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BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS aoe @ $.50 ON THE AFRO-AMERICAN STRUGGLE 8 Eherdge Hight Chih Paper Boa vac Prot sen so TE By W. EB Dy Bois edied by Philp 5. Fone Pes bree Piece , ee AEN cee er i Seno by Frank Kolby Bock atonal ond the Revlon in sie 795278 By Mates x By Ary Neon Neceary 59 As Matin Speake a95 3 The Autobiography of Malcolm ws as Malcolm Kon Mroamercon Hisry 109 Wels X Yala to Young Peoples $s Two Spueces by Molin % 8; Gearge Breiman Tht Wer of lel X he Evloton sf « Revsionory 495 Ags Neiclm X The Mon ond is eos 33 Nit Rb! leat oth Ry. Albert loge) - 2 the Asean of lel Xu Hermon Foe a0 How Ninoy Con Chong Soy fo Bloc Netonslim and Seclam (th George Novea) A! 30 ‘Manta ond he Negro Stele Iith H.C a § 25 fore tac ery (vduchonby Pou ovtlahi et Narn oa eh Senne 38 The" back Upringe Newer, Data 1967 33 Tinoducon by Pol Basal) We Boe Chute aber Vernon & 50 Way Speed fe 2 es rm Memphis Morin Lather King ond 23 Future of the lac Liberchon Sggle (Poul Bovtelle, George Noveck, sl) SEND FOR A FREE COPY OF A CATALOG USTING BOOKS AND. PRMPHLETS ON SOCIALISM, VIETNAM THE LABOR MOVEMENT, ECONONICS, AFRO-AMERICAN HISTORY, CUBA, THE COLONIAL REVOUITION. Histoxy. PATHFINDER PRESS, 410 Wes! Street, New York, N.Y. 10014 British Dist Pothfinder Press, 47 The Cut, London SEV BLL By George Breitman Manufactured inthe Unltd St fest America J 5 ZINELIBRARYNI socal zevolutionist, oF Inthe process of becoming one ‘Socialists should be the last to be surprised nt such a development We have for some time been stressing the tendency of nationalism Imani, which began as aalonals We have argued again! many oP Ponsits that the Togieal outeame of black netonaliem ime counery Hite" oure is fo reach the mon advanced, mow radial sal and poltial conciusions: That why we Rave advocated and prediced Riot lace nationaliss and revoluonery socialise ean, should ad vill nd ays of woking together slcalmes uncertainty’ about the right name arises from the fact that he ee dong something new" he'aa one rand to 8 ayes Uf Black national and socliem that would belting forthe Amer an scene and aceeptable fo the masses Inthe black ghetto. He dd Sot complete the ages before he was murdered. remains for ‘thee fo complete what he wae begining He Wil Be Replaced Now be i dead, taken from us at what might have been the most important and fll year of hie Tet us aot deceive Ourselves, twas & stunning blow, as Prank Lovell said at last wask'e memorial meeting of the Afto-Ameriean Broadeasting’ Co, It was a sunning blow tothe Negro people ad {rthowe white Amécieana who want to eraceate the system that breed ‘acism, Mea like Malcolm do not appear ote, or ip great numbers {he ehemics of human ‘progress benef from bis death the Mghters {orhsman progsee are weakened and hurt By i ‘Bat a sunning blow to the strogele doe not dsttzoy the srweele. -aleoin wil not easiy be placed But he wl be replated he ea {all ayiem Breas not ony racism, but rebels agains rata, espe. ally Smong the youth, Malcolm cannot be replaced overnight, but heaters il cn aad woul i sles more closly toy tfline gap leh by the death te than we loved, sod’ give help nd enceuragement to Whose deened {o replace him MALCOLM X THE MAN AND HIS IDEAS By George Britman 1 is il painfl to speak of the death of Malcolm X. It prob- ably too soon to apprise him adequately wi take me before trees da him jure, before wee cam soem In is ful stature. Tt painful Because with him’ gone, we momentary Tel smaller, Weaker, more vulnerable ‘Gur tense of lowe fr for bie family for the movement he was build Ing, for the Negro people, Tor the revolutionary tause 4s 8 whole, ‘Titre is also something In us that erics Oot against the Tact that he star cut down in his prime, sills young man, before he had made Is fall contributions to the stgdle, before he hed accomplished everything he wat capable of accomplishing for human emanlpar tio Twas still a young man 25 years ago when another erat rev clutionary wae susartinnted — Lon Troy Perhaps 1d not uly ‘Cdvice and politeal wadom woul ‘De mica and probably Twas ‘under the infene of te bei com Ion mone young people that to show erain kinds of strong emo {Ton ss of wesionse Anydow, Ugh not cry