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The cold night air was filled with the sounds of sirens and flashing lights. The
little girl sat huddled in the backseat, her eyes wide with fear and confusion. She
had been asleep only moments before, but now she was awake and trembling. She could
hear the voices of the paramedics as they worked to free her father from the
wreckage of the car. She knew something was wrong, but she couldn't understand what
was happening. All she knew was that her father was not moving and the paramedics
were shouting to each other.
The little girl began to cry, her sobs muffled by the sounds of the rescue
efforts.It was a long night, filled with the sounds of machinery and muffled
voices. The little girl's eyes were heavy with exhaustion, but she could not sleep.
Every time she closed her eyes, she saw the image of her father's lifeless body
being carried away. She heard the words "critical condition" and "injuries
incompatible with life," but they didn't make any sense to her. All she could think
about was how much she loved her father and how much she wanted him to come back.
The hours passed slowly, and the little girl cried until she had no tears left. She
just sat there, numb and empty. In the early hours of the morning, the little
girl's mother arrived at the hospital. She was pale and trembling, her eyes red
from crying. She had been told that her husband was gone, and she couldn't believe
it. She walked slowly to the room where her daughter was, and the little girl
looked up at her with tear-stained cheeks.
The mother gathered her daughter into her arms and held her tight. She whispered
words of comfort and love, but the little girl could not be consoled. She sobbed
uncontrollably, her body shaking with grief. It was a heartbreaking sight. The
little girl's mother held her daughter close, but she could feel her struggling to
breathe. The little girl was sobbing so hard that her body was shaking. It was in
that moment that the mother knew for sure that her husband was really gone. It was
like a piece of her heart had been ripped away, and she knew that her daughter was
feeling the same pain.

chapter :01 POV:lucky

I've had a recurring nightmare about being in a cardboard box. no bigger than I
was. a normal simple cardboard box. but no matter how hard I pushed and punched, I
just couldn't smash my way out. In fact, the more I tried, the harder it became and
in my bad dreams, it was only when my hands were bloody grasping so much for air
until I realized that it was not just a box but a coffin coffin. A coffin that had
my father’s body.

Written by Thato_Onthatile♡

I woke up each night,drenched in sweat and filled with fright. in my dreams, a

coffin stood, a body lying where it shouldn't. I tried to scream, but no sound
came, a silent scream, a muffled name. with horror in my eyes, i realized the body
was my father's. I woke up with a start, my heart racing, a breath caught in my
throat. my throat so dry and I had to swallow a big lump down my throat. I wondered
if my dreams were true or if they were a simple ruse. my mind raced, my thoughts
blur, trying to make sense of this surreal affair.
Why would my father be in a coffin?
Why would i be the one to bear witness?
In my mind, i replayed the dream, trying to find some hidden meaning. I thought of
my father and our bond. So close and strong, i thought of the coffin and what it
meant and of the fear that it had sent.As the girl lay awake in bed,
She thought of her father, now long since dead.
She thought of the times they shared, The love they'd shown, the laughter they'd
She thought of the coffin, cold and dark,
A place where life and love do not spark.
She felt a chill run down her spine as she thought of what this dream could mean.
She wondered if her father's spirit was trying to send her a message, clear and
pure. what could it mean, this dream so strange? Then the girl remembered a story
told by her father, in days of glory. A tale of a man... long ago, whose dreams
foretold things he did not know.
the man ignored the dreams at first thinking they were no more than a curse but
soon he learned the dreams were true and he had to act, to make them anew. the man
followed the dreams, each night and found where they led him, toward the light.
They showed him things he could not see, a path he must take, to set him free. Now
the girl understood the meaning
of the dream that filled her with such feeling.
She knew that her father, in death's embrace was trying to show her a new life's
She knew that the coffin was not for him but for the things that must now begin.
She felt her father's spirit close and she knew that he would always be near to
She wiped away her tears of fear and felt her father's love, so clear.
She knew she must embrace this new life and carry on with strength and strive.
everything was starting to overwhelm Lucky, they had buried her father a few days
ago. she had no one to turn to. was she blaming herself for the accident? or was
it really her dad's time? 3am in the morning, she sat on her bed, her face faced on
the roof and let her nonchalant thoughts cloud her mind. she thought of something,
something that she once judged others for doing, she wanted to see if it really
worked since the tables have turned and she was now facing the spotlight. She sat
up straight, a razor blade in her hand, her eyes consumed. She stared at the blade,
so sharp and bright and felt the pain, that burned so bright. She thought of her
father, gone from her sight and felt the pain, so deep and tight.
She thought of the days they'd spent together,
The love they'd shared like no other. she thought of the time when he was feeling
pain, so raw and real. She thought of his last days on earth and the pain that
caused her so much hurt. She thought of the day he left this world and the pain
that followed, so unurled.
She thought of the emptiness she felt as she tried to find a way to melt. the pain
she felt, she could not hold. it's true when they said physical pain is better than
emotional pain. so she turned to the blade, so cold. She took the blade, and held
it tight as tears began to flow, so bright, she pressed the blade, against her
skin, a crimson stain.the blood flowed out, a crimson rain. She felt the pain, it
eased her soul,
As she released the pain from deep within.
She felt the release, like no otheras the pain subsided, like a mother. She felt
the calm, like a warm embrace. As she looked at the blood, on her face. The blade
fell from her hand, to the floor as she sank into a dream, no more.
she woke with a start in her room. A ray of light, a peaceful gloom. The pain was
gone, she felt renewed. A new beginning, she had pursued. The blade lay on the
floor so dull, as she looked at it, no longer full. She felt a strength, she'd
never known, a strength to carry on, alone because she was always dependent on the
people, so much that now they'd all left, she had to think about being independent.
She knew the pain would always be there but now she had the strength to see that
life could be so much more if she let go, of what came before.
She got up and looked in the mirror and saw a woman with a clearer view. A woman,
who'd been through the fire and hell and came out stronger. She looked at her
scars, with a new light as she saw the strength, she'd found that night. She knew
that life would have its trials but now she had the tools to rise. She knew that
pain would come again but now she had the strength, to win. She left her room, with
a new resolve,to live her life, with a new resolve.

Written by Thato_Onthabile

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