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Week 02 - Task: Assignment - My childhood


Ribaldo Rojas Hinostroza

I was born in a small town of Huancayo, my arrival into the world was on a sunny spring day,
May 3 to be exact. My favorite toy was a teddy bear that my grandmother gave me when I
turned one. My mother, so young and radiant, was barely twenty-four years old when I came
into the world, while my father was twenty-eight and a Bricklayer. We were a family of five
people: my parents, my older sister and me. The weather in our city was warm most of the time,
with hot summers and cooling rains in the winter. The home-cooked food was always full of
vibrant flavors and enticing aromas. I remember the people from my childhood as kind and
welcoming, always willing to help and share a smile. The days in the park were full of laughter
and games, while the nights the stars were pretty and bright. I remember that time when I was 8
years old I was playing soccer every Sunday, after that we were watching a lot of horror and
action movies.

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