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Lifetimes of Archaeologists

1. (1754 –1821) Colin Mackenzie

2. (1799 –1840) James Prinsep
3. (1814 –1893) Alexander Cunningham
4. (1843 - 1916) HH Cole
5. (1876 –1958) John Marshall
6. (1907 –1985) D. C. Sircar

Colin Mackenzie-

1. Ch 2 Mahajanapadas-
a. collected over 8,000 inscriptions in sanskrit and Dravidian in the 1810s

2. Ch 4 Sanchi/Buddhism
a. Visited the sanchi stupa and made detailed drawings of it but never published it
3. Vijayanagar

James Prinsep-

1. Ch 2 Mahajanapadas
a. decipherment of ashokan brahmi in 1838

Alexander Cunningham – (protégé of James Princeps)

1. Ch 2 Mahajanapadas
a. published set of ashokan inscriptions in 1877

2. Ch 4 Sanchi/Buddhism
a. Mentioned in the source of shah jahan begum(1868-1901) taj-ul- iqbal tarikh Bhopal
translated by hb Barstow in 1876-he examined the site of sanchi kanakhera and made
drawings and bored shafts and wrote a book on it
3. 1854- bhilsa topes- earliest works on sanchi
1875- report on harappan seal
1877- report on asokan inscriptions

HH Cole

1. Ch 4 Sanchi
a. Believed in in situ preservation of sites and taking plaster castes to museums abroad
John Marshall-

1. Ch 4 Sanchi/Buddhism
a. Dedicated his important volumes on sanchi to sultan jehan begum daughter of shahjehan
begum ecause she financed his stay, the museums and the publication of his volumes
b. Didn’t follow the stratigraphy and mechanical dug horizontal sections- first proffessionla-
worked in crete before

D.C. Sircar-

1. Ch 2 Mahajanapadas
a. published indian epigraphy and indian epigraphyical glossary in 1965-66

john m frits

George michell

Ms nagaraj rao- vijayanagar

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