when Trotsky was Kile Sad“T cola aoe help crying wer Malcolm wes bled it twae not because 1 comderedAfaecim the geeatet ofthe (vo amen, Onn reason forthe dilerence was the realntion thas Maal, {the age of 39, was sll inthe process of reaching hin fll eight, Stun fe process of morkng out sprog the cary sage ‘St bullding « new movementwheresr Trouy, at the age of 60, had leendy renched fll motusty, nad sceady worked out ia main ideas {ind his program, and ledbchod’bim the sold foundations of = ‘movement toa ould not be destoyed hy war, By persecution from Both the Aled and Axi powers, oF by cold war Teatlon end witch Dut while ie painful to apeak of Malcolm, and not yet posible to_see him in full prspecve we are able even how to begin {0 mnie ‘tn ‘sppralsal of his ideas, dof how he came tothe Was that com ‘tite is heriage, When we do this wemust ty to put eroion aside, for to bring. I under contol That ie whot Malcolm urged when he poke herein Detroit three weske ago-that we learn to fink elesely boot the strugsle and the ways the power sructure tks to cu Sind aderack he struggle: Oat We think dearly and ely on ness0m, {Ind learn how to see through tlekery Family Background Malcolm Lites mother was born se the result of her mother's rape bya white man inthe West Indes, When be was fout, the house twee be. and hs family lived was burped Gown by Ki Kluwers, When he wae si, hie father met a Violent denthy und he and his fam Hyralrayy betved he had been Iya “rhe family was broken Up. Youre Malcolm lived tn state inst. tutions and boarding homes. He got high marks atthe grade school In Macon, Micha Tien, at the age of 15, he became dropout. He ‘went to Ive with bis sstr in Dosiom, and went to work te kinds Df jobe available lo Negro youth ~‘shoeshine boy, soda jer, hotel Bus boy, member ‘of dining car erew on tealoe traveling to New York restaurant water in Hlarlem. ‘There he dried ito the se grading. ie of the underworld ~ gambling, drugs, hustling, burg: ary. Vou ean tnd It all deserted in hs autoblography, which wil be Publlahed soon, up to and including his arvel for burglary, comic lm and sentencing to ten years in prison ‘Thal was In 1948, when he was not quite 21 Yeu old, he age of many of you in thi auah Law of the Jungle What were his Ideas then? That Iie St Jungle, where the eros survive "by fleecing the weak and. defenseless’ where exch. ma looks oat Jor’ No I, whieh ean only be done by aceepling the Jungle ‘code. "The main thing you got to romomber ie that every {inn the world i a Hoste," he was told by the fend who helped ‘aim ge nis est Jb, “Aihough his father had been an admirer of Marcus Garvey, fee ‘ngs of ace pride did ot exist inthe young man wilh the 200k sui he" ted Yo straighten his hale In emulation of white men who, as ‘Re Inte suid, had. taught hm what he Koay end instilled In him the values of racist white soci. T think you tan find thousands ‘of youngsters im today's whet Tike the 2t-year‘old Malcolm Lite im 1936. Conversion in Prison Prison i hel, Felson Is also a place where you can thnk, where some Inportani decisions bave been made, Hagene V. Debs air ‘whom the meeting hall fe named, was converted to socialism while he wae in prison in" 1805." tvison war where Malcolm wndereent ‘Conversion that erally eanaformed his whole Me [Now Maleolm was not tht kind of black nationalist, or if he wae ‘4 year ago, he did not romain that. Ar he dlecoseed ith people ta ‘Agen, in'the Near East, at the United Nations and in the United State aa he studied and thought and learned, he eran fo become black natlonelist plus. Plus what? Ihave already given you many ‘quotations from hin sperches and Interviews showing thats be studi fhe sconamy, the mate ofthe politcal and soclal system of Amer ‘an capltalizm, as he developed! greser and keener understanding of Bow tis sysiim Mndtons dad fow the rling cast rules tnd Row cls is component and instrument ofthat Fale, he eame more and more to the eoncusion that nat only must the Negeo contol his own community ut that radical changes have to be made in the society Sn aimbole ithe Negroes aze to achieve tei freedom, Black Nationalism Plas Diack nationaliem, yes, Hut the sofuion cannot be summed up ‘only black antionatsin. Nowded i black nationalism plus fundament