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Simple Present “WH” questions You Names

What kind of music / listen to?

Where / usually go on the weekend?
How / come to class?
What time / normally / wake up?
What / do to relax?
When / go shopping?
you like to study?
What / drink in the morning?
Where / like to go on holiday?
What / usually eat for breakfast?
How often / chat online?
you live in Campinas?
What / watch on TV?
What / do in your free time?
What kind of books / read?
you work?
Where / work?
What sports / play?
What time / start work or class?
What time / finish work or class?
What / do before you go to bed?
What time / usually go to bed?
you get home?
You have pets?
How long / you work on the computer?
What / your favorite food?
you Brazilian? (to be)
you a student? (to be)
What / your job? (to be)
How old / you? (to be)

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