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Group: A group is a collection of individuals who interact with each other, share a common purpose, it

can be formal or informal.

Team: A team is a specific type of group that is formed with a clear purpose or goal in mind, and
its members work together collaboratively to achieve that goal.

Teams can be divided into a number of types according to their goals, composition, and duties. The
following are a few typical team types:

Functional Team: Work on tasks related to a specific function within the organization, such as
marketing team, finance team, or engineering team.

Project Team: Assembled for a specific project with a defined start and end date. Members may
come from different functional areas. They are also known as Cross-Functional Team.

Self-Managed Team: Responsible for setting their own goals and managing their performance.

Virtual Team: Members are geographically dispersed and collaborate through technology.
Relies on virtual communication tools such as video conferencing, email, and project
management software.

Problem-Solving Team: Focuses on finding solutions to problems and implementing


Management Team: Comprised of top-level executives or managers responsible for making

strategic decisions. Such as CEO and CFO.

Task Force or Ad Hoc Team: Temporary team formed to address a particular issue or challenge.

Quality Improvement Team: Focuses on improving processes, products, or services within an


Innovation Team: Formed to generate creative ideas and implement innovative solutions.

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