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Concept:buyer comes-discount-again buyer-price goes below discount.

Before BA- I miss the buy

Seller comes

BA- Sellers inability to go down-buy happen

Discount-Seller comes

Then HL..
Always be correct on 3 minute for demand discount no Higher high further digestion,

F-Fear-Demand-discount-FD-discount-higher low-buyer comes and range-Trend-buy it.

Buyer- seller-oh no now prepared for buy.

1) 15 min.breach= demand and seller discount.

2) Circle- Panic as buyer and seller is fear.
3) 3- min: after seller from 2- higher low further digestion-range.
First-15 min breach and seller comes.3 min D- first demand and then discount after that look for no
lower low buyer comes and reach to D and then Range for buy.



CK-Check candle making HL.

Condition: R/VS/RS should exist.C3Min should reach to R

-Check 3 Min chart.

LLS-Look like sell,NLL-No lower low.

Before BF-Always market see as Buyer

1) 15 Min- In buyer territory-lower low.

We are in buyer territory.At point no.1 buyer comes solid and seller coming very slow after that.

At point 2 I consider it is higher low.Took buy,it works and then seller came.


Though you consider point no.2 it is higher low and then further digestion,,buy it can retrace/sell
and after that it may become buy if after that you find anys higher low.

So point no.1 might sell again and it is S/R./Range

This is buy we can take:mark as 1

Prerequisite: Market must be in uptrend as line mark in RED.


On 3 min chart I took buy considering circle part on 15 min as Buyer comes and seller come slow and
after that buyer comes.

It is not correct: We need to check below thing in such condition.

1) On 15 min sure that Byer comes hot create resistance then buyer comes again and hit this
resistance and then you will see higher low.
Point first where seller stop.
Point 2 is resistance and not the point before it.
Point 3 is no lower low/not lower high
Point 4 is hitting resistance at 2
Point 5 is higher low.This higher low always form by hitting resistance like point no.2
Buyer Territory.

1) Seller comes
2) Buyer comes- seller from 1 sell to these buyer
3) Seller comes make lower low
4) 7-buyer comes
5) 4-seller hit resistance seller comes
6) 5- buyer comes again and sell-retracement happen this time no lower low
7) Then range-point no.6

EUR GBP- 15 Min.

GBPCHF 1 July- 15 Min and 3 Min.

CNXIT- CHEESE TRADE-7 JULY.15 Min and 3 min

1) Buyer Territory break
2) Buy happen.

3 min buy.
Resistance and SUPPORT.

R- Give me buyer I will sell-Range

S- Give me seller I will buy-Range.

EURGBP-1 July.15 min and 3 min

15 min and 3 min

S-seller comes like this then he will sell most of time.

NHH- in front of S No higher high.It is also a Range.

AS- Activate sell

R1-Resistance came again after that trend started.


BA-Buy Activate

HL-Higher low.
B- buyer reach to resistance like people turn buyer

R- Buyer buy does not work..No higher high

AS- activate sell

S- sell happen again

HL- the S create higher low-first sign buy is near.

Buyer reach to resistance area and I thought it is sale.So I went down to 3 min chart

I see sell MPA 2.0 but then

From Range it turn out to be buy.

Learning:B-Break was not that good

15 min buyer was not exhausted
Structure at B is also not broken
Wait till red candle break range.

T- after that I did take trade at T by thinking it is range and seller will try to reach area B.
Always remember we should not Take MAYBE Trade.
B-I took buy here and buy did not work.I thought it was lower high and buyer will
come back.
Buyer did come back after sell.

What should we do.

BF- buyer book profit
BY-let buyer comes to area of BF and then check for higher low.
AS-R- this is resistance area
BY1-took buy did not work
BY2- took buy did work-MAY BE Trade.

What should we do

1) Check BB playing S/R at AS- R area

2) If it is sale then for BB-BY2 is not good price they go below it.
3) Look for lower high for sale.
B- put the sell on low of Breaking candle thinking it is breach.
TIB;/-Turn into buy ,I was thinking sell here.

What should we do
After break of B look for resistance and then sell.
Wait and monitor TIB area.
Check fr cash out ans sell part
TIB area buy candle come strong making seller to quit and then buy.
RS- Real Support
VS-Virtual support
BF-Buy Failed-it create R-resistance-it sell but NLL
NHH-No higher high

RS-Real support after breaking VS makes buyer to reach R-resistance

Condition V should be satifsfied.

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