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The News App project aims to create a user-friendly and feature-rich application for
delivering news content to users. Leveraging modern mobile technology, the app
provides a seamless and personalized news consumption experience. Key features
include real-time news updates, personalized content recommendations, user-friendly
navigation, and support for multimedia content. By utilizing cutting-edge technologies,
the News App strives to keep users informed and engaged in an increasingly dynamic
and fast-paced news landscape.The News App is developed using a combination of
programming languages to achieve its functionality.The backend is likely implemented
in a language such as Python, Java, or Node.js for server-side processing and data
management. For the mobile app,languages like Swift (for iOS) and Kotlin/Java (for
Android) are commonly used. Frontend development may involve HTML, CSS,and
JavaScript for web-based components.

M.Gopi (212101828)
S.Gowtham (212101829)
M.Gunaseelan (212101830)

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