Sodal change; black national plus the transformadon ofthe entre ockely. Whetewer-dilfeally Malcolm may have had in fading the ght name, what he was becoming was black nationalist plus revolu fons (Tae Young Socuatetinervcw shows Dat head great Fepect orthai word) "There are rally only three ways in whlch Its possible to think ofthe Negro peopie geting eedoat and equal ‘One mar (oosee f said fo thik about geting frdom) fe thrush agradualisms peacelil reform a lide bt now and ite bil more fen ‘Fears trom how. Not Freedom Now, but Freedom Late, whieh for purposes of Negroes now ave, meant Preedom Never ‘This the progam of Lyndon Johnson, Keuther, King, Wikis and sti talcolm, as we know aly eed this approach "The ecko way is rough seperation, trough migration o Aca, or thraugh obtaining pat of what now the United Stetes, Malcolm, {6 Tindleated, bad ‘arsed away from this approach, whetever his Fearon may’ nave been for doing 4. "The third way-—and repeat there are only thetethece ways, dere art no lherie tough the revolutionary zecrganization of sodety, By bauteally changing te economy, pola strucure, laws and ede ‘cauonal rysiem, snd by eeplacing the present capltaist ruil class ‘pith n oem government nttuted by the foroe tt are Opposed to Tisium and termined to uproot Approaching New Synthese FFrotn the quotations I read you before about what Maleolm wi saving abou captaism and socaliom and tac, it is elear that LMateoim tended fo favor tis third approach, or at loast ad his eyes {urned Tn that direton, He wasn't sure ff tould be done and he fant sure how could be done, but he was thinking abost ft ad ‘Row ietted int the program and aetityof te Organization of Alto ‘American Ualty "Thin T believe, corrstly explains his uncertainty sbout what to all ‘imaai”'He was a black notionaist plas, 8 Black nationalist pias a ‘The second paragraph of Malcolm's reply, whlch you ean rexd for xyourseives in the Poung Sociale tates adlscussion he had wih & ‘hit Algerian revaluionary he met in Gana last May who sous {o convince Malcolm that Rs slfdesiznation as a black natlonalat {ended wo alienate people "who were true revolalonares dedealed to ‘Overturaing the sytem of exploitation tha exists on his earth bY any ‘hou necetary.* His third tnd Bal paragraph was ‘So, [had o do alot of thinking and reappralsing of my deflation of black nationaliem. Can we sum up te solution to the problems Confronting. our people as black nallonalism? And if you note, I favent been using te expression for several months. But ts ‘would be hard-pressed to lve a specthe defen of the overall Bhllosophy wich T think Se neceeary forthe liberation of tx Bleck people nthe country." Reappraisal of « Definition Please notes: He was reuppraising hs definition of black national tam’ and wondering iH can be surnmed sp as te solution be hed Stopped using the term, but be had not yet been able fo lad another ‘elation for te philosophy necesenry for Black Uberutlon. Now fet Ihe offer what {thnk ls the explanation for all the ‘alec had been a black natlonslis-—it ‘ras the starting potnt fot al his thiniiogy the source of his strength end dynamism. And Ihe eemained black rationalist to his last hour, however uncertain Fe war about what to call himself or the progrem he was Uying te Formulate it would be a. Bad mistake to\mls up what he was wih ‘shat he thought mightbes beter name for what ne was "Pe nuost Urgent neal of the Negro peopl i sill te mobilzetion ‘and ufleation of de Negro masse Spto an independent movement {0 tight for their readom. ack nationalism i tl highly progressive because t contributes to that process and to he creatlon of that Kind ‘of movement. ‘But Back. atlonaliem is @ means, not the end; it it a means, but not the only menns; Wis probably an indispensable meane toward the solution, But iW ls not the whole solution. It helps to bulla an Independent movement, but i doce nol eeessurly provide the programs that wil lead auch a movement tower ‘Types of Black Natlonaliom Inn series of articles lat summer, now bolng coleted ins longer publishers pomphietealled Marsan and the Negro Struggle, 1 ted to clariy Some questions about bine ationaliom by noting that there area east to types of black nationalist ‘Gre is the pureandeeimple black aaldonallst, He