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Brenda Nunez

Teressa Jackson

EDUC 2210

5 March 2024

As the second 3rd grade class came into the classroom they were instructed to grab their

notebook. We were going to do a lesson on how to write an opinion essay, to make sure the

students were prepared for the Georgia Milestone coming soon. We started by reading two

different stories about earning allowances for chores. One of them agreed that earning an

allowance for doing stuff around the house was a good thing and were showing the kids that

hard work pays off. On the other hand, the next story we read was about not earning an

allowance for chores because kids should be expected to clean around the house without

expecting something in return.

When we were done reading both stories, the students were told to follow the

directions that Mrs. Richardson was telling them to follow. Mrs. Richardson started by telling

them to draw a graphic organizer in their notebook and then started explaining how they could

use the graphic organizer to start their essay. Frist, they started with their opinion, and what

they agreed with, should kids get pay an allowance or should kids not get pay an allowance.

Each student chooses what they agree with, so then Mrs. Richardson showed them an example

of how their opinion sentence should look like.


As they completed their opinion sentence, they then had to come up with sentence to

give reason to their opinion. The student had to look back at the story and choose what might

back up their opinion. As the students were looking for sentences to put in their graphic

organizer, the teacher would ask they and she would provide feedback on their sentences. She

would also use some of their sentences as examples for the classes to show them what the

sentences needed to look like. Some of the students would ask questions, such as could an

opinion essay be written in second person, the teacher clarify that an opinion eassy should only

be written in first or third person writing.

In conclusion, all the students understood the assignment and got to take away how to

set up their graphic organizer. They got to work on one and make sure they were doing it right

for the test. All the students were involved in the lesson and made sure that their work was

seen and heard. They seem to enjoy interacting they were having by telling us their sentences

and the feedback we would provide back.

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