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A very good morning to one and all present here, I am Srishti Sharma, the Advisory Associate

for the ADR and CCL competition Board UILS for the session 2023-2024 and I'm here to brief
you all with the rules for this competition.
I would request you all to kindly refer to the rulebook that is provided to you.

So first of all, let's start with the Competition Structure. We'd have two teams as negotiating
pairs competing in one session, one being the requesting party the other being the responding
party and each party will consist of a client and counsel. Then we would have two mediators in
each session referred to as M1 & M2 respectively.

The Proposition for the round would consist of: General information for all participants; and
confidential information to be released for the negotiating pairs half an hour prior to the rounds.
The confidential information shall not be disclosed to the Mediators.

Whilst the Participating Teams are not allowed to create new facts, the Mediation Simulations
are subject to reasonable interpretation and the
2 Participating Teams may draw reasonable conclusions from them.

In the Preliminary Rounds, each Mediation Session will consist of 30 minutes, exclusive of the
15 minutes allotted to them for preparation.

The Mediators may conduct a private session, (Referred to as a ‘'Caucus") with each of the
Negotiating Teams. A Caucus may be called by either the Negotiating Pair or the Mediator.

The Negotiating Pair which is not a part of the Caucus will be required to leave the room during
that time.

A Caucus may be for a maximum period of 5 minutes. The Mediator and the Negotiating Team,
both, will be responsible for managing and adhering to their time limit. Failure to do so will result
in a penalty. This is inclusive of the time limit provided for the session.

Either of the two teams may request for a two minute break during the session, and members of
the requesting team would be required to leave the room for the same.

The Court Secretaries will be responsible for timekeeping. The Judges will have complete
discretion to impose a Penalty for failing to adhere to time limits for the actual negotiation.

Participating Teams must not disclose the names of the team members or any personal details
to the Judges during the Mediation Session.

Lastly, I'd like to humbly request you to score all the teams moderately. With this, I would like to
invite ____ to give you all a brief as to how the scoring needs to be carried out.

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