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Instructions :

Write a short essay about what is the best reading style or technique for reading great books
and the best that suits you.

The experience of reading great books can be very fulfilling, but for one to truly appreciate their depth
and richness, it's important to identify the correct reading style or technique. While study behaviors and
preferences vary widely across people, there are some universal tactics that might improve the
experience of connecting with excellent works of literature.

Active reading is a useful reading technique for excellent literature. In addition, active reading entails
taking notes, underlining, and annotating the text, but it also entails actively interacting with it. This
method invites readers to consider the text critically, draw conclusions, and pose queries. Readers can
improve their comprehension and retention of the content by engaging with it in this way. Active
reading also encourages communication between the reader and the writer, making the reading
experience richer and more engaging.
Reading slowly is an additional useful strategy for fantastic literature. While reading a book quickly is
easy in today's hectic world, great literature frequently calls for a more methodical approach. Savoring
each word and sentence while paying attention to linguistic and structural subtleties is what is meant by
slow reading. Through careful reading, readers can unearth layers of meaning that could be overlooked
in a first glance and fully appreciate the writing's workmanship. Great novels provide readers with more
pleasure and understanding if they take their time and really immerse themselves in the writing.

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