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oral quiz

Over the past 50 years, life in Costa Rica has undergone significant changes, with transformations in
its economy, society, culture, and environment

Family Size: 50 years ago, families tended to be larger in Costa Rica than they are now, with an
average of 5-6 children per household. However, the country has experienced a significant decrease in
birth rates and an increase in life expectancy, which has led to a smaller average family size.

Housing: 50 years ago, the majority of people in Costa Rica lived in rural areas and in traditional
houses made of adobe, wood, or thatch. Nowadays, most people live in urban areas and in modern
houses made of concrete and steel. Additionally, there has been an increase in apartment living and
gated communities.

Clothing: 50 years ago, traditional clothing such as the guayabera and the pollera were more common.
Nowadays, people in Costa Rica dress similarly to those in Western countries, with a mix of casual
and formal clothing.

Social Progress: Costa Rica has made significant strides in terms of social development over the past
50 years. It has achieved high levels of literacy and education, with a strong emphasis on universal
access to healthcare and education. This has contributed to the country's relatively high levels of
social mobility and income equality.

Education: The education system has undergone significant changes over the past 50 years.
Education is now compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 15, and there has been a
significant increase in the number of schools and universities.

Economic Development: Costa Rica has experienced rapid economic growth over the past 50 years,
with an average annual growth rate of around 4.3%. This has been largely driven by the expansion of
its manufacturing and service sectors, as well as the growth of its tourism industry. The country has
also diversified its exports beyond traditional agricultural products, such as coffee and bananas, to
include high-tech goods and services.

Employment: 50 years ago, the majority of men in Costa Rica worked in agriculture or other primary
industries, while women were mostly homemakers. Nowadays, there has been a significant increase
in service sector jobs, such as tourism and technology, which has led to a more diverse economy.
Women have also entered the workforce in greater numbers, and there has been a shift towards
gender equality in the workplace.

Environmental Protection: Costa Rica has made significant efforts to protect its natural environment
over the past 50 years, with a focus on sustainable development and conservation. The country has
set aside large areas of land as national parks and reserves, and has been a leader in promoting eco-
tourism and sustainable agriculture.

Income: Over the past 50 years, Costa Rica has experienced a significant increase in its average
income levels. The country's GDP per capita has more than quadrupled since 1970, although there are
still significant income disparities between urban and rural areas.

Do i think live was better in the old days? No i think, because today we have much better things than in
the old days such as education, healthcare and employment.

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