets
go of Jimmy's hands but continues to skate backwards and be
there to catch Jimmy if he falls.
Jimmy becomes more confident in his skate and picks up the
speed and Tommy and him skate side by side for a lap before
Tommy leaves Jimmy to go back with his friends.
Jimmy is very upset because he figured that because he is
able to skate his brother, he would want to hang out with him
and Jimmy stops skating in the middle of the ice.
All of a sudden Jimmy hears a whistle and looks up
Are you going to stop pouting and
come play with us over here?
Jimmy's face is beaming with joy as he races over to the
other side of the ice to hang out with Tommy and his friends.
The boys begin to play a monkey in the middle style game
where the premise of the game is to try and keep the puck
away from Jimmy. Jimmy does not care that this is the chosen
games because he is able to finally hang out with his brother
and is a good sport and very competitive in this game.
Oh you come on Jimmy you can do
better than that!
The shot pans from the boys all giggling and laughing while
trying to keep the puck away from Jimmy to show Tommy and
Jimmy's mother Ellen walking up to the window with a mug of
hot chocolate and a huge smile on her face as she watches
Jimmy skate and be included by his big brother Tommy and his
The shot then goes back to the boys giggling and laughing and
playing where Tommy gets ahold of Jimmy's stick and tries to
shoot the puck. Jimmy gets too much air on it

and the puck is seen spiraling towards the camera where it

appears that the puck has hit the camera, the screen goes
back and the words "THE END" appear.

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