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Innovative Solutions to Overcome Overcrowding in Public Transport:

A Case Study on the Quillota to Valparaíso Route

Date: 03/04/2024
Names: Sebastian Covarrubia Isaac Guerra
Matias Guerra

Innovative Solutions to Overcome Overcrowding in Public Transport: A Case Study on the Quillota to Valparaíso
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................2
2. Description of the Innovation Process Model.................................................................3
3. Brainstorming Ideas........................................................................................................3
4. Selection of the Most Suitable Idea................................................................................3
5. Diffusion and Implementation........................................................................................4
6. Conclusion......................................................................................................................4
7. References.......................................................................................................................4
1. Introduction

This document outlines an innovative approach to address the significant issue of overcrowding in public
transportation, specifically focusing on the metro trains and buses operating between Quillota and Valparaíso during
morning peak hours. The congestion during these times not only causes discomfort but also affects the punctuality
and overall experience of the commuters.

2. Description of the Innovation Process Model

A. Innovation Process: The chosen model for innovation in this context is the Iterative Innovation Process, which
emphasizes rapid prototyping, feedback collection, and continuous improvement. This model is particularly suited
for dynamic environments like public transportation, where user needs and conditions may change frequently.

B. Identification of the Problem: The primary issue at hand is the severe overcrowding on the metro trains and buses
on the Quillota to Valparaíso route during morning rush hours. This not only leads to a decline in commuter
satisfaction but also raises concerns regarding safety, accessibility, and reliability of public transport services.

3. Brainstorming Ideas

Introduction of Additional Services: Increasing the number of trains and buses during peak hours.
Demand Management: Implementing dynamic pricing to incentivize travel during off-peak hours.
Expansion of Capacity: Upgrading existing infrastructure to increase the capacity of trains and buses.
Alternative Routing: Developing new routes or modes of transportation to alleviate pressure on the most congested

4. Selection of the Most Suitable Idea

After evaluating the proposed ideas, the Expansion of Capacity through infrastructure upgrades is selected as the
most viable solution. This approach directly addresses the root cause of overcrowding by increasing the number of
passengers that can be accommodated during peak times.
A. Development of a Business Plan: The business plan for expanding capacity will involve a detailed analysis of
current usage patterns, infrastructure limitations, and cost estimates for upgrades. Key components will include the
acquisition of additional trains and buses, expansion of stations, and enhancement of tracks and bus lanes to support
increased traffic.

5. Diffusion and Implementation

The implementation phase will require collaboration with government agencies, local authorities, and stakeholders
for funding, regulatory approvals, and community support. A phased rollout is recommended, starting with the most
congested segments, accompanied by a robust communication strategy to inform and prepare the public.

6. Conclusion

Addressing the overcrowding in public transport between Quillota and Valparaíso through capacity expansion is a
sustainable and impactful approach. It not only improves the commuter experience but also enhances the safety and
reliability of the transportation system. Continuous evaluation and adaptation of the solution will be key to its long-
term success.

7. References

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