is concerned ex clusvely or primarily withthe internal problems ofthe Negeo comme Sy, whl organising helping ito control the economy of de com unity, the follies of the communis, te. He i not 20 concerned, ‘ith fe prove of te total American soca), or withthe nature of The toa! soci within whieh the Negro community exits. He has hy theory or program for changlag thet soctely; for him tha's the ‘white man's problem Fy. laters and. visis from members of his farsly he was inco- ‘auttd fo the Nation of Islam, headed by Hijo Mubarmmad. This ‘American religious sect, popularly known ao the Black Muslins, ‘worships. Allah at god and practees some ritual ofthe orthodox {hereto eh sranariaione tow, espe the Tt teaches that original man, when the world was a paradise, was black and that white man is «degenerate and Infedor offehoot. destined: to fule the World for 6.000 fears end then be destoyed, ‘The 6,000 year period is now ending and black people cam ve hemseives {rom ‘ho coming catastrophe only by witawing. by Separating, rom the white fan and llowing Mubanaed, te Mes Senger of Alan rom a seentife standpotnt, Black Muslim mythology 1s no more ‘ano leas fantastic or blaarre than ofher religions. but the Blac Huatims ‘are a movement ex well ae a teligious proup, providing tind of haven and hope and selvation for oulesi, encourage ‘nent at tar, roerhood nd soar agua cre and ‘Pam not golng to go nto detals about the Black Muslims; you ‘an “ind plenty sbout tin writing, The point i tnat Maleaim ox perienced ‘a enaise religious conversion fn prison, balloving that Fijah Mokammad was a holy man, and thet de Nation of Islam ‘provided a path of salvation not only for him but for his people. Process of Sel Eaveation While im prison this dropout after the Sth grade bogan to ou. cate himaet"cnd leata ow to speak and debate, so that he could (Parasipate more efecivly nthe movement afer he got ext. Not Knowing how sis o proce, he marked with a dietonesy. copy: ‘ng into tablet words beginning wilt "A" that might be helpful, He was sttoniehed to Bnd so many "A" words, lng a tablet wih hen lone, He went through to 72 and then, he eee “for the litt ume, T could pee up #'b00% and actually Understand what the ‘book was saving.” The tory speaks volumes about the qualty of ‘ducstion in itcigan-—and the US. ‘From then unl he lt peson, he spent ol he time he could in the brary, pleking’ vp some more books Wikia few years he Was (0 become the mort respected debater fn the county, taking om tne snd all poltiians, college professors, journalists, anyone, ‘leek or while, Wold enough to mest im There are semendous reservoits of talent and even gen locked up in the black ghettos and wie slums, among dhe masses — which ‘cn "beset free and put 10 work when they ccqule hope and Purpose. Organting Abily After sx years in prison, when Naleolm was 27, be won a pa cole by eiing # Job mit his oldest brother, Wired as 2 faenitare Salesman ia the Delta ghetto. That was th spring of 1952. Later ‘har year he taveled to Chleago to hear Eljek Mukammad, and he mmol him. He wae accepted into the movement and given the name Of Malcolm XC. He volunteered his organiring serves ts Detro, Sind did x0 well that he-wae made avsatant miner ofthe Detolh ‘mow afer the membership had tripled ‘Atte end of 1053 he went to Chicago to lve with Muhammad land be treiped by lm for some month. Mulbantuad sent hi (9 Philadelphia, whien had no” mosque in leas than three monthe mouge nad boon formed. He was obviously «man of unuauel Talent ‘energy and cevoton. Ahammad picked fim head the movement in New Yor, and he went back to Haslem in 1964, be fore he waa 30 years oid. in a fw thort year his work Beped To transform the Black Muslims from a virtually unnodeed Tova a Uonally very” wall known organizalion: and he himast had become font of the countey’s most noted fgures, one of the mort dented Speakers" op the nation’s campuses, and the objet of admiration hy the most mutant youth, Malcolm as Public Speaker Belore proweding chronologically, I want to say a few words bout Malcolm os & publle speaker. Iam not an expert in thi fet, 1d hope somebody who fv wl make a study of 1. There ls er {einly plenty of tmaterial, thanks to the fact that many of his talks were taped nd are