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Optimizing Deployment:

React Web App to

DockerHub with Jenkins
Welcome to the presentation on
Optimizing Deployment of React Web App
Introduction to DockerHub with Jenkins CI/CD. This
session will explore best practices and
strategies for efficient deployment.
Understanding DockerHub

DockerHub is a container
registry service that allows easy
sharing of containerized
applications. It provides version
control, automated builds, and
secure sharing of Docker images.
Setting Up Jenkins

Jenkins is an open-source
automation server used for
continuous integration and
continuous delivery. It automates
the entire process of building,
testing, and deploying
Configuring CI/CD Pipeline

The CI/CD pipeline in Jenkins

enables automated building,
testing, and deployment of the
React Web App. It ensures rapid
feedback and high-quality
Containerizing the Web App

Containerization with Docker

allows packaging the React Web
App and its dependencies into a
single unit. This ensures
consistency and portability across
different environments.
After containerizing the app, the next step
is to push the Docker image to DockerHub.
This enables easy distribution and sharing
Pushing to DockerHub
of the application with others.
Utilizing Jenkins CI/CD, the deployment
process to DockerHub can be fully Automating Deployment
automated. This reduces manual errors and
accelerates the delivery of updates.
Continuous monitoring and testing are
crucial in the deployment process.
Monitoring and Testing Automated testing suites and monitoring
tools ensure the stability and performance
of the deployed app.
Best Practices

Incorporating best practices such

as infrastructure as code, version
control, and security measures
ensures a robust and reliable
deployment process.

In conclusion, optimizing
deployment of a React Web App
to DockerHub with Jenkins CI/CD
streamlines the development
lifecycle, enhances collaboration,
and ensures consistent, reliable
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