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Select * from (
select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by salary) as SalaryRowno,* from TblsalaryMaster
)s where SalaryRowno =3


3. select * from TblEmployeeMaster where empid%2=0 --Even Numbers

select * from TblEmployeeMaster where empid%2=1 -- Odd Numbers

4. Select 'C' as Text

union all
Select 'A'
union all
Select 'P'
union all
Select 'O'
union all
Select 'N'
union all
Select 'E'

5. Select top 1* from TblEmployeeMaster order by empid desc

6. set identity_insert [dbo].[TblDepartment] on

insert into [dbo].[TblDepartment](Deptid,DeptCode,DeptName,CreatedUser)

select 10,'ACC','Accounts',1

set identity_insert [dbo].[TblDepartment] off

7. Select * from (
select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by salary) as SalaryRowno,* from TblsalaryMaster
)s where SalaryRowno =5

8. select empid,count(*)DuplicateCount from [dbo].[TblEmpSalaryMaster]

Group by Empid having count(*)>1

9.ETL is used to Transfer data from one database to another.


11.Blocking happens when multiple users access the same tables at a time.
Deadlock will totally block the database for further process.



14.Adding Indexes,Try to avoid sub querys,Removing unwanted joins.

15.This is mechanism for handing errors using try block and Catch block.

declare @Salary numeric(14,3),@monthsalary numeric(14,3)

Declare @Workays int
Set @Salary=10000
set @Workays=0

--set @monthsalary=@Salary/@Workays

begin try

select @Salary/@Workays

end try

begin catch

end catch

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