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US Downhill All the Way in The Middle East

By Jonathan Power
In Depth News, April 2, 2024

US Maintains Thousands of Military Personnel in the Middle East, Despite Former President Donald Trump’s and
Biden’s Promises to End the “Forever Wars”. Wikipedia - Photo: 2024

The Middle East is going to hell in a handbasket. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
is the principle living architect of the repression that has long preceded the war in Gaza.
There is now effectively only one state in the old Palestine, yet most of the Arabs have no
vote. The “peace process” has become a diplomatic deception.

The US has tried more times than one can count to broker peace between Israel and the
Palestinians. It has made progress only at the margins. The US has become a prop that
allows Israel to lean on while it prevaricates. The US aid includes fighter jets and
miscellaneous arms, even as the Gaza war continues.

The US should withdraw its military aid and compel the Israelis to confront their “enemy”
face to face—which is what most Europeans who care about both Israel and the
Palestinians want it to do. If the Israelis do want one state, they must enfranchise all the
Arabs who live on the West Bank. If not, they must accept two states side by side.

In Iran, the Biden administration, having promised to resurrect the nuclear peace agreement
fashioned by President Barack Obama, seems to be pursuing this by a serpentine route that
does nobody any good. It would be a tragedy if President Donald Trump’s poisonous legacy
of tearing up the Obama deal were left to ferment.
In Syria, the dictator Bashar al-Assad who is up to his elbows in blood, continues his war,
aided by Russia, with the US supporting various smaller factions arraigned against him,
some of which are minded to support ISIS which has seen a sharp growth in its numbers.

ISIS’S Afghanistan headquarters branch has carried out a savage bombing in a Moscow
theatre. At the same time the US, once again, appears to be abandoning the Kurds, the only
nation in the world that is without its own state.

In Saudi Arabia, despite President Joe Biden accusing its present de-facto ruler, Prince
Mohammed bin Salman, of ordering the murder of the Washington Post journalist Jamal
Khashoggi, he refuses to punish Saudi Arabia in any serious way. No real boycott of arms
selling, apart from fudging the difference between offensive and defensive arms, even
though they are used in what the White House admits is Saudi’s dastardly war in
neighbouring Yemen.

In Lebanon, the country is effectively under the thumb of the quasi-fascist political party,
Hezbollah. Israeli attacks have elevated it to the commanding heights of Lebanese politics.

In Egypt there is a ruthless dictator in power, Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, who overthrew Egypt’s
first ever democratic government. The US under Obama decided that supporting him was
the lesser evil. Egypt receives military aid worth more than all the civilian aid the US spends
in the Middle East. It is meant to keep Egypt on the US side—against whom? The question
is not asked.

In Iraq, society, homes and infrastructure were ripped apart by the US/UK invasion which
was made on the spurious grounds that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass
destruction. Present day US/UK aid is grossly insufficient to re-build what they destroyed.

US influence in the Middle East is in “something approaching free-fall”The experienced and

widely appreciated American diplomat, Chas Freeman, observed, “By now it is widely
accepted that US influence in the Middle East is in something approaching free-fall”, he
wrote, “It is hard to make sense of a region that consists of family-run kingdoms, “thugdoms”,
police states, military dictatorships, democratically directed ethno-religious tyrannies and
societies in a near Hobbesian states of nature”. Secularism, he says, is in retreat.
Aspirations for a more democratic Islamism, supported by Qatar, Tunis, Morocco, Senegal
and Turkey, are under attack by a league of conservative Arab autocracies let by Egypt and
the United Arab Emirates. The Sunni-Shia schism has intensified.
All this is against a backcloth of the US maintaining thousands of military personnel in the
region, despite former president Donald Trump’s and Biden’s promises to end the “forever
wars”. The US has fallen into a pattern of military-driven, diplomacy-free, policy in the Middle
East. It is reliably estimated that 4 million Muslims have died because of all the American
post-Cold War interventions in the Middle East.

Moscow is now the great power capital to go to, for both major and minor actors. Apart from
Syria, Moscow uses its adept and hard-working diplomats to try and mediate issues in Iran,
Israel, Egypt and Turkey. Russia carries little baggage in the region, apart from Syria, and
is therefore often a more plausible interlocutor than Western nations. At present its foreign
ministry is trying to bring al-Assad round to the idea of writing a new constitution that might
check his despotic power.

Since the 9/11 blowing up of New York’s World Trade Centre, according to Freeman, the
US has spent or committed almost 7 trillion US dollars to control and contain trends and
events in the Middle East. At present it is spending 75 million dollars a year on its military
presence in the Gulf. This enormous sum has been given at the cost of what might have
been spent on American schools, health and welfare services, climate change programs
and infrastructure renewal. Not one American intervention has achieved its objectives.

As it happens, US interests are on the wane. US energy imports from the Middle East are
no longer needed. The US, over the last few years, has so successfully exploited its
enormous shale oil and gas reserves by “fracking” that it no longer needs to import them,
except some from West Africa and Mexico. (I first read about the possibility of shale oil in
an article in the Atlantic Monthly magazine forty years ago.

Obviously, no one in the White House bothered to read that prescient article. If they had the
US would have re-written the plans on the necessity for intervention in the Middle East. This
could have avoided hundreds of thousands of deaths.) Ironically, Saudi oil’s largest markets
today are China and India. The US, it should be noted, holds a massive Strategic Petroleum
Reserve to fall back on if there were serious disturbances in the oil markets.

A few years ago, the US was the largest exporter of goods and services to the Middle East.
No longer. China and the European Union are well ahead. Tragically half of US arms exports
go there and the amount is steadily increasing.

But isn’t that US military involvement necessary when terrorist groups swarm all over the
region and constantly threaten the US, Europe and Russia? The fact is that the “Global War
on Terrorism” has multiplied rather than depleted the ranks of these terrorists. A report by
the respected Centre for Strategic and International Studies, says that home-grown white
men in far-right groups in the US are the worst terrorists in terms of lives taken.

It is difficult to see how the West can repair the damage it has wrought. This is especially
so when we have to recognize that Islam is in a crisis of its own, rather akin to what
tormented the Christian nations before the Enlightenment. Competing attitudes prevail,
some of them with near murderous intent. Islam used to be the most tolerant of the
Abrahamic religions. It has lost much of this. In turn, most policymakers in the West seem
unable to create empathy for societies they have helped rend asunder.

What can America and its European partners do to ameliorate this string of horrors that
seems too often to be like a serious medical problem? I don’t have an easy answer, any
more than does a surgeon in the hospital trying in different ways to save the life of a motorist
knocked down and left badly bleeding, who had to wait for the ambulance for half an hour
or more to take him to the operating theatre.

Surely, at the least, the West should do no more damage. Get the military out and the aid
in. Stop arms sales. Open markets for Middle East exports wider. Put pressure on Israel by
ending free arms transfers. Then go on from there.

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