really available THis spelcng style was unique — plain, direct Uke an arrow, de void of flowery timming. He used metaphors and figures of rpeceh that were lean and simple, root in the ordinary, dally experience ‘of his audiences He knew what the masses think tad how they fee, thet strengths and weaknesses. He reached right Int, thlr tins land. earewithout Wasting’ words und he never tied to far fom. ‘Despive an extsaordinary” billy to move and arouse is Tsteners, hs main appeal wa to Feason, no! to emotion ‘This Is true even about speeches where he was presenting ideas that he had abandoned In the last year of his Iie, Such aa tbe last fgrent specth Remade as Beck Muslim — his speech to the Grass Foote “Confer in Detroit in November, 1963, which i on sale from We Alve American Brosdeasting and, Recording Co. lls one ff hie best speeces, although 1 repeat it doer not sesc his thinks fg at the ene, and ‘worth Hating and eelstenng to, because of {he qualities T have been trying to pinpoint ard because his mala appeal was lo zeason, he was the very oppose ofa demagogue, ‘very opposte of what the kept press called him, Te wee also a syle very diferent (rom Hijeh Muhammad's. [ ‘don’ mean only that Malcoim commanded the weapons of wit sid hhomoz, which are allen to Muhammad. Mhammad’s appeat fo alt, Yo authority (divine authority), tothe hereafter, Mslcolm fppeal was to reason, to logic, dealt with the eal and the pecs nt even when he was expounding. Muhammad's line, ‘To be able {erlisien 1 Muhammad for any lengts af time you had to be 8 be Hever convinced in advance, while Malcolm seemed to achieve hie (gente! succens mith non Musims in Amerles or in Affes, Black nationalism i @ tendency for Negroes {o unite as @ group, as a people, in organizations that are Nejro- led and Negro-ontrole, and fometimer allblack. fm order 0 fight {or te estom, lac atonal aa tow ex, doe nt pl ‘alugough ai sparetss are black nationalist, ‘You will find. mach beter and longer analyse of this great rmisinderiood atineton in the Socialist Workars Palys 1963 com. Wention resolution, Prom Now The New Stage ithe Struggle for Negro Bmoncipation, Plontee Publishers. Changed Position on Separation \When Maleoim was a Black Muslin, he was of course separatist ‘Al bir Brat press conference afer leaving the Black Mshms last Maceh, he said he Was oul to bulld a black natonalst movement, {End dee major sees Was on black nationalism, But he lso had few ‘words to say shout separatim: He said be ail thought separation ‘wae "he best solution’ previously he would have sad the only sok tion, "Butt he eonlinied, eeparadon back to Africa (stil long. Fange program. and while I is yet to materiale, 22 millon of oUF people who ave sil here In America need better food, clothing, hous ng, edueation and Jobs right owe” (iis empha) ‘Ac the time 1 took this fo bea eclaralion of hk intention to build Diehl movemaat ht would emp ont fe Noo Tag to Bold up separation asa nation es tn uldmate objective, nd to ke propaganda for it accordingly, But Iwas obviously wrong, be- ‘cause ‘afer that ratement last Mazch T cannot nd any place where alcolm advocated « separate nation. And on May 21 & few Hours Der returning from his fiat ip to Alves, whan he wae asked ata press conference i he thought Negroes should return to Aiea, he ‘id we thought they should stay and ght in the Unled States for ‘what is ightully the Perhaps he thovRit a separate nation, wile desirable, was so far off there was no dee {allng about 1 Perhaps he thought It wt ‘nim a nationalist end and foe, snd there was so question about i ‘ago. Than he wes este, in the Young Soctaise Intrvien, "How a. you define black nationalism, wi which you have ben dented” "He began hi anawer by saying, "used to define blac nationalism aa the flee that the black mae’ ahould costrl the economy of Rin Community. the polis of bis communily, tnd so forth” That i, be Used to define i inthe traditional Way. as 1 wed To-do a few al ‘tes ago. and of course he wa "Aimos’ of te OAL rales hewould put ina plug for The Afiitan, without any solltation on our part. He rmoothed the way for 10 Dewold at Harlem stands and shops. In January, when he gave bis Interview to the Youwy Socials be ducussed withthe YSA loede the probably of his