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there was nothing

a pinprick of nothing
or on the other hand maybe a pinprick is excessively enormous
also inside it was contained the total of everything
the sum of nothingness
and everything was quiet
also nothing occurred
something did
What's more there was a blast of light
Of things
Boundlessly battling against the nothingness
For eternity
Designs arose
Incredible circles of gas, mass - showers of glass, the developing of grass
Dark openings
yet additionally
as far as we could possibly know

Everything was delightful

Everything was ravishing
Everything was
Also unfathomably
also individuals were so


Be that as it may, the nothingness was strong

Also it had existed quite a while before the somethingness
Furthermore it was furious about being supplanted
Or on the other hand maybe meddled with
It swore, it swore
That it would return the somethingness to the nothingness
It simply required time and entropy
And all would fall once more into the unending dark
Since everything tumble to destroy on schedule

what's more it does

the universe
it bites the dust
from nothing, something
from something, to nothing

to start with
there was nothing
a pinprick of nothing
or then again maybe a pinprick is excessively huge
what's more inside it was contained the whole of everything
the whole of nothingness
and everything was quiet
furthermore nothing occurred
something did
Furthermore there was a blast of light
That overflowed your eyes
Since you were conceived

Furthermore in your eyes you held the world

You held the flash of life
From nothingness, you came
The somethingness
Furthermore you cried
Since you had never been something
Also this was so ridiculously unique

You figured out how to walk

You figured out how to talk
You figured out how to welcome every day with interest
Also wonder

Be that as it may, all the more critically

You broke the nothing
What's more wherever you looked
You found
What's more you started to fathom
Your brain made guesses any place it looked
Battling against the nothingness
For eternity
Designs arose
Blossoms bloomed
All of them an invention of your acknowledgment
What's more where you strolled
The world followed
Also where you ventured
A stage was anticipating
What's more where you chuckled
The world heard it
What's more it proceeded with thusly
What's more it did as such for limitlessness

In any case, the nothingness was strong

What's more it had existed quite a while before you did
What's more it was dismal for being hindered
Its nirvana broken by mayhem
It wished, it wished
That it would return the somethingness to the nothingness
There simply should have been time and entropy
And all would fall once more into the perpetual dark
Since everything tumble to harmony on schedule

what's more it will

your heart
it will bite the dust
from nothing, something
from something, to nothing

furthermore it will startle you

furthermore it will appear to be invulnerable
furthermore it is

furthermore you will return

from nothing, your something
your something, to nothing

Be that as it may
There was nothing
A pinprick of nothing
Or on the other hand maybe a pinprick is excessively little
Furthermore inside it was contained the whole of everything
Also everything was nothing
Also from the nothing, came everything

The stars
The planets
A blast of light
Of issue
Limitlessly accepting the nothingness
For eternity
What's more in it, there were designs
Designs too little to even think about taking note
What's more examples too enormous to even consider taking in
Be that as it may, designs
Designs that were before you were
Designs that will be after you're gone
Designs that range past the bounds of the nothingness and the somethingness
Designs that form and construct
Regardless of the nothingness
As a result of it
Also they are enormous
Also they are excellent
Also they are exquisite
Also unfathomable

from the nothing, came something

to the nothing, the something will return
from the nothing, came you
to the nothing, you should go

however, from the nothing, came something

what's more who is to say
that it wouldn't
once more

Much thanks to you for coming.

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