meldag a tour of the natlon's campuses {olleboradon wilt the YSA later thie sear. He would almost aarly eve spoken here at Debs Fill forthe Pray Night Sosalst Foran ‘while malting that tour. Black SWP and'¥S3A members were weleome To'join he organintion; whies associated wilh "he hildant were Wel eine to atend OAAU ral. avis of Collaboration So our telations were friendly and mutually helpful, On our part, yeecuse we belived that be aod. we were on the sume side th the Stugeo, had ihe same eoamier and. were traveling im the same dl ‘ecion. Tn our 1063 convention revolution, the Socialist Workers Party had ated that black natonaliam and vevolutionary sellin ike not only compatible but complementary forces that shouldbe Weed closet together in thought and action” We predicted that would Buppen, and. s0. far" se Malcolm and we’ were concerned, It wnstbegining to happen. ‘On his pat, | thi, collaboration wes taking place because he fl tet wey unlike the liberals, unlike tye Communist arty, mle the SGcelst Party unlike moet white radlenls, didnot wart to subordinate Ils movement or the Negro strugele generally tothe government, fo the Depocrate ary, tothe Ames aor biceaucat fo the pe loged Dureaucrals in noncapiaiat counts, orto anyone eat an That we id and’ do want fhe Negro: movement to atin fll inde pendence of program and acon and fo develop unisterrupeedy In Eyluncompromisngly mint direction along the lines hat best sul ite need “Once Malcolm was convinced ofthat, end of our sincerity, at ex “denced by our tendines fo sick by our principles, RoweverUnpopU {ee tey Inight bes there was no bar to Gur colaboration. 1 want to ‘rest that Re would have taken thie aude to any-mlliant group, ‘ven norsocala, provide twas, n sown Way, Independent of te (overnment an oppowed fo radar lack Nationalism and Seperation at us now conclude this discussion of Malcolm's ideas during the tant year of is Ife by examining his positons oa black nationalism tnd eparetisn. Ths to important because some politcal opponents Of Malcolm aizeady are creulting distorted sores about hi, aleging {hat he was on ty verge of quiting his movement, going over to his ‘Spronentn ste nd important also because tere may be some abl ful. abou his relation fo black nationalism as a result of 8 state ‘ent in his interview nthe current ive of Your Soca. ‘lack nationalism and separatam aze not the same thing, though unfortunatly tiey are oflen confused. Separate ia tendency favor Tie te midtdrawal of Negroes Into soparcte black nation, either ‘Those few remarks about Malcolm a8 2 speaker are admitedly Inadequate, I" make them oly in the hope of Inleresting someone, move suslited Ynen Ito nfady and weite about [tT wanted only to Convey the dew thet thee rarely has been 0 man in America bet fer able fo ‘communicate Ideas to the most oppresaed people: and that 'tis was not jut matter of technique, which ean be eartod ‘tnd applica in any sitvation by almost anybody, but that It was the fare ae of man in closest communion wid the oppressed, able {'speate 10 them Because he spoke for them, beeauve he tended Inimset with them, as authentic expression of thee yearning for free dom, be produto hls growth ne some way ha Len Was ‘product of he Russian people Split With Muhammad We come now to the end of the second period of Malcolm's life, 1008, aud. the spik wide Mohammad which was consummated in ‘March, 064, "Tae year 1968 was a year of sorring and movement Inthe Negro struggle, with hundrods of thousands in the sree {he sear fiat the struggle moved from the South to the Norfbern iphoto, where she Black Muslims were strongest twas not yet tevo- {tions but « preide to Tevolusonary struggles, Thle was the sua arpened& dilemma end then produced a criss in the ‘By their mlltant stance, they had helped to push other Negro ‘organtuations to the left Thia war their posive conbation. Bul thay were on the sidelines of the struggle, sot partipents. ‘They {alled'in angry tones but did nothing when non-Muslim Nogroee trere under afc. They were eaparsied not only from whites ut From Negro militants ‘Among the members, younger and lest conservative then in the preilalcolin period, signs cous be detected of desire to et Into the Bite, to past from propaganda lo scion. Muhammad ted to allay the ferme one example was his eal, atthe orgnlation’s national Comntion in February, 1963, for independent black poiteal action Sut ine soon pulled bac from thie and sther move toot might have ‘organlzatinal step a the time of the splt—the founding of the Mus: {ine Mosgh, Ine. As 8 raiuious organization, would obviously be limited init ppealAtalelw soon eoreeced this by for the brood Organization of Afro-Ameriean Unity. The selection of 7 [glows (gecup fist showed how clogely he was td to his part even ‘ous yeas agar the alton ofthe OAAU nak many weeks late snowed ow rapidly he was able to teaneeend he limitations carried ver from hls pat “The Question of Seif Defense ‘We must spend some time on the sue of sltefenso, or, a6 the prove called. i "violence We have to spend i, although the ruth RINGS Sbviown, because the press cenared ther "atacks around (Ic Malcolm always was for selfelense—in Me tons, when he was part of the underworkt: when he was a Black Mush; and in his fist year In each of there three periods, however, Ie dew had a {iferont content for him, The Black Muslims aay you have the Fight {o delend youstel when stacked, And that this ight granted by ‘Neh tna ‘ie messnger Maleolm valldated the eight on pails! {ine Eonststlonal grounds he brought t down from heaven feat, The ‘Hlack Muslims defend themselves, but Malcolm went farther ‘Ghd suid all Neprocs should defond Gameclves wi Mim The right ‘Bicame specie, concrete and practical. The dilerence was apparent ‘when Mubemmad’s feet etack on Maleolm revolved around al Colm advocacy of defensive rile eltbs ‘ecing many students in the sudense, 1 shall try to convey my. polat this way. Let me suggstt het one or reveral of you prepare Sreeenren paper on the subject "How the Press Meported Malcolm Xe Views on Vleet woul be very enllghiening. would ge Jou insight, through one” exemple, of the way 98 per cent of the ‘American people get the “information” on the bacls of which they {orm hele ideas would ilsminate more then the single example, It'sould reveal some baslefeturee of American society 8 whole find. how iit controlled through propsgande posing as news oF fet Curtain of Distortion ‘As. model for such a research paper on Malcolm and violence 1 recommend a recat book ealled_A Curtain of Ignorance by Felkt Grotner = journalist famtiar with China. What dees Is compare the face sbost ‘China with what tke American prese has been wing lsbout China for the past 15 years. The result is devastating T wil read but one exemple In 1963 Mao Toetung issued, atthe suggestion of Robert E, Wi Tinms, a atutement on racial dierimination in the U.S. The Key sem ‘eno ti "call upon the workers, easanis, eevolulonary intlectuals, en tightened elements of the bourgeoisie, and other eallghened pereons Gall colors, whit Blac, yellow, browa, eto walle to oppose acal discrimination practiced by U.S. imperialism and to support ‘the American Negroes In ther strate against acl discrimination. “Here is how the Christian Century (and many ober publications Inthe country) described tha statement “VAvsummons tp colored peoples fo Unile m wae against the white ace was lasued from Peking in te name of Maa Tee‘. Ts call for worldwide racial war Teecs a. degree of te and desperation ‘which ean ony be desrbed ua pryehoten ‘The writer of my proposed research paper will find Greene's book seh eause exatly the same method wat used wilh Malcolm's Stetements on violence. And ity'use wax no more aetiental sn one ase than in the oer ‘Those of you who heard Maleuim know tht ho didnot advoest ‘lolene; he advocated thet Negroes defend themsives when ataexe He ‘sid it 100 ‘mes, he sald it 1,000 Umea Fe sald that he was ‘opposed to violence and: wanted to sop it and that Negroce could eOmibute to stopping it by leing the afters know fey woul ‘defend themselves” He could have‘said 1 1,000,000, tenes and the Feaders of ihe American press sil would not have known fhe tut ‘The Times’ Faitorlal ‘Take the N.Y. Times. Tals e supposed to be the beet daily paper ty the couniry, in the world, Urbane, sophisteated, beret om cerain lull Ubertis and cei’ tights questions, But it hated Malcola with fry [cannot ecole It shoving to anyone eae io the 20 9 Ihave been ronding The mack lipped the day Malcolm wae ‘nd the ugly Tace of American capt shoved through in the ea Torta that appeared the next morning, There Isa Latin saying: Spent nothing but good about ihe deed. The Times” approach To Meleoim Was: Speak nothing good about the end, and i you may, his Tovmalte it look bad “He was @ case history, as well ae an extraordinary and twisted ‘man, turning any Yue gifs To evil purpose” says the Times ed {onal C Case history” and “twisted” Ig halt way of saving Maleoim ‘3s mentally unbelaaced, So he was insane, and ell to boot), onShos rubles ted fanetical ele in violnee - sueked him for fame, and for a violnt end” (So his alioged bole le ied To he death, some Kind of tause-antalect cela: he was Tespon: Die for his own murder) “rhe did not seek to ft Ino society or into the lie of his own peovle. "The world he saw through those horn rimmed glassot of Kiowa ‘distored. and “dark. But he made it darker sill wit hs fxatlation of fanatiem, Yesterday someone came out of that dark bess het he spavined and led him” (he dienes that he spawn So Malcolm was not onl¥ mad and ev, he so porteased Magen powershe made himself look. Ike 33," but he must have been st Feast 980 years old fo have “spawned” raclal violence) The dori Condlades hth the magnanimous concession th the murder demands fn investigation” Not becsuve i war a criminal ct But because i ‘could easily touch off « war of vengeance of the kind he himelt foment” The Logle of Radia [Now why is thls?Supposethat], socalled white man, oF any white person, Went downtown tnd stood on box and said, “White people ‘Should: Gefend themeclves when adacked” Would 1 be branded ‘Sdvocate of violence, « racist of t fanate? No, the wore would Decalled would bes nut “And il while person got wp there afler me and sald, “White people shold defend their Interests when they aze tacked in Cuba of Vit ‘nam by sending Invasion armies or 460 bombers; would the press Condemn him as 2 fomenter of Violence or a rack fanatie? Noy ome would say, "OF course It goes witout saying” and others ‘would declare, "Phat man belongs fo the While House” The White House, nol the mathouse What tthe siflerence? The diference is thatblack people, not whites, faye being alacked or are tubjet to. attck. And toe very thought St) someone encouraging Negroes to defend thomsclves makes the “apologists for “American racinm ‘ree red, or black So much so that they can hardly work up the pretence that they agen fny way unhappy about Malcolm's murder, This diference shows ‘beyond doubt how permeated with acm Inia countcy snd is press fre. The only other country in the world wih such phobias wd Davehoses is South Arica i too bad that so mach dime has to be spent explaining such puoi rte, teense Halim stand on hin ise Wao the enral part of his phllosophy—just the most controversial. It w {nlispersable part 8¢ hls progvam. fot how cam anyone expat to i ffeedom unless he is willing to defend hs person, rights and property ‘Againa violenoe designed to fertorie and silence hin? But it wae, not central part, nd le not, by Hell, the solution to the Negeo"s rob. Toms. Even. when Negroes organise for seltdefense, aa they should rnd inevitably wil, they wil sl not be free, boonise Inequality i but into thie souey, in every Warp and woot te syatem Self exer fad perpetuates inequality, ‘The Question of Race Next isthe question of race, Hore Malcolismade very pronounced cnange in hit thinking. Partly through the iaflaens of any 8 te Tigion which views. and treat all races like, and party through his contact with fevolutionaries In many countries, he thiew over Board the whole Bladk Muslim mythology abou superior and In ferior races and iis dacrie about inherent evil and degeneracy $n Repudiating raciam in all forms, he resolved to judge men and ‘movements on the basis of her dds, not their color tact Deeds, fot words; und he was prliy shrewd about dstingwishing betwee the so. ae ‘in the case of whit Hberals (or black berets, for that matter) He developed an hstorleal approach to racim. He knew ‘American whites had been conditioned, miseduested end infeed on face warse than most European white, for semple, and he remalsed more’ on guard with Americans, He eistinguished in similar way

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